Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) (37 page)

Read Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) Online

Authors: Selena Kitt,Tawny Taylor,Ava Lore,Terry Towers,Anna Antonia,Amy Aday,Nelle L'Amour,Dez Burke,Marian Tee

BOOK: Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle)
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As it turned out, this morning was no exception.

The sound of Gabriel clearing his throat sounded just as she was about to scoop the bacon from the skillet. Her breath hitched as she spun around and laid eyes on him dressed in a black suit, tie yet to be tied and hanging loose around his neck and the top two buttons of his light blue shirt undone. He was sex personified. The feel of his lips on hers came rushing back to her and the throbbing between her legs began.

"Morning," he greeted her, sauntering into the kitchen and seating himself onto a bar stool at the breakfast bar across from her. "Something smells... burnt."

h dear lord!
In the seconds that it took to turn and smile at him the bacon had gone from nearly cooked to burnt
She counted backwards from ten slowly trying to calm the frustration welling up within her as she flashed Gabriel a smile and tried to make light of her first failure in the kitchen. "Good thing I'm taking lessons from Peter right?"

"Yes, it's a good thing," he replied, his tone solemn. While his tone may have been solemn, she was relieved to see amusement dance in his eyes.

Her nerves began to calm. At the very least he wasn't angry. Which led her to the question... Does this man
get angry? She'd never met someone so easygoing in her life. It was as though he didn't have a single care in the world.

She salvaged his breakfast as best she could as she thought back to her daily encounters with him and couldn't think of a single instance where she'd seen him in a bad mood. With the breakfast plated she was thankful that at least she managed to not screw up the eggs. The toast was yet another failure. Too dark. She growled to herself as she turned and with a great deal of embarrassment presented him with what he had described as an easy, "no brainer" breakfast. "I'm sorry."

He laughed out loud as he looked at her pathetic attempt and then up at her. "Looks... great..."

With a loud huff, she planted a fist on her hip and cocked her head, "Don't lie."

Picking up a piece of charcoaled bacon he took a bite and it crumbled.

She cringed. What in the hell was she thinking taking this job? She blew at a strand of hair that had come loose from her ponytail and fallen over her left eye and grimaced.

Putting the bacon down, he looked up and met her gaze. "All right, I...  Your cooking skills need some work." He held a hand up when she started to protest. "But, I was aware of that and I take full responsibility for this. So don't worry, I expected a learning curve."

A learning curve? He had to be insane if he thought she was getting any better anytime soon.

''Listen, there was something I wanted to talk to you about." The kiss kept coming to the forefront of her mind and she felt she needed to at least apologize for her behaviour the previous night.

"Oh," he cocked a brow at her and gave her that patented Gabriel sex smile that sent her stomach fluttering.

"I'm sorry if I consumed a bit too much wine and then when we got back here, when I-…"

Gabriel placed his elbows on the counter, and steepled his fingers. He leaned over keeping his dark eyes glued to hers, his expression suddenly heated - intense. "Attempted to seduce me?" he offered.

Beth could feel the colour draining from her face as she began to recall the events of the previous evening. Did she really come on that strong? She didn't think so. Sure, she kissed him, or kissed him back, or...
Oh God!
She remembered the kiss vividly and if she concentrated on the encounter hard enough she could still taste the wine on his lips. The kiss had just happened, she was sure of it.

Upon seeing her distress his face broke out into a grin. "I'm teasing Beth." He reached across the counter and gave her hand a light squeeze. "I kissed you and you responded. It's not a big deal. Okay?"

Not a big deal? She wasn't sure if it was or not. She was slightly disappointed he said it like that. It stung that what would qualify as one amazing moment to her was "no big deal" to him.
, she decided,
at least I know where I stand

Slowly she nodded. "That's what I was going to say." She shrugged to accent her point. "No big deal." Their gazes continued to hold and her body continued to sing with need for him. Damn it, to her it
a big deal!



Chapter 5

Peter had turned out to be an amazing teacher and an extremely likeable and patient man. Beth was already looking forward to the next lesson, however, being that today was Friday the next lesson wouldn't be until Monday morning. She was confident she'd be preparing gourmet dishes for Gabriel in no time with Peter's tutelage. She still had a few hours before Gabriel was due home so she decided to get some laundry done and was now standing in the middle of Gabriel's massive bedroom and heading for the large mahogany dresser against the back wall, by the door that led to his massive walk-in closet.

The dresser had three columns of four drawers. Sitting the white plastic laundry basket filled with clean, folded clothing in it on the top of the dresser she decided to start with the top left hand drawer and work her way through. It occurred to her for a second that perhaps he wouldn't want her going through his drawers, but it
what she had been hired to do.
I'm his cook/maid/personal assistant and anything else he needs and right now he needs his clothing put away,
she reasoned,
besides, he had no problem sending Gerald rummaging though my stuff.

Opening the first drawer she was confronted with ties. The second made her gasp, her eyes widening in surprise, quickly followed by a grin spreading across her face. Gabriel Reynolds just got a lot more interesting.

