Billionaire Matchmaker Book Two: Undone (Billionaire BBW Erotic Romance)

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Authors: Cordelia Baxter

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Billionaire Matchmaker Book Two: Undone (Billionaire BBW Erotic Romance)

by Cordelia Baxter

Published by Cordelia Baxter, 2013.

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. February 15, 2013.

Copyright © 2013 Cordelia Baxter.

Written by Cordelia Baxter.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Chapter One

It was a big night for me tonight. I was going to the
charity auction with Jake Powers this evening. It had been a whirlwind three
weeks with him and I still couldn't believe he asked me to go, and even asked
me to win him when he was up on the auction block.

When I first met Jake, I never expected things to turn out
like they had. He had come to me looking for a wife. Seeing as how I was the
top matchmaker in the city, it was natural he would come to me for help. I'd
heard about his reputation as a notorious playboy and how he'd switch
girlfriends from week to week. I just knew that I could help him find the
"one". Imagine my surprise when I was the one who ended up in his
bed. And now here I was just a short time later going on our first
"public" outing together.

My nerves hit me like at ton of bricks at the thought. It
was as big of a deal for him as it was for me. He was the one in the public
spot light; he'd have to answer the inevitable questions.
Who is she?
Where'd you meet?
I was sure the press would have a field day with it.

I wasn't the typical girl that Jake Powers was seen with.
For one thing, I had my own job. I wasn't an aspiring model or actress, and I
didn't compete in beauty pageants. For another thing, I was a curvy girl. I
wasn’t the super slim and sexy Victoria's Secret models he was normally seen

Just the fact that he was going to be seen with me on his
arm would get the press going. I could already picture the headlines:
"Jake Powers Loves Fat Chicks". Well maybe they wouldn't be so crass,
but I was sure they’d have something to say about my size.

Was I ready for this?
I squared my shoulders and
lifted my chin. If Jake was ready for it, then so was I. I wouldn’t disappoint
him. Besides, I wasn’t some weak and shy wall flower, wilting at public
scrutiny. I was a strong woman who built and ran my own successful business. My
heart was pounding wildly, but I wouldn’t back down. I would face these
challenges head on. At least that’s what I kept reminding myself.

My confidence was a little shaken though. I hadn't heard
from Jake all day or even yesterday. I was tempted to call him just to make
sure we were still on, but thought better of it. I didn’t want to come off as
clingy. Besides, he did mention that he had to make a brief business trip to
Philadelphia that morning. When my phone finally rang at 3pm, I was surprised
it was Jake's assistant on the other end.

"Hello Ms. Harper, My name is Amanda. Mr. Powers wanted
me to let you know the car will be picking you up at 6pm this evening."

"Oh ok," I said. "Is Mr. Powers going to be
picking me up himself or will I be meeting him at the event?"

"Unfortunately, Mr. Powers won't be able to pick you
up. He is still in Philadelphia. He wanted me to tell you he would meet you
there at the auction."

I didn't understand why Jake couldn’t tell me this himself;
why he needed his personal assistant to tell me. He obviously had time to call
her and let her know his plans, why couldn't he just call me himself to let me
know? I knew I wouldn't get any answers from Amanda so I let her go.

The last hour at the office was a drag. I watched the clock
tick by counting down the minutes.

"Let’s call it an early night. I honestly can't even
think straight right now enough to deal with anything," I said.

I had finally confessed to Allison, my assistant, my
relationship with Jake, and I expected her to be upset and judge me for dating
a former client, but I think she suspected all along so it didn’t come as a
shock to her.

"Oh right, your charity thing with Jake is tonight,
isn't it?" she asked.

"Yep," I replied letting out a deep sigh.

"Are you nervous?"

"What do you think?"

She looked at me and cocked her head to the side as she
tapped her chin with her index finger. "Hmm...You look a little pale, your
hands have been fidgeting with your pen all morning, and you've got the look of
a deer in headlights. I think you are nervous."

"You think?" I said, sarcastically.

