Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) (60 page)

Read Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) Online

Authors: Selena Kitt,Tawny Taylor,Ava Lore,Terry Towers,Anna Antonia,Amy Aday,Nelle L'Amour,Dez Burke,Marian Tee

BOOK: Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle)
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“You’re kind.”
She smiled, shaking her head, sipping the fiery amber-colored liquid in her hand for courage. She couldn’t believe that Roberto Carvel was sitting in her apartment looking at her designs. A month ago she would have thought it impossible.

No,” he assured her. “Far from it. I am a mercenary old bastard…and these could make me money. In fact, they remind me…” He frowned, tapping his finger on one of her designs, and Heidi just knew he was going to mention Andrea again and didn’t want to have to go there.

I seem to have a better selection of spirits than I previously thought,” she said, lifting her glass so he could see. His eyebrows went up and he found his own glass on the table, breathing in the alcohol’s scent.

“Oh that’s fine!” he remarked, lifting his glass in salute before taking a drink. “Ahhh, that does the trick. Drink up!

She obliged, taking another burning sip.

“Do you have more like these?” he asked, pointing to her sketch book.


He smiled, leaning back on the futon again, his gaze moving over her, assessing. “Are you as prolific an artist as you are a reader?”

“I am,” she admitted, flushing, whether from embarrassment or the heat of the alcohol, she wasn’t sure.

“Come here, bella.” He waved his arm, pulling her closer when she got in range, the smell of cognac on his breath as he nuzzled her ear. “How would you like to work for me?”

She froze.
“Is that a serious offer?”

“Very serious.”
The fact that his hand was moving over her breast through her blouse didn’t lend much credence to the seriousness of his proposal, but somehow she believed him anyway. “Kaiser says you are…very willing.”

She remembered her promise.
Whatever it takes.
But she had probed every aspect of his business possible and had uncovered nothing tonight. Maybe there was no secret, nothing Carvel was hiding. Was it a test, perhaps? Kaiser testing her willingness?

“I am,” she agreed, determined to pass if it
a test after all as Carvel pressed her firmly down to her knees between his Dolce and Gabbana trousered thighs. He unzipped himself, but she took his slowly hardening member in her hand, his half-lidded gaze never leaving her.

When she took him into her mouth, he groaned, his hand moving in her hair, pressing her down until she was taking all of him—not an inconsiderable feat
. The old guy hadn’t just been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he also hadn’t been at all short-changed in either the width or girth department.

“Ahhh bella, what a find you are!”
he murmured as she tongued the tip of his cock, hoping Kaiser had really meant for her to do this. “Has Kaiser seen these?”

Heidi shook her head, moving his cock delightfully from side to side as she did, making him arch with pleasure.

“No?” He laughed, taking his cock in hand—there was plenty of it below Heidi’s mouth to grab onto—and stroking it against her lips. “He is such a fool. Blind.”

She continued to lick and suck at the head as he jerked himself off, his breath coming faster. What a relief, she thou
ght, if he came like this, and she didn’t have to do anything else to prove her loyalty… But Carvel moved to yank her blouse open, her bra down, exposing her breasts to his view. He fondled them both at turns as she sucked him, squeezing and pulling at her nipples.

“Ahhh bella, that’s good!” he groaned as she found a faster rhythm, stroking and sucking together, feeling his balls tighten in her other hand. “Oh god, what
a triumph that would be,” he murmured, closing his eyes and thrusting deep into her throat, making her fight her gag reflex. “Stealing two of Kaiser’s prize treasures…”

Heidi managed to gasp out before taking him into her mouth again, working hard as he rolled his hips and drove them upward.

He grimaced as the first wave of his cum pulsed like white heat into her waiting mouth. “You and ahhhhhhhhh-ahhhhh Andreaaaaaaaaaahhhh…”

Heidi swallowed him obediently, her tongue working the head of his cock, making sure not a bit of his cum dribbled onto his trousers. When the last shuddering drop was milked from his cock, she tucked him nea
tly back in and zipped him up. He looked down at her, spent, smiling a contented smile. She wondered if he’d even realized what he said.

