Read Big Juicy Lips Online

Authors: Allison Hobbs

Big Juicy Lips (6 page)

BOOK: Big Juicy Lips
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isty’s weed connect wasn’t taking her calls. She’d left Brick at home with damn near a quarter-pound of bud, leaving her with only one blunt. Damn if she was going to be stuck at the mall with her mom without a nice buzz going on.

Desperation forced her hand. After a little investigating, she obtained Todd, her weed man’s, home address. He lived in the Fairmount district. Most streets in Philadelphia were comprised of cookie-cutter row homes, but not Todd’s house. As she cruised along, she noticed a variety of interesting, architectural designs, all within the same block. She also noticed, to her chagrin, that Todd’s charming little block had no parking spaces large enough for her X5. Two streets over, she found a place to park.

Todd didn’t like clients showing up at his front door, but Misty didn’t give a fuck. Boldly, she marched up to his house, rang his doorbell twice, and then impatiently pounded her fist on the frosted glass pane of the front door. The sound echoed in the quiet, gentrified neighborhood. The door opened. A dark-haired, white guy stood in the doorway, squinting at Misty through eyeglasses. He was a bookworm type, an obvious nerd.

“Where’s Todd?” she asked testily.


“Did I stutter? Don’t try to act like you don’t know who Todd is.”

“Yeah, sure. I know Todd, but he, uh…”

“He, uh, what?” she mimicked.

“Todd got busted,” the bespectacled student blurted.

“He got busted?” Misty was shocked. And disappointed.

“Yeah, a few days ago. He had an open case back in Wichita. He got extradited this morning.”

“Are you in charge, now?” She reached inside her Juicy Couture bag. “I’ll pay double.”

Appalled, the nerd recoiled. “I’m not involved in that. Todd and I were roommates. That’s all.” He dismissed her with an agitated gesture and closed the door.

“Asshole!” Misty muttered a string of nonstop profanity until she reached her SUV.

Nothing lasts forever, she reminded herself. That was a life lesson she should have learned a long time ago. Even though Todd had that good green stuff, the best in the city, Misty should have had a back-up plan. Now, what was she going to do? She checked the time. She still had a half-hour before she had to pick her mom up from her corny, line-dancing class. She picked up her cell and scrolled through the contact list.
Jocko was a Jamaican dude, who had some real good ganja, but his high prices were ridiculous. But, anxious to get high, she called his number. The call went straight to voicemail.

Misty continued scrolling through her list of numbers until she reached the name Young Buck. Who the fuck was Young Buck? “Oh! Monroe!” She suddenly remembered. Monroe was the young fool she’d taken on a joyride and tossed him her thong as a keepsake. Misty laughed. His weed was garbage, but being desperate and running out of time, she called him.

As expected, Monroe sounded excited to hear from her and agreed to meet her at the court on Parkside Avenue. Fifteen minutes later, Misty watched Monroe and another tall male approach. Monroe was tall—well over six feet, but his buddy had him by a couple inches.

As the pair grew closer, Misty gasped and covered her mouth. Her heartbeat quickened. The swagger in the other man’s walk, his height and body type, were hauntingly familiar. He reminded her of Shane.

“What’s good, shawty?” Monroe greeted. His buddy looked a couple years older than Monroe. His attire was fresh, nicely coordinated. His diamond studs were small. Fine as he was, he should have been blinging some rocks.

“Whassup?” Misty muttered, her eyes fixed on Monroe’s friend. Amazingly, from the jet-black, tight curls on his head, the silky thick eyebrows, to his big, juicy lips, and down to the cleft in his chin, the man was the spitting image of Shane. His complexion was similar to Shane’s, a mixture of brown and red tones; his handsome angular features seemed sculpted from clay.

“Yo, shawty, I ran out of product, but my cousin has a sweet connect.”

She looked at Monroe’s cousin and nearly swooned as she marveled at his uncanny resemblance to her deceased lover. Misty swallowed. Her throat was dry; she didn’t trust her ability to communicate with her typical sass and self-assurance.

“No disrespect to my partner over here.” He nodded toward Monroe. “But my lil’ cuz just got rid of a batch of dirt.”

“Yo, man, I got the block on smash. My product is dope.”

“Is that right?”

“Yeah, you know how I do.” Feigning confidence, Monroe poked out his chest.

