Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) (48 page)

Read Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) Online

Authors: Selena Kitt,Tawny Taylor,Ava Lore,Terry Towers,Anna Antonia,Amy Aday,Nelle L'Amour,Dez Burke,Marian Tee

BOOK: Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle)
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Mr. Collins.

“I want more, pet.”

Natasha’s soft, satisfied moans increased in pitch. He dipped one finger inside, pulling it back out to taste her, before starting all over again. Mr. Collins’s primitive growls of appreciation seduced Natasha. She offered herself to him with little hip wiggles, making her think of a twitchy rabbit.

Is this what he’s always seen in me? Someone cute, furtive, and always prepared to be someone’s pet or dinner? Someone who just actually might like it?

Mr. Collins feasted until she clamped her legs around him again. Turning his head, he kissed one thigh before giving the other similar attention. As if unable to keep to kindness for very long, Mr. Collins’s teeth soon made impermanent marks on the smooth flesh, nipping hard enough to keep Natasha’s focus but not too hard to make her run.

“I liked that very much, pet.”

He gained his feet. He picked Natasha up off the desk and carried her to the middle of the room. Laying her down on the carpet, he stepped back and studied the fetching picture she made sprawled on the floor.

“Open your legs wider, pet. Let me see how much I pleased you.”

Natasha locked in on his face as she obeyed. He looked ravenous, mouth parted and eyes lit with insatiable glee. Something inside of her stirred awake. The need to control broke free from beneath the equally compelling need to submit.

“Fuck me, Sir. Now.”

Mr. Collins tilted his head, black gaze crawling over first, before crouching down. Settling between her legs, he slid inside, making himself a part of her physically as much as he did mentally.

“You’re getting the gist of it, Natasha. I knew you would because you’re so clever.”

Mr. Collins then proceeded to fuck her beautifully.

Bodies slick with one another, one powerless to pull away and the other powerful in her sway, they mated furiously. Natasha locked her legs about his trim waist. She wished her hands free so they could claw their way past his unbuttoned shirt. Mr. Collins decorated her neck with love bites, careful to keep his marks ephemeral.

They made each position count. Each had a turn to scrape their back against the sturdy, high-weave carpet. Natasha enjoyed looking down on him while he pushed up into her. Both relished being on their knees more. Mr. Collins snaked his hand around her neck, pushing Natasha’s chin up so he could kiss her raw.

He filled her thoughts in disordered snapshots. His smile. His scowl. The tiny creases marking the space between his well-shaped brows. Natasha thrust her tongue as deep into his mouth as she could; hoping to leave enough of herself behind to keep him permanently occupied.

I’ll be obsessed with him forever now. It’s only fair if he has to suffer too.

She sensed he was close. She pushed harder back against him, despite wanting to keep their brutal chase going forever. When Mr. Collins’s fingers tightened, she looked over her shoulder. Natasha wanted to watch him break apart, to become dirty and mortal like her. He let out one harsh breath before releasing himself all over her back.


She flexed her fingers. Warm liquid imprinted the creases.

Mr. Collins dropped his head on her shoulder. His lazy kisses, broken by short puffs of air, charmed her. Natasha became aware of sore knees, stiff shoulders, and a throbbing bruise or two.

She laughed. Mr. Collins quickly joined her.

This has been a day! Not only did I not make a mistake, I gained a new boyfriend. Speaking of mistakes. . .


“Yes, pet?” He dropped another kiss on her neck before reluctantly parting from Natasha.

“Why didn’t you just ask me out?”

His fingers paused briefly in the midst of untying her wrists. “Is that not what I just did tonight?”

“No.” She folded her feet beneath her while stretching out her stiff arms. Natasha accepted the handkerchief he fished out from his discarded jacket. She reached behind her to clean up as well as she could without a bath. “You didn’t need to use the memo as an excuse to. . .”

Natasha’s voice trailed off as she watched his eyes harden.

“I most certainly did not use the memo as an excuse for anything nefarious.”

“Really?” She crumpled the handkerchief. “Then what did you use it for?”

“As an example of what is not acceptable from this office. I hope you will be more careful in the future.” Mr. Collins had already pulled and buttoned up his pants. He was currently in the process of retying his tie.

“You’re not suggesting that was a real error.”

“It most certainly was.”

She shot up. “It most certainly was

“I disagree.” Mr. Collins joined her, arms crossed as stubbornly as Natasha’s.

“Mr. Collins.”

“Miss Reynolds.”

“I can inform you of your error in thinking but you would simply return the gift.”

He nodded his head in agreement.

“I have an alternative.”

“Please go on.”

Natasha flirted with a smile. “You are a clever man, Sir. Do I really need to go into detail?”

