Read Big City Uptown Dragon Online

Authors: Cynthia Sax

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Big City Uptown Dragon (3 page)

BOOK: Big City Uptown Dragon
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Two could play at that game.

Chapter Three


Hailey glared at the closed door in front of her. “Excluded again.” Killer whined in sympathy, confined to his pet carrier underneath Ember’s desk. Both of them were nine-to-five prisoners.

She wasn’t a damn dog though. Hailey slammed her fist down on the space key, the impact causing the keyboard to jump. She didn’t have to stay and take this. Except it had been her idea to take this job. And it was her fault she wasn’t on the other side of that closed door.

Like everyone else was.

Vanna had waltzed into Oro’s office three hours ago. As she walked by, her skinny-ass body clad in an obscenely short black skirt and a tight-fitting blazer, there’d been color in her pale cheeks and an extra wiggle in her step. This wasn’t Vanna’s weekly sucking up to the boss appointment. This meeting with Oro was special.

Ember had picked up her tablet and joined them a half hour later, Oro having asked specifically for her help, as he had for the past four days, ignoring Hailey completely.

That wasn’t anything new. Everyone liked Ember. She was friendly and nice and she fit into every group. She was a joiner. She belonged.

Hailey didn’t fit in and she didn’t belong, her coworkers viewing her with suspicion and fear. She told herself that was okay, dragons being solitary animals, except it wasn’t okay, not this time and not with Oro. It hurt like nothing had ever hurt her before.

Hailey blinked back tears and jabbed the keyboard with her talons. Shirley, that old harpy, literally, hissed as she walked by. Oro had some stupid rule about appearing normal and human during work hours. Hailey didn’t care what her boss thought.

Because he didn’t care about her.

Oro hadn’t fucked her since that first time on his desk. He hadn’t fucked her. He hadn’t kissed her. He hadn’t touched her.

That wasn’t a new development for Hailey either. No male lasted more than one sexual round with her. She was too rough, too aggressive. She thought Oro would be different as he was a dragon, and according to her research, dragons supposedly liked violent sex, but he hadn’t been different. He preferred the cool, passionless Vanna, someone who wouldn’t burn his office to bits or shred his designer clothes.

Since his fascination with her had clearly evaporated to nothing, he hadn’t moved them into the penthouse with him. He’d found another apartment a couple floors down that had been free.

Hailey pressed send on the e-mail, not bothering to proofread the letter one of Oro’s other executives had requested.

Oro had fucked her once, and that had been enough. He was done with her.

The door opened and shut, Ember exiting, traipsing over to the seat beside her, a massive stack of papers in her hands. “He wants to see you.”

He wanted to see her. Hailey’s heart leaped. No. She squashed her blooming desire. He wanted to see her for work. “I’m done with him, Em.” She couldn’t stay here and be ignored. She couldn’t watch him with other females. “I’m putting in our resignation.”

“I don’t mind… for me.” Ember set the papers on the desk and bent over to pet her little dog’s head. “He scares Killer. But for you…”

“He scares me too,” she admitted. She didn’t want to care so much, to risk so much.

“I know.” Ember smiled sadly. “But take it from me, running away never solves anything. Sooner or later, you’ll have to face your fears.”

“Oh, I’ll face my fears all right.” Hailey stood, determined to give Oro a piece of her mind. She wasn’t running away. She was a dragon. She didn’t run away from anything. “I plan to tell my fears off before we quit.”

Hailey stomped to the door, rapped three times, and stormed inside. Vanna jumped, her eyes widening. The willowy, black-haired beauty was seated behind the desk on Oro’s lap, her arms around his neck, her blazer open.

. A growl escaped Hailey’s lips before she could suppress it. She flexed her talons, fighting the urge to fly at Vanna and savagely rip the smug expression off her pale face.

“You wish to see me?” She layered ice over her words as she sat down.

“I do.” Oro inhaled deeply, his nostrils flaring and his chest rising. His lips curved into a dreamy smile, his besotted gaze fixed upon the woman on his lap, and Hailey curled her fingers, digging her talons into her palms. “Though the reason why escapes me at the moment.”

“I won’t let you escape me,” Vanna purred as she leaned into him. Hailey watched with horror as the woman ran her long, vamp-red fingernails over Oro’s neck and followed those pink scratches with her tongue, licking him, licking

Vanna would die. Smoke wisped around Hailey’s lips. She would die for touching what was hers.