“Fuck outta here. Your shit is dirt. Niggas around here don’t care what they smoke.”

“That’s real slimy, Cuz. I’m putting you down with shawty and now you trying to disrespect me.” Monroe kicked a pebble in disgust.

His cousin ignored him and leaned into the driver’s side window. “Obviously, someone looking as fresh as you is used to being pampered. I know you don’t wanna smoke nothing but the best—” His eyes swept away from Misty’s face. He leaned back and checked out the sparkly rims on her truck. “Yeah, I can see you like to live life to the fullest—” He paused, waiting for Misty to react. She nodded. That’s all she could do. Dude was putting his thing down, slaughtering her with his flow, his cocky attitude and his uncanny resemblance to Shane.

Experiencing a severe attack of pussy palpitations, Misty shifted in her seat. Squishy sounds emanated from her core. She squeezed her legs together, trying to quiet her coochie down, or at least muffle the dick-demanding noise.

“I have a hook-up with some AK-47. It’s expensive, but it’s worth the high cost.” The Shane lookalike flicked his tongue against his plump, bottom lip, moistening it as he completed the sales pitch.

Misty breathed in deeply, trying to calm her quaking heart. At her current level of arousal, she didn’t trust herself to successfully pull off flirty and playful, so she cut to the chase. “My name is Misty. Before I do business with you, it would be nice to know your name.” She wanted to sound firm, but her voice came out soft and whispery.

“Aw, my bad, Lil’ Bit,” he said, spontaneously giving her a pet name. “Let me introduce myself…” He moistened his succulent, russet-colored lips again. “My name is Dane.”

Her head began to spin, her pussy walls started closing in. Her clit grew hard, aching and engorged, stretching out like a dick. Misty’s eyes glazed over before she slumped over the steering wheel.

“What’s wrong? You aiight?” Monroe asked, concern registering in his voice.

With her head pressed against the steering wheel, Misty shook her head.

“Do you need some fresh air or something? What’s wrong?” Monroe inquired, his face scrunched in confusion.

Wearing a smug look, Dane reached inside the open window and boldly ran his long fingers through her hair. “Ain’t nothing wrong with Lil’ Bit that a little CPR can’t fix.”

She felt a twinge of irritation.
Who does this arrogant nigga think he’s talking to?
Offended, she raised her head and shook his fingers from her hair. Her burning gaze informed him that he was about to be cursed out for taking the liberty of touching her hair and for making such a cocky assumption that his kiss would be an instant cure-all.

But before Misty could part her lips to express her indignation, Dane bent, stuck his head inside the open window and covered her mouth with his. His tongue, aggressive and sweet-tasting, slid between her lips, searching and stroking, silently claiming ownership of her heart and soul. She tried to pull away but went suddenly limp, weakened by the soft fullness of his lips, and dazed by the heat of his tongue as it seared her lips.

Adrenaline pumped, making her feel dazed. Misty’s heavy lashes fluttered involuntarily, her eyelids lowered and then closed, in defeat. Unable to help herself, Misty widened her already parted lips, welcoming—needing his hot invasion. She moaned in sweet surrender as Dane tasted her tongue, licked it, sucked it, heightening her moist yearning with his panty-dropping kiss.

He pulled his lips away. “Mmm,” Misty murmured, still under the spell of his kiss. Time seemed to progress in slow motion. She heard the click of the opening passenger door, smelled his manly fragrance as Dane positioned himself in the seat next to her and started pushing buttons on his cell. “My man won’t sell anything under a half a brick. Do we need to talk money? You got your funds straight?” he asked Misty.

“I’m good.” Misty was well aware of the price ranges for good weed and money definitely wasn’t an issue. The problem was Dane. The sensation of falling in love at first sight had her head spinning fast.

“Yo, this is D,” Dane spoke into the cell. “I’m gon’ stop by and holla at you in a few minutes, aiight?” He snapped the phone closed and glanced over at Monroe, who stood outside the SUV, wearing a dumbfounded expression.

“Yo, cuz, hit me up in a coupla hours. I might have a little something for you,” Dane said, gesturing dismissively.

In stunned admiration of his older cousin’s silky-smooth takeover, Monroe muttered, “That’s big pimpin’, yo.”

Dane smiled and nodded in acknowledgment of his skills as the younger man walked away. Then he glanced at Misty. “You ready to make a run?” Before she answered, he instructed, “Bang a left at the light. Make another left when you hit Jefferson Street. Park in front of the Rodriguez store.”

