Big Miracle (49 page)

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Authors: Tom Rose

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He and his Hamilton Communications staff, Dawn Harris, Ted Grybowski, George Corby, Mary Pat and Jim Kelly, John Laidlaw, and Pete Zangeri, kept the doors to NY News Corp. open. Mike Kelly's cooperation and patience will be long appreciated.

So, too, will the friendship and dedication of NY News Corp. Marketing Director Ed Heifer. Thanks to Jack Malick who had the sense to stay away from Barrow.

Thanks to MarkAir Cargo Director Ed Rogers, who arranged Barrow transportation, and thanks, too, to Joe Schrier for his work in adapting this story to the visual medium.

Michael Richardson and I mixed the mortar and laid the bricks, but Hillel Black was the project foreman. He took a chance on a then-untested author. His vision gave the book meaning, purpose, and direction. He knew precisely where he wanted it to go and how to get it there.

Margaret McBride, my expert liaison, told me how unheard it was for a first-time author to receive so much attention from anyone, let alone a man as respected as Hillel Black. Only now, when I face the prospect of getting along without him, do I begin to realize how much I appreciate, admire, and respect my new friend, Hillel Black.

Finally, to Mom and Dad, nothing could begin to describe my deep appreciation and love for you both. All I can say is, “Thanks.”


What kind of a person would put up with me day and night for eight straight months, never issue a complaint—well, hardly ever issue a complaint—and be even more a joy to work with at the project's end than he was at the beginning? Michael Richardson, that's who.

Fortunately, I never understood how much work was involved in writing a book. If I did, it would never have happened.

To Michael Richardson, a man of high honor, integrity, and decency, if not ribald humor, you have my deepest thanks, and heartfelt best wishes.


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World News This Morning

World News Tonight

Adams, Billy

Admiral Makarov

Ahmaogak, George

Ahmaogak, Roy

Air Force, U.S.

screw tractor

weather satellite

airlifts of whales

Airport Inn (Barrow)

Alascom (company)

See also specific locations
Barrow (Alaska)

acquisition from Russia

commercial fishing industry

cost of living



state taxes

Alaska Distributors

Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission (AEWC)

Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN)


Alaska National Guard.
National Guard, Alaskan

Alaska National Petroleum Reserve

Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA)

Albert, Tom

Aldi Supermarkets

Aldrin, Edwin Buzz

Aleutian Islands

Allen, Billy Bob.
See also
VECO, Inc.

arrives in Barrow

returns to Barrow



Anchorage (Alaska)

Coast Guard in

Department of Wildlife Management in

George Parks Highway

Anchorage Daily News

Anchorage International Airport

Anderson, Terry

Andreeva, Svetlana


Archimedean Screw Tractor

Arctic Challenger

Arctic Circle

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)

Armstrong, Neil

Army Corps of Engineers

Ásgrímsson, Halldór

Associated Press (AP)

Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO)

Aurora I satellite

Austin American Statesman


Baja, California

Baker, Chuck

Baker, James A. III

banking collapse of 2008

Barrow, John

Barrow (Alaska)

Airport Inn (Barrow)

alcohol in

and Cold War

cost of living


Distant Early Warning Line (DEW Line) radar station

income per capita

Mayor's Jobs Program

modernization of

North Slope Mayor's Conference

oil industry

origins of name


Pepe's North of the Border


Sam & Lee's Chinese restaurant


as “Top of the World”

Top of the World Hotel

water shortage

whaling captains' meeting

Wiley Post-Will Rogers Memorial Airport

winter months in

Barrow High School


polar bears (Nanook)

Beaufort Sea

Beechey, Frederick

Beluga whales

Benson, Ed

Benson, Rod

Bering Sea

Berliner, Jeff



blue whales

Bone (baby whale)

Boston Globe

bowhead whales

Brange, Jim

Bristol Bay

British, Petroleum (BP), Deepwater Horizon blowout (2010)

Broadcast News

Brokaw, Tom

Brooks Mountain Range

Brower, Arnold, Jr.

Brower, Charlie

Brower, Johnny

Browerville (Barrow)

Bruce, Kevin

Burslem, Ken

Burton, Kent

Bush, George H. W.

California gray whales

breathing holes

breathing system of

cooperation of

death by drowning

death of Bone (baby whale)

development of story

Exxon Valdez
oil spill and

first filming of

first reports of stranding

harvesting discussions

and Malik (whaling captain)

migration patterns

moves toward freedom


population in 1988



in World War II

Captain Cook Hotel (Anchorage)

Caras, Roger


Carroll, Geoff

deicers and

at Department of Wildlife Management

first reports of whale stranding

Cindy Lowry of Greenpeace and

Whales' final move toward freedom

Carroll, Marie

Carroll, Tom

alternative options to free whales

arrives in Barrow


hoverbarge operation

ice bullet and

Bonnie Mersinger and

Ronald Reagan and

rumors of Soviet involvement and

screw tractor

Carson, Johnny


Caterpillar tractors

Caudle, Oran

daily routine


filming of stranded whales

management of outside media


See also
hole cutting

Channel 20 (Barrow)

C-130 Hercules cargo plan

Chilingarov, Arthur

Chittick, Harry


Chugach Mountains

Chukchi Sea

Churchill, Winston



Coast Guard, U.S.

