BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Unforgettable Billionaires: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-12 (Young Adult Rich Alpha Male Billionaire Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy Billionaire Romance) (129 page)

BOOK: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Unforgettable Billionaires: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-12 (Young Adult Rich Alpha Male Billionaire Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy Billionaire Romance)
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Chapter Three

nd that was how she became Corbin’s secretary.

It was Monday morning and required for her to get up early, seeing as she had a new job and needed to fulfil her allocated position. Although, Olivia never really had the chance nor time to ask him why his ex-secretary left. And somewhere in the pit of her mind, she had a vague idea and never took the chance to ask if she didn’t want her dreams shattered.

Standing in front of a new building, she stared up at it in complete awe and noticed the bright shimmer the structure made against the rising sun. She was up early and though not feeling as bright and new, she indulged in the dazzling heat and read the words that was etched on the skyscraper.

The Haynes Firm Inc.

Obviously, Corbin was successful and didn’t have problems with his financial situations. She shivered against the cold as a puff of frosty breeze wound itself into her thick tresses. Rustling up her neat ponytail as she pulled her thin but professional-looking jacket around her small petite, trapping as much body heat as she could do. The invisible line of icy wind interlocked together and ran down the small length of her spine as she walked forward. Her small, but practical heels clanked against the hard concrete floor.

The soles of her feet didn’t protest nor her toes as she wriggled them up inside the miniscule compartment. Head turned up in determination and had her fingers clasped around her bag strap, holding on tightly as if her dear life defended on it. Taking a deep inhalation, she gulped and marched onwards. Determined not to mess-up this job offer and take what she could get in spite of the chill that ran down her spinal column.

Back straight and rigid, she took in her surroundings and breathed in the sweet scent of fresh brew of coffee as she anted up the speed of her feet acceleration. People in business suits and formal dressings made her feel slightly intimidated, though choosing to harden her heart at the crowd that paid her no attention.

Stepping a heel-clad foot into the marbled floor, Olivia looked around and quickly rushed to the almost-full elevator. Sending a quick apologetic smile as she squeezed, juggling her heavy bag on her shoulder blade as she tightened the small box she carried in her arms. Here she was again, holding onto a box but had strangers squashing her in like a small ant in a horde of elephants.

When the silver-coloured doors glided open, people walked out and a relieved whoosh of breath left passed her lips. Standing aside to make room for other people and soon the small compartment was rolling up again and she was strolling into her new office. A bright grin pasted on her face as she nodded in greetings toward the others, voicing out her “hello” when some walked past and caught her eyes.

“You must be the new secretary of Mr. Haynes then,” a woman with cool, grey eyes said. Appearing out of nowhere as Olivia turned her head and greeted the other woman.

“Yes, I am.” Olivia returned, placing her things down on her new desk. And reaching out to shake the other person’s hand.

“I’m Jane,’ she smiled and gripped her own.

“Nice to meet you.”

“You too.”

Letting go, she grabbed her stuff and began to take them out. A photo of Olivia and her brother captivated in a rimed-corner frame as she put it on the corner of her timber desk. Reaching into the box, she seized another framework but this one held a picture of her in the middle with Corbin and George squeezing her in. Studying the photo, she took in their grins and bright leers that radiated off the image.

“Are you familiarized with Mr. Haynes?” Jane asked, leaning over to peer through her shoulder.

Olivia smiled. Nodding her head and touching the corner of her photo once, and facing the other woman’s inquiring face. “Yeah. Corbin and my older brother grew up together. We met almost a decade ago through George.”

“Fascinating,” Jane murmured.

They said their goodbyes and left. Leaving her standing over her desk as she spent the next hour tidying up her garbage and throwing away things that weren’t needed to be in her office. She was just in the process of finishing up when her door opened and revealed a gorgeous-looking Corbin.

He was wearing another collection of his tuxedos and today he was clothed in dark-grey pants and a white inside shirt that had the sleeves rolled up to his forearms. Light veins popped from his tanned skin, showing masculinity and hardness that sent a surprising rush to the southern part of her body. Eyes gazing upwards, she took in the tightness of his shirt that was taut around his chest, showing off his muscular torso that made her mouth water.

