Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance (7 page)

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Authors: AJ Downey

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He went on to tell me things I had never heard before, things I should have known, things she should have told me as her granddaughter. I missed it all by allowing my uncle to rule my life. I was feeling damned guilty for not standing up to him and making things right with her. The abusive way I grew up seemed all so fitting now.

“Was she alone when she died?”

“No. I was with her,” he told me, placing his hand over mine. “She didn’t suffer, she simply closed her eyes and faded away…you look lost.”

“I am,” I said, looking into his eyes. “I guess. We didn’t get along because I was a childish brat, what can I say?”

“Your grandmother asked me to make sure you got here safe, she told me what she knew about your situation.”

I raised a brow. “Situation.”

“I honestly never meant for us to meet until today. But things happened when I found you at the bar. I couldn’t leave you alone, I had to get to know you. I apologize for taking advantage, but I find you enticing,” he said, sucking his lower lip between his teeth. “You can’t completely blame me for what happened, you’re very persuasive and demanding when you’ve had a few.”

“Oh, I am…am I?” I asked, as I watched his glistening tongue moisten his lips, leaving me surprisingly breathless. “So what you’re really saying is that I took advantage of you? You have one hell of an ego, Mr. Holden. I don’t know where you get off. You’re not even my type.”

“And what is your type?” he narrowed his eyes, “because you weren’t complaining about my type last night.”

I snorted, trying to hold back a laugh. “That’s my business, you nosy fuck.”

Blake laughed. “You have a very smartass mouth on you, Miss Romano.” He reached forward, taking hold of my shoulders causing our chests to collide. “A smartass, beautiful mouth.”

There was nothing preppy or conservative about the way he crushed his mouth against mine, his tongue prying my lips apart, his tongue invading my mouth as I struggled momentarily before giving in to his demand and allowing him to claim me. He tasted sweet like a cherry flavored lifesaver, all I wanted was to eat him alive. I pressed his shoulders back, forcing him to lie against the cushions as I climbed onto his lap, raking my fingers through his perfectly styled hair.

“Why, Miss Romano,” he spoke against my mouth. “Are you trying to take advantage of me?”

“Oh yeah,” I moaned under my breath, shifting my hips, grinding against his undeniable erection. “I can definitely feel you protesting.”

Blake grasped both hands onto my waist and pushed his groin up at me while forcing me down, the sensation felt like heaven, I was sure the zipper of his jeans would be puddled with my juices. One hand slipped under my t-shirt, pulling the lace of my bra aside, rubbing the pad of his thumb across my nipple while my breath hitched and my head fell back. He sat forward, holding me in place, pinching my nipple as he licked across my collar bone and up the side of my neck, sinking his teeth into the lobe of my ear as I cried out. His mouth hastily covered mine, swallowing away my groans, I could feel his smile against my mouth as he popped open the first, second and third buttons on my jeans. His hand slipped inside greedily searching, while I adjusted my hips to assist him finding what we both wanted.

Our foreheads tipped together, our heavy breath colliding as he worked me into a frenzy, I was so close I wanted to scream.

“I need you,” I breathed out, opening my eyes. “I need you inside me.”

“We can’t do this here,” Blake said, smoothing his other hand up my spine. “What if someone comes in?”

“Believe me,” I said, unfastening his belt. “They’ll leave…in a hurry.”

“Bella,” he implored, as my hand slithered into the front of his pants and grasped hold of his cock. “Fuck it!”

Blake had me flipped over the arm of the loveseat, my jeans yanked to my knees and rubbing the head of his cock along the folds of my pussy, before there was time to react. He hadn’t bothered to drop his drawers, too intent on being buried deep inside me I guessed. He ran his hand up under my t-shirt and back down before giving my ass a quick slap. I groaned with pleasure, anticipating the feel of him entering me, a feeling I knew first hand. His hesitancy had me frustrated as I pushed back against him, trying to force him into me. I wriggled my ass and waited.

“Blake, please?” I shockingly heard myself say.

I had never begged a man in my life, never felt the need or the necessity. What made me act so out of character with this man? Was it the fact that he was so different from the men I was drawn to or the fact that he made no demands on me? And what was
that I was feeling? It was unlike anything I had ever felt before, my heart was swimming in a pool of emotions, drowning in uncharted restlessness. He made me want to run, and stay locked in his arms at the same time. My mind was dizzy with confusion. I shook my head of my thoughts and looked at Blake over my shoulder.

“We can’t,” he whispered, backing his hips away. “I don’t have a condom.”

“Fuck’s sake I’m on the pill,” I growled. “You’re not leaving me hanging like this…I’ll scream.”

He wrapped his hand over my mouth with a deep snarl, resting his weight on my back while he pushed the head of his cock into me with the other hand. “You’ll be quiet little girl, or it will end sooner than you’d like. You want that?”

“No, god, no,” I mumbled into his palm as he tunneled in all the way and pulled back out, over and over, my moans feeding into his hand as I grasped the arm of the loveseat for dear life. “Harder.”

The pace he set increased as he stood up behind me, grasping my hips with vengeance, drilling into me with a wanton fever. My breath zapped from my lungs as my orgasm roared from me with little warning, my body shaking. Blake’s release followed a few minutes after mine, warming me with his hot seed.

A knock at the door sent us both racing to right ourselves.

“Blake, Miss Romano?” Mr. Fielding called through the door. “I hate to disturb your talk, but it’s nearly six and my wife will kill me if I’m late for another dinner this week.”

