Big Girls Don't Cry (15 page)

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Authors: Taylor Lee

BOOK: Big Girls Don't Cry
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He cleared his throat in an effort to remain calm. He moved toward her.

“Did it occur to you that we could have sent your underwear to the lab for analysis? For his fucking DNA? Or perhaps scanned the database for perpetrators who get off on crimes like this? Or, Lexie, do any number of things that investigators do when the victim is truthful with them?”

When she didn’t answer, just looked away, he struggled to contain his fury. As upset as he was with her, he knew the object of his rage was the man who did this, who had violated her. And, he thought with a gut clenching tremor, the man who knew who she was.

He walked over and stood in front of her. He forced himself to be calm. Being angry with her wouldn’t solve anything. Christ, she looked like a wounded deer. Taking a deep breath, he said, “Okay, darlin’, let’s talk about this later. Right now I don’t think I can have a civil conversation with you. And, damn, Lexie, you’ve had a hell of a day.”

When she nodded and looked down, he said, “How about something to eat? Did

you eat anything today after we left my office?”

She shook her head no.

“Dammit, Lexie, you’ve got to eat. Christ, no wonder that booze hit you the way it did.” Trying to erase any judgment from his voice, he added, “I know that you don’t drink like that.”

She glanced up and said with a defiant shrug. “I don’t. I needed to get my courage up.”

He stared at her for a minute waiting to see if she would add to that cryptic note. When she didn’t, he said over his shoulder, as he headed to the kitchen, “Let’s see what I can find for us to eat.”

She was dozing in the chair when he returned with a tray full of food. He pulled the coffee table over in front of her and put the overflowing tray on the table. Without speaking, he cut a huge sandwich in two and placed half on a plate for her. He added a variety of fruit and a small cup of soup. He sunk down on the sofa and heaped the rest of the food on his plate.

When he nodded to her, motioning her to start, she murmured, “Umm. I’m not hungry, Jake.”
His voice was stern, crisp. “Well, be hungry.”
He dug into the sandwich, realizing that he also hadn’t eaten since breakfast.
After several minutes, she looked at his nearly empty plate in wonder. “How do you eat so much, Jake?”
He shrugged scowling at her barely touched plate. “How do you eat so little?”

When she didn’t respond, he raked his eyes over her body. “Yeah, I’m hungry.” Not hiding either the lust or the anger roiling him, he grumbled, “I have to admit, this isn’t what I hoped to feast on tonight.”

Lexie blushed. She hesitated then said softly, “It’s probably just as well, Jake, that you…that we stopped.”

Her cheeks flamed brighter. She gnawed on her bottom lip, a habit that never failed to get a physical reaction out of him. But, he thought with a silent guffaw, there wasn’t much that she did that didn’t make him wonder how the hell his zipper would hold out.

“Jake, you should know. I can’t, I don’t know how…I don’t think I can…”

He put his sandwich down and moved next to her. He reached over and put his finger against her lips.

“Lexie, be quiet, darlin’. I’m gonna tell you something. You better tuck this away somewhere where you won’t forget it.” He leaned in closer, holding her gaze. “This message is for the hottest, most beautiful woman I know. I am going to make love to you, Lexie. And, by God, sugar, you are going to love it. You won’t believe the things I’m going to do to you.”

When she gasped, he just smiled.” And do you know what? You are going to beg me for more. You won’t believe that life can be so good.”



Chapter 15


Lexie looked down, avoiding his piercing gaze. She didn’t want him to know how confused she was. Remembering how she felt when he touched her, held her against the wall made her shiver with a mix of fear and excitement. Her face felt impossibly hot. Jake’s promise that he intended to make love to her both thrilled and frightened her. But, she reminded herself, Jake didn’t know how damaged she was. If he did, she was sure he would be repelled.

But she had a more immediate problem. She needed to tell Jake what she planned to do. How she intended to find Anthony’s killer. She owed him that. She screwed up her courage, knowing how angry Jake would be. For a moment, she wished she could hide behind the numb glow the alcohol gave her earlier. But she knew from long ago experience that that didn’t work. It was worse when the numbness wore off. With a heartfelt sigh, she decided she may as well get it over with. He’d know soon enough.

