Big Bear Blunder: BBW Werebear Shapeshifter Suspense Romance (Sweetwater Brides) (4 page)

BOOK: Big Bear Blunder: BBW Werebear Shapeshifter Suspense Romance (Sweetwater Brides)
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ara stared
at the picture in front of her. It was definitely the same couple that had spoken to her earlier.

‘Robert and Julia Clearpond celebrate 30 years of marriage, surrounded by their three children’
the caption read. All their children were definitely male. Not a Janet in sight.

They even lied about their names!
Sara thought with indignation.

“Wait a minute, Clearpond? They’re related to Keith? I got the feeling he was into me, but this is a bit too much, don’t you think?” Sara said, finally lifting her eyes from the picture to look at Everett, who was clearly fuming.

“This isn’t just about you,” Everett bit out.

“Then what is it about? What in God’s name is going on around here?” Sara demanded. She was confused, angry, and tired of being toyed with.

Turns out Sweetwater is anything but sweet.

“They told you I’m a shifter. That much is true. I’m part of the Grimpaw werebear clan and we’ve been living here in Sweetwater for generations. The only other shifters in the area are the Clearpond wolves. We’ve never gotten along,” Everett explained, splaying his hands on the table.

Sara signaled the waitress for two cups of coffee, feeling like she needed something to do with her hands lest they curl into fists.

“Is it because you’re bears and they’re wolves?” Sara asked, leaning forward. Her curiosity was definitely piqued. What else didn’t she know about?

“Mostly it’s because they’re assholes,” Everett growled.

“They settled here after us and have been trying to buy up land, get us to draw back. They attacked my brother Ethan’s wife when she first moved here and ambushed my other brother, Evan, at his home. Among other things…” Everett said, the memories coloring his face with rage.

His hands were fists on the table – seemed she wasn’t the only one in need of a cup to concentrate on.

Sara reached out, grabbing his hands in hers. Everett relaxed a bit, searching her eyes.

“Sorry, they really piss me off,” he said with a strained smile.

The waitress arrived with two steaming cups, and Sara pulled her hands back. As the woman left, giving them an inquisitive look, Everett continued.

“Both my brothers have found their mates. The only ones they could ever love. That means they, and by correlation the whole Grimpaw clan, are more powerful than ever. Finding their soul mate makes a bear stronger, faster, smarter. Hell, they even heal quicker.”

“This is a huge threat to the Clearponds. They are already struggling. The farming equipment you delivered is their last ditch effort to stay relevant,” Everett explained, wrapping his huge hands around the coffee mug in front of him.

This was definitely a whole new world for Sara. She took a sip of the brew, trying to focus her thoughts.

“And you think I might be your… mate?” she asked, trying to wrap her head around everything Everett had just said.

Everett surprised her by getting up from his seat and making his way to her side of the table. He squeezed in next to her, his large frame pressed against her side. He ran his hands down her shoulders, making goosebumps spread over Sara’s body. Her skin felt alive, surging with power where he touched her. It made her shiver.

“You feel it too, the spark,” Everett said, practically devouring her with his gaze. Sara’s reaction was unmistakable, undeniable. She wanted him, that much was true. But… soul mates?

That’s some fairytale level of silliness,
she thought, a clump forming in the back of her throat.

She wanted to argue, opening her mouth to protest… but all that came out was a breathy whisper.

“Yes,” Sara said. “I’ve never felt like this and something tells me I never will again with anyone else,” she continued, her mind suddenly clear. She could feel with every part of her being that what Everett was telling her was true.

Even if it was

“Exactly. That’s why I think you might be the one,” Everett said intensely.

“You remember seeing one of Keith’s friends at the pub yesterday? I could sense someone lurking about after I walked you to the motel. It must’ve been him. After seeing us kiss, I bet he ran straight to the pack. They freaked, they couldn’t take the chance of me finding my mate as well. So they sent a nice little concerned married couple to convince you of what a bastard I am,” Everett recounted, continuing to unravel the Clearponds’ plan.

“And it worked,” Sara said softly.