“We’ll be right there, George,” Blake said, tightening the buckle of his belt and smoothing his shirt. “I think we’ve discussed all we can for now.”

Tonguing my cheek as I fixed the lace trim on my bra and spun in a circle so Blake could get the full view, I asked, “Everything where it should be?”

Blake walked over, brushing back a lock of my hair at my brow, leaning into my ear. “Everything is absolutely perfect.” He pressed his lips against mine and spoke. I enjoyed how it felt each time he did this. “Have dinner with me.”

“I can’t,” I answered quickly.

He opened the door, grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hall. “It wasn’t a question.”

Totally caught off guard, he firmly placed his hand at the small of my back and shoved me into Mr. Fielding’s office before I could say anything. I bit into the soft tissue of my cheek, holding back the urge to laugh. I liked this bad ass attitude thing coming from preppy boy, it was kind of sexy, in a disturbing way.

“Have a seat, Miss Romano,” Fielding pointed to a chair. “I’ll explain everything included in your grandmother’s estate.”



After Mr. Fielding explained my inheritance, I agreed to meet with Blake for dinner. I was hungry and needed to eat before finding a motel room for the night. The idea of starting my journey home in the dark made no sense. Once I was rested and had time to digest this Will thing, I would head out. I wasn’t exactly in a rush to get married.

I arrived first and got us a seat by the window, I liked to keep an eye on my baby after dark. The restaurant Blake had insisted we meet at was a nice family dining establishment, no need to dress up, which was a good thing, because I owned nothing dressy. Bikers didn’t have a lot of occasions that called for fancy dress, even weddings were low-key, blue jeans and leather.

I sat looking over the menu when a light flashed in the parking lot, catching my eye. I turned in time to see the Chief Dark Horse from earlier parked beside my bike. The driver got off and I sat fascinated while he unfastened his helmet and lifted it off.

“Holy fuck!” I gasped, drawing a few glances from people sitting nearby.

If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed in a trillion years, that preppy boy Blake drove a machine like that, or that he looked so fucking sexy draped in black leather. He was the best of both worlds. Preppy was a true oxymoron in every sense of the word. Conservative bad boy biker. I had to laugh as I watched him enter with a scowl that turned to a sweet recognizing smile when he spotted me. I quickly straightened in my seat, drawing my focus back to the menu.

“I wasn’t sure you’d show,” he said, shrugging off his jacket and sitting across the table from me. “How are you handling things?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, furrowing my brow.

“It’s not every day you become a millionaire, it takes a bit of getting used to,” he told me, with a chuckle.

“I guess it hasn’t sunk in yet,” I confessed. “I..I don’t understand…I mean…I wasn’t aware my grandmother had money. All these years she lived like a welfare case. She wouldn’t even buy real butter because it cost too much and a roast of beef turned into dinner for four nights. Her clothes were always tattered and mended with the most disgusting patches…I just don’t get it.”

“Maybe that’s how you become a millionaire,” he laughed. “You just don’t spend it.”

“Have you had time to look over the menu?” our waitress asked. “Perhaps you’d like a few more minutes. I could get you something from the bar to start?”

“Whatever’s on tap for me, thanks.”

“Same here,” Blake said, reaching for the menu and waiting for the waitress to leave before resuming our conversation. “So, what are your plans?”

“My plans for the money?” I snickered.

“No, I don’t care about the money, I’ve been around money all my life. It’s not what’s important,” he said, dropping the menu, sliding my hand into his. “Will you be staying around for a while?”

“No, I have to leave in the morning. I have to be back at my uncle’s by Saturday.”

The words left my mouth and my cheery mood shadowed. I couldn’t help feeling depressed. I only had a few more days of freedom left. I had gotten a taste and I so desperately wanted more, but I knew it wasn’t possible. I unfortunately belonged to
Satan’s Last
, a name that would soon be tattooed into my flesh to mark my title, once married.

“Bella, what are you not telling me?” Blake pried. “Why does your going back sound ominous?”

“Because it is,” I said, not believing I was about to share with this stranger, my private affairs. “I don’t
to go, I have to.”

The waitress interrupted us, took our orders and brought us another round of beer, which I finished about the same time I finished spilling my guts to Blake. A lone tear trickled over my cheek and Blake wiped it away with his thumb. He held his hand to my cheek and smiled. It was a comforting smile and for a brief moment I felt better for telling him my woes.

“I can help you,” he said, smoothing his hand down my arm, linking our fingers together.

“Let it go, Blake,” I told him, staring at his thumb trailing back and forth across my knuckles.

“Say you’ll spend one last night with me,” his heart-rending voice begged. “Give me one last night to remember, Bella. Please?”

“I leave in the morning,” I told him. “No stopping me.”

“I won’t stop you,” he agreed.

We ate our meals in silence and after, I followed him to his hotel.


No one had ever made love to me, and especially not the way Blake did. He took his time undressing while I watched his sultry, seducing moves, and then he painstakingly peeled the clothing from my hot sweaty skin, mapping my body with his tongue and breathtaking butterfly kisses. He actually treated me like I was something precious, like he cherished every minute with me.

I would never forget the feel of him as he hovered over my body, setting a slow, torturing pace, as sweat beaded on his skin and he moaned out my name on an arduous whisper. His face beautifully contorted, his eyes gleaming like the deepest blue oceans as his seed filled me more times than I could remember throughout the night. It was heaven I would not never know again. And for whatever reason he had been placed in my path, I was forever thankful, although it happened to be at an intersection where choice wasn’t mine and we would alas follow different directions.

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