Billionaire Season 3: Summer Ablaze (Billionaire Season Trilogy) (4 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Season 3: Summer Ablaze (Billionaire Season Trilogy)
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“Ughhhhh, Dad! Stop right there, this conversation is not happening,” Allie said and she could see the surfer/waiter snickering along with the rest of the staff while a new waiter pored the champagne.

“Alaina, this man is… how old are you William?”

“Twenty eight— six years older than Alaina. I hardly think that I’m a criminal for having… never mind.” William said and decided to let her father go ahead and rant and do the protective-Dad thing, who could blame him?

“Well… Allie has been devoted to her studies all her life and… she took up a lot of slack for both her mother and me, I hate to admit. She never had time for a boys and such things, she’s very much an innocent, I’m afraid,” Professor Darling said savoring his champagne while Allie nearly choked on hers.

“Okay Dad, let’s get real. First of all, I’m nearly twenty-two and I did have sort of a serious boyfriend in college… I think you even met him once. Surely you don’t believe I’m still a… that I’m… untouched.”

“Good God, Allie, you don’t mean that skinny Bill Gates wanna-be who was constantly misquoting both Nietzsche and Kierkegaard?”

“That’s exactly who I mean and yes, Daddy dearest, I lost my virginity to him and it sucked as bad as his stupid quotes. You’ll have to excuse me but this champagne is freaking awesome and potent as… I don’t know what! I’m a little tipsy so I’m just gonna say this and both of you can shut up and listen— Dad, you have never taken an interest in my life until now and that’s only because you’re latest wife left you and you’re alone and on some long overdue guilt trip. And by the way, I have had wild-filthy-dirty-scandalous sex with William and it’s none of your damn business in the first place. You left me to deal with Mom and all her seduce-every-man-in-sight issues, so just because I’ve spent a few days with you don’t
think you have the right to get all overly paternal all of a sudden.” Allie drained her champagne and drew a long breath, her eyes daring either of them to say a word. “As for you, William Warfield, how dare you show up at this hotel on my lovely little beach vacay and stage a hostile takeover? The whole world does not revolve around
and FYI, hearts don’t un-break simply because you’re used to snapping your fingers and getting your way by any means possible no matter how f-freaking hot and smoldering and sexy you are. Well holy shit, I’ve had my say and what a total buzz-kill,” she said sinking back into her chair and brushing William’s hand away when he tried to comfort her. “I need something to eat, and Daddy, if you have any interest in making me happy then explain to me what the f.... What happened between Mom and Mr. Warfield?”

“Now that’s a story I’ve been waiting to hear all my life,” William said, signaling for another bottle of the insanely expensive champagne since they’d finished the first one as quickly as if it were water. He felt more like himself now, like he had a chance with Allie. The fact that she was so obviously unnerved by his presence that she would call him sexy in front of her stick-in-the-mud father gave him a handful of hope that they could pick up the pieces and move forward.

“So. I won’t lecture the two of you on your… love affair, but since you’re both anxious to hear Liza and William’s story, William the third, of course.” Allie’s father said, releasing a long sigh and settling back as the sun set over the darkening Gulf and twilight pierced the windows leaving them adrift in the luxuriously near-empty room. “He and Liza and Stella where all students in my Senior Lit class. They ran together, the three of them were friends or so it seemed— young, attractive, and carefree. I was young, too, but I don’t think they realized it. That was my very first year to teach at a University, I suppose they saw me as very different, but I was only a few of years older than they were. William—William the third, that is—was studying theology that year and he became obsessed with the concept of the Madonna/Whore complex. It had been clear from day one that he was head-over-heels in love with Liza, hell we all were, even Stella idolized her and Stella was a loner, no other friends, no family that she ever mentioned. I know these things because Liza cautiously let me into their circle, I was enthralled by her beauty and her… mystique, so I tagged along on some of their adventures. William and Liza were excessively in love but as the months passed he decided the only way he could live was to “love without sex and have sex without love.” He grew more and more convinced that it was right to place Liza on the proverbial “pedestal of chastity and virtue” and use Stella for his sexual release. It was a horrible blow to Liza’s heart and her self-esteem, but William couldn’t see that, he thought she should feel honored.” The professor had been staring at his glass, twirling it in his fingers but he looked up and smiled a small, sad smile before continuing. “I was hopelessly in love with Liza by that time and although she was really, really heartbroken, I was ecstatic. Liza was an impulsive girl so she agreed to marry me if we could leave New Orleans and her injured pride behind. I had an offer to teach at Berkley so I was her ticket out. She never got over him or her feelings of insecurity, William had chosen Stella over her. As the years went by Liza used her beauty and charm to tantalize men and discard them. She never loved me, not for one second and I reacted poorly, I left my wife and daughter because of my own wounded pride. It was the worst mistake I ever made, leaving you, Allie.”