Tearing her gaze away, she met his penetrating glare and Olivia clamped down on her tongue. Stifling a surprising bubble of giggle that threatened to push past her lips for getting caught at looking at him.

“I see you’ve settled in,” he observed.

“Uh, yeah.” She said uncomfortably and pushed back from her chair. “Is there anything you want to say?”

“I need you to come with me to this charity event I was invited in. Since you’re your my new secretary, I’m needing to bring someone into this party without needing to take a woman who got clingy afterwards. Would you consider going?”

A pang of ache blossomed deep in her heart as she stared at him. Taking him in, in his beautiful glory. To him, Olivia was nothing but her brother’s little sister. Someone who was way out of his league and would never bother to look at her.

So choosing to harden her heart and mind in spite of her whimpering, she pasted on a fake smile and nodded her head in an obligated manner. Playing the obeying secretary of a notorious womanizer.

“Sure. Just tell me what time, the location and the dress-code. I’ll be there,” she said nonchalantly. Wanting and needing to appear cool, calm and collected as she gathered the paperwork she had on her table.

“Formal dress but fancy. Don’t worry about driving there yourself. I can pick you up and we can go together.”


Seeing as there wasn’t anything much to say, Corbin walked off and she was left standing there. Looking after his retreating back as a sinking feeling gripped her. It should have been easy—considering that he played no interest in her whatsoever.

Backing away from the dangerous zone of her thoughts, she went ahead and busied herself with the workload she was given. Busying herself with the paperwork that continued to stack up high and by the time the clock hit five o’ clock, Olivia was more than ready to drop and go home.

Dropping everything for tomorrow, she gathered the spreadsheet she had on her desk and grabbed her handbag. Saying a quick goodbye to the closest co-worker and she was strolling out to the parking lot. Her car key trapped in her fingers as she made her way towards her automobile. After landing a place in her brother’s best friend’s firm, Corbin had insisted he paid the debts she had going on and said that she could pay for it later when her salary came. More than happy to do that, she had eventually agreed and promised him with great force that she would pay back no matter what happened.

Hopping into her car, she started the ignition and soon, she was driving through the busy road and reached out to crank up the radio. A lurid sound of country music blasted through and filled in the miniscule booth. Banging her head to the rhythm of the song as her lips moved in synchronization as the artist sang the words. Basking in the soothing mellow of the harmony, Olivia leaned back on the chair and took a left turn. Nearly weeping in relief as she saw that no one was parked on her parking space.

Jumping out and locking the door to her car, she ran up to her apartment and unlocked the door. Smelling the immediate odour of food as her stomach rumbled with hunger. She had not realized that she hadn’t eaten since breakfast and after shooting a quick look at her watch, she saw that it was half past five and she was clearly needing a good dose of sleep and a full-hearty meal.

“I see that you’re home,” her brother’s voice breached through her thoughts and brought her attention at his way. He was wearing her favourite apron, the straps wrapped around his waist as he prepared the nice smelling food.

“I could get used to you coming over and cooking dinner, George.” She teased and dropped her bag to the nearest sofa. Pulling up her sleeves to help out but only found herself being dragged to a vacated stool and dropping down onto it.

“Seat,” her brother commanded. Placing a full-meal in front of her.

“Do you want some help?” she asked in spite of the loud and continuous rumble of her stomach. She was dying to tuck in and eat but good manners stopped her from doing what she wanted.

“No, I don’t need it. I’m finished anyway,” George answered and flopped down opposite her. Digging into his own meal as he gestured for her to do the same.

Through the first bite, a strong spice of chicken bloomed inside her tongue. Her taste buds coming to life as she took another mouthful. She was in the middle of eating when he spoke.

“I heard that you work for Corbin now,” he stated.