“Jake, I need to talk with you, to tell you something.”

Jake pinned her with a hard gaze, his eyes narrowing. He settled back against the sofa and draped a casual arm over the back.

“I’m not sure I like the sound of that opening, Lexie. Considering that every damned thing I’ve learned about you, I’ve had to pry out of you. I can’t begin to imagine what’s so bad that you are warning me, rather than just doing it and annoying the hell out of me afterwards.”

Lexie was determined that she would not be put off by his certain anger. She took a deep breath and met his hard gaze.

“Jake, I’ve been talking with people—people on the street.” She looked him in the eye and continued. “Pimps, hookers, and the like.” She continued in a rush ignoring his deepening frown. “I’ve met people who knew Anthony, people who weren’t surprised that he had been killed. The word is that he was a familiar face at the
Senora Travieste

Jake motioned her to continue, the only sign she saw that he was upset was a slight twitch by his eye.

“According to the pimps I talked to, the girls there are making a lot more money than they used to. Their pimps are angry. They’ve lost their hold on the girls. Three separate people told me there is a large scale drug running operation based at the club.”

When he still didn’t respond, Lexie squared her shoulders and lifted her chin, preparing for his response.

“The reason I was dancing tonight, the reason I wanted to make a scene was because I want them to notice me. I don’t know if you saw those three men in the back corner of the bar. The older Hispanic guy is the owner. His name is Sergio. I’ve been told that he personally hires all the waitresses at the club.”

She swallowed past the lump in her throat.

“I…I’m going to apply for a job as a waitress at
Senora Travieste

Jake eyed her. His voice was soft, controlled.

Senora Travieste
is a front for a strip joint, Lexie.”

She was fierce. “I know that, Jake. If they put me on the stage, I’m going to do it. It’s the only way I can get the girls to trust me. To make them think I am one of them so that they will confide in me.”

Jake’s eyes were like ice, his expression oddly contained.

“You know I can’t let you do that, Lexie.”

She shook her head. “Unfortunately, it is not your choice. Not your decision to make. I’m twenty six years old and I make my own decisions.”

Jake made a visible effort to control his response. He leaned forward, his forearms resting on his knees staring at her intently. His answer surprised her.

“Let’s put aside for the moment how I feel about your meeting up with pimps and prostitutes and gang leaders. Instead, let’s discuss your findings. I’m impressed, Lexie. You’ve come up with some of the same information that I and my team have. You are correct. The
Senora Travieste
is the locus of what looks like a major drug relay point. The obvious source is Mexico given the nature of the drugs. And, yes, Anthony was getting close to identifying who the main players are. We know that because of his last reports. Like any good undercover operator, he didn’t share his findings until he was certain and until he was confident of the loyalties of those around him.”

He leaned closer. His eyes were dark, intense.

“Lexie, let us handle this. I promise you, I will keep you informed every step of the way. You don’t have to put yourself in any more danger than you already are.”

Lexie shook her head. She met his gaze and held it. She needed him to understand. She wanted him to support her even though she was sure he wouldn’t.

“I can’t, Jake. I can’t let you ‘handle’ this. I loved Anthony more than anything in the world. I will not stop until I find his killer. You won’t either, Jake. You would never step aside and let someone else run this investigation. Don’t ask me to do something you wouldn’t.”

She stood up, wavering slightly. Jake jumped up, catching her. He held both of her arms and pulled her close.

“Dammit, Lexie. You can barely stand. You have to take better care of yourself.”

Lexie leaned against him. She wanted the comfort of his arms. She longed to hold him. Have him hold her. But she knew if she gave in to her need, Jake would not let up until she agreed. He was too strong, too powerful. She had to resist him. She pressed her hands against his chest and looked up at him, meeting his fierce gaze.

“Please, Jake. Please go. I can’t talk about this anymore tonight. I need to go to bed. I…I’m exhausted. I think I can sleep tonight.”

Jake peered at her pale face. She looked so fucking fragile. He didn’t know how he could let her go. Christ, all he wanted to do was pick her up and carry her in to bed…and crawl in beside her. He took a deep breath and nodded.