"Definitely," she replied, ignoring my sarcasm.
"You should go home and get ready. I'll stay here and close up

"Thanks Allison. I don't know what I'd do without

"Probably run around like a chicken with its head cut

I stuck my tongue out at her as I grabbed my purse and
headed out the office.

Chapter Two

I had gone out and gotten a dress especially for tonight. It
was a sexy red number that showed more skin than I normally wore, but tonight
was special. I was making my come-out on Jake Powers' arm. Though I wasn't his
typical lingerie model date, that wouldn’t stop me from looking smoking hot.

Jake’s car came at 6pm sharp; it was the same driver as the
night of our Maine getaway. I still didn't know where I would meet him.
I have to walk down the red carpet alone? Was he going to wait for me at the
I wish I had asked Amanda when I had her on the phone, but now it
was too late. I didn't even bother asking the driver about Jake, since he
probably didn't know, and even if he did, he wouldn't tell me. I would just
have to get there and find out for myself.

We pulled into the throng of cars outside the Westmount
Grand Ballroom. There were photographers everywhere flashing their cameras at
the celebrities, socialites and financial gurus that made up the guest list. I
was expecting Jake to meet me before the press line but when the door was
pulled open, he was nowhere in sight.

So much for my grand entrance on Jake's arm
,” I
muttered under my breath. The long press line looked daunting and I was
terrified. I’d never gone to an event where there were press people present,
but there was no other way in the venue so I had to suck it up, square my
shoulders and plow ahead. Luckily, no one knew who I was so I didn't have to
stop to pose for any pictures; though it pricked my pride a bit.

My annoyance with Jake was growing by the second. A part of
me tried to make excuses.
Maybe he was stuck in Philly or he got held up by
a meeting
? Every moment that he didn't show up, slowly killed that part of
me. There was no reason he couldn't call me. He was the one who invited me and
asked me to bid on him, and now he left me standing alone fending for myself.

I snagged a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and
gulped it down, needing something to do to calm my nerves. I didn’t know anyone
here and was left stranded standing by myself, eyeing the door for the first
sight of Jake. It felt pathetic and humiliating. I turned to my right to grab
another flute of champagne from another waiter when my eyes caught a familiar
form with his back facing me.

I knew it was Jake from the way he stood with his hand
casually in his pocket. He always looked so leisurely and dashing. My breath
caught in my throat at how gorgeous he was even from the back, and I
momentarily forgot my annoyance with him.

It came rushing back in full force when I saw who he was
talking to. He stood with a gorgeous blonde who looked up at him with adoring
eyes. She smiled at something he said and then reached up and placed her hand
on his chest as she leaned in to whisper something in his ear.

I felt a surge of jealousy flow through me, the blood
rushing to my ears causing a pounding sensation.
How dare she put her hands
on my man!
I took another swig of champagne before marching over towards

Jake turned around before I reached him as if sensing my
presence. He looked at me with one eyebrow raised and a smug smile on his face.
I had a sudden overwhelming urge to wipe that look off his face, but exerted a
monumental effort to reign in my emotions. Now was not the place or time to
cause a scene. I plastered on a tight smile and greeted him coolly.

"Hello, I see you've made it here already," I

"As you see," he replied. I waited for him to say
more, to apologize or explain himself, but he just stood there looking at me
with a bland expression. He was smiling, but I noticed it didn't reach his

I cocked my head to the side, caught off guard by the
hostility emanating from him. He must have noticed my confusion as the look was
wiped of his face so quickly, I almost wondered if I was imagining things.

"Chloe, this is Caroline, a good friend of mine,"
Jake said, finally introducing me to the beautiful woman standing next to him.

"It's nice to meet you," I said, trying to keep my
voice neutral.

I looked her over discreetly, noticing that she was actually
a bit older than I had suspected when I first saw her. She was very pretty with
platinum blonde hair and large blue eyes. Her skin was tanned and she had a
body to die for, which was shown off to advantage in a clingy silver dress. I
felt like a child playing dress up standing next to her.

