BeyondAddiction (13 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: BeyondAddiction
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He preferred a pussy completely waxed but found the thin
line of hair striping her lips almost as tempting. A salon appointment would be
right up there on the list of things to do quickly. Nothing turned him on more
than a bare cunt, open and waiting for him to plunder.

When she had removed every stitch of clothing, including her
shoes, she stood waiting, her expression half curious, half fearful.

Good. That’s just the way he wanted her.

“Turn.” He made a circular motion with his finger and she
moved in a slow circle.

God! Her ass had such a sweet curve to it and the crevice
separating her cheeks just begged for his fingers and his cock. He had to grit
his teeth as an image of Fallon, naked and spread out before him, tied to the
bed, open to whatever he wished, nearly destroyed his concentration. He shoved
his clenched fists into his pants pockets to hide his need for self-control.

She waited, hands clasped in front of her, her expression
both fearful and hungry, the natural expression for a sub. Better and better.
Oh yes. This was going to be even more exciting than he’d thought.

“Follow me.” He turned toward the bedroom, certain she’d be
right behind him.

Inside, he turned and, yes, there she was, waiting with that
same combination of apprehension and expectation. And curiosity. Good. That
curiosity would be her weakness. He was an unknown quantity to her, and like a
well-trained sub, she was right to be uncertain. Until she knew exactly how he
would treat her. He cupped her cheeks with his palms.

“The women I enjoy are those who are mine in every way,” he
told her. “Who never question what I ask of them, never refuse me. In return, I
care for their every need, more than they could ever expect.” He brushed his
mouth over hers. “I want you to be that woman in my life now, Fallon.”

Tease. Seduce. Draw her in.

He traced the seam of her lips with his tongue, urging her
to open. When she did, he swept inside again with a devouring kiss, his tongue
licking everywhere. Her hands came up to clutch at his wrists. Soon enough he
would teach her that touching was done only at his command, but tonight he was
just dipping her toe in the water.

When he had kissed her so thoroughly he could sense her
readiness, he lifted his head and dropped his hands.

“Submissive pose. Now.”

He swallowed a smile of satisfaction when she dropped
gracefully to her knees, head bowed, hands behind her back, and waited for what
came next.

“Keep those hands behind your back unless I order you to use
them otherwise. To stroke my cock, for example.”

Her lips curved in a tiny smile and satisfaction surged
through him. Things were off to a good start.

“When we are together in private,” he continued, “you will
immediately undress and assume this position, waiting for my instructions. Is
that clear?”

“Yes. It is.”

“And you will always use the proper form of address. I am
and you will acknowledge me as such. Do you understand?”

“Yes. I do.” Pause. “Master.”

Okay then. They were on their way.

“Do you know what will happen if you should forget to
address me properly?”

“Yes, Master. I do.”

Brian explained anyway. “You will be punished accordingly,
just as you will be disciplined for any other infraction or impudence or lack
of respect. To be certain you understand, I’m going to show you. Stand up,
Slave, and bend over the side of the bed.”

She rose to her feet, somewhat unsteadily because she
couldn’t use her hands for balance, but she obeyed him nevertheless. Walking to
the bed, she bent over it as he instructed.

“Hands still behind your back and feet spread apart.”

He stared at her, his cock throbbing at the sight of her
naked body, cunt fully exposed and every bit of her open to anything he chose
to do, exciting him beyond belief.

He had handcuffs stored in the suite, along with a complete
range of toys and lotions and gels, but he decided to continue easing her into
this. Plenty of time to ramp it up later on.

“Tell me what kind of spanking turns you on,” he said,
trailing his fingers over the curve of her buttocks.

“Spanking?” she repeated, but her muscles flexed at just
that simple touch.

