Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance (36 page)

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Authors: AJ Downey

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“Look what the fucking cat dragged in.” I look behind the counter to see Bubbles standing there with the biggest smile on her face. I run over to her as she comes around the bar counter, we slam together in a tight hug. I missed this chick so much. She has always been my best friend. Both of us are in our early twenties and when I came to the club she did too, but for a different reason. Bubbles came because I introduced her to her old man Chancy. She didn’t join the club, but took on the mother role by taking care of all of us and tending the bar.

“I missed you so much, B.”

“I missed you too, LeLe. You look good! How’d they treat you in that place? I kept tabs on you through your parents.”

“I know you did, they told me. I made it out, stuck to myself ya’ know. You look good too.”

“Well I’ll be goddamn if it ain’t LeLe in the flesh.” Chancy says as he walks up hugging me and then wrapping his arms around Bubbles. “When you get out?”

“Today, but you’d know that if any of you fuckers would have checked on me. Where is he, Chancy?” I see the wince in his face as I tell him that, but it’s true the only one my parents ever mentioned was Bubbles.

“Listen to me good girl, there are reasons we couldn’t, and don’t do nothin’ stupid ya’ hear?”

“Where’s he at?”

“There’s a lot you don’t know,” he shakes his head before adding. “He’s in his office.” I start heading to the hallway when I hear him say, “Hear him out, Babe.”

I’m not going to listen to shit! He did this to me and he’s going to fucking pay for it. Why does everyone keep telling me to listen to this douchebag?

I knock on the office door and wait for him to answer. I hear his rugged rough voice say, “Come in.” Just hearing him sends chills down my body with a tingling sensation. That’s nothing compared to when I open the door and lay eyes on him for the first time in two years. He has always been the sexiest man I have ever seen in my life with his long dark hair and dark beard. His arms are sculpted with muscles and covered in tattoos. I feel the wetness on my panties and the throbbing in my pussy for this man. I try to ignore it by quietly flipping the lock and remembering I was away for two years, that’s all this is.

He’s looking down at some papers and hasn’t looked up since I opened the door. “Ranger.” The pen in his hand drops and his head snaps up.

“LeLe.” My name comes from his lips in no more than a whisper, but I still hear it. Ranger is the president of the Blood Makers and the person I used to fantasize about until I went to prison. Those erotic dreams soon turned into ways to kill this motherfucker. “C’mere. Sit, we need to talk.”

“I don’t think we do, Ranger.” I simply state as I walk toward his desk, but I don’t take my seat I go around to his side sitting on the edge. “Way I see it you turned your back on me. All of you did.”

“That’s not how it went down, Babe.” His dark eyes boring into my light ones.

“Oh really, how do you figure?” I ask running a finger down his heavily tattooed arm as I stand back up and circle to the back of the chair. I see his eyes briefly close at the feel of my delicate touch.

“C’mon sit down and I’ll tell you everything.” I run my hand through his soft silky hair just like I always wanted to. In two quick motions I have a tight hold of my fixed blade against his neck with a firm grip on his hair. Tugging hard, I bring his head back and a fierce growl releases from deep in his throat. I was turning him on. I can see the thick bulge in his pants. When he felt the cold steel against his hot skin, he froze only moving his mouth to hiss. “Fuck LeLe! Really?”

I place my mouth against his ear whispering, “I don’t want to sit. I want what I came here for.”

“And what’s that, LeLe?”

My eyes close briefly. “Revenge.”

Before I even realize what is happening, he hits my wrist away making the knife fall to the floor. Ranger has me spun around and straddling his lap both of us are breathing heavy, our eyes are filled full of desire. One large calloused hand holds my wrist tightly, while the other is grabbing my hair holding me in place. “You come here to kill me, Girl?” His voice takes a hard tone.

“Yes! All you motherfuckers left me on my own.”

“LeLe, no we didn’t. If you would shut that pretty fuckin’ mouth of yours and calm the fuck down, I’ll tell you what happened.”

“Fine let’s fucking talk, let me up.”

