Beyond the Breaking Point (20 page)

BOOK: Beyond the Breaking Point
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Max was safe. Twice now he’d seen her at her worst and hadn’t run in the opposite direction. More, he’d given her exactly what she needed each time. He made her feel sexy and desirable and if it weren’t for the dangerous sexual component between them, Max could have easily moved up next to Erika’s place as her best friend.

“I feel you watching me. You’re thinking too hard,” he mumbled, eyes still closed. “Go back to sleep until the alarm goes off.” He tossed an arm across her waist and used it to haul her close, tucking her head under his chin.

Cassidy breathed in the scent of sleep-warmed male and felt her hormones go haywire as Max’s pheromones hit her system. Involuntarily, she remembered inhaling this same scent last night, only stronger, as she hovered mere inches from Max’s beautiful cock. Her mouth watered again thinking of the taste she’d been denied.

Maybe I’m just horny, she thought desperately. She was used to having a man in her bed and more sex than she could handle. Add in pregnancy hormones and you had a recipe for disaster. Maybe if she satisfied her desire instead of fighting it, she’d have better control.

She laid her hand on Max’s chest and let it absorb his heat. His steady breathing had already deepened into that of sleep. Slowly she slid her hand lower, following the silky trail of hair down the center of Max’s chest as it parted around his navel and went lower. He felt different from Phillip, whose chest hair was curly and coarse. Max’s hair tempted her to explore and see what mysteries would be revealed.

When Cassidy reached his elastic waistband she kept going. She was after a prize and nothing was allowed to stand in her way. She could see the shaft of his erection; feel the heat of it. Almost taste the musky, salty tang of it on her tongue.

You’re doing to Max just what Phillip accused Amber of doing to him

The notion shocked Cassidy so much that it broke the lust-filled daze she was in. She jerked her hand away and scrambled off the bed, horrified at her actions.

“Cassidy?” Max murmured sleepily, reaching for her. “Where you going?”

“I have to go to work,” she said, hoping he was too out of it to hear the tension in her voice. She smoothed down the T-shirt, making sure her nakedness was covered. Seconds before she’d been ready to strip it off. So much for her modesty.

More alert now, Max glanced at her appearance. “You’re leaving now, like that?”

“N-no, of course not,” she stuttered. “I’m going home first.” Cassidy pivoted and rushed toward the door. It was ironic. She’d run from Phillip last night, afraid her need for comfort would cause her to do something stupid, like have sex with him. Now she was running from Max to keep from jumping him.

Remember, strictly platonic. Think non-sexual thoughts

Max caught her by the waist from behind. She could feel his cock digging into the small of her lower back. Like a hussy, she rubbed against it before she could stop herself.


She knew what he was asking. “Max,” his name was a plea on her lips. Whether to help her resist or to take the decision from her, she wasn’t sure.

He tightened his grip on her waist and nuzzled the tender skin of her neck. “Don’t leave. Finish what you started.”

Oh God, he hadn’t been asleep!


When Cassidy’s curious slender fingers began exploring his chest, at first Max believed he’d slipped into the dream he’d been having off and on all night where Cassidy acted out every single one of his sexual fantasies. When her hand brushed aside his pajama bottoms, he’d been sure it was a dream, despite how realistic her touch felt. It wasn’t until she’d violently jerked away from him and rolled off the bed that he realized Cassidy had been in the process of seducing him, and something had made her change her mind.

He intended to change it again.

Last night he’d been noble and strong, but a man could only take so much temptation. In this he guessed he wasn’t so different from Phillip. He’d told Cassidy if she still wanted him in the morning he’d satisfy both their desires. He kept his promise.

“This isn’t a good idea,” she protested weakly even as she tilted her head to allow him greater access to her throat.

“It’s a great idea.” He found the spot that made her knees weak and licked it. Predictably, she sagged in his arms. “Wonderful idea. The best idea we’ve had all day.” He manipulated that sweet spot until her whole body was one quivering mass.

“I’m still married,” she reminded him, as if he needed a reminder.

“You’re getting a divorce and carrying my child,” he countered. That was good enough for him. Besides, Phillip didn’t deserve Cassidy.

“We don’t know—”

He spun her around. “Do you want me, Cassidy, the way I want you? Have you been thinking about me, dreaming about me? Has the memory of our night together replayed over and over in your mind until you thought you’d go crazy if you didn’t experience it one more time, if only to see if it was really as good as your mind says it was? If the answer to any of those questions were yes, give yourself to me now. Forget about right or wrong and go with what your body’s telling you right this minute.”