“Yes. Do you prefer just a bare hand on your ass, like
this?” He gave one cheek a light slap. “Or does paddling turn you on more?”
When she didn’t answer, he gave a rough laugh. “Never mind. I’d rather start
slowly and work our way up. It’s easier for me to gauge your reactions that

He looked around the room. The suite was decorated in the
same bawdy fashion as the rest of the hotel, including heavy velvet drapes tied
back at the windows. With a slight twist of his fingers, he removed the silken
cords that tied the drapes back and approached the bed. He wound one of the
cords around her wrists and tied it off.

She tensed but quickly relaxed, and satisfaction surged
through him. He had worried she might just tell him to go to hell. Instead she
seemed both fascinated and slightly confused…uncertain. He slipped a hand
between her thighs, touching her pussy, and smiled in smug satisfaction. Wetter
still. Just as he thought; she was turned on by the whole scene.


He leaned forward so his face was close to hers. “I’m going
to give you a night that will be more than just memorable; it will put every
other night you’ve had to shame. It will leave you with a hunger for more and
more and more. And I’m the man who’ll give it to you. Say yes, you accept

“Yes.” The word escaped on a breath.

He lifted a hand and brought it down sharply on one butt

“Ow!” The word simply escaped from her mouth and she
flinched, but then bit her lip.

“That stings, doesn’t it? It’s supposed to. When I’m
finished, you’ll find sitting somewhat uncomfortable for a few days. But the
pain will be a constant reminder of me and the pleasure I can give you.”

He slapped the other cheek, smiling at the red blush
spreading over the skin. God, she heated nicely.

He slapped her cheeks again and again, watching her body
jerk at each contact. He enjoyed her reactions, her cries, the rosy hue
creeping down her thighs. Enjoyed it all so much he actually had to force
himself to stop at twenty smacks. When he finished, he smoothed one hand over
the curve of her ass, down the inside of each thigh and probed her cunt again
with his fingers.


She was

He was going to enjoy this more than he’d ever dreamed.
Little by little, he’d teach her that the only thing she could trust was his
absolute control. Teach her the dangerous penalty for disobeying or displeasing
him. He would mold her into exactly what he wanted.

Reaching for her drenched folds again, he slipped one finger
up to her clit and rubbed lightly back and forth several times. Little moans
escaped her mouth and she tried to push herself down onto his touch. He spanked
her ass hard.

“None of that. Stay completely still unless I tell you

He amused himself stimulating her hard knot of sensitive
flesh, enjoying even more her struggles to remain still. Two fingers easily
slid into her dripping channel. He added a third, twisting them this way and
that. He thought for a moment he’d really have to discipline her as he worked,
scraping his fingers against her sweet spot.

But she held it together, her pleasure evident in the liquid
that flooded his fingers. She made a small sound of protest when he removed his
hand, and he delivered two more hard slaps, one to each globe of her buttocks.

“Next time I’ll have to use the flogger,” he said. “Let you
know I mean business.”

He unwrapped the rope from her wrists and lifted her from
the bed, turning her to face him.

“Submissive pose.”

At once she dropped to her knees, head bowed, hands again
behind her back.

“You may move your hands and unzip my fly.”

When she did, he saw the slight tremble in her fingers.
Good. She obviously wanted to please him. He couldn’t wait to educate her as to
his particular desires. But one step at a time.

“Take out my cock and put it in your mouth,” he directed.
“Lick it and rub it on your tongue.”

He was already hard as a spike. When her delicate tongue
touched the skin of his shaft, he clenched his own hands to maintain control.
He never,
lost control with a sub, and tonight would be no
exception. He wanted to maintain this feeling until the last possible moment.

“You know what to do,” he went on. “Lick me. Suck me.
Deep-throat me. Work me until I tell you I’m ready to come.”

She wasn’t quite an expert at it but neither was she an
amateur. She used her mouth, her tongue and her fingers with an unexpected
skill. Her hot mouth surrounded him, her slim fingers gripped his shaft and she
worked him and worked him until his balls tightened and he felt the familiar
chill at the base of his spine.

“Now. Make me come
, Slave.”