"Likewise," she answered, holding out her hand.
Her voice held a note of curiosity and derision and I noticed her appraising me
with undisguised disdain. I briefly touched her fingers, not wanting to be
rude, but also not feeling compelled to be nice either. I wasn't going to go
out of my way to be nice to someone who clearly had a problem with me.

Caroline eventually excused herself, but not before she put
her hand on Jake’s shoulder and whispered something else to him. They both
smiled, as if laughing at some inside joke I had no part of. It irritated me
immensely. When she finally sauntered off, shamelessly making sure Jake noticed
her backside as she went, I scowled and turned to him.

"You have such nice friends," I murmured.

"Some better than others," he said. His voice
sounded harsh and accusing.

"Just what is your problem tonight?" I asked,
confused by his strange behavior.

"I don't know what you're talking about.” He smiled at
me again, but there was no warmth there. His expression was guarded and his
body looked tense, as if tightly coiled and ready to spring at a moment's

"Where have you been?" I asked, harshly.
"I've been waiting for you this whole time."

"I've had a busy day. The auction is about to start. I
think we should take our seats."

I didn’t understand his behavior, but chalked it up to a
hard day at work.
He was probably exhausted after his travels
, I

He placed his arm on my back and guided us towards our
table. I sat at the chair he pulled out for me, and noticed the table was half
full with the other guests. Each spot had an auction paddle with a number on

Jake did not sit down next to me, and explained that he had
to go backstage to prepare for the auction. I nodded my understanding, and he
turned on his heel and strode off towards the other end of the room to the back
of the stage.

The auction was delayed for a while, and since I had nothing
better to do, I grabbed some more champagne. By the time the auction finally
got started, I was feeling buzzed.

The emcee finally took the stage, and got right in on the
bidding. The first bachelor up for bid was a hot young actor on a popular
television show. There was a bidding war for him between two older matrons. Mr.
Actor looked horrified to meet his date when she went on stage to claim her
prize. She looked old enough to be his grandmother. I let out an unladylike
snort, and the people sitting at the table with me turned to look at me

Jake was the fifth bachelor up for bid. When he took the
stage, a loud hush went through the crowd. There was a palpable excitement
among the guests. This was the moment most of them were looking forward to.
They would be sorely disappointed because I had no intention of letting them

"Here is someone that really needs no
introduction," the emcee announced. "Mr. Jake Powers, philanthropic
billionaire, and not to mention, not too hard on the eyes, right ladies? The
bidding will begin at $5000. Again this will include one date with Mr. Powers
lasting for 3 hours...and maybe longer if you're lucky."

Almost every table had paddles up in the air.

"Do I have $6000?" the emcee asked. No one put
their paddles down. I had a fear that I might really have to bankrupt myself to
win this date. I certainly didn't have the spending power of these women.

"Thirty thousand!" a woman shouted from a table in
the far corner. The room went quiet with shock. That was two times higher than
what the highest bachelor sold for. I craned my head trying to see who had made
that bid. The voice sounded familiar. My eyes settled on Caroline with her
paddle up in the air looking up at the stage with a smile.

"Well, now!" the emcee said pleased. "We have
$30,000 from this generous woman at table 22. Do we have $35,000?

The crowd was silent; I could've heard a pin drop.
"Anyone? $35,000?" he asked again looking around the room.

My heartbeat was racing. This was it. I had to put my bid in
now if I wanted to win Jake. I couldn’t let anyone walk out here with him but
me. That it was Caroline I’d be snatching him away from would be an added
bonus. I took a final swig of champagne to give me courage and raised my

"We have $35,000!" the emcee shouted, noticing my
bid. "Do we have $40,000?"

Caroline looked in my direction and I felt a great
satisfaction noticing her scowl. It was worth the money just to piss her off. I
raised my champagne glass at her in a moment of cockiness and toasted her. She
narrowed her eyes at me and pursed her lips.

“Anyone? Forty thousand dollars is a bargain for this
handsome man," the emcee said looking at Caroline's table.