“My father has always been crazy, then,” William said, food had been ordered and placed in front of them but they mostly picked at it as the story unfolded. “All this time, all those years of his neurotic yearning and dwelling in a fantasy world that practically destroyed our family— all because my father had some severely messed up idea of nice girls and purity. It’s almost a letdown, like there should’ve been some cosmic lightning-strike that kept them apart. However, I can say unequivocally that I’m not my father, I love Alaina and if I am allowed a second chance there’s no way I’ll fuck it up. Pardon my language, but I need to make the point perfectly clear.”

“I’m done with dinner, and the past, and polite conversation,” Allie said, she stood up so fast the room tilted and her stomach churned. She grabbed the chair to steady herself and William was at her side in an instant, towering over her, tall and bulky with his muscled arms and chest straining his starched white shirt. The nausea passed and she felt such an urgent need for him, for the strength of his arms and the shelter of his wide, deep chest, for his secret, scandalous words of love and lust. She had every intention of asking her father if they could leave tomorrow, if he would carry her away from William Warfield just as he had done for Liza so many years before. But look how that had turned out, so many lives had been tainted because of a love gone wrong. She had a flash of realization that only she and William had survived intact, their parent’s unfortunate decisions had brought them together as if it were always meant to be, and to let that miracle go… well, it would just be another tragedy.

“Allie, please sit down, you’ve had too much champagne and you barely touched your food,” William said.

“She doesn’t eat enough, I told her that already. I’d say that’s your fault, Mr. Warfield,” her father said, but he wasn’t paying attention, a pretty, young waitress had caught his eye. “You’re crowning achievement— you were the first to break her heart and she’s been sick over it ever since. However, she’s an intelligent and resilient girl so she’ll get over it, get over you.”

“Would you like to sit outside, Allie? Fresh air will do you good and room service can bring anything you care for,” William said. “Your things have been moved to the suite next to mine, there’s a rooftop deck; I’d like to at least see that you’re comfortably situated.”

See that I’m comfortably situated
? She wanted to ask. God, she couldn’t help herself, she wanted him to make her
— to turn and twist her body to fit the shape of his, to press his strong fingers into her thighs as he lifted them, lifted her….

“Allie, I’ll be leaving in the morning,” her father said, brushing a wisp of hair from her cheek and planting a quick kiss there and shooting a scathing look in William’s direction. “I trust your coming with me, my dear girl. A semester at Oxford will give us time to… reconnect, to make up for time we missed together while you were growing up. Alright, tomorrow’s a brand new day, we’ll meet in the lobby around ten? Goodnight Mr. Warfield, I hope you enjoy the remainder of your stay.”

Chapter Four


“So. You and me on the top floor of a hotel, seems like we did that before and it turned out incredibly well until one of us severely fucked up,” William said, cautiously placing his hand on the small of Allie’s back as he steered her through the lobby and into the elevator.

