Beyond the Darkness (27 page)

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Authors: Alexandra Ivy

BOOK: Beyond the Darkness
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“Nothing too outlandish.” He shrugged. “We will travel to meet our various packs and receive the blessing of our people.” He paused, the smile slowly returning to his mouth. “It’s supposed to ensure our fertility.”

Harley abruptly cleared her throat.

She wouldn’t get a more perfect segue.

“Actually—” She licked her suddenly dry lips. “I don’t think we’re going to be needing help in the fertility department.”

Salvatore froze, his hands gripping her with a sudden tension. “Harley?”

She shifted, feeling awkward beneath the searing intensity of his gaze.

“When I woke up this morning, I felt weird.” She unconsciously pressed a hand to her stomach. “At first I assumed it had something to do with our bond. It’s been…a little erratic.”

Looking decidedly shell-shocked, Salvatore obediently nodded.

“I’m still struggling with my powers,” he muttered absently.

Harley smiled. That was the understatement of the century. Over the past week, Salvatore had accidentally shorted out the electricity, yanked the bathroom door off its hinges, drained Harley of her power one minute, and the next filled her with such energy she was nearly bouncing off the walls.

Which, of course, explained why she had first dismissed the bundle of warmth her wolf sensed in her womb.

As the day passed, however, she could no longer ignore the truth.

It was the spark of life.

Actually, her werewolf was whispering that it was several sparks of life.

Barely more than a few days old, but already growing strong.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” she teased.

“Harley.” He stopped, clearly struggling to breathe. “Are you saying…?”

She went on tiptoe to press her lips to his. “You’re going to become a proud papa, Salvatore Giuliani.”

“Papa.” For a crazed moment he swayed as if he might pass out. Then without warning, he sank to his knees, pressing his face to her flat abdomen. “I knew you were my savior,
but now you have given hope to the entire race of werewolves.” Tilting back his head, he gazed at her with such profound respect that Harley had to fight back the urge to weep. “You are a miracle.”

She gently threaded her fingers through his raven hair. “I think you might have had a little something to do with this particular miracle.”

His fingers brushed over her stomach, treating her as if she were as fragile as spun glass, even as his face darkened with sudden concern.

“How are you feeling? Are you sick? We have to get you to a doctor…”

“Salvatore, I’m fine,” she interrupted, belatedly realizing that her mate’s protective instincts were about to kick into hyperdrive. Frigging hell. She would be smothered if she didn’t nip a few of them in the bud. Firmly she tugged him to his feet and laid her head on his chest, taking comfort in the steady beat of his heart. “Obviously we’ll have to find a doctor who will help me through the pregnancy, but I’m not the first woman to have babies. It’s all perfectly natural.”

He pulled back to glare at her casual tone. “I don’t care about other women, only you. We’ll travel straight to our lair in Italy tomorrow. I have a number of doctors at my disposal, as well as a full staff of servants to make sure you have nothing to worry about but taking care of yourself.”

She frowned. “But what about the

He blinked, looking at her as if she’d lost her mind. “Naturally, it will have to be postponed.”

“There’s no ‘naturally’ about it.” She caught and held his gaze, her expression warning. “I told you I feel fine, Salvatore, and if you try to treat me like a mindless child who can’t decide what’s best for herself, you’re not going to like the consequences.”

His lips parted, then snapped shut as he studied her stubborn expression. Finally he heaved a sigh of resignation and pressed her head back to his chest.

“I will
to be reasonable,” he grudgingly promised. “But it’s not going to be easy.”

“And our grand tour?” she demanded.

“We will decide on the
after you’ve seen a doctor.”

She knew it was as good as she was going to get. “Fine. We can no doubt find a competent doctor here in Chicago.”

“I’ll speak to the local pack master.” There was a pause as Salvatore ran his hand gently over her hair. “Harley?”

She tilted back her head to meet his wary gaze. “Yes?”

“Are you…”

She frowned as his words faltered, his expression oddly uncertain. It wasn’t like her arrogant mate to be anything but supremely self-confident.

“What’s wrong?”

“Are you happy?”

She frowned at the ridiculous question. Her heart felt as if it might burst with joy.

“Of course I’m happy.”

“Not so long ago you accused me of wanting you only for the babies you could give me,” he softly reminded her, his gaze watchful. “I don’t want you thinking I…”

Harley grabbed his face and yanked it down so she could halt his words with a kiss that was filled with all the love and wonder that flowed through her heart.

“Salvatore, I said a lot of stupid things over the past few days,” she murmured against his lips. “I was scared and stubborn…”

“Insanely stubborn,” he clarified.

“Don’t push your luck, wolfman.” She nipped his bottom lip, chuckling at his low growl of approval. “I was an idiot, but now I can’t imagine anything I want more than to have you as a mate, and our home filled with children.”