“But you can be so eloquent, pet.” Mr. Collins pulled her over to him. His palm rested on her still-naked backside. “All right then. I’ll count this as one of my nights. We’ll go to your place first so you can take something to wear tomorrow. Then we’ll get something to eat. Then I’ll take you to my place. Does that sound agreeable?”

Natasha blushed in pleasure. “Yes, Sir. I look forward to it.”

“So do I.” He squeezed her ass harder and harder until she went on tip-toe. “I so look forward to playing with my bunny as long as I want.”

Natasha pressed closer in a wasted attempt to escape the threat of his hand. “Gently please?”

Mr. Collins’s dangerous smirk promised retribution. “Not a chance, pet.”

Natasha made a vow to not back down on the semi-colon—no matter how much he made her twitch and squirm.

After all, she could always sit on a pillow tomorrow.




About the Author


When USA Today and New York Times bestselling author Anna Antonia writes as Charlotte DeCorte, she loves to explore dark romances set in contemporary situations. The relationships may be unconventional, but the love is scorching and can be surprisingly sweet.


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Writing as D. Cristiana


Short Stories

Dark Desires: Bought

Dark Desires: Sold

Dark Desires: Traded

Dark Desires: Kept

Give into Me

Being Trevor’s Girl

Marcus & Marguerite: Don’t Look Away

Marcus & Marguerite: Make You Cry

Marcus & Marguerite: Don’t Regret This

Alice & the White Rabbit


Writing as Claudia D. Christian



Love Unfortunate

Suicide Doll


Love Blind



Devil’s Descent I: purgatory

Devil’s Descent II: impure

Vicious Bliss: fallen


Short Story Collection

Fracture – A Miserable Love Collection



Hearteater – A Creative Collaboration






My Rockstar Billionaire
by Amy Aday





I look around the gorgeous tropical views and can’t believe my luck. Travel writing may be the gig for me if I can manage to pay the bills with it, along with my other writing assignments. I adjust my sundress and grab my phone for a walk around the grounds of the quaint boutique resort. I’ve never been to Punta Cana but I’ve been dying to go to the Dominican Republic for years.

Quickly, I check my emails on my phone. I smile as I see one from my best friend and roommate, Julia. She’s just checking to see if I made it okay to the resort, and is so jealous but happy for me about my exotic travel writing trip. I punch in a quick response to let her know all is well and that I’ll write more or call her later.

It’s my first day at this gig but it feels like the first day of vacation. I don’t have anywhere to be until tomorrow’s events, so I might as well enjoy the sights and a little drink at the outdoor bar. After I grab a little sunscreen and my sunglasses, I check myself in the mirror. Hmm, did I gain even more weight? Why am I so pale and heavy? I guess it’ll have to do.

In my head, I hear Julia’s concerned voice scolding me. “Stop that! You’re gorgeous, Belle.” I half cock a smile and nod my head. It’s true that I’ve always been self-conscious of my weight and curviness. And I’ve never been the kind of girl that got a lot of attention anyway. It never really mattered before when I was with Mike. The mere thought of my cheating ex-boyfriend made my blood boil.

No! I’m not ruining this trip with thoughts of that undeserving cheat. So I force myself to think happy thoughts. I’m in paradise! For God’s sake, look around! It’s time for a fruity, tropical drink outside while soaking in the gorgeous scenery.

I walk out my charming bungalow and towards the main pool area where there’s an outdoor bar, shaded by a breezy straw roof and surrounded by softly swaying palm trees. The strong sun beats down on my pale skin as I hustle faster to beat the rays. Nobody is in the pool. They must be on that perfect beach, only steps away from the bar. That’s next, after a little welcome drink, I think.

As I walk up to the bar, I notice there is nobody there except the bartender and one customer. An extremely attractive man, sitting alone. As I stroll up, his intense gaze and beautiful dark brown eyes lock onto me. Our gazes meet for a moment before I look away, suddenly feeling shy. I feel the heat rising on my cheeks.

I stand a few feet away from the smoldering hot stranger at the bar, giving him an awkward, quick smile. The bartender looks up with a smile. “Hi,” I smile to him as I look around at the displayed bottles of liquor. He’s a local, I can tell, but he asks me in English, “What can I get you?”

I ask him about the list of drink specials displayed in the small plastic ad on the table and then I pick something fruity. As he goes off to make it, the beautiful stranger next to me flashes me a brilliant smile. I grin back quickly and automatically. His dark tan skin and perfect smile make my heart leap in my throat. He’s intimidatingly handsome with a searing, strong presence.

“Hi, how are you?” he asks in the smoothest sexiest voice. “My name is Ricky.” He extends his hand out for a polite handshake with that devastating grin.