“One of us sure as fuck did, fuck things up, that is,” Allie said, she moved away from him but his fiery dark eyes held hers across the elevator. “One of us was a complete douche-nozzle and ruined my first love affair, an affair I was enjoying very, very much. Then he showed up today acting all contrite and charming and “Oh, Professor Darling I love your daughter sooooo much, blah, blah, bullshit.” I’d say that about covers it, am I right?”

“You’re right. I was wrong. I was so, so deeply, stupidly wrong and I believed I could control my feelings and fix my brother and… Yes I was wrong and… I miss you, Allie. I miss you so much it’s like part of me has been amputated, and there’s only pain left in the empty space. The space where you were,
where you belong
. I know with absolute certainty that you are my other half and it will be the fuck-up of the century if we don’t spend our lives loving each other. I’m drawn to everything about you, it’s like the tides under the moon. You and I, we’re a force of nature… an anomaly, the way I love, the way I
you love me— it’s a once in a lifetime gift. I can’t exist without you, Allie, and I refuse to believe you don’t feel the same way. Say you love me, find it in your heart to forgive me, I’ll spend the rest of my days making you happier than you can imagine. Make our lives complete by making us complete.”

“Well, your change of heart is sweet, William, it really is, but I don’t care to be at the mercy of your whims any longer. But that doesn’t mean I won’t use you for sex. Hey, don’t look so shocked, the time we’ve been apart maybe I’ve grown a little wiser and a bit jaded. Maybe now I’m a girl who can just use a guy for sex….”

“Yeah? I don’t think so,” he said, moving across the elevator with one determined step. His hands drew hers up and over her head, pinning them, pinning her against the mirrored wall, his eyes blazed with a wild mix of tenderness and raw desire that made her squirm, made her wet, made her desperate for the touch of his hands, his mouth, his cock... “I think your heart is as lost to me as mine is to you. But I’m willing to give your other theory a try at least for tonight, use me for sex, darling girl. I’m of no use to anyone else since I met you.”

“It seems that you don’t know me at all William. Do you really think I can just turn my emotions on and off to suit your slightest whim? You love me, you love me not, you give me to your brother— whoops— changed your mind. I’m young but I’m not simple, give me some credit. Whether I love you or not may not be in question but if I choose to be your plaything is another story altogether.”

“So you love me but you’re out for blood, you want to make me suffer for my lapse in judgment. Understandable, and I’ll let you. You can hurt me as much as you need to, Allie, it won’t make any difference. Me without you doesn’t make sense anymore, besides—my heart won’t have it any other way.

His lips grazed hers for an instant before he kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, the smooth line of her jaw and then at last his mouth claimed hers and she groaned and pressed into him, her nipples tightened under the thin dress, her legs trembling, and that was that— game on.

Allie stumbled when they finally stepped out of the elevator, they were both drunk from the power of the kiss and the champagne. William scooped her up and carried her into his suite and her arms went instinctively around his neck, snuggling into him, unable to stop herself. She was overwhelmed with need, the need for his love but at that moment she needed his body even more, and she needed to punish him just a little. She wasn’t tender when her lips kissed his neck lingering for only a moment against the throbbing, hot pulse then moving to scrape her teeth lightly against his full lower lip. When he stopped at the foot of the bed and let her body slide down the length of his there wasn’t a centimeter of space between them.

“Allie, Allie,” he whispered and then groaned as she darted her tongue between his parted lips and he let her lead knowing that she wanted it rough and without tenderness. She wanted to make him hurt in the most exquisite way. “Fuck!” He growled as she sent his shirt buttons flying and scraped her short nails down the length of his chest, over the perfectly ridged muscles of his stomach and beneath the waistband of his pants. She hesitated then as the heat from his body and the smooth-hardness of his erection shocked her back to reality.