But Oro wasn’t hers. Hailey stared at her gold bangles, centering herself, controlling her anger.
Oh, God
. Hadn’t these last few days shown her that?

She didn’t need any more days. “We quit.” Hailey stood up, smoothing down her skirt, her hands moist.

“What the hell did you say?” Oro shoved Vanna away from him, and the woman’s pale cheeks flushed.

“Ember and I quit,” Hailey repeated, her dark mood lightening at his immediate reaction. “We’re taking the open waitress positions at The Lair.”

There were open waitress positions. Anxious to learn more about her own species, she’d contacted the Bronx dragon’s mate via e-mail. The very friendly Perla had excitedly shared all of The Lair gossip with her, including the recent firings of two drug-dealing waitresses.

“You wouldn’t,” Oro rumbled. Golden scales covered his handsome face. Smoke curled from his nostrils.

“Watch me.” She pivoted on her six-inch heels and stormed out the door. Ember glanced up as she exited. “We’re leaving.” Hailey snatched her purse out of her desk’s top drawer.

“You’re not leaving,” Oro boomed, waves of enticing heat rolling off his big body, heat he had been sharing with another woman.

“I’ll meet you at the apartment,” Hailey informed her wide-eyed friend. She slung the purse strap over her shoulder and stomped down the aisle.

leaving me.” Oro grabbed her wrist, stopping her. “You can’t.”

“Can’t I?” She struggled and his grip tightened. “I’m not sticking around to watch you paw at another woman, Oro. I have my pride.”

“Dragons have pride. Shit,” the huge, handsome idiot mumbled. “I didn’t touch her. Why would I when you’re all I think about?”

Some of her anger melted, but not enough. “She touched you.” Hailey kicked him in the shins. Oro winced, but he didn’t let her go.

“I didn’t like it, Hailey. Her touch was cold, so unbearably cold.” He shivered, his wide shoulders shaking. “Vanna or, hell, any other woman, is cold and fragile compared to you. I can’t touch them the way I touch you, and I don’t want to. No one heats my blood like you do, mate.”

“I’m your assistant,” Hailey insisted, her protest weaker than it had been four days ago. An assistant wouldn’t walk out on her boss for touching another woman. “Was your assistant.”

my assistant, my mate, my life. Don’t go, Hailey, please,” Oro pleaded. “I’m begging you. I’ll do anything.”

Although he sounded reassuringly panicked, Hailey wasn’t ready to forgive him, not yet. She eyed his earnest face, debating her next move. “Begging is normally done on your knees.”

He fell to his knees. The floor shook with impact.

Hailey stared at the proud man humbled before her. He was begging. He wanted her. He truly wanted her. She still didn’t know how much of his passion was for her, Hailey, and how much was for her, the dragon. Would she ever? Did it matter? “Ember and I will need a salary increase.”

“I’ll double, triple your salary.” He kissed her hand, his mouth hot and possessive.

“You aren’t to touch another female.” She pursed her lips, remembering Vanna’s tongue on his skin.

“Never. I don’t want to touch or look at anyone else.” He pushed up her sleeve, sprinkling kisses up her arm. “You’re the only female for me, Hailey.”

Someone laughed. Hailey lifted her gaze and glared as heads disappeared behind cubicle walls. Someone dared to laugh at
mate. She growled. “We’ll discuss this in your office.”

“Yes.” Oro bounced to his feet, his smile triumphant. “In my office.” He swung her into his arms and Hailey squeaked, surprised by his enthusiasm. “I’ll show you how much I need you, Hailey.” He stalked back to the office. “You’ll never doubt me again.”

“Mr. Oro,” Ember called out. “Vanna asked me to remind you about your deal. She’s holding you to it.”

“What deal is she talking about?” Hailey narrowed her eyes as Oro kicked the door closed behind them.

“That isn’t important.” He set her down on his chair, the black leather smelling of smoke and him. “The only thing that’s important is you’re here, with me.”

He knelt before her and ran his hands over her legs, pushing her skirt upward. His hands were firm and warm. Tingles of awareness flowed over her bare skin.

“Oro.” Hailey cupped his face, and their gazes met, his eyes darkened with raw, stark need and edged with a softer emotion she couldn’t identify.