Cold War

commercial fishing industry

Comstock, Earl


Control Data Corporation

corn farming

Cousins, Gregory

Cowper, Steve

Crosby, Randy

Crouse, Pearl

Crowley Maritime Corporation

Daily Telegraph

Davis, Jason

Deepwater Horizon blowout (2010)


Department of Commerce, U.S.

Department of the Interior, U.S.

Mineral Management Service (MMS)

Dickens, Charles

Distant Early Warning (DEW Line)


Duberstein, Kenneth

Dukakis, Michael

Dunn, Bob

Dunnegan, Pete

economic terrorism

Eisenstein, Sergei

Elson, Thomas

Elson Lagoon

Endangered Species Act (1973)

See also
Greenpeace International

oil industry and

wealth effect and

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Eskimo butter


and alcohol

diseases from outsiders

as hibernators

ice hole cutting


media myth

oil industry and


sled/ski ride market

subsistence hunting

subsistence whaling

weather conditions and

whale worship

Eskimo Scouts


Evans, William


Exxon Valdez
spill in Prince William Sound (1989)

Eyewitness News

Fadlallah, Sayyed Hussein

Fairbanks (Alaska)

Fauske, Dan

Ferrian, Greg

Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S.

Fitzgerald, Brian

Fitzwater, Marlin

freeing of whales

Friedman, Sonya

Gallagher, Susan

George, Craig

deicers and

at Department of Wildlife Management

first reports of whale stranding

Cindy Lowry of Greenpeace and

Whales' final move toward freedom

West Germany

Good Morning America

Gorbachev, Mikhail

graphite harpoons

Gray, Bruce

Gray whales.
California gray whales

great white sharks

green energies

Greenpeace International.
See also
Lowry, Cindy; Plowden, Campbell

ARCO and

coalition with VECO, Inc.

commercial whaling and

gray whales of Barrow and

origins of

Soviet icebreakers and

whaling and

Green River Formation

Gulf of Mexico

Gunnarsson, Arni

Gusoff, Carolyn


Haller, Mike

Hammer, Armand

Hannibalsson, Jón Baldvin

Hansen, Jerry

Harding, Warren G.

Harvey, Jim

Hasquet, Julie

Hazelwood, Joe


ice bullet

news media use of

Sikorsky CH-54 Skycranes

Hermannsson, Steingrimur


Higgins, Rich

Hitler, Adolf

Hodel, Donald

hole cutting


Eskimo chainsaws and axes

Husqvarna chainsaws

ice bullet

portable water jet pumps

screw tractor

Hollis, Dudley

horizontal drilling


Hufford, Gary

humpback whales

Hunter, Holly

Hurt, William

hydraulic fracturing


See also
hole cutting; hoverbarge;
specific icebreakers

Coast Guard


ice bullet


boycott by West Germany

whaling industry

Industrial Revolution

intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)


International Union for Conservation of Nature

Polar Bear Specialist Group

International Whaling Commission (IWC)

moratorium on commercial whaling

quota system

interspecies communication


Inupiat Eskimos

Itta, Brenda

International Whaling Commission (IWC)

“Jane Whale” (pseudonym)


attack on Pearl Harbor


reaction to “Operation Breakout”

whale products

whaling industry

Jennings, Peter

See specific reporters, stations, networks, and publications

Kahanamoku, Duke

Kasco Marine deicers

Kawamura, Masu



killer whales

King, Marvin

KING-TV (Seattle)

Koppel, Ted

KSTP-TV (Minneapolis)

KTUU-TV (Anchorage)

KTVF-TV (Fairbanks)


Laurence, Charles


Leathard, Pete


Lefevre, Greg

Lenin, Vladimir

Lewellen, Bob

liberation of whales

live shots


Lowry, Cindy

and Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission (AEWC) meeting

arrives in Barrow

death of Bone (baby whale)

Department of Wildlife Management and


at hearing for Bristol Bay

hoverbarge operation

rumors of Soviet involvement

VECO, Inc. and

whales move toward freedom

whales of Barrow and

whales of Turnagain Arm and

Mackey, Dick

Malik (whaling captain)

as Great Whaler

and stranded whales

Marine Mammal Protection Act (1972)


Mars space probe

Matumeak, Warren

McClure, Jessica

McTaggart, David

Mersinger, Bonnie

Michener, James

Miller, Ben

Mississippi River system

Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co.

Mongeau, Steve

Morozov, Pavel

Morris, Ron

anger toward Eskimos

brainstorming session

deicers and

ice bullet and

as NOAA coordinator of whale rescue

rumors of Soviet involvement

screw tractor and

Soviet icebreakers and

whales' final move toward freedom

Mukluk Island

mukluks (sealskin boots)

muktuk (whale blubber)

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