“Hi,” I smile back, grinning like an idiot. There’s a lump in my throat and for a moment, I don’t know what to say. Like I’ve lost all my motor skills and his beauty and rugged hotness has rendered me speechless. Damn, he’s distracting. Speak! My inner voice screams at me.

“Uh, hi, I’m good, thanks. I’m Belle,” I say as I reach my hand out to shake his. His eyes feel like they’re bearing into me. Thank God my drink shows up at that moment, giving me an excuse to look away and a second to collect myself.

“Cheers,” he tips his glass. “Did you just arrive? Here for vacation?”

“Oh, yes, just got here. I’m here on a press trip actually as a writer. What about you?” I try to sound calm but I’m feeling flustered. I’m not used to talking to someone so distractingly gorgeous. He must be bored or just being nice, I tell myself.

I learn that he’s on a little vacation with his friend just for a few days. As we chat, I notice a gorgeous supermodel type girl in a string bikini walk by, who stares Ricky down. Suddenly, I’m feeling even more self-conscious. Maybe I should leave.

He surely must notice that perfect skinny goddess walking by and checking him out. But he doesn’t even blink an eye. Instead, he’s completely wrapped up into our conversation. I don’t know what to make of this mysterious stranger. Feeling a little uncomfortable, I wonder if a little walk on the beach will do me some good.

“I think I’m going to take this drink down the beach for a walk,” I smile to Ricky as I fumble to collect my purse and wrap. I’m doing him a favor. That will give him a gracious out so he can talk to that supermodel.

He jumps to his feet. “Let me come with you. I’ve been wanting to stretch my legs. Uh, if that’s okay with you, of course.”

He throws some cash down on the bar and nods to the bartender. “This is for our drinks.”

I blush immediately. “Um, of course. A little company would be nice.”

Within a few steps, we’re on the firm, sandy beach under the hot blazing sun. I can smell the ocean as we stroll on the narrow beach strip by the resort. There are a few scattered sunbathers but we walk closer towards the water. As we stroll slowly with our drinks, I take a deep breath and take in the salty ocean air and the tropical paradise.

It’s heaven. Too perfect. Am I dreaming? I’m in heaven with an impossibly handsome Adonis. What is going on? I start feeling instantly uncomfortable again.

The unwelcome face of my ex-boyfriend flashes in my mind’s eye as I try to push him out. Maybe that’s why I’m feeling this way. Not only am I not ready for anything with anyone… how can I understand why this perfect, drop dead gorgeous man is showering me with so much attention? I try to push the unwelcome thoughts out of my head and just stay in the moment.

“A penny for your thoughts, beautiful Belle,” Ricky grins at me.

I give him a puzzled look. Did he just call me beautiful?

“What are you thinking about so intently?” he asks teasingly. “I know it’s a work trip for you, but you’re not working now. You’re practically on vacation. Maybe you should try to enjoy it a little?”

I can’t help smiling at him. “Oh, nothing really. I tend to be a worrier sometimes. But yes, you’re right. I’m going to enjoy this work vacation.” Especially if he’s in it, I smile to myself.

I love looking at him. I’ve only just met this mysterious, dark, handsome stranger but I can’t stop staring at his sculpted face, intense eyes and toned body. Is he a model? I notice that he seems to brush off any hints and questions about his life. I don’t want to make him uncomfortable and figure that he’s just private like I am. Yes, we’re on vacation. We’ll leave it like that. No awkward interrogating questions and no expectations.

As we stroll down the beach, I look up and see a local walking towards us. We’re at a quite expensive boutique resort and for a moment, I think he sticks out with his ragged appearance. Maybe he’s a homeless beach bum. As he nears, he breaks into a run. Before I can think, he’s suddenly torn my purse off my shoulders and barrels down the beach.

I stop and gasp in shock. Then instantly, Ricky bolts down the beach in hot pursuit after him. Holy crap! I stare at them running away with my mouth open. Everyone who was sunning themselves nearby stands up and looks in awe at the scene unfolding before them.

I’m immobile. I feel sick and horribly worried. What in the hell was that?

And why did he run after him? I didn’t even have that much in my purse. Oh God, what if something happens to him? I start pacing on the beach, wondering what I should do. 

I see them far off in the distance as they turn off the beach, and into the local neighborhood. Oh no, what if he gets hurt in an alleyway? So stupid! I feel guilty for putting him in that situation.

Why did I even need to bring my purse anyway? I notice that my mind and nerves are all over the place but I’m back where we started, near the resort’s pool bar. I walk up a few feet to seek refuge under the shade. All I can do is wait powerlessly and hope for the best.

“Bartender, another drink, please,” I say numbly as I sink into a stool. I stare off into the distance, where it all happened, looking for him to return. After what seemed like an eternity but was probably a half hour, I see him! Thank God! I run out to the beach to meet him.