“Hailey.” His lips covered hers, his kiss achingly gentle, almost reverent. He worshiped her flesh with lazy strokes of his tongue, and she opened to him. A rumble rolled up his chest as he surged into her with tongue and flames. Their heat rose and steam poured from their mouths.

“So beautiful.” He scattered fervent kisses down her neck, and he pushed the blazer off her shoulders. “So fierce.” Oro tugged her bustier down, freeing her breasts. “So fearless.” He named those attributes as if they were desirable, and he blew fire on her exposed skin, scales covering her tightened nipples.

“Yes.” She arched, offering her breasts to him.

He fastened his lips over her flesh and suckled, tugging, burning, tormenting her right nipple with stimulating pain and heart-stopping pleasure. She cried out his name and clasped his head to her bosom, holding him tightly to her.

His talons curved around her waist, clicking over her scale-covered spine, drawing her closer to him until his torso was wedged between her thighs, his toned stomach pressed against her mons.

Oro devoured her, bathing her breasts in flames, his tongue like molten metal, flicking over her nipple. With a mighty groan, he tore his mouth away from her right breast, licked the valley between her curves and showed the same devotion to its neglected twin.

“Oro.” She ground her pussy against his hard muscles, the tips of her talons digging into his scalp, the scent of smoke and blood and arousal filling the room.

He slid his hands up her skirt, curled his fingers around the legs of her silk panties, and pulled them down, removing that barrier between them. She wiggled with excitement, lifting her hips, and he chuckled against her breast.

“Only I can make you crazy like this, Hailey.” He cupped her mons with one of his big hands, his talons sliding under her ass cheeks. “Only I can make you this hot.” He stroked her. “This wet.” He blew fire between her legs, and her pussy juices bubbled, evaporating with a hiss.

“Only you.” Hailey writhed, hotter than she’d ever been yet not hot enough. She needed more. She needed him.

“You smell so good.” His nostrils flared. “I have to taste you.” He pushed his head between her spread thighs, his tongue scorching an erotic trail along her skin.

“Yes. Yes. Yes.” Hailey held onto his shoulders, his big, wide, impossibly strong shoulders, and her body tensed, coiling, anticipating his touch.

He slowly, leisurely exhaled. As his flames licked her skin, she screamed, her world fracturing into a million pieces, all of them golden, all of them resembling him.

Oro threw one of his large arms across her thighs and pressed down upon her as she bucked. He rode the motion of her hips, sucking up her juices, his lips soothing her heated flesh.

“Only you, Oro.” Hailey trembled.

He swiped the flat of his tongue over her pussy and circled her clit with the tip, prolonging her brain-numbing orgasm. “Only I can give you that.” He nibbled on her folds, his love bites sharp and arousing. “And I’ll never let you go, Hailey. I’ll follow you, fight for you, kill for you.”

Would he
? Hailey stared down at the golden head between her legs. She had heard how he had fought the older, larger Frey, trying to win Perla as a mate. No one had ever wanted her that much.

But no one had ever knelt before her, either, begging for a second chance. Hope unfurled inside her heart. Could he grow to care for her, perhaps even love her?

“Oro, I --”

“There’s more, Hailey. I can do more.” He lifted her ass, the tips of his talons pricking her flesh. “Let me show you how good it can be.” Oro applied his mouth to her pussy, feasting upon her, inhaling her moisture with gusty slurps.

She moaned, her easing passions flaring back to life. He filled her entrance with his tongue, caressing her inner walls, draining all of the liquid from her. She clutched at him when he withdrew and pushed at his shoulders when her desire sharpened.

He pumped her, wielding his tongue like the softest, most agile cock, his grip on her ass thrillingly tight. She thrust upward, shamelessly riding his handsome face. The tip of his perfect nose bumped against her clit, rubbing that sensitive flesh, and she cried out, holding onto him, struggling for control. So close. So --

Oro sealed his lips around her entrance and he blew. A burning blaze of red-hot fire surged inside her pussy, scorching her from within, and Hailey shrieked his name, bursting into flames, her world consisting of heat and fire and Oro.

“You won’t leave me, Hailey.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his cheek against her stomach. “You’re my mate.”

She didn’t correct him because it was true. She was his mate.

Chapter Four


“Shouldn’t you be speaking to your beloved, rather than glowering at her?” Oro grumpily asked the vampire beside him. The store teemed with the usual assortment of late-night shoppers including werewolves, demons, and other paranormals preferring the dark.

BOOK: Big City Uptown Dragon
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