Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (156 page)

Read Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels Online

Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

BOOK: Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels
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He put the blindfold on and tied it firmly behind my head. It was tight enough not to shift around but loose enough to be comfortable. I tried reaching out to touch him to ensure he was still there; he took my hands and gently placed them on my thighs. “Hands in your lap, until I say otherwise.”

In complete darkness, I felt uncomfortably vulnerable. I’d never done anything like this with anyone before. Was I ready to trust him this much? I sensed him leave the room for a moment to go to the kitchen. All I could do was wait for what he would do next.  

Then his footsteps returned and stopped in front of me. “Open your mouth.”

Here it comes, I thought. I tentatively obeyed, unsure what was coming. What was he going to feed me? The sound of a metal clink made me think of a belt buckle. Surely not . . .


I wasn’t sure if I should have; I probably should’ve asked him what he was going to put in my mouth. Instead, my lips stretched wider, compelled by the authority in his voice.

“Be careful with your teeth. I don’t want you biting me.”

Before I could protest, something slowly entered my mouth and sat heavily on my tongue. It tasted sinfully sweet and creamy.


Without needing be told, my lips instinctively wrapped around it and tightened, suckling the decadent chocolate from his finger.

“Taste good?”

My murmur of approval sounded more like a moan. As he slowly retracted his finger, I took my time licking the tip, wanting to savor every last bit. I heard him stifling a groan when he finally pulled away. It was one of the most erotic sounds I’d ever heard, and I desperately wanted to remove the blindfold to see his expression.

“That was just the first bite.” His voice registered lustful amusement, his mouth close to my ear. “This time, I want you to really focus on the pleasure in your mouth. Block out everything else.” I felt him brush my hair intimately behind my ear then his tender lips were against my cheek. “Like this,” he whispered, his mouth trailing gentle, sensuous kisses to my ear, drawing soft moans from my lips. “And this.” He pinched my earlobe between his lips and pulled the sensitive flesh into his mouth, sucking it with just enough pressure to make my legs quiver and sex clench in heated anticipation. There was no way I’d be able to block out the sensation of those lips on my body. And I didn’t want to.

“Ready?” he asked.

I wasn’t but I wanted another taste of the dessert to heighten the pleasure from his kisses. “Yes,” I breathed.

Eager, I opened my mouth again. Sweet cream brushed the tip of my tongue and I tried to lick it, but it pulled out of reach. When I sensed him bring it back, I stuck out my tongue to try to taste it but it retracted, teasing me. The next time he touched my tongue, I playfully nipped at his finger.

“You’re so feisty,” he murmured into my neck then bit the skin playfully, sparking a dangerous current of desire. I wanted to grab his hair and pull him in further but was aware I needed to follow his rules.

“That’s because you’re teasing me.”

“Am I? Tell me what you want,” he purred against my neck.

“I want to taste it in my mouth.”

“What do you want to taste?”

“You know what.”

“Tell me.”

“Your finger.”

“Good.” He slowly moved his finger into my mouth and I swirled my tongue around it. “That’s it. Just like that.” His voice was oozing with desire, which only increased the growing ache in my sex.

“Are you focusing on just the sensations in your mouth?” he asked, his tongue making slow, sensual licks along the throbbing vein in my neck while his finger was still in my mouth.

“Mmhmm,” I lied.

His breathing was as labored as mine. Suddenly, his lips and finger pulled away and I began to think I had done something wrong. Then his mouth was on mine. I parted my lips for him and his tongue slipped inside, the tip tasting of rich, creamy dark chocolate. The taste of his mouth mixed with chocolate was overwhelmingly sensual. I reached up and ran my hands through his silky hair, grabbing and pulling his mouth deeper into mine, all resistance and restraint gone. I didn’t care for his rules anymore. I wanted him so badly it was physically painful.

“No hands,” he grunted, soft lips becoming rough. I could tell he was trying to act upset because I’d broken his rule and the thin veil masking his desire only intensified my yearning for him.