Glancing at the clock, Misty followed the directions. Her mom was going to flip when she discovered she was stranded at her line-dancing class, but Misty was willing to suffer the consequences of her mom’s verbal assault—later—much later. Right now, blazing up a blunt and lying up with Dane was top priority. Her mom was a grown-ass woman and she’d just have to figure out a way to get herself home.


orty-five minutes later, inside a hotel room, Misty kicked off her sandals, making herself comfortable as she lounged on the bed, ogling Dane in deep concentration as he skillfully rolled a Phillies.

Dane took a hit and passed it to Misty. After passing the blunt back and forth several times, Misty leaned back on the pillow.

“You blunted up?” A devilish smile played at the corners of Dane’s magnificent lips.

Too high for verbal communication, Misty expressed her lust with a seductive lowering of her lashes, and the appearance of her tongue, moistening her lips. She was ready. Nipples pearled, coochie warming up and tightening, Misty was down for anything Dane wanted to get into.

Dane released a puff of smoke and placed the blunt in an ashtray. Then he reached over and grabbed handfuls of her hair, drawing Misty close. His lack of tenderness heightened her arousal, made her tremble with burning need. Braced for a bout of sexy hair pulling and ass spanking, she bit down on her bottom lip. But Dane surprised her. After raking his fingers through her hair, he gently pressed his fingertips into her scalp, making circular motions, soothing and exciting her at once. He worked his hands down to her shoulders, kneading her muscles, melting away knots of tension. Within seconds, she felt her upper body relax. But her stomach clenched uncomfortably. That discomfort rushed downward and settled inside her feminine core, where moisture and burning embers were about to dangerously collide.

Boldly, she removed one of his hands from her shoulder and placed it between her legs. As Dane rubbed the thick denim seam in the crotch of her jeans, Misty arched upward and ripped open the metallic snap and pulled down the zipper.

Dane rubbed soothingly, unaware of the friction he was creating between her legs. She hoped he was prepared to get down there and blow if her coochie caught fire and burst into raging flames.

“You a thorough lil’ chick.” Indulging her urgent desire, he helped her wriggle out of her jeans. He tossed them on the floor and gazed down at his petite prize. “Pretty,” he murmured, referring to her sparkly gold, lace-trim, low-rider panties. Misty blushed at the compliment. Her body quivered as Dane rolled the flimsy fabric over her hips and past her legs. By the time her panties dropped to the floor, she was biting down on her lip in hot anticipation.

Dane began squeezing her thighs, massaging upward until his thumbs reached her outer labia. She squeezed her eyes shut, her breath coming in fast pants. Then, his movement ceased as he focused his attention on the curly nest of hair that graced her femininity. Misty twisted and moaned in sexual agony. Impatiently burning for his touch, she gazed questioningly at her fully clothed lover.

“Take your clothes off. What are you waiting for?”

“You in a rush?”

Misty nodded.

“Oh, you on some Bam-Bam shit?”

“Yes! I mean, no!” she exclaimed. She felt off kilter, disoriented by the blazing heat that emanated within her vaginal walls. Her mind scrambled to come up with words to describe her desperate need.

“Shh! Let me do this. Relax, baby. Close your eyes. I’m gon’ give it to you hard.” He licked those delicious lips. “Is that how you like it?”

She moaned and nodded her head.

“Aiight, then. I’ma knock it out, all night long,” he murmured with confidence.

Trembling, Misty did as Dane instructed. With her eyes closed tight, she allowed herself to enjoy the sensation of feeling her cotton top being pulled over her head. Next, she felt hot fingers unsnapping the back of her bra. Now naked, she quivered as she anxiously awaited his touch.

Using just a fingertip, he traced one eyebrow and then the other and then moved down the bridge of her nose. Softly, he outlined her nostrils and the outer ridges of her lips. She couldn’t help stealing a taste of his fingertip when he moved his long digit to the center of her lips.

With slow and sensual movements, Dane worked his long finger inside Misty’s puckered lips. Hungrily, she sucked his finger with the same intensity and passion she’d put into sucking a dick.

Dane’s senses were intensified by the weed. He released a low moan when Misty enveloped his finger inside her mouth. Dizzied by the stimulation of her sucking lips and undulating hips, Dane grunted and dug the fingers of his free hand into her tiny waistline. Worked into a sweaty fever, Misty quivered and sighed.

