Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (9 Book Bundle) (14 page)

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She got off of him and turned around, positioning herself over his
cock. It brushed against her pussy, and she almost let it enter, but waited.
“Do you want this?” she asked. He nodded. She grabbed his tie, and again asked,
as loudly as she could, “Do you want this?”

“Yes, oh god yes, Tracy. I’ve never wanted any thing more in my life,”
he whimpered.

Her mind flashed back to the first dream she had had of his. “Then I
think you deserve at least a taste,” she said, as she let him enter her. They
both gasped together, and Mr. Hayes’ hands were on her ass in a heartbeat. He
felt so huge inside her, better than she had imagined. Every stroke out filled
her with longing for more, and each thrust in fulfilled it and made the
yearning inside deeper. He pounded into her cunt, and Tracy began to scream with

He moved his hands up to her back, holding her against him as he thrust
again and again. He was hitting the perfect spot, and she knew just how to make
herself cum. She wrestled herself from his grasp, and thrust her tits into his
face. He eagerly lapped at her nipples, grabbing both tits and pushing them

She pulled on his tie, and he continued to plow her without mercy.
Almost there, she thought. All of a sudden, he ran one of his hands up her
back, his nails sending shivers up her spine. That’s it, she thought, as she
contracted on his cock, and a gush of fluid splashed onto his cock. She
collapsed into him a little, as he plunged into her with renewed vigor. When
she regained her senses, she kissed him again, and he returned the kiss.

She got up, no small feat after the mind-blowing orgasm she had just
had. When she got to the edge of the bed, she grabbed Mr. Hayes’ tie and
dragged him along behind her bringing him to the nearest wall. When she put her
hands on the wall and got on her tiptoes, Mr. Hayes crouched down a little,
and his rod found the hole it was designed to go in. Tracy reached back and
grabbed Mr. Hayes’ tie, and pulled him in closer. He kissed her back while
pushing her against the wall, and soon she was up against the wall completely,
screaming as Mr. Hayes continued to push in and out of her.

When she felt like her legs could no longer support her, she pushed him
to the bed. “Sit here,” she commanded. He watched as she shook that ass in
front of him, giving a dance that you’d normally have to go to a strip club to
see. She backed up and put her hands on his knees, continuing to dance, her
tight pussy just inches from his wet cock.

She bent over a little, and felt his hands go to her ass. She slowly
lowered herself onto him, giving him a great view of his dick penetrating her.
She moved like she was in an exercise video, up and down, doing squats, filling
herself with his cock while he moaned and groaned behind her. She again started
to play with her tits, and knew what she wanted next.

When her calves and thighs were on fire from the effort, she pulled Mr.
Hayes up from the bed by his tie. She kissed at hum hungrily as his hands ran
all over her body, his cock rubbing against her legs. This time, she laid down,
and pulled him onto her.

“Fuck me, Mr. Hayes, and cum deep inside me,” she ordered. He entered
her, and she could feel his cock filling her completely. Soon she had her hands
behind him, scratching his back, digging his nails into her. She didn’t even
care if she drew a blood.

“Fuck me harder,” she cried. “Harder!” He did as he was told, until
sweat was dripping off of him and onto her. “HARDER! Cum in me! I want your
cum!” she screamed, and she could hear him start to make a guttural grunt. He
was fucking her so hard that the headboard was slamming into the wall, a
rhythmic knocking that was in time with her waves of pleasure. Soon, his rhythm
slowed down, becoming erratic, as he continued his grunt. The grunt turned into
an animal roar, as he pumped streams of white cum into her body.

She cried out with pleasure, feeling his fluids mixing with hers. He
continued to pump, as she grabbed his tie again. “Every last drop. Fuck me
until you can’t fuck any longer.” He did as he was told, and when she felt his
cock begin to soften, she pulled him in, letting him stay within her for a few
minutes. The two of them breathed heavily, their sweat mingling, and he softly
kissed her shoulder. She felt she could die of contentment.


When he finally pulled out, she went to the bathroom while he still lay
there wrapped in satisfaction. She jumped in the shower, and in a minute or so
Mr. Hayes joined her. She set the water on the digital display and turned on
the steam function, reveling in the luxury. They smiled and wordlessly washed
each other.

The warm water felt amazing on her skin as he rubbed soap between his
hands and down her back. She leaned into his hands as he worked the lather
across her skin, gently exploring her body. She rinsed in the hot water and
returned the soapy favor. He grabbed a big fluffy towel and dried her back
before grabbing one himself. She watched as he dried his hair, some water
droplets still hanging to his abs and chest. She reached out with her towel and
dried them off, her hand brushing his skin. A tingle of electricity passed
through her, but she could feel sleep pulling at her too hard. Maybe in the

They stumbled back to the bed and snuggled into each other, Tracy
turned to him and whispered, “In case you were wondering, I am still not one of
your whores. You will need to please me like this every time we go out, and I
will still have things for you to do for me from time to time. I will not be
easy, but I will be worth it.”

