Bigfoots Don't Do Mini Coopers (Kate Storm Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Bigfoots Don't Do Mini Coopers (Kate Storm Book 1)
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Ash twisted his hand in my curls, pulling on my scalp, adding a little pain. Hell. I loved it.

I couldn
’t move my head. He controlled my movements. Dominating me.

Shivers of wanton need arrowed through my body. I clenched my thighs together in a useless attempt to relieve some of the tension. It just ratcheted up my desire even m

Sweet Spirits, I couldn
’t remember why I’d wanted to take charge of the situation. Of Ash. I absolutely loved it when he was in control.

He twisted his big hand again, adding a little more pain, a little more dominance.

I nearly came right then and there.

He gave a hard thrust forward, forcing my fingers back a little, pushing more of his cock into my mouth. I wanted to struggle, but I couldn
’t move. If he pushed in deeper I wouldn’t be able to breathe.

Kate.” He cupped my cheek with his other hand, stroking flames over my skin. Hellfire inside and out. His voice rough and demanding, he said. “Suck me.”

I tightened my cheeks, drawing in on him. Pressing my tongue tight to his cock then rubbing against that calloused ridge.

He swelled, growing both bigger and hotter and then . . . He exploded. Hot semen shot down my throat. I sucked harder, milking him. Wanting everything he gave me.

Ash growled and shuddered above me.

I swallowed until he had nothing left. He jerked, hand tightening on my head and pulling me back, as I ran my tongue over those curious nubs once more.

Enough. I’ll grow hard again if you keep doing that.”

Worked for me. I
’d wanted Ash to lose control to prove my point, I just hadn’t thought through all the details. Like Ash coming and not me.

He might be enjoying a post coital afterglow, but I was still twitching.

Ash pulled his cock out, his hand in my hair kept me from moving forward. All the flames burnt out. He was still semi-hard, skin now reddish and glistening from my mouth. Even after his climax he was scary huge.

At the moment, that was still not the turn off it should be.

I reached for him. Ash caught my hand in his. “No.”

I sat back on my heels.

No?! Seriously?

Ash tucked his cock back inside of
his pants, zipped them up and buckled while I sat in front of him on my knees. I tried to get my mind around it, but my hormones were still buzzing and my mind had not returned from its hiatus.

Two large hands gripped my shoulders and pulled me upright. H
e moved his hands to my face, cupping my cheeks and forcing me to meet his gaze.

You shouldn’t have done that.”

Was he kidding? He had to be kidding, right? What demon says that to a witch after she
’s just given him an epic blow job?

What?” The word just barely squeaked out. I knew I should have added in several other choice words, maybe snarled a bit or at the very least used a threatening tone.

I just couldn
’t get my head and body and hormones to collaborate on presenting a coherent witch.

Every part of
me was too busy being dumbfounded.

’d had a plan. A damn good plan. Part A: force Ash to lose control in order to prove he couldn’t hurt me. Part B: he’d see my point and we’d resume our relationship. Part C: . . . actually, I hadn’t worked out all the details of this part, but after having proved my point I sort of figured - insert hoped and/or counted on - Ash would be so relieved he’d want to jump my bones. Positions and body parts involved all negotiable.

Maybe I should have included a memo?

“What do you mean I shouldn’t have done that?” Maybe in the demon realm they had weird rules for blow jobs? Like it only happened in certain rooms, or at a certain time of day or . . .

You should not have touched me like that.”

Nope. Ash honestly meant I
shouldn’t have given him a blow job period.

Call me Dumbfounded and At A Total Loss.

Ash moved me to the side and walked around me into my living room. Putting distance between us.

Damn it all. We were suddenly right back to where we
’d been before I put my plan - and my mouth - into action.

Hands fisted and body like unyielding steel, Ash turned toward me. “
You could have been hurt.” Orange and red flames popped back into life over his shoulders.

It finally began to hit me I
’d screwed up. Big time.