“You ready for some heat?”

“Uh-huh,” she murmured, his finger inside her mouth.

Dane released her waist. “Nah, you’re not ready yet.”

“Yes, I am!” Misty cried out in distress.

“Aiight, you gon’ get it. Be patient, yo. I wanna take my time—do it nice and slow, like Snoop be singing—
A Sensual Seduction
.” Dane chuckled.

Desperate for dick, she didn’t think anything was funny. She was ready to demand a forceful fuck, but not wanting to chase him away with her bossy nature and demanding ways, Misty deferred to Dane’s suggestion. She acquiesced, nodding and inhaling sharp heated bursts of air.

Prompted by the sound of her heavy breathing and urgent moans, Dane’s hand traveled downward to the juncture of her thighs. He smoothed his palm over her nest of curls. Misty bucked beneath his touch. Next, he stretched out a long, sinewy finger and ran it along her moistened slit, searching out her hidden pearl of passion. With the bed of his finger pressed against her small, silken knob, he caressed the dewy softness until her clit emerged—hard and slick and throbbing—sensitive to his touch.

Misty groaned and turned her head. “Fuck me, dammit,” she demanded. Aching for fulfillment, she spread her legs wide, offering him a visual of the sticky moisture that had gathered inside her dark, needy place.

“You can get it all night. But, this ain’t about a quick fuck.” He repositioned himself and lay flat on his stomach, his head between her legs. Face-to-face with her pulsing womanhood, he kissed her vagina.

“Suck on it, baby. Please!” Misty whimpered, needing him to do something to relieve her throbbing ache.

Ignoring her pleas, his fingers moved to her clitoris and massaged for a few moments. Then, obligingly, he separated her delicate folds and dipped his tongue into her damp crevice, moaning as he lapped her sticky sweetness.

Her body aflame, Misty writhed and breathed out a long sigh of pleasure.

Dane brushed his tongue against the bud of her sensitive spot. “Oh, yes,” she cried appreciatively. He licked her clit and snaked a finger inside her damp crevice, twisting and undulating as he stroked the satiny flesh of her vaginal walls and explored her depths. Misty made a soft sighing sound as her desire bubbled over. Creamy and hot, her passion coated Dane’s finger.

He drew in the short length of her clitoris, holding it captive in the cushiony confines of his plump lips. His tongue flicked against the creamy crown of Misty’s sensitive bud, torturing her, sending shivers up and down her spine. His tongue and fingers, all over her, licking and caressing a burning, moist trail.

Suddenly, Misty sprang upright. She couldn’t take anymore. Her coochie was having a fit. Convulsing, threatening to explode if he didn’t stop sucking on it with those big, juicy lips. “Stop!” she protested petulantly. “I can’t take anymore. Come on, now. I need you to get up in it.” She impatiently patted the portal of her womanhood.

“Aiight, Lil’ Bit,” he said, rising lazily. Working at a leisurely pace, Dane pulled his shirt over his head, baring a lean and well-muscled torso. He was built all right, but Misty didn’t allow her eyes to linger. Anxious to feast her eyes on his swollen, hidden flesh, she offered assistance in getting Dane undressed.

Hastily, she unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants and wound her hand inside his boxers. Dane was packing! “Damn, baby,” she murmured and possessively grasped and freed his bulging erection. At the sight of his bronzed and beautifully sculpted phallus, Misty went breathless; her mouth watered. Unable to resist temptation, she aimed the swollen head toward her parted lips. With loving tongue strokes, she caressed the underside of his dick. “Mmm, delicious,” she murmured blissfully. When she felt him shudder, she sucked in his penis and let it marinate inside her warm, moist mouth.

Combining skillful lips and heartfelt emotions, Misty was inspired to give a superior blowjob. At first, her tongue swirled, tickled, teased. Then, she applied suction, making her mouth perform like a clenching, wet vagina.

Dane’s erection grew harder by the second. Suddenly hit with a series of body spasms, he placed his hands on the sides of Misty’s head, steadying himself. “Yo, that’s enough. If you don’t stop, I’m gonna bust a nut,” he muttered, trying to catch his breath as he withdrew his throbbing organ.

Misty smiled proudly and reclined in the center of the bed. “It’s ready; come and get it,” she teased, rubbing her sweet spot.