“Not a fuckin’ chance. I ain’t laid my eyes on you for two years; you’re stayin’ right where you fuckin’ are. Feel me?” All I can do is nod. What the fuck is really going on? Why am I conceding? Just a few words and he has me doing exactly what Ranger wants. His eyes still full of desire and hazy with lust. I no longer see the bulge against his jeans now I feel it pressing against my pussy. He has never talked to me like this, all alpha male dominance.

Oh god it’s hot!

My panties are growing wetter and the ache is growing. I try pressing my thighs together, but I can’t because I am straddling him. I shift in his lap putting more pressure against my pussy trying to relieve the aching. He knows exactly what he is doing to me another growl rips from somewhere within Ranger. His huge erection isn’t going down, if anything it keeps getting bigger, which has my heart pounding and stomach clenching. He leans in placing his lips between my neck and shoulder as he sniffs my hair and kisses my scorching skin. “If you would have come in here a little nicer and been a good girl, I’d already have you bent over this desk fuckin’ you into oblivion. Feel me?”


He chuckles before starting, “So that night the run was supposed to be simple. That’s why I only had the two of you there. It was supposed to be in and out. You drop the shipment of guns off, get the money and get the fuck outta there. I promise you if I would have known anything was going down, I never would have let you go in there.”

“You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.”

“Shh...Babe let me finish,” Ranger says as he places a finger against my lips with the hand holding my wrist. “The cops showed up before you could get outta there. The only people there that night were the buyers, you, and Jay. Before the deal went down the buyers were outta there and Jay left you. Right?” I give him a nod but keep my mouth shut wondering where the hell he is going with this. “Jay gave me some bullshit story when he came back about how the buyers kidnapped you. I went and checked out the drop site myself LeLe, but by the time I got there everyone was gone. I checked for evidence of you being taken and everything. It didn’t take me long to figure out that Jay lied. He finally confessed and told me that he told the buyers they needed to get out of there. Jay then got in the van and took off leaving you there. He knew the cops were coming. He’s the one that called them, Babe.”

“He’s the vice president, why would he do that?”

“Because he knew how I felt about you and he wanted to take you out. Anyway, I got back and started calling around and I found out you had been arrested. Talked to your pop, he said they had an attorney so for me to stay out of it. The only reason I listened is because I have respect for him and I told your pop how I felt about you. He said the attorney advised that all club members have no contact with you while you were there. It about killed me not helping you, Girl. I would give your parents money every month to put on your books because I had to at least know you were getting what you needed. They couldn’t even let us know you were getting out. The only one that knew anything was Bubbles and she wasn’t giving up shit.”

I nod knowing all that is true except I didn’t know about the money. My head is spinning with confusion though. “I’m so fucking confused. How you feel about me?”

Ranger lets my wrist go along with my hair as he pushes a few stray hairs behind my ear. “Don’t tell me everyone in this club except you knew, I’ve been in love with you for years, Babe.”

“In love with me!” I shriek.

“Yeah in love! I have been with other women no doubt, but I was always waiting for you to come to me and tell me you felt the same, but you never did. They never meant a damn thing to me, believe that.”

“I do! I believe you. I know how that shit works, Ranger. Although I always hated seeing you with all those other women and I’ve felt the same way about you. I just always thought it was me. I didn’t know you had any feelings for me.”

“Well now you do so what are you gonna do with that.” I stare into his almost black eyes and place a hand on the back of his head bringing his lips to mine. The kiss starts slow and soft, but quickly changes to dangerously exotic and all-consuming as the first touch of our tongues come together. I pull away too soon and it leaves me breathless and wanting so much more, but I came here for a reason.

“Where is he? Where is Jay?”

He chuckles and says, “He’s been waiting for you, LeLe.”

“What do you mean waiting for me? Are you setting me up?” I’m still skeptical and still not completely trusting all this shit. Maybe Ranger was just saying all that because he didn’t want me to kill him.

“Fuck, no! When I got enough information to know for sure he turned on you, I locked him up in the cellar. I roughed him up and so have the other guys, but I couldn’t kill him, LeLe. I knew you would want the revenge you deserve. I couldn’t take that away from you.”

“Let’s go see him.”

Ranger lifts me up to where I’m back standing on my feet then he bends grabbing my blade off the floor. He stands, hands it back to me and says, “You might want this.” He opens his office door for me, we walk down the hallway and out of the clubhouse.