“Yeah, Lexie. You need to sleep. Promise me you’ll call if you can’t sleep? Promise?

“And, Lexie? This conversation isn’t over. Uh uh, sugar, we’ve barely begun.”

Lexie blushed. “Thank you for being with me today at…at your office. And thank you for tracking me down tonight. I appreciate it.”

She looked down, not able to meet his hard stare. She hesitated, “|I … I wish I could be the kind of person you want me to be, Jake. But…but I can’t….”

Jake’s eyes narrowed. He shook his head and chucked her under the chin.

“Ah, darlin’ you don’t have to change a damn thing.”


Closing the door behind him with a sigh, Jake nodded to Brady in the shadows.

Brady stepped forward, pinning Jake with a knowing glance and gave a low whistle.

“Damn, Jake. I dunno what to say. Sure as hell didn’t expect you out here so soon. Given that scene at the bar, I assumed this was gonna be an all-nighter.”

Jake shook his head and grimaced. His voice was strained, curt.

“Did you ever think that maybe I’m not as much of an asshole as you think I am?”

Brady frowned. He was quiet for a moment and then said solemnly, “I’ve never thought you were an asshole, Jake. You’re the most honorable man I know.”

Jake glanced up in surprise. He nodded and gave his friend a rueful smile.

“Thanks, Brady. I just wish I could explain it to my dick. He’s not into this honorable crap. Can’t figure out what the hell is going on.”

Brady whistled again. “It’s gotta be tough, big guy. That is some woman in there. Looks that have every guy in the room hitching up his trousers and a feisty attitude that’s gotta drive you crazy, especially a protective son of a bitch like you!”

Jake gave a heartfelt sigh. “I gotta tell you, Brady. She is driving me crazy. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me. She’s got me ass over elbows and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it!”

He stopped for a minute then glowered. “Know what I found out tonight? That fucker not only was in her room at the motel, but he was pawing through her underwear! Playing with it!
And he left it in a way to make sure she saw it, just to torment her.”

Jake hesitated trying to quell the red haze settling over him. His voice was whisper soft. “And she didn’t bother to tell me about it.” He added with a disgusted snort. “Oh, no, she just planned to handle it herself.”

Brady shook his head. “That’s hard, big guy. Not to pile on, but you haven’t exactly been approachable these last couple of days.”

Jake looked up, surprised, then shook his head in agreement.

“You’re right. I’ve been an overbearing prick. But, dammit, she won’t listen. She’s as stubborn as a mule after a fresh load of hay. She’s impervious to the danger. No matter what the threat, she’s convinced that she has to go it alone. Christ, Brady, you and I both know the message that perverted fucker was sending. Playing with her panties! They’ve marked her. She’s on their list.”

Jake’s stomach heaved. He choked back the bile rising in his throat. Fighting for calm, he shook his head.

“Do you want to know what that bar scene was about tonight? You ready for this, Brady? She’s putting herself out there. For bait. She’s almost at the place we are in the investigation. She knows Anthony was focusing on
Senora Travieste
and according to her ‘sources,’ the pimps and hookers on the street, the drug operation is using the girls at the strip joint. She figures if she gets hired on at
Senora Travieste
, then she can get the girls to trust her.” Jake’s voice rose. “And then all by her little itty bitty self, all 120 pounds of her, she’ll take down the drug lords and whoever else killed Anthony and plans to kill her.”

Jake stopped his rant and ran his hands through his hair. Pacing up and down the sidewalk, he didn’t know when he had been more frustrated.

Brady gave another of his low whistles. “Well, if her goal was to get noticed, she was a stunning success. Hell, that little show tonight will be the talk of the base and the impetus for a hell of lot of jerk offs for months to come.”

He sighed and gave Jake a sympathetic grin. “Yeah, Jake. I don’t know when I’ve met a more determined, independent minded woman than that one. I’d say you more than have your hands full with that feisty little minx.”

Jake grunted, a deep frown creasing his brow.

“You’re right, Brady. Independent doesn’t begin to describe her. Damn. She puts that chin of hers up in the air and I don’t know what I want to do more, turn her over my knee and paddle her ass or take her against the wall.”

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