She grabbed a thick pink vibrator from the drawer and flipped it on; it buzzed softly in her hand. Giggling softly, she turned it off and tossed it back in. "Well, Mr Reynolds you have been a
naughty boy," she said out loud with a chuckle as she then pulled a soft brown leather flogger from the drawer and ran her hand down the length of it.

"Indeed I can be."

Her grin immediately faded as she spun around, her hair fanning out around her head and colour draining from her cheeks. The flogger slipped from her fingers and fell to the floor at her feet. She quickly bent, not taking her eyes off of her new boss, retrieved it and then straightened back up. Before her stood Gabriel, his tie loosened, leaning his shoulder against the door jamb, one foot crossed casually over the other and regarding her with raw desire. He was pure sex in a tailored suit if she'd ever seen it.

"I'd ask you what you were doing in here, rummaging through my personal effects," he nodded towards the laundry basket as he pushed himself off of the wall and stalked towards her, his expression becoming more intense, so intense that her stomach fluttered and the throbbing between her legs ignited. "But I suppose I can see for myself."

"I... Well, I didn't... I mean," She closed her eyes briefly and tried to calm herself. When she opened them up he was standing before her, less than a foot dividing their bodies. She then realized that she was still holding the flogger, clutched tightly in her hand. She placed it back in the drawer filled with sex toys and shut the drawer. "I'm so sorry Gabriel."

He took another step forward, trapping her between his hard, muscled body and the dresser. His dark eyes flashed, and her breath hitched. What was he thinking? She prayed he wasn't angry, she was coming to really like the idea of working for him. She just needed to control herself around him. She just needed to remain professional and not get emotionally attached.

Gabriel bent down and his lips grazed her ear lobe. His body was yet to actually touch hers, though secretly she wished it would. She moaned involuntarily, as she grasped the dresser behind her for support, her legs failing her. But how could she remain professional when her body reacted to him in such a way?

"I'm sorry," she whispered again.

"Do you like to play, Beth?" his voice flowed through her like silk.

Did she like to play? What in the hell did he mean by that? The toys. He wanted to know if she was into... Oh, fuck!

"Mr Reynolds?"

He pulled back slightly so he could look her in the eye. "You just seemed quite... Interested... I was curious to know if you liked to play. I normally wouldn't have brought it up, but since you seemed so... curious," a soft sexy smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

She licked her lower lip as her eyes dropped to his lips. She remembered the kiss from the night before and she wanted to feel his lips on hers again. She wanted to feel his body pressed against hers, feel his hands caressing her bare flesh.

"I've never actually used most of what is in that drawer," her cheeks burned at her confession as she dropped her gaze. He was so intense and her body reacted in turn. The apex between her legs continued to throb and she couldn't stop her hands from reaching up and placing her palms on his shirt-clad chest, her fingertips tracing the line of muscle under the fabric.

Placing his index finger under her chin, he lifted her eyes to his and smiled down at her. "Would you like to try?"

Was he serious? She swallowed hard. He had a fairly good sense of humour but something told her he was dead serious about it. She wanted to, God she wanted to, but that could ruin everything. And she was still a little foggy on what exactly
to him entailed.

"You're a beautiful woman Beth. I won't lie. I want you. I've wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you."

His mouth was so close to hers that their breaths intermingled and began to synchronize. As much as she wanted to listen to the voice of reason, his cologne, his hard body, his presence wouldn't allow for protest as her body demanded that she take what she needed from him. Fisting his shirt, she pulled his mouth down to hers.

Gabriel immediately reacted, pressing hard against her body, his growing erection pressing against her stomach as she sucked his lower lip into her mouth playfully.

He groaned, slipping his hand to the back of her head and deepening the kiss. His tongue slipped past her parted lips demanding her tongue's submission. His body was hard and unyielding against hers as he moved against her, enticing her through their clothing.

Beth's fingers worked the buttons of his shirt, anxious to feel the hard muscles beneath. "God, I want you Gabriel," she moaned as his lips left hers and began working their way down her neck. The shivers of anticipation that rushed through her as his lips teased and taunted spurred her desire as she pressed up tighter against him.

Grabbing her by the waist, he lifted her up onto the dresser. "Raise your hands over your head," Gabriel ordered as he straightened, grabbed the hem on her shirt, and tugged it up and over her head, tossing it to the floor. "Beautiful," he whispered, more to himself than to her as his eyes glanced down at her breasts, contained within the black lace covering them.

"Lean back on your elbows."

She did as told enjoying the demanding part of Gabriel's personality as she stared wide-eyed at him, breath bated, anxious to see what he had planned for her. The clasp holding the bra together was in the front, so with a flick of his index finger it came undone, and her breasts sprang free for him.

She shuddered as he ran his finger between her ample breasts. Closing her eyes and arching her back, she let her head fall backwards as a soft moan escaped her lips. She needed him to touch her, to touch every inch of her body. Needed it more than she'd ever needed it from anyone before. "Please," she gasped. The anticipation was near killing her.

"Mmmm. I like hearing you beg," he murmured as his hands palmed her breasts, rolling her large pink nipples into long tight nubs. She moaned softly, spreading her legs to relieve the building pressure between them.