Caroline hesitated a moment, indecision on her face before
she looked again at me, then up at the stage at Jake. I thought she had given
up and was just about to congratulate myself before heading up to the stage to
collect my "prize."

"Going once, going twice..." the emcee warned.

At the last second, Caroline raised her paddle outbidding

"And we have $40,000 now! Do we have $45,000?" he
exclaimed looking right at me.

This was getting out of control, but I couldn’t stop myself.
The alcohol had made me reckless. Aside from the promise I made Jake that I
would win him, I had a burning desire to beat Caroline.

Even though I just met her, I hated her. There was something
about her that rubbed me the wrong way. She was one of those women who always
got what they wanted but tonight I would deny her what she wanted so badly,
even if I really did have to bankrupt myself.

"Fifty thousand," I said looking up at the stage
right at Jake. My heart was thumping so loudly in my chest, but my voice
sounded surprisingly calm to my own ears. He stared back at me with a look of
mild surprise. I wasn't sure quite what to read into it.

The emcee was trying to cajole Caroline to up her bid, but I
knew she wouldn't outbid me. We had played a game of chicken and I had won.

"...and sold to the lucky lady at table 12," he
finally announced.

I released a pent up breath and stood up. My legs felt
wobbly, but I managed to make it up to the stage without tripping. Once I got
there, the emcee took my hand and congratulated me.

"Let's have a round of applause for this generous
bidder. Tell us your name," he urged. The spotlight shone brightly in my
eyes and I had to shield them with my hand.

"I'm Chloe Harper," I said into the mic.

There was a smattering of applause through the crowd. I was
ready to leave the stage with Jake and turned to look at him when he grabbed
the mic from the emcee's hand. He had a glint in his eyes and looked at me with
a cold smile before he spoke.

"Ladies and gentleman, I'm afraid I will not be going
out on a date with the winner of this auction," he said. There was a hum
of confusion that spread through the crowd. I stared at Jake with my mouth
hanging open, and a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. "I'm a very
picky man, as some of you may know," he continued to some chuckles.
"And Ms. Harper is not someone that I can justify wasting my time with on
a date. I will pay the $50,000 bid fee myself and free Ms. Harper and myself
from this obligation."

He returned the mic to the emcee and strode off the sage
without a backward glance. When Jake walked off, the room went silent. Even the
emcee didn't know what to say. It was like one of my worst nightmares coming
true. I felt like Carrie at the prom. Everyone was staring at me with a mix of
pity and undisguised glee at the spectacle they had just witnessed.

My eyes strayed involuntarily to Caroline's table and I saw
her give me a malicious smile. I felt sick to my stomach. My instinct was to
flee from the stage and hide my face forever, but my legs wouldn't move. I
stood rooted there, cheeks burning in mortification.

Jake told the crowd that I wasn't good enough for him. All my
deep seated fears and insecurities were ripped open for all to see. I couldn't
breathe and felt like I was about to faint. The room looked like it was
spinning before me and I had to close my eyes. Before I could black out and
embarrass myself further, I felt gentle hands grab me by the arms and lead me
off stage.

"Are you all right?"

Her voice brought me out of my daze. I looked up to see
concerned eyes looking at me with pity. It was the straw that broke the camel's

My anger reared up like a flame and consumed me.
How dare
Jake humiliate me like that in front of everyone!
The stranger must have
noticed the change in me and stepped back when she saw the look of pure fury on
my face. I had one goal in mind. I had to find Jake. There would be hell to pay
for what he did to me.

"Where is he?" I asked her. My voice was deadly
calm when I spoke.

She shook her head, worry creasing her brow. "I'm not

Over her shoulder, I spotted him as he walked towards a back
entrance away from the front press line. I never took my eyes off his back. If
looks could kill, he’d drop dead right then and there. I walked past the
stranger and headed straight for Jake. She knew better than to stop me and
stepped aside.

As if sensing my presence, Jake turned around right before I
reached him. He had a habit of doing that, I noted offhandedly. He looked at me
with just as much undisguised anger and hatred on his face.

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