When we get to the cellar door, I open it and we start heading down the stairs until we come to another door. I let Ranger open this one, he steps in first with me hot on his heels. I see Jay chained to the wall with metal shackles bound to his wrists. I can’t believe I used to think of him as a brother, he was my VP for Christ sake. Now seeing him here in dingy, dirty, and bloody clothes with his face newly bruised sends a swarm of emotions through me. Betrayal, hurt, sadness, and anger.

“Why, Jay?” I ask as he connects his gaze to mine.

“Why, LeLe? You wanna know why? Because Ranger here was becoming slack. He was growing too fond of you and not doing what he needed to as a president so I wanted you out.”

“You couldn’t have possibly thought your plan would work.” I spit out.

“I did for a minute and it got you away for awhile. Do what you gotta do to me, LeLe. I’ve been down here long enough to realize that I fucked up and for that I’m sorry. I know I’m not coming out of here alive. I wouldn’t expect anything else.” My heart starts beating faster, a lump forms in my throat and tears spring to my eyes.

I look to Ranger, “I don’t think I can do this.”

He cups my face in his hands as he replies, “Yes you can, Babe. You just had a blade to my throat in there ready to kill me. Get what you deserve; don’t let his words affect you.” He steps back from me as I think he’s right, I gotta do this for myself and for my club.

I pull my Ruger out, start raising it and right before I got my sight set I whisper, “Sorry it had to come to this, Jay.” Then my sight is set on his forehead, the shot fires, the sound rings throughout the small space, and the bullet hits him in the middle of his forehead.

I watch as Jay’s head goes back hitting the wall then slumps forward. I turn away when I see the blood start to drip. I let a tear fall from my eye for my fallen brother and his life that I had to take. Ranger walks up to me taking the gun from me and replaces the empty feeling with his hand.

He leads me out of the cellar, through the clubhouse and into his bedroom. On the way I heard him yell out to someone to go clean the mess up. Not one word is spoken between us as Ranger turns the water on in his bathroom. He comes back into the bedroom pulling me into the bathroom where he starts to undress me along with himself. Ranger picks me up and carries me into the shower placing me under the hot stream then kneels down before me. “Don’t check out on me now, Babe. I need you with me.”

“I’m not, I promise. I’m just sad, I thought it would feel good to get the revenge I wanted, but it doesn’t.”

“I know, Baby. I’m gonna make you feel good now though I promise you that.” Those are the last words spoken before his mouth is on me his tongue flicking, licking, and sucking so hard and fast. Ranger mixes it up every so often with a slow and gentle touch he is giving me everything I need in this moment. He takes me higher, higher, and higher until the feeling that started in my toes has worked its way throughout my body.

I explode, white lights and black spots fill my vision as I grab his dark hair pulling him against me. I scream out, “Ranger.” A fierce growl of approval releases from him and when it becomes too much to handle I push Ranger back. He holds onto me keeping me from falling as he stands and lifts me so I straddle his waist. I feel his wide, long length pressing against my thigh. “Ranger, I need you. I need you so fucking much.” I tell him exactly what I want from him right now. I need to feel him inside me bringing us together as one. I have wanted him for so long, thinking this would never happen. But it is and there is no holding back or time for being shy. I am giving Ranger all of me as he is doing the same.

“You have me, Babe.” Ranger says as he grabs his cock lining himself up to my opening then starts slowly pushing inside of me. He slams us against the shower wall as he pushes the rest of the way in. Ranger starts a slow torturous rhythm of thrusts in and out while kissing his way down my neck and comes to my full breasts. His glorious mouth pulls my pebbled nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting, making my moans grow louder. He then repeats his actions on the other showing it the exact same attention.

“Ranger, harder please.” His speed picks up until he is pounding into me, my back hitting the wall over and over with each pump. Everything dissolves around us except for his growls and my moans that are begging, not that I even know what for. He fills me so completely and continues giving me everything I need. The water pours down between us as my back rams into the cold wall. I know I will be bruised tomorrow, but I can’t bring myself to care right now. The burning fire in the pit of my stomach starts to take over.

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