Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (53 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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An orgasm was building inside of me. I could feel the pressure mounting and knew that if I let him continue, it would erupt. I looked down at him tonguing me up and down, his finger moving in and out of me, the tightness wrapping around his firm grip. His other hand had undone his pants and he was moving it up and down his cock. I eyed it greedily. It hung large and firm. His hand moved up and down it, his lust too much for him not to pleasure himself as he ate me out.

My disheveled dress writhed against me as he worked on me. He lifted my legs up, pushing them back so that I was completely exposed for him. He licked slowly from the bottom to the top and when he reached my clit, my orgasm broke. It was too much to bear. I cried out, the growing force of the climax wracking me with intense sensation.

Tom responded to my cries and pushed two fingers into me, working furiously to intensify my orgasm. My hips rocked against him as he sucked on my clit and moved in and out of me with his fingers, pressing against the inner wall of my pussy so that he rubbed against my g-spot. I bit down hard on my lips and the orgasm filled me completely.

I came. It was a satisfying orgasm, strong and enveloping. While my body convulsed with the sensation, all thought was drowned out and I was one with my physical self. Even Tom wasn’t there; it was only me and the orgasm. As the crescendo peaked and then slowly fell into a descending note of ecstasy, I began to calm my breathing down.

Tom was still licking me, although he had eased on the speed of his licks after my orgasm had peaked. I opened my eyes and wet my lips as I looked down on him, still working on me. My eyes were half open, a sweet soreness was taking the place of the explosion of pleasure. Tom smiled a devilish smile and winked at me. I leaned over and looked down at his cock in his hand. It was large and hard, wanting my attention.

In the aftermath of my climax, the cloud of the alcohol lifted enough for me to feel sober again. I thought of Leon Christensen. His eyes had stared into mine with a desperation that was unlike anything i had ever seen before. It was not a sexual desperation; there was no lust behind those eyes. His eyes had yearned for something beyond description. Beyond articulation. When we had come together, him inside of me, our eyes had locked in on each other’s with a bond that had seemed unbreakable.

Tom’s eyes stared up at me with a want that was clear and definable. They were a deep brown, cute and big. I pushed him back from me and rubbed the side of his face playfully with one finger. Tom stood up and dropped his pants. His cock jutted out. I eyed it and felt a want grow between my legs, although still overshadowed by the throbbing of my orgasm. He lifted off his shirt and stood before me, naked. His muscles were large, but not cut from stone. They were like boulders smashed together.

I pushed out the thought of Leon Christensen. He was no longer a factor. I reached over and grabbed the bottle of whiskey and drank straight from the bottle, the liquor burning as it flowed down my throat. He took the bottle from me and lifted it back and drank greedily.

I eyed him. I looked down at his cock and he watched me stare at it. He stroked it once before me and lowered himself down on top of me, his arms on my side. His hard cock hovered above me, huge and firm. I stared at Tom in his eyes and saw the lust that passed between us, nothing more.

“Fuck me,” I said.

Chapter 16

The light from the outer office grew brighter. Tom was pulling up my dress, determined to take it off. I stopped him, alarmed.

“Hold on,” I said. “The lights.”

He pushed himself away and sat up, looking around confused. I turned towards the door and a figure stood in the doorway, a silhouette against the light.

“Well, isn’t this a pretty little sight,” a voice purred.

I racked my brain, searching through the fog of alcohol to put a face to that voice. It was a female voice, no doubt. My moment of confusion was immediately lifted as the figure walked into the office and stood before the couch, only a few feet away. The woman leaned down and picked up the fallen glass and grabbed the whiskey bottle and poured herself the amber liquid. She sipped the whiskey.

“A fine whiskey,” she said. “You have good taste, Julie.” Her eyes fell on Tom’s exposed cock, still hard as stone and pointing upwards.

It was Marilyn Benedict. She stood before us in a dressy suit, the top buttons undone to show her supple cleavage. Her hips jutted out as she rested her arm against them, lifting the other hand with the glass of whiskey and taking another small sip.

“Julie?” Tom asked, confused. He looked over at me and a small sign of understanding bloomed on his face. “What is going on?” His voice wasn’t alarmed. I could tell a hint of excitement was in it.