“Andrea’s premiere is in Paris with Kaiser,” she murmured, moving to sit beside him on the futon.

He glanced at her, still smiling that lazy smile.
“She may premiere with Kaiser, but she’s already signed with me. For double the price.”

Oh my god.
Heidi stared at him. Clearly his confession hadn’t been an accident. Why was he telling her this?

she choked out. She knew how much Kaiser was paying Andrea for her designs—
my designs.

“I want you.”
Carvel’s eyes brightened as he grabbed her, pulling her close and kissing her hard. Heidi fought an urge to pull away. “I will double anything he’s offered.”

She shook her head.
“But he hasn’t…”

“He will,” he insisted, his eyes hardening as he fondled her breast, slipping another hand down to cup her pussy. She was wearing panties tonight, of course.
“But you will already be mine. Yes? Yes…”

It wasn’t even a question—he was sure he could buy her.
Can he?
Heidi straightened herself out as he released her and stood, drinking the last of his cognac and setting the glass back down on the table.

“Stay where you are for now,”
Carvel directed with a nod. “It pleases me. I will contact you after Paris.”

She watched him, speechless, as he strode toward the door, turning to look at her with a fond smile.
“Goodnight, Bella.”

“Goodnight, Mr.— ”

“Roberto,” he insisted, closing the door before he heard her reply.

“Goodnight, Roberto,” she murmured, stunned by his arrogance and assumptions. Did he really believe she would abandon Kaiser as quickly as Andrea had?

No. She wouldn’t. She couldn’t. She wasn’t so easy. Was she?





Chapter Eight

“Kaiser…sir?” Heidi poked her head into his office, finding him sitting at his desk writing something on a

“What is it, Heidi?” He sighed, not looking up or turning around.

“I was just wondering…these dresses in the hallway. None of them are tagged?” She cleared her throat apologetically. The job had became familiar enough that, most of the time, she didn’t have to ask him superfluous questions anymore, but all of the dresses from the show had come tagged and there were twenty of them hanging on a rack she didn’t have any idea what to do with.

He put his pen do
wn, leaning back in his chair and whirling around, his face spreading with a smile. “Ah, they’ve arrived.”

She blinked and shrugged. “They have?”

“That’s your Paris wardrobe.”

“My…” Heidi looked back at the rack of dresses with wide, disbelieving eyes. “Mine?”

“Do you like them?”

“Like them?” she squeaked, rushing back into the
vestibule to flip through dress after dress, all of them unique and elegant and stunning. There was daywear, eveningwear, even, Heidi noted with a happy sigh, several boxes full of underwear, bras, garters and stockings, all displayed in bounteous reams of tissue paper.

“I take it that’s a yes?”
he chuckled.


He slipped his arms around her from behind. “I like making you happy.”

“I like feeling happy,” she agreed, turning in his arms, smiling up at him.

“Do you know what would make

She grinned and began to slide through the circle of his arms, heading down to her knees.

that.” He laughed, grabbing her by her elbows and pulling her up. “Please tell me you found out what Carvel’s up to.”

“I did.”
She moved out of his arms, frowning, turning back to the dresses as if she was interested, but suddenly they had lost all of their appeal.


She sighed. “You’re not going to like it.”

“I imagine not.
” He chuckled. “So?”

“He’s stealing Andrea Paxton.” She blurted it out, just like that.

“Stealing—what?” Kaiser actually laughed, but when she turned to face him, he saw she wasn’t joking.

“She’s signing with
Carvel after the Paris show. So he says.” Heidi shrugged helplessly, seeing his anger building. It started in his neck, moving redly up his face.

“She wouldn’t dare.”

Heidi swallowed hard. “He said he doubled your price.”

He suddenly paled, now as white as he had been red a moment ago.

“I’m sorry,
” she apologized, biting her lip.

Kaiser turned and walked back toward his office, pausing in the doorway and looking back at her.
“And just what did you have to do to get this out of him?”

Oh no. She couldn’t tell him. Had she really believed he wouldn’t ask?
“Well…” She wrung her hands nervously, hiding them behind her back. “I had to loosen him up a little.”

“So the cognac did the trick?
” He winked, their little secret.