Suddenly, he wrapped one arm around my torso and the other behind my knees. He lifted me into the air like a bride, mouth never leaving mine. We must’ve entered his bedroom because the next thing I knew, silk sheets hit my back. Hot with need, I parted my legs to accommodate his hips pushing between them.

My hands tightened, craving the feel of the hard muscles of his back. His hips against mine, I felt the solid weight of his erection through his pants press against my stomach.

“You feel that? That’s how much I want you.”

“I feel it.” My voice trembled with desire sensing what was coming.

He ground his erection against my sex in slow, firm circles. Even through the layers of our clothes, the pressure and friction sent currents of pleasure, fueling my hunger for direct contact. “Tell me what you want,” he whispered hoarsely.

“I want to feel you inside me, Vincent.”

He grabbed both of my hands and raised my arms over my head, pinning them with one firm hand while the other skillfully unbuttoned my jeans. “Keep your arms here, Kristen. Otherwise I won’t let you have it. Understand?” Only a slight waver in his tone betrayed the steely control he projected.

“I want to feel you though. I want to see you,” I protested, not understanding why he was torturing me with desperate need. He’d wanted this ever since our first meeting and now that he had me dripping with desire, he was taking his sweet time. I needed him inside me. Now.

“Nothing worth pursuing comes without patience.”

Reviews for the Surrender Series (4.5 out of 5 stars on
“The only thing I can say is hurry up book 3!!! This was a page turner from the start. I can't say anything without giving it away butt as usual, the book is worth the read.”

Forbidden Surrender (Book One) – Available Now!

Secret Surrender (Book Two) – Available Now!

Beautiful Surrender (Final Book) – Release Date: November 4
, 2013

Click the links above to meet the deliciously sexy Vincent Sorenson.

He’s waiting for you…

His Secret Desire

by Alana Davis

Five careless words. Five little words were all it took to upend my life and change my world forever.

Samantha Dubois lives in a bland, fluorescent, world of gray. Her life once had so much potential and promise, but not anymore. Working as an underpaid and overworked temp at Strauss Engines, she struggles to get through every day. One fateful day, a few careless words out of her mouth send her on a collision course with the wealthy, powerful, and mysterious CEO of Strauss Engines, Alexander Strauss.

Drawn into this world of intrigue and multi-million dollar deals, Samantha struggles to adapt as her relationship with the scorching Alexander Strauss gets more... complicated. Alexander Strauss himself has plans of his own for the young Samantha, plans that may alter the course of her life forever.

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Chapter One


The sound of a ringing phone cut through the office. A polite voice answered the phone as another piercing ring went off a few cubicles away. I sat at my desk, typing on a company computer, joining the rhythm of the dozens of other keyboards that attracted hands like magnets. A fluorescent light flickered above me, dying slowly.

I called engineering to fix the nuisance. Over the phone, a gritty voice told me it was going to be a few hours.

Everything around me was gray—neutral colors only broken up by colorful frames on the wall that surrounded memories that were supposed to give life to an otherwise dreary corporate wasteland. I looked around my desk and studied the photographs I’ve hung on my little wall, taking a break from the spreadsheet that had occupied more of my morning than I cared to admit.

The photo of my college graduation stared back at me from a past that I could still clearly remember—genuine smiles across both of my parents’ faces, a rare sight indeed. For once they weren’t throwing harsh words at each other. It was a day without fighting, a day devoid of arguments leading to bitter silences. We were all happy.

I reached out to touch the photo, as if I could somehow go back to that day. A little laugh escaped me as I remembered my first days at college as a nerdy girl who kept to herself. I was scared to speak up in class, even when I was sure I knew the answer. Four years later, posing with my parents for that picture, I was a different person.

I had joined the orientation committee early on in college as a way to meet people, and before long, I had become leader of the group. We proposed a Casino Night event that I was to organize. I spent days making phone calls, getting the proper paperwork filled out and signed, and coordinating all the members of the committee. When the night of the event came, I watched all of the students flooding the event hall and felt like I had accomplished something real.

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