Swallowing the sudden great lump in her throat, Olivia nodded. “Yeah, I am. He was very generous of it though and the job isn’t as hard as I thought it would be.”

Her brother nodded in approval. “That’s very nice to know. Although, I’ve been wondering why you quit your old job. I thought you liked working for Kaitlyn.”

Dropping her fork, she looked at him and made a face. Scrunching her nose in disgust as she said, “I did like it at first. But she turned out into a full-on bitch and that is why I left. And then Corbin offered me another job.”

The lie rolled off her tongue so easily that she almost believed it herself. Though, George seemed to bite every words she was feeding him.

He laughed. Throwing his head back in merriment and she grinned. Then suddenly, George fixed her a serious glare and said, “I don’t mind you working for her Liv. But you need to remember that Corbin is a player. He’ll do nothing but cause heartache to every woman who will come at his way.”

Just like that, her stomach dropped and she lost her appetite. “Why are you saying this to me?”

Shrugging, he responded, “I don’t want to see you hurt, is all.”

She felt suddenly guilty for immediately biting down at him. “I know, George.”

Chapter Four

n the crowd of blazing skirts and dresses that surrounded her, Olivia peered through the dark-purple velvet that enveloped about them. A horde had formed into a circle and danced their way around while some chatted continuously, their hands clasped around a flute that wounded around their drinks. Biting down on her lower lip, she stared down at the massive slit of her dress and examined the creamed-coloured exposed skin. Loving the way the garment hugged her curves and petite form, showing a thigh that was slightly plump and tightened around her waist.

The blue dress she wore for tonight revealed a hint of cleavage. Her average breasts lifted up in a graceful manner as she scanned the throng, tempted to pull up the hem of her dress and run away like Cinderella would in a ball. Taking a deep breath, she mustered as much courage and pushed from the heavy curtains and darted her eyes everywhere. Corbin was nowhere to be seen and she was growing more and more anxious as bystanders looked at her—giving her a strange gaze that must read craziness.

They had arrived together in the party and he had been nothing but professional as he stirred them inside. The charity event’s location was decorated in such exquisite designs that Olivia couldn’t help but glare. The soles of her feet protested as she moved with her four-inched heels, bringing her almost to a five foot’ six as she nearly wept with agony when the top of her toes stabbed against the shoes.

“Where is he?” she mumbled distractedly. It had only taken her a minute to go to the ladies bathroom and prepared herself mentally for situations to come. Seeing a waiter passed her, she quickly grabbed a champagne and downed it. Feeling her blood sizzle with awareness as she placed the flute down. Gripping her dress in one hand as she walked forward, sighing in relief when she finally caught sight of Corbin whom was walking towards her with carnal expression in his eyes.

Without realizing what was going on, he dropped his scotch down and grabbed her hand. Stirring her towards the entrance as she struggled to keep up with him with her high heels.

“What are you doing?” she asked, panting as she tried to steady her breathing.

“We’re leaving,” Corbin growled in deep, accentuated voice. His snarl was deep, sensual and sexy that she shivered at the sensation he awakened inside her body.

“But we just got here,” Olivia reminded, ducking so that the car hood wouldn’t hit her head.

“It doesn’t matter. We’ve been there long enough,” he answered her and closed the door. Trapped inside his jaguar, she could only watch as he walked around to the driver seat. Opening the door to let himself in and started the car, putting the vehicle to gear as he drove like something was running after them.

“Corbin,” she began but was cut off when he turned a sharp turn left. From her perspective and position, Olivia could see the fineness of his chiselled jaw and grown stubble. He hadn’t shaved for the event and looked rakishly good-looking in his tuxedo. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, his fingers dug into the leather as he shifted slightly in his seat. As if uncomfortable and at that moment, she caught a glimpse of him looking briefly at her bare leg. Electricity shot down her spinal column and understanding gripped her for a moment but every thought was swiped away when the car stopped and she was being hauled inside her own apartment.

“Hold on!” she cried, stifling a cry as she stepped on her own attire. Gathering the hem and bunching it inside her fist, she was forced to take off her heels or risk breaking both of her ankles.