She gave him a weak smile. “Well…t
hat, too.”

“I see
…” He pressed his lips into a thin line. “So you did put your noteworthy blowjob talents to good use, then?”

Heidi lowered her head and whispered, “I
to.” Was that true? She wasn’t sure. Kaiser had made it very clear what he wanted, though, hadn’t he?

He lifted her chin,
stepping close and shaking his head. “I told you…
whatever it takes.
You did just what I asked.” He frowned. “I just…I wish I hadn’t asked you to.”

“You do?” she asked, puzzled. “But…I don’t understand.”

“I don’t either.” He gave a short laugh, turning back to his office. “Regardless, you did an excellent job. A most excellent job.”

She watched from his doorway as he picked up the phone and pushed the buttons. “Andrea,
Kaiser. I need to talk to you before the pre-show. Call me.”

Heidi wondered just what he was planning. Would he offer Andrea triple the price? The thought left a bad taste in her mouth, even though part of her was pleased he would be willing to pay more than
Carvel for her designs. But they were
, not Andrea’s, and Kaiser had no idea.

Kaiser…” She cleared her throat and he glanced back at her, questioning. “Carvel was interested in my sketches.”

“Is that so?”
He raised an eyebrow, turning in his chair.

“He said so…”
Heidi shrugged, flushing. How could she possibly tell him? But even Carvel had noticed the similarities between her designs and “Andrea’s.” If Kaiser saw her sketches…

“Did he make you an offer?”
Kaiser folded his arms over his chest. “And would you take him up on it, I wonder?” he mused, almost to himself, his eyes narrowing.

“I brought my sketches…”
Heidi hadn’t really been listening—instead she’d quickly retrieved her sketch book from under her desk, holding it out to him with trembling hands. “I just thought…he seemed interested…so maybe you—”

The look on Kaiser’s face both shocked and frightened her. He stood, his voice booming. “Get into my office
and bend over my desk!”

Heidi dropped the book to the floor, scurrying to comply with his demand.

“Pull up your skirt!” He stood behind her, impatient, waiting.

She glanced over her shoulder.
“But…why? What did I—”

The incredulous look on his face got her moving and she pulled her skirt up high, putting her hands on the blotter, fingers spread, and didn’t have to wait an instant before his hand came down on her behind, making her yelp in pain and surprise. It was sudden and furious, and it reminded her of that very first spanking in the trailer bathroom. Kaiser worked her over until tears came to her eyes and her bottom sang with pain.

Her tears fell on the blotter, her mascara making a mess of his appointments, and it didn’t matter, he spanked her even harder, driving her forward into the desk. Her hand slipped once and the Bill Blass pencil holder went flying, spilling Cross pens all over the floor, and still he didn’t stop.

“Please!” she begged, sobbing, truly afraid of him for the first time. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please just tell me what I did! I won’t ever do it again, I promise!’

“The gall!” he growled, smacking her again—WHACK! Her bottom was almost numb with pain now and for that, she was glad. “Insolent!” Again—WHACK! “Presumptuous little brat!”

He stopped, his breath coming hard and fast, and there was just that and the sound of Heidi’s sobs.

“I’m sorry!” she whispered against the blotter, her chest heaving, her breath catching. They both heard the elevator “ding” and looked up at the open door at the same time. Heidi saw him through prisms as he stepped off the elevator, but both she and Kaiser were frozen in place. Kaiser had forgotten to tell her to close the door, so of course the locking button he reflexively reached for did them no good at all.

“Hey there you are!” Lenny said, taking a step away from Heidi’s clearly empty desk toward Kaiser’s office. “I thought you might—”

He stopped, seeing her now, really seeing her, his eyes wide, his mouth working but no sound coming out.

“Go away, Lenny,” she whispered hoarsely.

“I’m afraid Heidi is indisposed,” Kaiser said coolly, stepping around the desk and closing the door in Lenny’s shocked face. This time the lock did work.

“Was that the young gentleman interes
ted in your blowjob talents?”

She n
odded miserably, drawing a shuddering breath.

Kaiser sat down in the chair behind her with a deep sigh. “Heidi, I’m sorry.”