Responding quickly, Dane kneeled inside the V-shaped space between Misty’s spread legs. He wrenched up her thighs and yanked her closer. Breathing hard, he guided his gleaming knob toward her moist opening and drove in deeply.

Her walls of pleasure clutched and tightened around his firm thrusts. “Oh, Dane. Oh, shit!” His dick strokes felt amazing, but it wasn’t enough. She needed something more; a closer connection. She needed to feel his skin against hers. Lifting up slightly, Misty pulled Dane close and then sighed, as if enraptured when she felt his chest press against her small, firm breasts.

Motivated by the sensation of flesh-against-flesh, Dane pushed hard inside her, pumping faster and deeper until Misty reached a violent crescendo, scratching and screaming, “Goddamn! Oh, shit. What the fuck you doin’ to me, Dane? I love you—you pretty mufucka!”

Her pussy pulsed out of control, milking Dane, forcing him to shoot jets of semen. His seed splashed against her vaginal walls and spilled out and ran down the crack of her ass.

Dane didn’t respond verbally. Taking panting breaths, he wrapped his arms around her, held her in a tight embrace. “You got my heart rate all fucked up. I’m feelin’ you, Lil’ Bit. You’re a thorough lil’ chick,” he complimented, nodding his head. “You gotta give me your number—I’m definitely gonna keep in touch.”

“What? You’re gonna keep in touch?” Misty frowned, wriggled out of his arms and sat up. “I just told you, I’m in love with you. That means I’m ready for us to kick it on an everyday basis. What? You was on some hit-and-quit-it-type shit? I’m not trying to be your mufuckin’ booty-call bitch.”

With his head propped up by an elbow, Dane gazed up at Misty, his expression serious. “Check my position, Lil’ Bit. Yo, I can feel a strong attraction and no doubt, there’s some kind of crazy connection going on between us…” He paused and moistened his lips. “But I only come through Philly every now and then…” He fell silent, allowing Misty to absorb his words. “I live in Detroit and I’m heading out tomorrow.”

His words hit like a dagger in her chest, making her slump at the shoulders and gasp for breath. She palmed the center of her chest, rubbed it circularly, trying to soothe the ache of such unexpected, heart-stabbing disappointment.

It didn’t work. The pain persisted. Her mind raced around in frantic circles. “No, you check my position,” she retorted, after finally getting a second wind. “My feelings for you are real. I’m in love with you.” Desperate to make him understand, Misty grabbed his hand, clutched it. “You must be crazy if you think I’m gonna let you treat me like a fly-by-night coochie.” She stared at Dane.

“Nah, it wasn’t even like that. All I was saying was…”

“Whatever! A long-distance relationship is not gonna work for me. I’m not feeling that.” She took a deep breath. “I want you. Right here…in Philly…with me.” She punched him in the chest. “Ya heard, nigga!”

“Ow!” Laughing, he defensively crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Oh, you a feisty lil’ jawn.”

“I don’t take no shit off nobody,” she responded. Her eyes followed Dane’s gaze that wandered down to his dick, which looked like it was trying to come back to life.

“Pervert,” she teased. Laughing and smacked his arm.

“Yo, cut that shit out. You got issues. I can tell you got a lot of pent-up rage. Don’t make me have to calm your ass down.”

“Oh, yeah? How you gon’ do that?” Misty forced a hard expression on her face.

“I might have to pull out some restraints for your lil’ violent-ass self.”

“Pull ’em out.” Challengingly, she jutted out her bottom lip.

His eyes dropped. His dick was standing at half-mast.

“Fuck outta here.” She fell out laughing.

Dane laughed, too. “You asked how I planned on restraining you. My jawn is gearing up—gaining the strength to pin your ass down and keep you in your place.”

“You’re not getting any more of my good coochie until we get some shit straight.”

“Speak your peace.”

“What the hell is in Detroit?”

“Home! I’m a businessman. I’m making money in Detroit.”

“How much?”

“I’m eating all right.”

“Uh-huh,” she responded, her words coated with doubt. “So, uh, what kind of whip do you drive?”

Dane looked down. “Right now, I’m in between rides. I was driving a fly-ass truck, but, um, what had happened was…”

Smirking, Misty leaned back. “In other words, your business hit a slump.”

BOOK: Big Juicy Lips
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