I knew h
ow important control was to Ash. Based on conversations we’d had it had been more of a survival mechanism for him rather than a demonic character trait.

And I
’d just stripped him of that control. Taken advantage of his guilty conscience and pushed him up against a wall. Literally. Plus, I’d banked on that guilt. I’d known he wouldn’t push me away or do anything that might approach possible injury to my witchy self.

’d wanted to show him he couldn’t hurt me. Instead I’d shown him I could manipulate him.

n the ruby slippers. I’d insulted his male ego.

I just wanted to show you, I couldn’t be hurt.” Even as I said the words, I knew they wouldn’t do me any good.

You didn’t know this Flame Away would work.” Actually, I did. “You could have been hurt again.” I couldn’t, but he wasn’t going to listen. “I almost killed you.” Ash ran one big hand over his eyes as if to erase the image of my burnt body.

I have to go.” And he walked out my door again.

Well, hell.


22. My Life In Ruins. Take 2.


“I’m tellin’ ya, Doll, you’re actin’ funny.” Al sat in the middle of my kitchen table. “Are ya sure that demon didn’t try anything with ya?”

Unfortunately not.
had tried something and it had gotten me nowhere. Actually, I take it back. It had put me several steps backwards. My broom parked firmly in the closet at the moment.

’d truly thought a blow job would prove my point. Goes to show how much I know about the workings of an actual relationship. Or a Demon Lord’s mind.

Not that I planned on sharing any of that with the Chihuahua.

“I’m fine, Al.” A bit of a lie, but necessary. I couldn’t handle hurting Al in addition to messing things up with Ash.

What I really needed was some expert advice.

Al turned his head towards the kitchen door leading to my balcony. He sniffed, wrinkling his tiny nose. “There’s an odd smell here.”

I jumped to my feet. “
I’m going to head over to Morgan’s.” Questions like these were always better discussed in person. “If Drake was coming over she’s probably still awake.” I opened the cupboard below my sink and grabbed a can of Lysol. I couldn’t cast another scent concealing spell, it would cancel out the other one for Harley.

I aimed the can and sprayed the entire area near the door. “
I shouldn’t be gone long.” Then I sprayed an extra two feet on either side of the door. “I’ll grab some dinner on the way home.” I put the can away, coughing as my eyes watered. “Do you want meatballs again?”

Al rubbed his nose against his chest. “
Yeah.” He sneezed, jumped onto the chair and down to the floor. “Yo, Doll, a bit much, don’t ya think?”

Not for his sensitive nose.

“I didn’t want you to smell anything bad.” Or figure out exactly what had taken place while he was rolling around in my lingerie.

I grabbe
d my purse. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

I hustled out before he could ask anymore questions. At some point, I knew I would have to get Al to face the reality of my relationship with Ash. But right now, I didn
’t need to rub his tiny nose in it.

Duck and Dodge.

I unlocked my Mini Cooper and slid in. My broom might be faster but I needed a little normalcy. Human normalcy that is. My HC side was in the cauldron. Deep, deep in the cauldron.

Honestly, what demon reacted like that? I couldn
’t get over it. Didn’t all males - regardless of the species - love a blow job?

Maybe Ash hadn
’t complained exactly, but he’d nearly left burn marks on my floor in his rush to leave.

I turned onto Morgan
’s street. She lived three blocks away. I probably could have walked, but it smacked too much of exercise to me.

I pulled up next to the curb. Right behind a silver Porsche.

Looked like Drake was still here. Not that I have the cars of everyone who lives on Morgan’s street memorized, but a Porsche always stands out.

Perfect. I
’d finally get to meet my UDBF’s mystery man. And maybe get to the heart of Morgan’s lie.

This might take a bit. I picked up my cell and called Dé
sirée to tell her I probably wouldn’t be back today.

Fortunately the xenologist and the mistress had left. Dé
sirée was catching up on paperwork. I hung up and rang the doorbell.


Morgan used an intercom system. Every vamp I knew used one. It worked perfectly for issues like deliveries and daylight.