And she did, taking him deep in her throat and tightening
her lips around him as he spurted again and again into her mouth. Her throat
muscles contracted as she swallowed every drop.

Jesus Christ!

Brian closed his eyes and let the intense feeling wash over
him, riding it as long as he could. Finally he opened his eyes and looked down
at her.

“Clean me with your tongue. Make sure you get any drops that
escaped. Then tuck me back into my trousers.”

When she had done so, he reached down and touched her chin
with two fingers, tilting up her face.

“Good for the first time with me. You’ll learn more about
the way I like it each time we’re together. You may rise now.”

More than her hands were trembling as she got to her feet
and waited for what came next.

“Put your clothes on.”

Her eyes widened. “But I didn’t— I mean—”

“No orgasm? No, Slave. Not tonight. Tonight was for my
pleasure only. And for you to experience the joy of servicing me.”

She looked as if she wanted to say something but changed her

“This is about you understanding that your responses are
controlled by me. I will decide how and when you can climax. How much pleasure
you receive. And because you’re denied immediate satisfaction, you will
appreciate it all the more when I give you permission. How well you obey me
will determine just how long you have to teeter on that edge.” He permitted
himself a tiny smile. “Next time we’ll take care of that little itch. Now, your

She followed him into the living room, dressing carefully
under his scrutiny. As she slipped into each piece, she glanced at him as if
waiting for his approval. Triumph surged through him.
definitely had a true submissive nature. He was sure her other Masters had
given her the crap about power exchange and all that shit.
was the
only one with the power here, and he’d damn well teach her that. This woman who
commanded attention in public, who had built a solid business reputation, was
going to be his slave in any manner he chose by the time he was finished with
her. This was almost better than stealing someone’s company out from under

“This is only the beginning.” He waited until she looked at
him. “I will teach you everything you need to know to please me. We’re
beginning a journey, Slave.”

He could see all her emotions playing out in her eyes, the
uncertainty of a new relationship and the heat of desire. Once again he waited
for her response—and wasn’t disappointed.

“I understand. Master.”

“Good.” He led her to one of the big chairs and urged her
into it. Lifting a tiny glass of sambuca, he held it to her lips. He was always
good with some form of aftercare in the beginning, until the sub was well and truly
under his power. And he wanted Fallon Crowe to leave here so taken with him, so
aroused, that she would count the minutes until the next time they were

“Thank you.” She smiled as he drew the glass away.

“Look at me,” he ordered. When she did, he held her gaze.
“Here are the last orders for today. No touching yourself when you get home.
Not with your hand, not with toys, not with anything. Concentrate on the pain
you feel when you sit down. Think of my hand and what I can do to you if you disobey
me. I’ll check on you tomorrow. Understood?”

“Yes, Master.” The words came out on a wobbly breath.

“Excellent.” He cupped her face. “I think you will turn into
the perfect sub for me, Slave. Absolutely perfect. Now—time to get you home.”

As he walked her to the elevator, his mind was already busy
with what he would do the next time they were together. Which would be damn

* * * * *

The present


Fallon pulled through the entrance to the ranch and down the
driveway feeling as if the hounds of hell were after her. She hoped with all
her heart that Cord was home and breathed a sigh of relief when the garage door
slid up and she saw his truck in its usual spot.

Thank god!

She pulled into the garage, shut off the engine and just sat
for a long moment. She looked at her hands, realizing they were still shaking.
She wasn’t even sure how she’d managed to drive home safely, as rattled as she
was by Brian’s call. She’d even blown off her last two stops of the day, which
meant a longer day tomorrow. But she’d been in no frame of mind to conduct

She guessed she shouldn’t be surprised that he was able to
get her cell number. All he had to do was Google her and it came up. But after
a year, she’d figured he’d moved on and forgotten about her. Written her off.
Or she’d hoped.

But she also knew Brian wasn’t a man to take defeat or
rejection lightly. Or betrayal. And that was how he’d seen her leaving him, and
the way she’d done it.

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