“Come on,” Corbin urged and suddenly grabbed her shoes from her own hand and seized her wrist. Everything whirled into a blur as she was dragged inside and he was throwing her heels somewhere in her lounge.

That was the last thing she knew before his head came down and attacking her lips. Coaxing her lips to open and let himself in as she moaned in pleasure. Stroking the corner of her orifice, Olivia felt him suck her bottom lip deeper into his mouth. Nibbling, nipping as she cried out at the slight pain it brought. The pain was quickly ebbed when he sucked it and continued to lick the insides, making her weak in the knees.

“Corbin,” she moaned.

Ignoring her plead, he inclined his head to the side and wiped every thought from her mind and continued to give her sensual sensations that she couldn’t help but to draw away when the desire became too much.

“We have to move to the bedroom,” he snarled in her mouth and began to walk her towards her own room. When they arrived inside, he pushed her back to the bed and followed her straightaway. His mouth anted up the assault and began to kiss her jawline. Pressing wet kisses on the hollow part of her neck as Olivia turned her head to give him better access. Her arms reaching up to entwine into his hair as she tugged him closer, offering her body as every caution threw out the window.

Hands braced on her waist, he parted her legs open and settled up inside them. Dropping his weight on them as his heat radiated off him. Transferring into her body that caused her physique to light up in flame, her hips bucking when his thumb came up and caressed her nipple. Indulging in his intoxicating smell as he rid himself of his jacket, throwing it on the floor as his hand cupped her breast.

“Do you like this?” he asked. His breath whispered against her soft flesh.

“Yes,” she responded and offered up her body for his taking.

Growling with need, he pushed her dress down and exposed her breasts. Sweeping his head down to capture one of his nipples, Olivia’s pelvis came off the bed as she suckled it in. His other elongated hands tweaked at her nipples, awakening a moan from her as her head thrashed against the pillows. Her hips grinded and begged for him to take her at that moment. Roaring with lust, Corbin anted up the hungry latches of his mouth and combined with the tweaking of her nipples, rolling the peak between his forefinger and thumb. The agony of her nub throbbing sent her fingers to press firmer onto his skull and suck the rosy peak deeper and bring her into oblivion. 

Her body shook from the frustrating tease he was giving her. The addicting pull of his lips around her nipple made her legs surround him, her thighs locking in place around his thighs. Giving into the deep suction of pleasure, Corbin laid his forearms around her head and pressed his angry shaft down her warmth and grated.

The sensations built in the pit of her belly and Olivia cried out. The next thing she remembered knowing was Corbin tearing at her clothes. So eager to push past the boundaries of their clothing. Pushing the hem of her black dress up her head, he began to undo his pants and pulled it down. His erection springing free from the fabric and she stared in wonderment, mouth gaped open as he stroked the large length.

As she laid in bed, thighs spread apart and open for his inspection; she fought the urge to close her legs and cover herself up from his hungry gaze. Crying out softly as he brought his head down in silence and began to attack her second lips. His tongue sucked and nibbled gently down on her hood as it continued to ache from the lack of release.

“Corbin, please.” She begged. Wanting to feel him inside her as she tugged at his hair, yearning to feel his mouth against her as she pushed for the final time.

Granting her wish, he pulled away and grabbed a condom packet from his wallet. Tearing the top with his teeth and rolling it down his length, giving his rod a final squeeze as his head fell back with abandonment. The sight he performed caused a frenzy inside her. Before she knew what she was doing, Olivia was reaching out to him and kissing him deeply. Guiding his massive tip into her opening as she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, her lips parting in a scream as he pushed.

“Damn,” he gritted out with clenched teeth. Biting down on her lower lip from making too much noises, she wrapped her legs around him and held on as he picked up the pace. His hips pistoled against hers, taking her closer to the edge to the point of seeing stars and the moon.

With the final thrust, Corbin pounded into her continuously and grunted his climax. The hot, pulsing of his erection was enough to send her over the edge.

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