“Wait.” His tension eased from his body, although his expression remained wary. “Just how many children are you talking about?”


He blinked, clearly stunned, then with a loud crack of laughter, he wrapped her in his arms and twirled her around the room. “You’re the most amazing woman.”

“Amazing or not, I’m going to be sick if you don’t put me down,” she teased.

Instantly she was back on her feet, Salvatore’s fingers threading through her hair as he kissed her with exquisite tenderness.

“You do know what this means, don’t you,
?” he whispered.

“You’re going to have to learn how to change diapers?”

He pulled back, the golden eyes flashing with wicked amusement.

And also how to appreciate the rare moments when I have my mate’s undivided attention.” His fingers traced a path of fire down her back. “They will soon be few and far between.”

“Hmmm. Did you have something in mind?”

His eyes were lit with a golden hunger that sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine.

“We could always return to our rooms.”

“But I was just getting ready to watch the movie,” she said, her expression one of faux innocence.

He glanced toward the screen, his brows lifting in surprise.


“Hello. Arnold naked.” She gave a startled squeak as Salvatore scooped her off her feet and firmly headed toward the door. “What are you doing?”

“I have something better for you to look at.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Are you certain?”

He smiled with smug assurance. “Nothing but the best for the Queen of Weres.”

And it was…


Please turn the page for an exciting sneak peek of
the next installment in Alexandra Ivy’s
Guardians of Eternity series!


Laylah was tired.

She was tired of the dark, cramped tunnels that she’d been running through for the past two days. She was tired of being chased by an enemy she couldn’t see. She was tired of her stomach cramping with hunger and her limbs screaming in protest at her relentless pace.

Reaching a small cavern, she came to an abrupt halt, shoving her fingers through the short, spiky strands of her brilliant red hair, her black eyes searching the shadows of her pursuer.

Not that she expected to actually catch sight of the frigid pain in her ass.

Vampires not only possessed supernatural speed and strength, but they could shroud themselves in shadows, making them impossible to sense, even to most demons. It was only because she had the power of jinn blood running through her veins that she could detect the relentless leech following her mad dash through the tunnels.

What she didn’t know was…


She shivered, her mouth dry. Christ. She’d thought she was being so clever when she’d initially allowed the vamp to catch her scent She’d hoped to lure him, along with the other intruders, away from Caine’s private lair.

Not that she gave a damn about the cur, but she had hidden her most precious treasure at his estate, and she could not afford to allow any creature with the superior senses of a vampire, or even a full-blooded Were, near her secret. She’d thought the demons would give chase for a few hours and then grow tired of the game, hopefully returning to Hannibal or even St. Louis.

But her hasty plan had fallen apart right from the start.

The Were had continued on his path to Caine’s lair, and the vampire had refused to give up, no matter how far or how fast she had run.

Now she was too weak to call upon her teleporting powers, and too far from Caine to call for his help.

“Oh, screw it,” she muttered, planting her hands on her hips and tilting her chin in unspoken defiance. “I know you’re following me, vampire. Why don’t you just show yourself?”

A warning chill thickened the air, prickling painfully over her skin.

“You think you can give me orders, half-breed?” A dark, sinfully beautiful voice filled the cavern.

Laylah’s heart missed a beat. Even with her demon blood she wasn’t immune to the ruthless sensuality that was as much a part of a vampire as his lethal fangs.

“What I think is that I’m done running,” she gritted. So either kill me or go chase someone else.”

“Ah. Then you’re confident you’ve managed to lead me far enough away?”

“Away?” Laylah stiffened, licking her suddenly dry lips. He couldn’t know. No one knew. “Away from what?”

“That is what I’m wondering,” the voice drawled. “It must be of great importance.”

Laylah forced herself to suck in a deep breath, refusing to panic. The stupid vamp was simply trying to press her buttons. Everyone knew that they loved to toy with their prey.

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

“Hmmm. Have you ever watched a quail?”

She felt unseen fingers brush her nape, the cold touch ironically sending a bolt of heat straight to the pit of her stomach. She whirled around, not surprised that the predator had disappeared.

“The bird?” she rasped, belatedly wishing she was wearing more than a pair of cutoff jeans and a muscle shirt. Having so much skin exposed was making her feel oddly vulnerable.

Not that clothing would halt a determined vampire.

It wouldn’t matter if she were wearing a suit of armor.

“When a predator approaches the nest, the mother quail will feign a broken wing and dash away to lure the danger from her chicks,” her tormentor murmured, his voice seeming to speak directly into her ear.

She instinctively stumbled backward, her mouth dry with a sudden fear.