He smiled, already half asleep. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Soon he had drifted off to sleep, his arms wrapped protectively around her.

Tracy reflected on the events that had led her to the billionaire’s
bed. She touched the scar on her forehead, knowing that the accident had truly
saved her life when it could have killed her. She knew that she was happy here
with Mr. Hayes, and she hoped that it would stay that way. She wondered if
ability to read dreams would work on others, the idea of pleasing and enjoying
other men like this sparking an ember of desire in her.

She wondered if she would have more dreams from Mr. Hayes. This new
power was something she was going to enjoy exploring and testing. She nestled
deeper into his arms, drifting into sleep, and, for the first time that week,
dreamed her own dreams.

About the


Krista Lakes is a newly turned 30 year old who recently rediscovered
her passion for writing. She loves aquatic life and running marathons. She is
living happily ever after with her Prince Charming and her bouncing baby boy.


Make sure to check out her bestselling
book, starting with
“Saltwater Kisses”!


Krista would love to hear from you! Please contact her at
[email protected] or friend her on Facebook!
Sign up for her newsletter, too!


out my Author Page!


If you liked Tracy’s
story, check out the sequel!


The Woman of Her Enemy’s Nightmares


Tracy has positioned herself as billionaire Paul Hayes’ woman,
successfully taking control of his social life and paying off all her bills.
However, when a young woman from from his past threatens to steal him away,
Tracy finds herself in less control than she thought. Will she let newcomer
Jenna take away everything she’s worked so hard for, including the man she
increasingly finds herself falling for?


This 18000-word story includes teasing, dancing, and two women
competing to give a lucky billionaire all he could ever ask for!


By Adriana Hunter


Katherine Hewitt waited in line at the Starbucks Drive-Thru, checking
her watch every few minutes and trying not to tap her foot too impatiently. She
really should have arrived ten minutes earlier, but she’d had a restless night
and had fallen asleep late, resulting in her hitting the snooze button one too
many times. It was ten minutes to eight and if she didn’t arrive with the
coffee for the morning meeting she would be in hot water.

She pulled up to the ordering screen and put in her order for five
house blend, three with cream and sugar, one with just cream, and one black.
Then she ordered a caramel macchiato for herself, and sat back while she waited
for the car in front of her to roll forward. Her tired mind drifted back to
work, to all the things she would have to get done for the day, while trying
her hardest not to be distracted by the sexy, enigmatic powerhouse that was
Mark Donaldson.

In truth, she was only his front desk secretary—his personal
secretary (
or assistant, as the man liked to call himself)
was Dave
Harrison, tall, skinny and snooty-nosed, and very much crushing on their boss.
Max had a tendency to tumble whichever woman was in his bed across his desk
during his lunch hour, and Dave would get outrageously jealous and take it out
on Katherine since he knew she had eyes for the boss as well. So he would dump
tasks on her that were quite obviously his job—
like fetching the
morning meeting coffee.

She collected and paid for the orders, then drove down Central Avenue
and into the parking garage adjacent to the building Empire Creations was
housed in. Balancing the two trays of coffee in her hands, she somehow managed
to get to the office on the 30
floor without spilling any on the
white blouse she wore—a miracle, since she’d already stained three shirts
in as many weeks doing just this.

Her low-heeled pumps clicked against the black tile floor as she headed
past the wide console that was her desk, through the hall, and into the meeting
room, where several staff were already waiting—including Mark, who was
making notes on a pad of paper as he sat at the head of the table.

She set the coffee down near him, and froze momentarily when he looked
her way. He was too handsome for a Plain Jane like her to be around him without
floundering for oxygen. The ceiling lights glanced off his black hair, slicked
back from a tanned face with a straight nose, lips she knew could curve
absolutely wickedly when he was looking at a woman he liked, and a strong,
square chin. His eyes were such a dark brown they appeared to be black, and
they pierced her like arrows now, something intensely carnal in them she wasn’t
at all comfortable with.

“Good morning, Ms. Hewitt,” he greeted her in that deep, rich voice
that was like the caress of a man’s strong hand down her spine.