How easy it had been to make her waver, to make her distrust her intuition.

“You couldn’t have possibly known. It all sounds a bit insane, and I’m the one saying it!” Everett exclaimed, leaning back into the seat.

“I feel sick. What a nasty little scheme,” Sara groaned, disgusted.

Everett’s body was still pressed against hers. He was warm and comforting, but the close contact was sending another type of heat through her body. Sara looked at Everett. His jaw was clenched, teeth gritted. She reached out, placing her hand on his face and stroking his stubbly cheek. Everett closed his eyes, the gesture instantly relaxing his features. Sara’s skin tingled, as if waiting to be explored.

“I love being close to you,” Everett murmured, his voice low and full of an unnamed emotion.

Sara’s insides melted, thoughts of being entangled in Everett’s strong, toned arms filling her head. She imagined how good it would feel to wrap her legs around him, their bodies finding a unified rhythm.

Everett’s eyes snapped open, burning with the intensity of a wild animal. He seemed to have read her thoughts just by looking at her.

“Want me to walk you to your room?” he asked huskily.

“I guarantee I’ll invite you in this time,” Sara answered, feeling bold and drunk with anticipation.

Everett threw some money on the table and they rushed to the exit. Sara felt like a teenager, hardly able to keep her hands to herself. God knows she had undressed Everett in her mind many times over. She could hardly believe she was minutes away from unwrapping the real deal.

Lost in thought and in a hurry, Sara almost ran face-first into someone at the door, only managing to stop at the last second.

“Whoa there,” the man said with a smile, before noticing Everett at her side. At that, his face turned cold.


Sara could feel Everett stiffen at her side.

This is so not good.


Keith’s face made Everett lose it. The warm, fuzzy energy that had been roiling in him from being so close to Sara seemed to evaporate immediately at the sight of the werewolf. He stepped in front of Sara and used his body to shove Keith out of the diner and into the street.

“I think you and me need to have a little talk,” Everett growled, looming over Keith.

“Step off, I haven’t done anything to you!” Keith cried out, backing away.

“Oh yeah? And since when do your aunt and uncle have a daughter called Janet?” Everett bellowed.

Keith’s mouth tightened into a line, a hint of gold flashing through his eyes.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, planting his feet.

“Oh, cut the crap,” Sara countered from behind Everett. “No need to keep this little charade going on my account,” she continued, sounding mighty pissed off.

Everett couldn’t help but smile.

Keith threw his head back in frustration.

“Fine, whatever. I hope you and your trucker are very happy together for these couple of days before she leaves,” Keith spat out, staring at Everett with unmasked contempt.

Everett’s bear roared in anger and pain. The thought of Sara leaving was a stab to Everett’s heart. He lunged toward Keith with a wild snarl.

His fist made contact with Keith’s jaw with a fleshy thud. Dust swirled as Keith went down, sprawling out on the street. Everett grabbed Keith by the collar, dragging him back up. He was winding up for another punch when he felt Sara’s hands on his shoulder.

“Stop!” she said softly but urgently. “There are people here, staring. You’ll get in trouble. Let him go,” she urged, gently tugging at him.

Everett released Keith after a moment of hesitation. The werewolf stumbled back to his feet and started laughing, crimson drops smattering his face.

“Guess we know who wears the pants in this relationship,” Keith barked, wiping the blood from his mouth.

“He’s just trying to get under your skin,” Sara pleaded, nudging Everett towards the road to the motel. Everett let her lead him, trying to regain control, though he kept his eyes squarely on Keith. There was nothing to be accomplished by kicking Keith’s ass.

Just the perk of great personal satisfaction
, his mind offered.

As Keith fell out of sight, Sara spoke up.

“I don’t want to go to the motel anymore. Let’s go someplace you like, somewhere away from here,” she said, slipping her small hand into his.

The idea made Everett forget all about Keith and the Clearpond clan.


“I have a little cabin in the woods. We could take the scenic route,” he offered, squeezing Sara’s hand.

“Great! Where’s your pickup?” she asked, smiling up at him.