“Hey Morgan. I need to talk.” Hopefully, Drake would give us some space after I shook hands and cast my truth spell with him. I didn’t want to . . .

What was that sound?

I tried the knob and discovered it was unlocked. I pulled my wand out of my purse. Holding it in one hand, I pushed open the door. Inside the front door there was a tiny entryway and then another door.

I closed the front door behind me, pausing to make certain I couldn
’t see any sunlight before I flung open the inside door and charged in, wand first.

Morgan had complet
ely remodeled her two story craftsman style house right after she bought it a year ago. I’d helped as much as I could. Putting in my two cents on style and colors as well as handling all the subcontractors who worked during the day. Basically all of them.

The new floor plan was open and bright with a wide staircase running along one wall to the loft on the second floor.

All the blackout shades were drawn and every light was on. Which afforded me a clear view of the tall, dark vampire striding toward me.

’d have been slightly alarmed at the wide smile displaying his long fangs, if I hadn’t seen him once before. Drake darn near rivaled Ash in looks and appearance. He stood about the same height with shoulders almost as wide. What he lacked in horns he made up for with fangs.

I tend to lean towards amber eyes, scars and natural colognes that include a hint of smoke, but Drake
’s deep emerald eyes weren’t bad at all, his pale skin utterly flawless, dark hair to his collar, perfectly tousled and while I wasn’t close enough to take a whiff, I could definitely see the appeal.

You must be Kate.” Drake’s smile widened, fangs flashing in the well-lit room as he walked towards me, hand outstretched.

Vampires were rarely pleased to meet me. Those true members of the HC l
iked to actively scorn me. Drake was clearly out to impress Morgan. I have to say that impressed me as well.

Drake. Stop!”

Drake and I both ignored Morgan
’s shout. She stood frozen at the top of the stairs. She had an expression on her face I’d never seen before. If I didn’t know her better, I’d almost say she looked frightened.

I couldn
’t sense any danger and I was fed up with Morgan’s secrecy. As Drake continued towards me, I guessed he was too.

I tucked my wand in my back pocket and reached out my hand
. Morgan moaned.

What was the big deal?

The moment our hands touched I knew exactly what the big deal was, why Morgan had tried to keep Drake and I from ever meeting, and why she had lied to me. Right from the very beginning.

’ve always taken pride in my witchy heritage. At that moment, I would have given anything to be purely human and  ignorant of magic.

It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Drake’s hand was cool and firm against mine. “Morgan has told me so much about you.”

Not quite everything. She
’d forgotten to mention that she had lied to me from day one.

I pulled my hand away and scrubbed my palm over my jeans. It didn
’t help. The knowledge was seared into my brain, just as painful and unforgiving as any brand.

Nice to meet you too.” If Aunt Tabs hadn’t drilled the social niceties into me as a young witch, I would have had nothing. And I’d thought I’d had a shock earlier when the detectives told me about the blood.

Silly, silly me.

“I’m sorry we haven’t been able to meet before this, I understand you are quite the busy matchmaker.” That was the excuse Morgan had been giving him? From anyone else I would have taken offense, but vampires are usually
very old.
And unless you knew for a fact they were trying to insult you, it was best to take their words at face value. “Morgan says you truly have a gift.”

Any other day I would have been flattered to know Morgan had been bragging about me. Right now, it felt more like pouring alcohol over the knife wound.

I looked up. Morgan stood in the exact same spot. Not having moved an inch since Drake and I shook hands. Her expression remained the same. Now I understood her fear.

I just didn
’t understand why she had lied.

It’s truly remarkable you two have found each other. After what happened with Morgan’s family, it’s incredible anyone survived. And yet here you both are.”

Yep. We were both here all right. Staring at each other, not saying a word. My throat had mostly closed up, sort of locked down by the pain jabbing
through me.

I wasn
’t sure why Morgan didn’t say anything. I wasn’t sure I cared.

