Beyond the Deepwoods (21 page)

Read Beyond the Deepwoods Online

Authors: Paul Stewart,Chris Riddell

Tags: #Ages 10 & Up

BOOK: Beyond the Deepwoods
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He thought of the caterbird. What
become of it? ‘So much for watching over me,’ he muttered bitterly.
Your destiny lies beyond the Deepwoods
, it had told him. Twig snorted. ‘Beyond!’ he said. ‘Beneath more like, with my destiny to remain the pampered pet of a spoilt child. Oh, Gloamglozer!’ he cursed.

There was a rustling outside the trogcomb. Twig froze. I must stop talking to myself, he thought. One of these days, I'll be found out.

The next moment, Mag came bursting into the capsule. She had a folded length of brown paper over one arm. ‘I've been told to prepare myself,’ she announced excitedly.

She lay the paper out on the floor and began drawing. Twig nodded towards it and looked puzzled.

Mag smiled. ‘Soon, Twig, darling,’ she said. ‘I will have this tattooed on my back.’ Twig looked down at the picture with more interest. It was of a massive muscular
termagant; legs apart, hands on hips, and with a ferocious expression on the face. ‘We all do,’ she explained.

Twig smiled weakly. He pointed to the picture, then at Mag herself and back at the picture.

‘Yes,’ said Mag. ‘It's me. Or will be.’

Twig pointed to himself and cocked his head to one side.

‘Oh, Twig,’ she whispered gently. ‘I'll
love you.’

Twig sat back, reassured. At that moment, however, there came from outside the sound of heavy footfalls. Twig's feeling of well-being dissolved and he began chewing the corner of his scarf. It was Mumsie.

‘Mag?’ she screeched. ‘

Mag looked up. ‘I'm in here,’ she called back, and the entrance was filled with the towering figure of Mumsie herself.

‘You're to come with me,’ she said to Mag. ‘Now.’

‘Is it time?’ Mag asked eagerly.

‘It's time,’ came the gruff reply.

Mag leaped off the bed. ‘Did you hear that, Twig? It's time! Come on.’

‘You'll not need no pet where you're going,’ said Mumsie.

‘Oh, Mumsie, plee-ease!’ Mag wheedled.

‘I'm telling you, you won't want it there. Not after.’

‘I will!’ said Mag defiantly.

Twig looked from one to the other. Mumsie was scowling. Mag was smiling.

like to come, wouldn't you?’ she said.

Twig smiled back. Anything was better than more time spent tethered to the bed. He nodded his head vigorously up and down.

‘You see,’ said Mag triumphantly. ‘I told you.’

Mumsie snorted. ‘You credit that animal with far too much sense…’

‘Please, Mumsie. Please!’ Mag pleaded.

‘Oh, if you must,’ said Mumsie wearily, as she gathered up the painted paper. ‘But you're to keep it on its lead.’ She rounded on Twig and fixed him with her bloodshot glare. ‘And woe betide you if you do anything –
– to spoil my Mag's big day!’

There was an air of expectation outside. The paths leading round the lake were thick with female trogs all heading in the same direction. Some were neighbours who Twig recognized. Some were strangers to him. ‘See how far they've come,’ said Mag delightedly.

On the far side of the lake, they came to a high fence which formed a vast circular enclosure. Clusters of the thin listless males hung round the guarded entrance. They cringed and whimpered as Mumsie cut a swathe through them.

‘Stay close, Twig,’ Mag snapped, and yanked at the lead.

Together, the three of them entered the enclosure. As they appeared, a roar of approval went up from the crowd assembled inside. Mag hung her head and smiled shyly.

Twig was greeted by a sight that he could scarcely believe was real. Extending down from far above his
head was an enormous set of roots which fanned out near the ground to form an immense and lofty dome. Hand in hand around it stood the termagants, their tattooed skin bathed in the root's fleshy pink light.

Mumsie took hold of Mag's hand. ‘Come,’ she said.

‘'Ere!’ said one of the guards. ‘That creature can't enter the Inner Sanctuary.’

Mumsie noticed the lead still wound around Mag's other hand. ‘Course it can't,’ she said. She snatched the lead away and tied one end firmly to a twist of root. ‘You can get it later,’ she said, and chuckled throatily.

This time Mag made no move to stop her. As if in a trance, she stepped through the break in the circle of hands and on into the dome of roots itself. She didn't look back.

Twig peered through the gaps in the roots. At the very centre was the taproot. Thick and knobbly, it glowed brighter than all the rest. Mag – his little Mag – was standing with her back to it. Her eyes were closed. Suddenly the termagants began to chant.

‘Oh! Ma-Ma Mother Bloodoak!
Oh! Ma-Ma Mother Bloodoak!’

Over and over, louder and louder, they cried, until the entire cavern quaked with the deafening noise. Twig clamped his hands over his ears. In front of the taproot Mag had begun to squirm and writhe.

All at once, the cacophony came to an end. The silence trembled uncertainly. Twig watched as Mag turned to
face the root. She raised her arms. She looked upwards.

’ she cried.

Before her voice had faded away, a sudden change came over the dome. The termagants gasped. Twig jumped away fearfully as the root he was tethered to abruptly changed colour. He looked round. The whole vast network of roots was glowing a deep and bloody crimson.

‘Yes!’ cried Mumsie, ‘the time is indeed upon our daughter, Mag.’

She pulled a small object from the folds of her paper dress. Twig squinted to see. It looked like the tap from a barrel. She placed it against the pulsing red central root and hammered it home with her fist. Then, smiling at Mag, she pointed to the floor.