“Umm… it’s right over there, actually,” Everett said hesitantly, pointing at the motel parking lot.

“Why would…” Sara started, before it dawned on her. “You were watching me!” she said, slapping at his chest.

Everett ran his hand through his hair sheepishly, not knowing what to say.

“I swear to God, if you weren’t the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on…” Sara trailed off, shaking her head.

Everett grinned to himself. He could get used to hearing that particular term of endearment, even if it did come at a price.

They got into Everett’s truck and headed out of town. The roads turned from asphalt to gravel as buildings thinned out and trees took over. Everett felt more and more relaxed with every mile that separated him from Keith and the rest of those mutts and brought him closer to complete solitude with Sara.

“I hope nothing that Keith said got to you,” Everett noted, watching Sara stare out of her window.

“What? That I’m a trucker and I wear pants? It takes a lot more than that to rattle me,” Sara laughed.

“You’ve had a lot of practice standing up to guys like him?” he prodded.

“Sure. You’ve probably noticed I’m not the most stereotypical woman. Some take offence to that, don’t know why. Feel threatened, I guess,” Sara said, shrugging and sticking her hand out the rolled down window, playing with the breeze.

“I know what that’s like,” Everett chuckled. “I should fill my brothers in on what’s going on,” he continued after a moment of contemplation.

“I gather you guys are close?” Sara asked, her hair blowing in the wind.

“Yeah, but this also concerns the clan. We can’t just allow the Clearponds to get away with this,” Everett responded.

“Do you have any siblings?” he asked Sara, turning off the beaten path.

“Had. My brother practically raised me after our parents died. He was my best friend,” Sara said, her voice slightly shaking.

“I’m sorry. What happened to him?” Everett queried softly.

He couldn’t imagine losing one of his brothers. His heart ached for what she must have gone through.

“Cancer. Life’s cruel that way. You never know when someone is going to be ripped away from you,” she said, turning to Everett with a sad smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

The words echoed inside Everett, gnawing at him. They fell silent for a while, listening to the wind play in the trees.

“The parts for your truck arrived today. Noah is already working on the repairs,” Everett said, breaking the hush. “I wanted to do it myself but… well, I figured there was at least one better way to spend my time.”

“I never would have thought hearing that would make me sad,” Sara said, her gaze a million miles away.

That makes two of us.

As they arrived at Everett’s cabin, Sara’s eyes lit up.

“This is where you live?” she asked giddily, rushing out of the car.

Everett nodded.

The house was a modest cottage nestled between majestic elms and sturdy oaks with a mountainous backdrop. Everett led Sara inside. The house had an open plan, most of it taken up by the living area, with a small kitchen to the left and a bedroom tucked away in the back. A brick fireplace stood opposite the entrance, the only decoration a picture of him with his brothers’ families.

Sara walked around, the hardwood floors creaking under her steps.

“It’s wonderful,” she exclaimed softly.

She looked like a little kid at Christmas. The thought made Everett chuckle.

“I’m glad you like it,” he said, grabbing Sara from behind and wrapping his arms around her waist. Sara leaned into his embrace, covering his hands with hers. Everett nuzzled into her neck, his nose filled with her sweet scent. Sara tilted her head, giving him better access. He started kissing down her neck, towards her collarbone.

Sara sighed, swaying on her feet a little. Everett’s hands started to slowly roam across her stomach, his fingers slipping under the edge of Sara’s t-shirt. When he reached her breast and gave it a gentle squeeze, a soft moan escaped Sara’s throat. Pure lust burst through Everett’s body.

The sound of a car engine pulled Everett out of the haze of desire. He mumbled a curse under his breath before releasing Sara.

Perfect timing as usual.

The rumbling grew closer and Everett could hear someone pull up in front of the cabin. Sara perked up as well.

“You expecting company?” she asked, pulling the edge of her shirt down.

“Nope,” Everett responded, tapping into his bear. The beast stirred, ready for a fight.

“You don’t think…” Sara started, growing anxious.

“Stay here,” Everett said, opening the door and stepping out into the sun.

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