My poor hero. He’s almost staggering on the beach, looking tired and worn from the intense chase under the blazing hot midday sun. I stare at him wistfully, silently praying that all is okay. He sees me in the distance and holds my purse up high in victory. 

As I finally smile in relief, he collapses to his knees on the sandy beach.

“Ricky!” I run over to him. I kneel down and blurt out, “Oh my God, are you okay? What happened? You shouldn’t have chased that guy!” I quickly scan him and breathe a small sigh of relief as I don’t see any evidence of blood or injury.

He was sweat-soaked and gasping hard to catch his breath, but still so handsome as he nodded, and panted in response.

“Oh good…Ricky? What the hell is going on?” I hear a loud man’s voice boom angrily next to me. “Are you okay? What just happened?” A slightly older, heavyset man rushes over towards Ricky and me. “Here, drink this.” He shoves a bottle of cold water towards Ricky. After a couple seconds, he was ready to speak.

“Belle, this is my friend, Edward. Edward, I’m fine. Belle had her purse snatched and I had to get it back for her,” he pants casually.

“What? Ricky, are you kidding me? You could’ve gotten seriously hurt!” yells Edward. He’s clearly agitated by his rash action. I raise an eyebrow at him freaking out. Shouldn’t that be me right now? Who was this guy anyway?

“Edward, calm down already. The point is, I’m not. I’m completely fine. Now, if you don’t mind, Belle and I were just leaving,” he dismisses him with a serious glare.

Then Edward looks over at me, assessing me for a few more seconds before looking puzzled and raising an eyebrow dismissively. I immediately feel uncomfortable. I was an average girl, but too curvy. I’m sure I didn’t measure up to the supermodels Ricky usually dates. In a brief moment, his judgmental and cruel look said it all.  

“Fine, but call me if you have any problems next time, okay?” He narrows his eyes and storms off. As soon as he leaves, I turn to Ricky.

“Who’s your ‘friend’? He’s awfully protective of you, isn’t he? I’M the one who was about to start screaming at you for doing such a crazy thing!” I half question and half tease him.

“Oh, never mind him. He’s an old friend who I’ve worked with for a long time. Edward is my manager, I guess you could say. Yes, he knew my dad and he’s protective of me. Probably because we work together and he needs me to stay employed.” He crinkles his tan, Greek god-like nose. “Anyway, why don’t we get out of here. Can I walk you back to your quarters? I want to make sure you’re safe.”

A part of me leaps inside and screams in joy, just looking at him and listening to his sweet words. Before I knew what I was doing, I grin and throw my arms around him for a tight hug. Then I pull back, and feel self-consciously shy all over again.

“I still can’t believe you did that for me. I appreciate it, but I’d never want you to get hurt. It wouldn’t be worth it,” I scold softly with a smile.

“I’m fine, really, Belle. Come on, let’s get outta this hot sun,” he says as he pulls me closer. Inside to myself, I squeal and smile inside. Slowly, we walk off the beach towards my bungalow.

Within a few minutes, we’re at my door. It wasn’t me at all, but in that moment, I didn’t care if it sounded too bold. It only felt right to invite him inside after he’d risked his life for my purse. “Why don’t you come in? Just to have a seat and a drink, at least?”

“Sure, I’d love that. Thank you,” he says as he flashes a polite but irresistibly sexy smile at me. My insides involuntarily tingle every time he speaks and looks at me that way.

I offer him a seat on the couch as I check on drinks. “I hope some wine is okay. It’s all I had time to pick up after I got here.” As I saunter over towards him with our drinks, I feel increasingly flushed again. He’s so distractingly handsome and sexy. And I can’t believe he’s in my living room. After he “saved me,” it was almost starting to feel like a date.

I sit next to him on the couch, feeling acutely aware of how close we are, in a private space.

“Thank you again, Ricky. I’m sorry that happened, but I’m so glad you’re okay. And…besides all that, I’ve had a really nice time with you today.” I look down as my cheeks flush. From the moment we met through and after all the excitement, my feelings for him were spinning out of control, dangerously fast. I was not expecting that.

He looks right into me with his soulful, sexy dark brown eyes. “I had a wonderful time meeting you today, Belle. I’m so glad you did, too. I’d love to see you again. Soon.” His eyes search mine for an answer.

My lips curl into a smile. He wants to see me again? This beautiful, heroic, sexy man wants to see me again? But within an instant, a nagging doubt and sick feeling comes over me. Why? Why and how could a perfect man like him, be interested in an average woman like me? Maybe he was just like my ex and couldn’t be trusted. He must’ve detected my hesitation.

“Belle, what’s wrong? Didn’t you enjoy our time together?” he sounds wounded and tentative.

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