“The only quail I care about are baked and served on a bed of rice.”

“What are you trying to protect?” There was a deliberate pause. “Or is it who?”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

“Is it a lover? A sibling? A child?” His soft chuckle grazed her cheek as the sharp leap of her pulse gave her away. “Ah, that is it. Your child?”

Laylah bunched her hands into fists of frustration. He was getting too close. She had to distract the bastard.

“I thought vampires were known for their courage,” she deliberately taunted, willing to risk a battle she couldn’t win if it would keep her secrets. “Are you such a coward you have to hide in the shadows?”

The chill thickened, the danger a tangible force in the air. Then, the shadows directly before her stirred, and the vampire slowly became visible.

Laylah reeled, feeling as if she’d just been punched in the gut.

All vampires were beautiful. And sexy.

Wickedly, indecently sexy.

But this one…

Reminding herself to breathe, Laylah allowed her gaze to skim over the elegant features that revealed his Polynesian ancestors, lingering on the slanted eyes that were a brilliant shade of honey and the inky black hair that had been shaved on the side, leaving the top to form a Mohawk that fell past his broad shoulders.

Her gaze lowered, that vicious awareness only intensifying.

The aggravating creature was wearing nothing more than a pair of khaki shorts, leaving his body on full, wondrous display. Her fingers actually twitched with the desire to stroke over the smooth muscles of his chest. Or down the flat plane of his stomach.

No doubt aware of her helpless response to his sensual beauty, the demon stepped far too close, his fingers casually stroking along the curve of her neck.

“Have you never been told the dangers of provoking a vampire?” he murmured.

A chill inched down her spine, but she forced herself to meet his hypnotic gaze.

“Do you intend to drain me?”

His lips twitched. “Tell me about the child.”


“Is it yours?” He paused, his fingers drifting to the pulse that hammered at the base of her throat, an intense concentration etched on his beautiful face. “No. Not yours. You are as pure as an angel.”

Genuine fear speared through her heart. Damn the interfering leech.

“Leave me alone,” she breathed.

The honey eyes darkened with a dangerous hunger. Laylah wasn’t sure if it was for blood or sex.

Maybe both.

“A beautiful angel,” he husked, his arms wrapping around her to yank her hard against the strength of his body. “And I have waited too long to have a taste.”

Unable to halt her panic any longer, Laylah’s unpredictable powers lashed out, the electrical charge that filled the air enough to make the vampire leap back in wary surprise.

“I said, leave me alone,” she hissed, wrappimg her arms around her waist.

The golden eyes narrowed. “Well, well. You like to play rough?”

“I don’t like to play at all,” she snapped. “What do you want from me?”

“My first intent was to capture you so you could be brought before the Commission.”

She jerked at the threat, her powers abruptly faltering. She’d been hiding from the official leaders of the demon world for two centuries. To be taken to the Oracles that made up the Commission was nothing less than a death sentence.

I have done nothing to earn such a punishment,” she attempted to bluff.

“Your very existence is worthy of punishment.” The vampire smoothly countered. “Half-breed jinns have been forbidden.”

Laylah squashed the familiar anger at the sheer injustice. Now was not the time to debate whether or not she should be exterminated for the sins of her parents.

“You said that was your first intent,” she said, her voice thick. “Have you changed your mind?”

A dangerous smile curved the vampire’s lips as he reached to trace the plunging neckline of her shirt, his touch searing a path of pure pleasure.

“Let us say I’m willing to postpone our journey with the proper incentive.”


“Do you need me to demonstrate?” he murmured, his lips softly brushing over her mouth.

“No…” she choked, attempting to deny the piercing need that clutched at her heart.

God. She had been alone for so long.

So very long.

“Tell me your name,” he whispered against her lips. “Tell me.”


“Laylah.” He said her name slowly, as if testing it on his tongue. Pulling back he studied her pale features, his hands skimming down her sides to grasp her hips and boldly press her against the hard evidence of his arousal. “Exquisite.”

Laylah clenched her teeth, ignoring the sizzle of excitement racing through her blood.

“I assume you have a name as well?”

There was a brief pause. Not surprising. A name in the hands of a magic-user could give them power over a person. Then he shrugged.


It suited him. Ruthless. Powerful. Stunningly male.

“Great.” Placing her hands against the steely hardness of his chest, she arched her back to meet the honey heat of his gaze. “Let me make this perfectly clear, Tane. I don’t use sex as a bargaining chip. Not ever.”

Expecting him to be angered by her blunt rejection, Laylah was unnerved when his lips curled into a smile of pure anticipation. Hauling her tightly against him, he spoke directly into her ear.

“Now let me make this perfectly clear, Laylah,” he whispered. “When we have sex it will only be after you have begged me to take you.”

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