As Cassidy gazed at him, Max could read the indecision in her eyes. He wanted her, but ultimately it was her choice. However, no one said he couldn’t help influence her decision. He ran his hands down her sides to where the T-shirt stopped, and then slowly reversed directions, dragging the cotton up as he went.

She half-closed her eyes and an expression of pure bliss crossed her face. Cassidy dug her nails into his shoulders and arched into his caress. “The answer,” she began hoarsely. Her breath caught on a moan as he kneaded her ass. “The answer to all your questions is yes, but…” She placed her fingers over his mouth, halting him as he swooped in for a kiss. “If I ignore my conscience and give into this attraction between us, I’ll be no better than Phillip.”

That caught his attention and he froze. “You could never be like him,” he vehemently denied.

She dropped her forehead to rest on his chest and he laid his chin on the top of her head, raising his arms to encircle her waist. His arousal was fierce, but his brain had been diverted.

“That’s what I tell myself, but is it really true? Phillip’s excuse for cheating the first time was he was angry and drunk. That night with you I was angry and if not drunk, definitely impaired.”


“And his excuse with Amber was that she presented a temptation too great for him to resist.” She glanced up at him and met his gaze. Everything she felt was in her eyes for him to see. “Right at this moment, I know exactly how that feels. I would love to cast caution to the wind and do what my body and mind are telling me to do. The only thing…” she took a deep breath as though she were bracing herself, “…the
thing stopping me is knowing I have to face Phillip today and tell him about the divorce and the baby. I want to be able to say with a clear conscience that this thing between me and you has nothing to do with my decision. If we do this, give into this temptation, I’m not sure that will be true.”

His heart skipped a few beats at Cassidy’s admission there was something more between them than just great sex. He cupped her face with one hand. “When you and Phillip—”

“Stop! Whatever you’re about to say, please don’t.” She leaned heavily into his palm. “It would be too easy to turn to you and allow you to pick up the pieces, but that wouldn’t be fair to either one of us. You deserve a whole woman, not a broken, distrustful one.”

Max stared at her in disbelief. There was nothing broken about Cassidy. She was strong, and honorable, with an iron core of integrity. Yes, she’d been hurt and may be a little bruised, but never broken. He told her so. “And don’t forget, that may be my child you’re carrying. If it is, I want more than just my parental rights. I want you, too.”

“Max!” she protested.

He gently tightened his grip on her face so she couldn’t turn away. “I won’t say any more on the subject right now—you have enough to deal with—but I want you to keep it in mind. I’m a good provider and I’m faithful. I’d never betray you the way Phillip did.”

Instead of reassuring her, his words seemed to scare Cassidy. She stirred in his hold and sought to put distance between them. He held her close a few seconds more and then allowed her to pull free. She put space between them but remained within touching distance. He almost smiled. She might not be ready to admit it, but she didn’t want to leave him any more than he wanted her to leave.

“If Phillip doesn’t agree to the divorce, it may be two years before I’m legally free,” she warned.

“I know the law, Cass. Just like I know that anything you do, any relationship you form now that you and Phillip are separated can’t be held against you in court. You’ve already made your intentions clear. The rest is simply a formality.”

“It still doesn’t make it right.” She glanced over at the clock. “I really do need to get going. I have a lot to do today.” She headed for the door.

He called to her as she opened it. “Cassidy.” She paused and looked over her shoulder at him. “I meant what I said. Everything I said last night and this morning. Phillip may have been stupid enough to throw away what he had, but I won’t be. I’ll be waiting for your call.”

Cassidy stared at him, her gaze solemn, and then left without saying a word.

Max ran a hand through his hair, wondering if he’d done the right thing by stating his intentions. It wasn’t in his nature to be secretive. He wanted an exclusive, serious relationship with Cassidy. She thought he deserved better. In his experience, women didn’t come any better than her. Now he just needed to convince Cassidy.



When Cassidy arrived home, she did something she rarely did. Called the hospital and used a sick day. She felt guilty redirecting her patients to someone else’s already-heavy caseload, but she had things she needed to get done today.

Next, she called Dr. Manning’s office as soon as the office opened and cajoled Heather, Dr. Manning’s office assistant, into squeezing her in this morning. Heather knew she and Phillip had been trying to get pregnant so Cassidy used it to her advantage, playing the role of the finally-expectant mother who’d been waiting forever to get pregnant. Fortunately, Heather was sympathetic to Cassidy’s plight.

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