Marilyn stood before us, looking at us with a peculiar look on her face that could easily be construed as lust. Even as he was trying to figure out whether Marilyn was about to join us, his hand was moving up and down his cock, keeping it hard.

I opened my mouth to speak and no words would come. I was too startled and confused to begin to say anything.

Tom stood up, cock still in his hand, and faced Marilyn. I sat up on the couch and began to fix my dress. Color had bloomed in my face and I felt incredibly exposed. Marilyn was staring at us with a bemused expression, a hint of something dark in her eyes. Tom thought that this was going to lead to some fantasy; I knew better. Marilyn was not here to join us in our drunken escapade. She was here about Leon.

“Hey there big boy,” Marilyn said, her eyes on Tom’s cock for a moment before they climbed up to his face. “You certainly sounded like you were a good time for this little lady, but I’m not interested.”

A look of disappointment flashed across Tom’s face. He stopped stroking himself and in that moment I realized just how stupid his actions looked. He looked like a child reprimanded by his parents.

“Why don’t you get dressed and get the fuck out of here? I could hear Julie’s moans in the parking lot, so you’re pretty much done here anyway. Isn’t that right, Julie?”

Tom look dumbfounded. He reached down and covered himself as he lowered to pull his pants on. As he pushed his cock down into his pants, an awkward movement as he was still hard, Marilyn snickered at him. Tom turned to me with an accusatory look.

“Marilyn,” I said, regaining my voice which had seemed to flee at the entrance of Marilyn. “What are you doing here? You can’t just barge in my office like this!” I was now realizing the gravity of what Marilyn had done. Anger was filling me up. At the same time though, I was still a little afraid. Leon had said Marilyn was crazy, but just how crazy was she?

Marilyn turned to Tom. “Why are you still here?” she asked.

“Hey, she asked you a question. You broke in here, obviously, so I think you should leave,” Tom said, his voice stern and assertive. The comical scene that had played out just moments ago with Tom stroking himself while standing before Marilyn, the hope of a threesome in his eyes, was gone. Now a darker scene was taking place.

Marilyn walked right up to Tom and caressed the side of his large arm. “You have about one minute to get out of here,” she said. “Or else.”

“Or else what,” I said.

Marilyn, still standing before Tom, reached down and unbuttoned his pants. Tom looked more confused than anybody I had ever seen before. He was speechless. She pulled out his hard cock and with one hand grabbed it firmly, the other hand reaching around him and sliding down the back of his pants. He let out a loud cry of surprise and raised his arms to push her away, but then his body tensed. Marilyn’s eyes never left me.

Tom moaned as Marilyn pulled his orgasm out of him. His cum shot out into her hand as he smiled at me. She pulled on his cock hard and Tom’s eyes were closed. She slid her hand out from behind him and pushed him away like he was nothing and Tom stumbled back, still in the throes of his orgasm. She looked down at the cum in her hand and shook her head as she snickered again.

“Now, you’ve got what you came for,” she sneered at him. “Get out, or I’ll rub this on myself and claim you raped me. Got it?”

Tom stared at her, his mouth gaping. His cock still pulsed with the final shadows of the orgasm that Marilyn had taken out of him in a matter of seconds. He quickly leaned down, confused and disoriented by what had turned from a seemingly innocuous hook up to something dark and confusing, and put his shoes on. His cock was still out as he put his shirt on. He looked around confused, as if forgetting something.

I was staring at the scene before me, completely at a loss for words, fear growing in my chest.

He started to walk out, not looking at Marilyn, tucking his cock away awkwardly into his pants. He turned back to me and started to open his mouth to say something and then closed it, speechless. What was there to say?

“You’re welcome,” Marilyn mocked. As he passed her she slapped his ass and laughed meanly.

“This is so fucked up,” Tom said dazedly. He hurried out, not waiting for a response from Marilyn or me. When the front office door closed, Marilyn looked down at her hand again and a look of mild disgust adorned her face. She turned and saw my bathroom and walked in it, turning on the faucet to wash her hand.

“Men,” Marilyn said. “They’re so easy to manipulate. Well, at least most of them are. The dumb ones.”