“Morning, Mr. Donaldson,” she murmured quietly in return, dropping her
eyes to the coffee tray she’d set down so she wouldn’t have to look into his impossibly
dark eyes. She began pulling out the different coffee’s and reading the labels
on them before passing them out. When she got to his she set it down in front
of him, her eyes fixated on the glossy wooden table, and she nearly jumped out
of her skin as his hand curled around the cup, strong, warm fingers touching
hers before she could let go. Startled, she looked up to see that carnal gleam
was in his eye, and this time that wicked curve to his lips was there to match
it. Her pulse tripped as color heated her cheeks. Surely he wasn’t looking at
like that. She was just a wallflower—a nobody.

The spell of the moment was shattered when Dave came rushing over, his
pale face stretched in a grimace of a smile. The loathing in his blue eyes as
he looked her way told her loud and clear that he was not pleased with what he
was seeing. “I’ll take that off your hands, Ms. Hewitt,” he told her, elbowing
her out of the way none too gently. He spied the caramel macchiato and snatched
it up. “Ah. I see you’ve forgotten my own coffee, so I’ll make do with this.
You can go back to your post up front, Ms. Hewitt.”

Katherine balled her hands into fists, but she was still new here and
she couldn’t risk speaking out and losing her job. Prepared to walk off without
her coffee, her head shot up in surprise as Mark spoke.

“Mr. Harrison, you know full well you never ordered any coffee this
morning, which is why Ms. Hewitt did not bring any for you. You always complain
about the inferiority of the Starbucks brand and blend your own at home, which
is in the thermos you’ve left out on the table over there.” Mark pointed to
where it sat next to the portfolio case Dave was always carrying around, and
though his tone was mild there was a hint of steel in it that had Dave’s spine
stiffening and a line of sweat breaking out over his pale forehead. “Please
don’t play games during office hours, and give Ms. Hewitt her coffee back.”

“Of…of course,” Dave stammered, his eyes wide with shock. He turned
and handed Katherine her macchiato. “Apologies, Ms. Hewitt. It was my mistake.”
The resentment flashing in those pale eyes told her it was no such thing, and
they both knew it. As it was, she gave him a small smirk that didn’t even come
close to the tap dance of joy her heart was performing, and took the drink from

“Thank you,” she told Dave, and then looked past him to Mark, who was
watching them both. “Good morning, sir.”

She turned and left the room, and a tingle went up her spine as she
felt Mark’s eyes on her the entire way out the door.



Mark watched the subtle sway of Katherine’s hips as she walked out the
door, drink in hand. She really wasn’t much of a looker at first
glance—she wore the same black pencil skirts, white blouses and
low-heeled pumps every day, and her brown hair, while glossy, was always pulled
back into a no-nonsense bun. Her make-up was always professionally done, but
low key, the buttons on her blouses were always completely done up so as to
show not a hint of cleavage, and she always wore pantyhose over those legs of
hers despite the sweltering heat that was summer.

She was always very quiet, very unassuming, and wouldn’t look him in
the eye if she could help it. Their conversations were always very brief, and
she never tried to engage him in small talk. If it weren’t for the surreptitious
glances she would send his way when she thought he wasn’t looking, he would
swear she swung the other way. But he suspected she was exactly what she
appeared to be—shy, quiet, unassuming. A wallflower that preferred to
duck her head and avoid him rather than raise it like many other women did and
flirt shamelessly with him.

He was between women right now, the last one having become far too
clingy, and normally he wouldn’t have given Katherine a second glance. He liked
his women to be sexy and outgoing, to know what they wanted and not be afraid
to ask for it. But he was also a Dom, and he sensed that she was a natural
submissive, albeit one who was inexperienced with men. His practiced eye
eventually saw past the drab exterior and to the exquisite figure beneath that
she downplayed, and his instincts told him that the right man could not only
bring out her external beauty, but awaken her sexually as well.

He’d seen those fists of hers bunch when Dave had tried to steal her
coffee as punishment for drawing his attentions. He glanced sideways at his
assistant now, who was busy setting up the projector. He knew perfectly well
about Dave’s feelings for him and his proclivity for jealousy towards the women
he brought around, but that was just too bad. He wasn’t sexually attracted to
men, and if he had been he suspected Dave wouldn’t be his type anyway. If it
weren’t for the fact that Dave was the best assistant he’d had in his ten years
as CEO of Empire Creations he would have gotten rid of him—it didn’t pay
to have an assistant constantly mooning after him that he wasn’t sexually
attracted to. But his efficiency more than made up for that problem, so he
would deal with it. And if Dave had a problem with his current interest in
Katherine, he was just going to have to get used to it. Because now that he’d
set his sights on her, he wasn’t going to back down until he got what he

And as everyone in this office new, Mark Donaldson
what he wanted.