Are you all right?” Drake appeared to finally realize something was amiss. His hand wrapped around my upper arm. “You don’t look well.”

Probably the understatement of the ce
ntury, but apt.

I didn
’t feel well. I felt as if my entire world had tilted. Sharply. And I didn’t know if it would ever level out again.

Morgan?” Drake turned, his hand pulling me forward. “Kate looks like . . .” Drake abruptly dropped his hand. I wobbled for a moment before finding my balance.

My sweet, are you all right?”

’s voice sounded farther away. It took a moment, then I realized Drake must’ve looked up at Morgan and noticed her expression. Vamps are crazy fast. He now stood next to Morgan, his arm wrapped around her waist. His hand on her cheek.

’s eyes were still locked on me.

Drake, Kate and I have some things we need to discuss.” Clearly, understatements were going to be the theme this afternoon. “Would you mind giving us some privacy?”

Translated: would you please leave? Vampires have ridiculously sensitive senses. Drake would be able to hear our conversation from halfway down the block.

Based on the expression on Drake’s face, I had a feeling that’s exactly where he planned to be. I could have cared less. I was doing all I could to maintain my balance on my new tilted plane.

Drake frowned at me. I shook my head ay him.

Don’t blame me buddy. Not my fault. Not my lies. I’m still reeling.

Drake whispered something to Morgan. Since h
e disappeared in a dizzying blur a second later I assumed he said goodbye. Which left Morgan and myself. Alone. Staring at each other. As if we didn’t know what to say.

My heart nearly broke right then and there.

We’ve been friends for nearly three years. Actually, Morgan is the only friend I have. The only one I’ve ever had. And we were looking at each other like strangers. Like people who had never shared their deepest and darkest.

After my handshake with Drake, it seemed Morgan truly hadn
’t. She’d kept one Very Big secret from me.

The silence was killing me.

“So, should I call you Auntie now?”

It’s not what you think, Kate.” Morgan stumbled forward, her white hands gripped the edge of the railing. “I didn’t deliberately mislead you.”

Really?” Icicles couldn’t get colder than my voice. “It’s strange, because I don’t remember you introducing yourself as a long lost relative.” I shoved down the pain. I’d deal with it later. I was going to do this calm and in control. “I don’t remember you saying anything about us being related. Not once.” My voice started to rise. “Not
one single time
in the three years we’ve been friends.” My voice rose to the point it bounced off the walls and echoed back at me. “Seems a bit like
to me.” I added air quotes to my emphasis as I tossed the word right back at her.

I didn’t mean to do it.” Her red nails dug into the wood railing. “I just . . .” She floundered. Looked around as if an answer genie was going to jump out of a wall.

You what, Morgan?” If bitterness had a physical quality it would have been dripping from my mouth. “Thought it would be fun to play a trick on the witch?”

No!” Morgan’s emerald eyes widened as they shot to mine. “Never. I didn’t set out to trick you, Kate. I planned to tell you.” She caught her lower lip with one fang. “I just didn’t know how anymore.”

Family is everything to me, Morgan. You know that.” I flung the words at her. “Why didn’t you say anything? Why?”

I would have been thrilled. Ecstatic. To know I had family beyond my
Aunt Tabs? And then to become as close as Morgan I had over the years?

But now? I didn
’t understand and the betrayal was all the more strong because of it.

It’s complicated.” Morgan ran a hand through her sunset locks. The strands parted and sifted and fell back into perfect place. My perfect UDBF. My Aunt, several -
- generations removed.

’d never seen her so unnerved. At such a loss. I’d have been concerned if I wasn’t falling apart.

How complicated is it to shake someone’s hand and say ‘hi, you don’t know me but we’re related’?” I couldn’t get my voice to drop below full volume. “I know you, Morgan. You don’t leave anything to chance. You would have done your research. You had to have known Aunt Tabs and I would have been so happy to know we weren’t the last of our line.”

BOOK: Bigfoots Don't Do Mini Coopers (Kate Storm Book 1)
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