Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (97 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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So that was Victor’s ex-wife.

The jewels around my neck that had made me feel so gorgeous moments earlier now felt heavy and fraudulent. I felt like a phoney next to this woman, who oozed class and beauty in a way foreign not just to me, but to almost everyone else in the room. If that was the past I was competing with in Victor’s heart, I was doomed to fail. My heart sank like a stone just looking at her.

Victor dragged me out of the chateau and into the cool night air toward the limo parked in the circular drive out front. Shuffling so quickly in heels was beginning to make my feet hurt. I was tempted to take my shoes off and walk in my bare feet at this rate, but we were almost to the vehicle.

Questions swarmed my mind. Who was she? What had happened? The fierce look on Victor’s face told me that he didn’t want to talk about it. I bit my lip as I thought about his ex-wife, with her beautiful, classy appearance and perfect demeanor. She had held herself with absolute confidence at the party. An unsettling feeling coiled in my stomach as I thought about my jealousy. I had just entered this high-society world and here his ex-wife looked like she owned it.

It didn’t surprise me that he had been with other women in his life. The expert way he made love to me was proof enough of that. And with his fashion sense, good looks, and irresistibly attractive "don't mess with me" attitude, it would be crazy for women not to be attracted to him. It was just the fact that it had to be
woman. She was too perfect. I thought of our lessons in manners in the restaurant. I’m sure
didn’t need that. She probably taught him some things.

We got to the limo and, without a word, Victor opened the door and hopped in, not even waiting for the driver to open it for him. I followed close behind. He reached over me to pull the door shut as soon as I sat down.

After a few moments, he realized the driver was not in the front seat. He lunged over to the other side of the limo and and threw the door open to peek his head out. “What’s the problem?” he barked. The anger in his voice startled me; I froze in my seat as though he would turn towards me and breathe fire. His stormy blue eyes were blazing as his jaw ground tightly.

The limo driver’s eyes peered up over the opened car door. “I am sorry,
,” he said in a heavy French accent. “The front left tire is flat. You must wait until I install a spare.”

Victor closed his eyes and inhaled sharply, then exhaled and sat back in his seat. When he opened his eyes, they were fixed dead in front of him, seemingly boring a hole through the car’s front seat. I didn’t even think of speaking.

“I am fixing it right now,
.  It will take just a little bit more time. I am sorry.” With that, the door closed.

A moment later, I heard someone tapping on Victor’s side of the car. Victor exhaled sharply again and glanced out the window.

“Victor, is that you?” a voice outside asked. It was small and sweet.

Victor grimaced before turning his head towards the window and lowering it a crack. “Evelyn,” he said pleasantly. He glanced at me. “Stay here,” he whispered.

He got out, and I craned my neck around just in time to see him hug the same gorgeous, blonde woman I had seen earlier. She was standing next to a young man around my age. He was slightly shorter than Victor with dark brown hair and pretty green eyes. The smile on his face looked plastered on and perfect.

“What brings you to France?” Evelyn asked, still holding on to Victor’s hand. Victor pulled it away firmly and smiled.

“Last minute trip. Business and pleasure, of course. I had some things to take care of in Paris."

Yeah, like making me his proper plaything. I was more than a little bit jealous knowing that this woman had past connections with Victor. Even if they weren’t married anymore, they would still have a bond, a history together. I didn’t just not have a history with Victor, I didn’t have much of a history at all. Not that I could remember, at least. Or cared to. What was Victor like when they were married?

“I don’t think I ever properly introduced you to Timothy,” Evelyn said. Two dimples appeared on her cheeks as she smiled. She was such a natural, I couldn’t even tell how much she was faking this cordiality. If at all. “Timothy, this is Victor Draper.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Draper,” Timothy said. Victor nodded and gave his hand a solid shake. I thought of Victor’s powerful hands and wondered just how firm that shake was. A cell phone rang, and Timothy reached into his tuxedo jacket’s inner pocket. “Excuse me,” he said politely. He walked back toward the chateau.

Victor watched Timothy walk for a moment until he was out of earshot. “So, you got married again.”