Mag knelt before the spout, raised her head and opened wide her mouth. Mumsie turned the spigot and a stream of frothing red liquid immediately gushed out. It splashed over her head and streamed down her back, her arms, her legs. Twig saw Mag's shoulders rising and falling in the crimson light.

‘She's drinking it!’ he shuddered.

Mag drank and drank and drank; she drank so much that Twig thought she must burst. Finally, she sighed a deep sigh and let her head fall forward. Mumsie switched off the flow of liquid. Mag climbed unsteadily to her feet. Twig gasped. The thin pale-skinned girl was beginning to expand.

Upwards, outwards, her whole body was growing larger. The flimsy dress she had been wearing split and
fell to the ground – and still she grew. Massive shoulders, bulging biceps, tree-trunk legs … And her head! It was already immense when, suddenly, the hair – that wild shock of orange – cascaded down to the ground. The transformation was complete.

‘Welcome!’ said Mumsie, wrapping the freshly painted dress around the newest termagant in the trog-cavern.

‘Welcome!’ cried the circle of her termagant sisters.

Mag turned slowly round in acknowledgement. Twig recoiled with fear. Where was the pale thin girl who had loved him and looked after him? Gone. In her place was a fearsome and terrible termagant trog. Once tattooed, she would look exactly like her mother, Mumsie.

Mag continued to look around. Their eyes met. She smiled. Twig smiled back. Perhaps she hadn't changed – inside, at least. A thick slobbering tongue, like a slab of liver, emerged from Mag's mouth and slurped over her corrugated lips. Her bloodshot eyes glinted.

’ she bellowed.

Twig looked over his shoulders in horror. Surely she couldn't be addressing him. Not her pet. Not her ‘Twig, darling’. ‘Mag!’ he cried out. ‘Mag, it's me!’

‘Aaaargh!’ screamed Mumsie. ‘I
he was a talker.’

‘Yes,’ said Mag coldly. ‘But not for much longer.’

Twig felt the earth shaking as she pounded towards him. With trembling fingers he tugged at the knot. In vain. Mumsie had tied it far too tight. Twig gripped hold of the rope, placed both feet up against the root and pressed back as hard as he possibly could. Nothing happened.

‘Don't even think of escaping!’ Mag roared.

Twig shifted his grip and tried again. There was a crack, and he flew back through the air. The rope had held – but not the root. A frothing red substance oozed from where it had severed.

‘Whooooaaahhh!’ Mag raged.

Twig turned on his heels and ran. He darted between two of the guards and sprinted down towards the lake. The trog males stood around gawping.

‘Move!’ Twig yelled as he elbowed them out of the way.

He could hear Mag behind him, followed closely by the rest of the termagants. ‘Rip out his gizzards!’ they were screeching. ‘Tear off his legs! Smash him to smithereens!’

Twig reached the lake. He sped away to the left. A group of half a dozen trog males were standing in front of him.

’ Mag ordered loudly. ‘
Then, louder still, when they simply stepped aside as Twig thundered past: ‘

Twig glanced back over his shoulder. Mag was gaining on him. There was a look of terrible determination in her bloodshot eyes. Oh, Mag, he thought. What have you become?

Mag drew level with the trog males. They were watching her askance; all, that is, apart from one. As Mag lumbered past him, he stuck out his leg. It caught Mag's foot. She stumbled. She lurched. She lost her balance and
came crashing to the ground.

Twig gasped with surprise. It had been no accident.

Mag sprawled round and made a grab for the trog male, but he was too agile for her. He leaped to his feet, limped out of reach and looked up. Cupping his hands to his mouth, he called to Twig.

‘What are you waiting for? Head for the roots where they shine brightest. Over in that direction.’ There was a wheedling, mocking tone to his voice.

Twig looked round.

‘Well?’ the trog male gave a twisted smile. ‘Do you want to be skinned alive by your little mistress? Follow the wind, pampered pet – and don't look back.’

, G

wig did exactly as instructed. He ran headlong across the trog-cavern towards a distant point where the lights from the roots glowed brightest and not once did he look back. He could hear the furious termagants behind him, panting, pounding; sometimes catching up, sometimes falling behind.

As he neared the patch of brightness, it revealed itself to be a densely packed cluster of gleaming white roots. Which way now? His scalp tingled, his heart throbbed. There were half a dozen tunnels in front of him. Which one – if any – would lead him outside?

‘He's lost!’ he heard one of the termagants bellowing.

‘Head him off,’ instructed another.

‘Then, off with his head!’ roared yet another, and they all screeched with hideous laughter.

Twig was desperate. He would have to escape down
one of the tunnels but what if the one he chose was a dead end? And all the while he was trying to decide which one to take, the termagants were trundling closer. Any second they would bear down upon him. Then it would be too late.

Twig shuddered with fear and exhaustion. As he hurried past the entrance to one tunnel, a cold draught of air turned his sweating skin to gooseflesh. Of course!
Follow the wind
: the trog male's words. Without a second thought, Twig dashed down into the airy tunnel.

Wide at first, the opening soon grew both narrower and lower. Twig didn't mind. The more he had to stoop, the less likely it was that the huge termagants would be able to follow. He heard them, grunting and groaning and cursing their misfortune. All at once the tunnel turned a corner and came to an abrupt halt.

‘Oh, what?’ Twig groaned. It was a
dead end. He stared in horror at a pile of bleached bones which lay half covered by sand and shale. There was a skull, and the beaded remnants of plaited hair; a twist of rope was looped around the crumbling neck. It was a pet that had not managed to escape.

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