Releasing her breasts, he grabbed her bottom, and pulled her groin tight against the ridge of his cock, while his mouth lowered to the first nipple. She moaned louder as his lips took in her tight nipple sucking hard, so hard she cried out from the pleasure and the pain it caused.

"Oh God, Gabriel!" she gasped. His one hand moved from her bottom to slip under the waistband of her jogging pants to cup her mound.

Dropping the first nipple from his mouth, he pressed a string of soft kisses across her chest to her second nipple. Taking it into his mouth, he nipped at it lightly causing her to cry out again.

She needed more. Needed him - desperately. She began to move against him, her hips bucking against his groin and enticing his cock. Again, the thought that he was her boss popped into her mind. She managed to push it to the back of her consciousness, as his fingers spread the lips of her pussy and he plunged two fingers deep into her wet core.

"Fuck my hand baby," he growled as he let her nipple slip from his mouth to claim her lips once more.

Oh, God!
She bucked hard against his hand, her needy pussy wanting more, wanting his thick shaft thrusting into her. Wave after wave of pleasure rushed through her as his fingers expertly stroked her inner wall.

She was coming closer, so close she could barely breathe. "Oh yes Gabriel so good," she cried out breathlessly, her hands fisting the edge of the dresser. Her body began to tense and just as she was about to explode, he quickly slipped his hands from her. Beth wanted to cry out in frustration, damn he was cruel!

He chuckled softly as his lips made their way down the front of her neck, to her chest. She expected him to stop there but he didn't. He trailed a string of kisses between her generous breasts and slowly moved lower, down her torso and to her stomach.

I need to stop this!
But her protest never made it to her lips. Beth bit at her lower lip and looked down him, watching as he worked his way down her body. The anticipation was excruciating.

Once his lips reached the waistband of her jogging pants he grasped the top of her pants and glanced up, his hunger-filled eyes catching hers, seeking her approval before continuing. Beth released an unsteady sigh. "Please," she whispered. The voice at the back of her mind pleaded for her to reconsider. It told her this was only going to get her hurt in the end, but she ignored it. Her body was in control now.

No further incentive was needed. Gabriel slowly slid her pants down, kissing his way lower as her skin was revealed to him. Beth watched him, her heart racing, chest heaving and pussy throbbing. As she watched him strip her pants from her, she found herself grateful she'd taken the time that morning to shave, so her mound was now smooth and bare for him.

With her pants off he tossed them to the floor with her t-shirt and spread her legs wide. Gabriel slipped his index finger along her slit, from her anus to her clit, gathering her juices and driving her near insanity with need for him. Bringing his finger to his mouth he sucked it in.

"As good as I expected you'd be."

Oh my God!
His eyes caught hers once more and her breath hitched in her throat as he fell to his knees, spread the lips of her pussy and licked the length of her. Beth moaned loudly, closing her eyes and tossing her head back.

He licked her length again, this time taking a moment to tease her clit with his tongue, flicking and circling the swollen nub, until she was writhing and bucking against his mouth.

"My God, Gabriel! I'm so close!"

Why couldn't he just put her out of her misery? Why tease so cruelly?

Again, he licked the length of her, but this time he returned to her opening. Just when she thought she couldn't take another moment of his sweet torment, he thrust his tongue deep into her, burying his face between her legs. She cried out and gripped the edge of the dresser tightly.

"Is this what you want Beth?" he asked and began to tongue fuck her.

"Oh yes, yes, yes." That and so much more! She wanted him naked, she wanted to feel his hot, beautiful body on hers, she wanted him every way and everywhere. She would happily try everything in the drawer if he promised the pleasure would never stop.

As his tongue was rapidly bringing her back to the point of orgasm, his fingers pinched and rolled her quivering clit between them, adding to the rush of sensations vibrating through her body. Her stomach was in knots, her arousal hitting the point of no return.

"Come for me Beth," he ordered as he replaced his tongue with his fingers and then sucked on her clit.

His voice, soft and seductive was all she needed. She screamed out his name as her body tensed, and her pussy tightened around his intruding fingers. Seconds later, her body erupted, and her juices rushed from her, coating his fingers and dripping down her ass.

"That's so good baby," Gabriel whispered, lapping up her juices and then moving back up her body to capture her lips with his own. His lips and tongue tasted of her and it was so arousing she could feel the fire between her legs immediately ignite once again and her need for him grow instead of wane.

When he finally pulled away from her, she was left breathless and needy for more.

He touched the side of her face with his hand and looked down at her affectionately as he straightened up. "I have a couple of things to do in my office. Could you start supper and have it ready for me in an hour?" He gave her another quick, chaste kiss. "I can't wait to see what Peter taught you today."

Turning, he made his way to the bedroom door, leaving her light-headed and still yearning for his touch, naked and spread wide on his dresser.

He stopped at the doorway of the bedroom, turned back and flashed her a devilish grin, his eyes sweeping the length of her naked body. "And by the way... the socks and t-shirts are in the third column of drawers."

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