Evelyn glanced down at the diamond ring on her finger and smiled. “He’s a good man. He treats me well.”

Victor shifted his weight and leaned against the door, his back blocking my view of Evelyn and her view of me. So he didn't have plans to introduce me to her. I knew he didn’t have an obligation to, but I still felt tears beginning to well up and had to fight them back. If he saw me crying, it would further the distance he had been carefully maintaining. I couldn’t let him see how much this hurt.

“I’m glad to hear it,” he said flatly.

“We should go out to lunch while you’re here.” Her voice was still so sweet.

“That won’t work this trip. I’m flying out tomorrow. Maybe some other time.”

“Victor,” she said, “are you avoiding me?” I could hear the first note of unpleasantness in her voice. “Despite what happened, I don't want any bad blood between us.”

“Evelyn, of course I’m not avoiding you. The past is the past.” His voice had an edge I had never heard before. The control in every syllable was off-putting. “You put it in a box, lock it up, and forget it.”

“Forget it? We had so many great times, we loved each other!”

He shrugged against the glass of the limo door. “Never crosses my mind.”

“So that’s it.” Her voice drained of any personality at all. “Like it never happened?”

“Doesn’t matter. There’s always another pretty young thing.”

Was that what I was? Another in a series of pretty young things for Victor’s pleasure? Was that how he looked at Evelyn? I couldn’t imagine how anyone could compartmentalize like that. Except me, I guess. My past was a locked box. But that was different, I couldn’t open mine.

Before Evelyn could reply, the limo driver walked up to Victor. “The tire is fixed
; we can leave any time.”

“I’m leaving, Evelyn. Good to see you.”

A pause. “Likewise,” she said, coolly. I heard heels tapping quickly away and I turned in time to watch her heading in the direction of the chateau, probably for more champagne.

The door opened and Victor slid back into the passenger seat. He let out a long breath. I stared at him silently as he massaged his temples.

I stared at him like that  for a couple minutes, but he wouldn’t look back at me. Finally, he broke. “Her name is Evelyn.” He still wouldn’t meet my eyes. “We were married for a few years.”

“What happened?”

He finally turned his head so that I could see his profile. His lips were set in a stern line before he spoke. “She left me. I was working too much, not paying attention to her. Looks like she’s found someone who will.” He stared at a patch of the leather seat next to him for a few seconds, then turned his eyes back to the front of the limo.

So his mother left, then his wife left. And now here I was, sitting next to him in a limo in France. With a contract. Someone who couldn’t leave him. I wanted to put my arms around him and kiss him and tell him I wasn’t going anywhere, but I doubted he wanted sympathy. His presence at that moment had an intensity unlike anything I’d ever felt before. He looked vulnerable and raw, but that exposure was not of a precious center but something more violent.

I snuck my head under his arm and put my ear to his chest. After a moment’s hesitation, he squeezed me to him very tightly. I was amazed at the strength he had in just that one arm. It was almost uncomfortable, but more than anything I felt safe in his embrace.

“I’m going to fuck you when we get back to the hotel,” he said without a hint of emotion. I looked up at him, the mass of the updo I had worn to the ball pushing into his arm and restricting my head’s movement. I wriggled free of his arm and studied his face. He looked like a statue.

“Yes, Sir. Okay.” What was he going to do once we got back to the room? Tie me up? Blindfold me? Spank me? Did I deserve to be spanked? I began getting wet as I realized I didn’t even know all the possibilities.

After a moment he turned to me and nodded, then pulled me back in close to him. As he turned to look out my window, I saw a blue flash in his eyes.



Before long, the limo slowed to a stop in front of the hotel. Victor got out before Henri could open the door for him. He walked over to my side of the car, opened the door, and took me by my hand forcefully. Without saying anything, he led me into the hotel, passed the reception desk, and punched the UP button by the elevator. I trembled being so close to him, wondering what would happen once we got to the room. Stewing in his bad mood, he had an animal sexuality clawing out from his fancy evening suit that amplified the tension between us.