Katherine spent the morning answering phones, handling correspondence
and doing the other myriad front desk duties expected of her. Every time she
sipped from her caramel macchiato her lips curved into a small smile at the
memory of Mark giving Dave a set-down. If nothing else good ever happened to her
again on this job, she would treasure that memory forever. It was the first
time Mark had ever really paid attention to her.

Of course, it was probably going to be the last time too. She knew from
office gossip that the runway model he’d been dating was old news, and he had
been without a woman for over a week now. She fully expected to see a new one
on his arm by the time he came back from lunch today. Sometimes she wondered
how he ever got anything done with all the sex he was obviously having. Her cheeks
heated as they always did when she thought of him screwing some woman in his
office. Did he like for them to kneel on his desk, doggystyle? Or did he sit
back in his chair and let them ride him?

Blinking, she shook her head to snap herself out of it and try and
lower the color in her cheeks. It was inappropriate for her to be thinking
about her boss having sex with other women… even if he did it during office
hours. Why should it matter to her, since she was never going to be one of
those women? It’s not like his sexual performance affected the performance of
the company. Empire Creations’ stock had risen ten percent in the last week
alone. Mark was obviously very good at what he did.

Her heart beat a little faster as she heard the sound of Mark’s expensive
shoes briskly hitting the tiled floors. He always walked with a powerful stride
and she’d learned to recognize when he was coming by the sound alone.
Self-consciously, she patted her hair and adjusted her blouse a fraction, not
wanting to look less than her best though she knew he probably didn’t pay her
any attention.

He came around the corner and she looked up at him through the fringe
of her bangs, admiring his powerful body. He was six foot two with broad
shoulders and a stocky build—he looked like he’d probably played as a
linebacker in college and had maintained the physique despite being in an
office position for who knew how long. Fully expecting him to give her a polite
smile and walk out the door, she was surprised when he instead made a beeline
for her desk.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Donaldson.” She gave him a small smile, hoping to
God her cheeks weren’t as hot as they felt. “What can I do for you?”

He smiled warmly, placing a palm on her desk. “I was wondering if you
wouldn’t mind coming out to lunch with me. There are some things I’d like to
discuss with you.”

“Lunch?” There was no helping it—her cheeks flushed as her heart
pumped faster to deal with the sudden rush of hormones coursing through her
body. “My lunch break isn’t for another hour… Dave usually comes to cover for
me at two o’clock…” Well, that wasn’t particularly true. He usually was a half
hour late at the earliest, but that wasn’t something she was going to complain
to Mark about. Most days she was just happy to have this job.

Mark waved his hand. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure he’d be happy to
move up his schedule. Ah, look, here he comes now.” He shifted slightly as he
turned and Katherine looked past him to see Dave walking into the lobby,
briefcase in hand. She saw his pale eyes flash briefly before he fixed a polite
smile on his face as Mark waved him over.

“What can I help you with, Mr. Donaldson?”

“I’d like you to take over for Ms. Hewitt for an hour,” he said, and
Katherine had the pleasure of watching Dave’s face turn pale with shock once
again. “I’m taking her out to lunch so we can discuss a few things.”

“Now?” His eyes flashed to Katherine and then back, and she watched
with interest as his color turned blotchy. “But sir… I…” he trailed off as
Mark’s eyes turned steely. “Of course. Of course I will.”

“Good man.” He turned toward Katherine with a smile, who was staring at
both of them. “Are you ready?”

“What?” she snapped out of it. “Yes, yes, of course.” She reached down
beneath her desk to grab her purse, then stood up and nearly collided with
Dave’s chest, who had come around the desk to take her place.

“Have a great lunch,” he told her with a sour smile, and the look in
his eyes told her that she would pay for this if he ever got the chance.

“Thank you.” Something stirred in her at the look he gave her that
demanded she do something else than just slink off like a wounded animal. “Is
there anything you’d like me to bring back for you? I’m sure they have doggie
bags at the restaurant for leftovers.”

Dave’s eyes flashed, and Katherine had to bite the inside of her cheek
to hold back her grin. “No thank you.”

She followed Mark outside to the Mercedes parked out front, and allowed
him to help her into the passenger’s side. He chuckled, a rich deep sound that
had her looking over in surprise as he started the engine and headed down

“What’s so funny?” she couldn’t help but ask.

He shook his head. “It has been a long time since I’ve ever seen anyone
other than myself put Dave in his place. You should do it more often.”

Katherine shook her head with a small smile. “That would be suicide. I
like my job.”

“That doesn’t mean you have to let him push you around like that,” Mark
pointed out. “Dave can be a little overbearing. He’s a good assistant, but he
often takes himself too seriously and will walk all over anyone who lets him.
And you’re far too pretty to have someone do that to you.”

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