Here was this man she had longed for and he was real and hot and huge, his body humming with life and power under her hands. She met his eyes as if for the first time and a jolt of adrenaline shot through her at the intensity of devotion and animal-like possessiveness— possessiveness for

“Don’t stop now, darling girl, I like this side of you. I’m not that skinny-dick college kid who couldn’t give you what you wanted or take what you have to dish out,” he said, his fingers traced over the red scratches she’d left on his chest. There were small drops of blood here and there and he swiped a fingertip through it and licked it clean. “Hurt me for hurting you, it’s okay, I can handle it, I want it.”

“I… I can’t… I’ve lost my nerve,” she said and started to back away but he caught her wrists and pulled her toward him.

“Undress me, Alaina. Don’t be shy, you’ve seen every part of my body… you own my body, you own me.”

His words spurred her on and set a fire raging inside her as she fumbled with his fly, her fingers trembling as they brushed the thick outline of his cock. “Help me,” she cried, after she’d removed his shirt and then stopped. She felt as if she was starving for his body and it made her anxious and unsteady.

He unzipped his fly and kicked his shoes and pants aside then hooked his thumbs in his boxer briefs and pushed them down, releasing his straining cock. “Come here,” he said, “let’s get you out of this sexy dress. Did you wear this to drive me out of my mind, Alaina? To make me squirm while I sat across from you and your father tonight? Because it worked. You definitely have a mean streak, don’t you? I like it,” he said and he lifted her dress away and caught her arms as she tried to cross them over her breasts. “Like this,” he said, drawing her hands to her breasts, his fingers guiding hers to tease her swollen pink nipples into hardened peaks.

“Do you touch your beautiful body, Allie? Do you think of me when your nipples beg to be touched and your pussy is wet and aching to be filled?”

“Yes,” she whispered, “yesssss.”

He lifted her easily, cradling her lovingly for a moment before laying her on the bed and settling beside her, propped on an elbow, his big hands splayed out on her flat stomach as she continued to tease her nipples. “That’s good, darling girl, no, don’t stop. I want to see you how you look when you come all by yourself. Move your hands to your pretty pussy,” he said and thought he might lose it right then when her fingers slid between the glistening folds and her back arched off the bed and her tortured little cries filled the room.

“Fuck, Alaina!” He gripped her thighs, hard at first and then gently, smoothing his palms over the tender flesh as he spread her knees and knelt between them. “Lick your fingers, darling girl, taste how sweet you are, I love how you taste and sound, how you look when you’re near the edge.”

She gasped and cursed with the first wet slide of his tongue over her cleft, the pent up need for him nearly more than she could stand. She wrenched her fingers into his hair and lifted her head to watch him as her sex pressed into his seeking lips. His lips, his tongue, he kissed her as if he were kissing her mouth, soft, then deep and probing, circling, sucking, harder and then soft again and so, so wet. The orgasm hit her like an explosion, lightning fast and rocking her so that she screamed and begged for him to stop and yet never stop. To
please, please, please
, fuck her, to let her have his cock, to fill the emptiness he’d left inside her.

But instead he smiled his killer smile and as she panted and shuddered she felt the knot in her belly uncoil. She was buzzy and lightheaded as she raised up and clasped his fine, hard ass in her hands and urged him to move closer so she could take him her mouth. She watched his face as the wide head of his cock touched the soft, moist heat of her lips and the look of unbridled adoration as his eyelids grew heavy and his moan became a sultry growl was the most erotic thing she’d ever witnessed. William Warfield was gorgeous and wealthy and powerful, women dreamed of loving him and men dreamed of being him, but the look on his face said without a doubt this man was

She toyed with him, letting her tongue flick rhythmically over the velvety crown, holding the thick shaft in her hands as he groaned and fought to hold back. She licked her lips to take him in, sucking and licking, loving the feel of him on her tongue, the spicy taste of William, the friction as he began to move deeper and deeper, bumping the back of her throat and murmuring, “
Sorry, I’m sorry, baby

He pulled out, gasping, his eyes on fire, moved down and slipped a hand under her hips to raise her as he positioned his cock at the opening of her tight, slick pussy. He moved into her gently, his thumb circling her clit so that she shivered and tightened around him, pulsing, climbing as he stroked in and out slowly, slowly and then harder and faster, filling her completely until she clawed at his back as tears slid down her cheeks.