When the elevator door opened, we waited for a few people to trickle out before he guided me inside. He followed after me and quickly pressed our floor number. I heard a dull
before the door closed. As soon as it had, he was on me, kissing my mouth but then quickly moving down to my neck and chest. His hand travelled roughly up my leg until he found my wet panties. Using his other hand, he picked me up so I could sit on the gold railing along the elevator wall. I clasped my hands around his neck for balance and dug my nails in just under his hair when he began moving his fingers in slow circles on my pussy through my underwear.

Within seconds my panties went from wet to soaked. Victor moved from kissing my neck up to my ear. “You’re ready for me already,” he said, sliding a finger around the side of my underwear and into my slit easily.

I reached down to his crotch and found his cock was nearly bursting through his pants. “Looks like I’m not the only one.”

Giving me a hard kiss on the mouth, he brought me down from the rail and pivoted around me, shoving me against the other side of the elevator with his hand gripping my torso.

“Sir, not here!” I gasped. “Someone will see us!”

“Let me worry about that,” he grunted. “I want you now.”

His hand worked around my waist until my emerald green dress was bunched soft over my hips. I reached behind me to grab his thick wrist under his jacket just long enough to know his pulse was pounding. He ripped it away from my grasp and pulled my panties down to my feet with startling expertise before pulling my hips back hard to him so I was bent over. My hands shot out to grip the railing. I had just closed my grip around the rail when he entered me.

He was rock hard and forceful. A bolt of desire shot from my core up to my mouth and I let out a quiet moan as he began to pound against me urgently. His energy was manic and almost frightening; he seemed barely in control of this outpouring of sexual energy. I managed to position my body a little closer to the wall so I had better balance to withstand his onslaught but even then my legs still felt like jelly, my arms little better.

I stifled another moan as my heart pounded at the thought of the elevator door opening and having someone see my bare ass and Victor’s cock in plain view. I turned my head to track the elevator’s progress with the numbers lighting up above the door, praying nothing would light up twice and signal the elevator slowing down before we got to our floor. Why hadn’t he just waited a little longer?

Realization swirled in my head: he was taking his frustration out on me. For an instant this was upsetting, but at the next my body was relishing the feeling of his cock, of his hand squeezing my breasts, and of his hot breath against my neck. I pushed hard back into his pelvis, feeling him crash into the end of me. If he wanted to take his frustration out on me then I was happy to let him.

After a minute of pushing back in rhythm with his thrusts, I knew I was close. I tensed as I realized we were still in the elevator, and bit my lip, trying to hold my orgasm back. The impact of his pounding reverberated throughout me, digging my teeth deeper into my lip. He said he would worry about it. Let him.

I came as soon as I relaxed, my pussy throbbing hard around his cock once and again as I felt the movement of the elevator stop at our floor. I wiped away the tears that came to my eyes quickly so I could see behind me. When the doors opened nobody was there. I sighed in thanks.  

Victor pulled his cock away from me for a moment to guide me out of the elevator and to back me up against the wall in front of the elevators, his forearm pressed firmly across my collarbone.

Afraid someone might see us, I reached down to pull up my panties and fix my dress, but he grabbed my wrist. “I’m not done with you yet,” he growled. His cock was still exposed, protruding hard and long from his undone fly. He moved his hand to cup my ass and lifted me up against the wall, my legs opening wide around his and wrapping around his waist. I watched over his shoulder as the elevator dinged and closed its doors. It had only made it down one floor when he entered me again.

I rocked my head back so I could see his face as he thrust against me. His eyes raged blue like the fire in a blazing furnace, but there was no compassion, no enjoyment, no connection. Just a bundle of frustrated energy. The sophisticated man from earlier that night had been replaced by a wounded animal fighting for its life. I would never be able to look at Victor the same way again. Being this close to him when he was this raw, this out of control, this primal, was unbelievably arousing. I clawed my hands around his back and reached up to his shoulders near his neck, digging my nails into his skin through the thin tuxedo shirt under his jacket, just trying to hang on. A moment later, like an onrushing train, I came again. My vision went blurry until I closed my eyes. I clenched even tighter around him, my legs now squeezing his waist with each burst of ecstasy.

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