His apology made her sob harder.

“I just…I want you to trust me. And this…” He pulled her skirt down, putting his arms around her waist and resting his cheek against her aching bottom. “Is not the way to get you to do that, is it?”

He stood, unlocking the door and walking to the window.

“Go, Heidi. Go find your friend and see if you can make some sort of explanation.”

She stood on wobbly legs, wiping at her tear-stained face with her palms. “Kaiser, please…don’t send me away…”

“Please.” He waved her out, looking disgusted. She had never heard him use the word please before. Ever. “Go.”

Reluctantly, s
he went.

* * * *

“Lenny, I’m at work!” she hissed into her cell, looking around to make sure Kaiser wasn’t anywhere near. The models were all over back here in various states of undress and she had to weave her way through them like walking through a forest of tall flesh-trees.

“Yeah, you looked like you were working hard when you were leaning over Kaiser’s desk with your skirt up—”

“You don’t understand...” She hadn’t found him after leaving Kaiser’s office and his phone had just gone to voicemail.

“I understand
perfectly,” he snapped. “Forget the weird sex stuff. I’m more worried about you selling your soul to the devil. Heidi, are you really going to let some scheming cow like Andrea Paxton steal your dreams?”

She opened the dressing room door and stepped into the hallway, gulping the fresher, less cloying air.
“Maybe my dreams have changed.”

“Heidi, I swear, if you don’t do it, I will.”

She froze, eyes wide, and actually pulled the phone away to stare at it for a moment, as if Lenny could see the shocked look on her face. She put the phone back to her ear and hissed, “You wouldn’t dare!”

Do you really think it was
I was coming to see today?”

she gasped, covering her eyes with her hand. It was bad enough he’d walked into what he had—but what would have happened if he’d actually decided to spout off to Kaiser?

tell him,” he urged, his voice more firm that she’d ever heard it. Was he serious? He couldn’t be serious.

“Okay, okay!” she relented, praying he wouldn’t call her on her bluff.
“I will.”

“You promise?”

She sighed, looking up at the sound of heels on the tile and saw Andrea coming down the hall.
“I’ve got to go!”

Heidi ended the call, slipping her cell into her jacket pocket and standing up tall—as tall as she could manage—as Andrea approached.

“Where are my dresses?” the blonde inquired, frowning down at her.

dresses?” Heidi scoffed.

Andrea rolled her eyes.
“If you’re going to accuse me of something, either do it or shut up.”

Heidi turned and opened the dressing room door and Andrea followed, gasping when she saw the rack of her dresses lined up against the wall. The models would run her line last—the show finale—so they were untouched so far.

“God, they’re amazing…” Andrea fingered the material, her eyes shining.

“I know.
” Heidi sighed.

The stage manager stuck her head in and called,
“Fifteen minutes!”

“How do I look?”
Andrea asked, moving left and right, fussing with her blonde curls, trying to see herself in one of the mirrors past a tall, brunette model. “I saw Carvel sitting down in front.”

“Kaiser’s there, too,” Heidi reminded her hotly.
“You know, the man whose company is showcasing your designs.”

Andrea shrugged, giving her cheeks a pinch.
“Gotta go where the money is.”

“What does that mean?”

The blonde whirled and shook a finger at her. “You know why you’ll never make it in this business?”

Heidi shook her head, swallowing hard.

“God, you are so naïve!” Andrea threw up her hands, heading for the door. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a career to go make.”

The door closed behind her and Heidi stood next to the rack of dresses that should have been hers, her stomach churning, her eyes filling with tears.

“I can’t watch this,” Heidi murmured, pushing past one of the models who’d stepped into her path.

“What did you say?”
The model was a tall redhead, her hair in tight auburn cornrows, her eyes painted up like butterfly wings.

” Heidi muttered, pushing into the hallway and standing there for a moment, undecided. Then, instead of heading toward the stage, she turned the other way and hurried toward the exit.

* * * *

Kaiser’s call came in on her cell when she got back to the office. She’d expected it earlier, but he probably had assumed she was backstage, working to make everything run smoothly.

“Heidi, where are you?” The nois
e was deafening. She could barely hear him.

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