He pulled out suddenly, his cock soaking wet, thick and pulsing against stomach. “You want to come again, darling girl? You want my cock and my lips and fingers on you and in you? Then say it, tell me how you feel, tell me the truth.”

“I f-feel
so… fucking… good, please, I want you in me, pleeeezzz.”

She was nearly whimpering as she gasped and quivered. She was so close, so damn close. Her legs wrapped around his waist and she ground her clit into him, but he lifted his hips higher denying her the release she craved.

“I know you want my cock, you love the way it fits inside you, stretching that sweet pussy. Tell me you want
, am I the man you still love? Say it and I’ll know if your words are true.”

She twisted under him, her hands gripping his rigid cock as her eyes squeezed shut and she whispered that she loved him.

“Open your eyes, Allie, and say it like you mean it. Say it as the truest truth you know.”

“I love you, I love everything about you, I never stopped loving you and I never will.”

He crashed into her then, he held nothing back, his mouth devouring hers, his cock filling her beyond anything she’d felt before. They found their pace and moved together as one, perfectly in sync. Both of them savoring every stroke, every long hard thrust down to the last bite of pleasure until she cried out, spirally down and down and he let go and poured into her, shuddering and quaking and swearing that he loved her more than his own life.



“You tried to kill me last night,” Allie said. Her little cat’s tongue flicking out to taste his sweet/salty neck as they lay in a tangle of sheets and pillows, he groaned as his cock stirred yet again and their eyes only left each other to glance at the glorious day springing to life beyond the tall windows. She rested her chin on his chest and watched as the pink glow of dawn colored the beach below but mostly she reveled in the steady thump of William’s heart.

“I could say the same thing, you act like you haven’t had sex in a month,” William said, slipping his hands under the covers to gently cup her sex.

“Ouch,” she said half-jokingly, but her body flinched at his touch.

“Sorry, baby. Guess we hit it a little too hard last night… and this morning… and all the hours in between. Come on let’s make use of that bathtub-built-for-two. But just a nice soothing soak, no kissing, no touching, we won’t even hold hands, I promise.”

“I am sore, and you certainly sound confident that I haven’t had sex since the last time we…. Oh, fuck it. Guess it
pretty obvious. You, William Warfield, are the ultimate sex-buddy, a guaranteed orgasm or two or five, every time. Wait, that sounded snarky didn’t it? I didn’t mean it that way… at all. Thanks for the sex and… more than that, thank you for making this right between us. You know I’m going to England with my dad in a few hours, he’ll be waiting for me. I should shower and pack up and go…. But I don’t want to, am I pushover for a hot guy and wicked-good sex or what? And then there’s the small technicality that I love you and it’s been a long month being without you….” 

“You’re not going anywhere, not anywhere away from me, at least. And that’s not “Neanderthal me” talking, that’s the “me” who doesn’t want to spend another day apart from you ever, unless it’s absolutely, unequivocally necessary. Besides, your father doesn’t need your company the way that I do, why’s he going to England anyway?”

“Change in teaching jobs
. His latest wife left him so he applied for a position at Oxford and they made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. He asked me to go with him and… I mean it
Oxford and London and a train ride away from Paris, I’d be a fool to turn all that down. Right?”

“Alaina, how can I answer that? If I say I can whisk you off to London, Paris, Madrid Capri— wherever, in a matter of hours on a private jet with an entire staff at your disposal you’ll probably roll your eyes and call me elitist. But I can, and I will, and I’d love nothing more than to see the world with you. I don’t want you to leave today and your dad won’t be happy if you stay with me. That’s kind of a new deal for me, most of the women I know, their families would consider me quite a catch. But your dad has an axe to grind so he’s obviously not gung-ho for you to hook up with any man named William Warfield”

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