I looked around my office and saw my purse hanging on the coat rack by the door. Inside, my cellphone sat, waiting for me to grab it and phone the police. As I got up to grab it, determined to call the cops and get Marilyn the hell out of my office after the scene I had just witnessed, she came out of the bathroom. When she looked at me, dread gripped my heart. Her face was twisted in a smile.

“Why haven’t you set me up with Leon yet?” she asked coolly.

I kept my calm. My heart raced in my chest and alarms were going off in my head. Yet I was determined not to show Marilyn. Who knows what she is capable of? Besides, I didn’t want to give her the upper-hand.

“When we had our first meeting, I was unaware of your history with Leon Christensen,” I said calmly, resorting back to my professional tone to deal with Marilyn. “I have a policy about ex’s.”

It was a lie. I had never had to have a policy about ex’s. Surprisingly, the only time that I had ever come across two people who had been involved together was on Leon’s case.

“Oh, is that so?” asked Marilyn. “Is it also a policy of yours to fuck your clients?”

A pang of shock hit my heart. I tried to maintain composure, but when she smiled I knew that she had seen how much it had unsettled me. I said nothing in response, choosing to give her a defiant stare instead. My phone hung in the purse only a few feet away.

“Marilyn, you need to get out of my office before I call the cops. You’ve already broken in here and then you threatened Tom,” I said defiantly.

“I ‘threatened’ him, huh? Looks to me like I gave him what he wanted,” Marilyn said, brushing her hands together as if his ejaculate was still on her hands.

“You threatened him with a false rape accusation!”

“Whatever, he needed to get out of here so we could talk. I had to be quick on my toes. A man with a hard-on is even harder to reason with than a normal guy. So I pulled out some, let’s say,
from him,” Marilyn said, laughing. “I didn’t make you jealous, did I?”

It became clear to me that Marilyn had deliberately made Tom come in an effort to get back at me in some small way for sleeping with Leon. I doubt she thought he was anything more than a random hookup, but she had marked her territory in some weird way by making him come in front of me, her eyes locked on me the entire time.

“Marilyn, I’m never going to arrange a meeting with Leon. Please know that. Your relationship with Leon has absolutely nothing to do with me. I was simply hired to find him a match.”

“You know, I bet Leon enjoyed fucking you like the little slut you are,” Marilyn hissed. “But don’t think for a second it bothers me. I actually would have liked to watch. Maybe he would have let me humiliate you a little bit. It wouldn’t be the first time that Leon and I had brought toys into the bedroom. Let me ask, did you let him fuck your ass? You look the type.”

I put on my shoes, carefully and slowly, not letting Marilyn’s words affect me. Her voice was vitriolic, but still playful. It was disturbing to hear her talk so candidly about using women as toys to serve her and Leon. When I met her gaze, her eyes burned with fury.

“Well, I’ll take your silence as a yes then. He really does like that naughty little act, especially when it’s painful. But I doubt it was painful for a seasoned pro like you,” Marilyn said, taking a seat behind my desk. “Although when me and Leon get back together, I don’t think we’ll be letting you enter our bedroom. You sleep around too much, who knows what diseases your dirty little cunt would bring with it, and I’m not about to watch Leon fuck some diseased slut.”

Marilyn took a long draft of the whiskey.

“Marilyn, you know you and Leon are finished. You need to get over it. Find some other guy to be your Dom,” I said.

Marilyn laughed harshly. She finished the drink and slammed the glass down on the desk hard enough to crack the glass down the side. I jumped back, startled.

“I don’t think so,” Marilyn said. “Leon might have his fun with little playthings like you, but he’s mine. We’re connected.”

I thought of Leon’s eyes. Those eyes that connected our souls together. A pang of sadness struck at me and I felt the gravity pulling me down. The fear that was growing in the room disappeared for a moment as I thought of the night where something had passed between Leon and I. There was no way that anything remotely like that had ever passed between Marilyn and Leon, despite whatever she thought.

I realized with a sudden clarity that I missed Leon Christensen.

“You need to leave, now,” I said. “Get out or I’m calling the police.”

“Wrong again,” Marilyn said.

She reached into her purse and pulled something out. My eyes widened when I saw what she was pointing at me. A wicked smile spread from ear to ear on Marilyn’s face. Her eyes were dead and without emotion. My heart pounded in my chest and my muscles froze, unable to move.

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