Beyond Layers: Layer Series Book Four (Layers Series 4) (32 page)

BOOK: Beyond Layers: Layer Series Book Four (Layers Series 4)
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He frowns. “Sam was right. You’re a stubborn ass.”

“Takes one to know one.”

The driver smirks.

“I take that back. You’re a stubborn-assed toddler.”

“Whatever,” I say, looking away and out the window.

“If you care at all for Sam, Logan, you’ll look at me and listen.”

I look at him. “You know I more than care. I love her and she killed me. Killed us.”

“She needed some space, some time to think. She was hoping you’d be working out your shit.”

“She’s the only shit that mattered.”

“Listen up. Things have been happening while you wallowed at the Tower.”

“What things?”

“Many things.”

“Oh, I see. I’m not cleared to know.”

“You’re cleared now. But I think you know why I didn’t clear you before.”

“I’m not sure I do.”

“When I interviewed you, I asked you to be completely honest with me, to hold nothing back. You never told me about your brother, the accident, or your medical history. I cleared you because I knew you weren’t a threat. But you withheld information, and I couldn’t trust you to know everything.”

“I had my reasons.”

“No doubt. But I asked you to be honest with me. I wouldn’t have revealed that information to Sam. I would have given you time to do it on your own. My number one priority is to keep the Grants safe.”

I nod.

“Something happened while Sam was in Dublin.”

“What?” I sit up straight. “Is she okay?”

“She’s fine. The foreman on the project was pushed from scaffolding. He was pretty banged up but he’ll live.”

“Do you know who did it?”

“Yeah, the former foreman. Sam had fired him several months ago for falsifying load results.”

“Was he the one causing all the problems? The saboteur?”

“Yes, he’s in police custody.”

“He could have hurt her.”

He shakes his head. “He wasn’t anywhere near her. I would never let anything happen to Sam.”

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “You mentioned reporters. Is that related to what happened in Dublin?”

“No, that’s another matter.”

“The matter Sam couldn’t tell me about?”

He nods. “Jax has been working on a big takeover for over a year. It happened last week.”

“I don’t understand. Why the reporters at the Tower?”

“Grant took over one of the largest corporations in the UK. A corporation was owned by a family that has been out to get the Grants for years. A corporation Lizbet attempted to take over several years ago but failed. So as you can imagine, it was a very hostile takeover. The former owners of this corporation have launched a smear campaign against the Grants. Rumors are flying about plant closures and thousands of lost jobs. None of it is true. They took it over to save jobs and create more. That was phase one of their campaign, phase two touches on some real personal matters, involving Lizbet, Sam’s grandfather, and her parents. Some of it true, most of it not. But the press doesn’t care; they’ve been having a field day. Someone found out that you were staying at the Tower and they thought that—”

“Sam was staying with me.”

He nods.

“Why don’t they just tell the press the truth?”

“Because the press doesn’t care about the truth, all they care about is smearing the Grant name.”


“It’s complicated, Logan, but one of the reasons is because the press, the public, doesn’t know who the Grants are. And the press and the public feel it’s their right to know everything. So they make shit up, speculate.”

“Why don’t the Grants just talk to them? Tell them the truth.”

“Because that’s not how they do business. Like I said, Logan, it’s complicated. Sam can tell you the rest if she wants to.”

“Is she home, at the loft?”

“No, Sam’s in Hong Kong. She’ll be home in a couple of days. That should give you plenty of time to clean yourself up. No more wallowing, no more feeling sorry for yourself, no more drinking. It’s time to find your balls, Logan. It’s not a request, it’s an order.”

I roll my eyes at him.

He holds up a hand. “I mean it, Logan. In your present state, you’re a threat to yourself and to Sam. I won’t have it. You get your shit together or I’ll have you shipped back to Canada. And I’ll make it my life’s mission to make your life hell.”

“Fine. I’ll get my shit together. I would never hurt Sam.”

“Don’t you think that’s what you’ve been doing?”

“Yeah, right. Are you forgetting she dumped me?”

“Is that truly what happened? She told me she needed time and space to figure out some things. That it wasn’t forever, only for now. She said you ended it. You decided it was over if she took this time, if she stepped back.”

“I only said that so she wouldn’t do it, so she’d have to choose. And she chose wrong. I lost her once, and it took me two months to find her. Those two months were the longest of my life. I wanted to be man enough to give her the time, to let her step back. But I’m lost without her; she’s my other half. I was afraid she’d step back and keep on going. She thinks she’s cursed. And that all my baggage, my past, and everything that’s been going on were some kind of sign or warning.”

“Logan,” he says, softy. “Sam has been through a lot; she’s lost a lot. She’s blamed herself for things she shouldn’t, things she had no control over. It’s been her way of coping with loss. If you blame yourself for all the bad that happens, you’re telling yourself you have control over it. Deep down, Sam knows she’s not cursed, she’s just broken.”

“I told her that; she wouldn’t listen.”

“Like you listened to her? If you hadn’t been so blinded by your own hurt, your own brokenness, you would have seen, would have heard what she was telling you.”

“What was she telling me?”

“I think you know. She was telling you to prove her wrong, to fight for her. To see beyond her stubbornness, her strength, her fears, her losses, and make her whole, help fix her, love her.”

“Fuck. I’m an idiot.”

The driver chuckles and Lee joins him.

“I agree with your self-assessment. I know another idiot who took years to finally get his shit together. Jaxson Ryan was a cocky bastard who chose not to see between the lines. He made some stupid choices, let bad people influence him, and it nearly killed the woman he can’t breathe without. I’m not going to let you do that, Logan. You’re going to find your balls, get your shit together, and became a productive member of the family. Do you get me?”

“I get you.”

We pull up in front of Sam’s office and loft. Press and paparazzi litter the sidewalk.

“Holy hell.”

“You should see what it’s like in front of Grant and at the estate. It’s a zoo, a circus. When we get out, you know the drill. Stay close to me, don’t look up, and don’t open your mouth. There’s a guard at the door and one across the street. You won’t see him but he’s there. I’ve had everything you need delivered. You don’t leave without my permission. Do you get me?”

“Copy that.”

He nods. “Are you ready to live the rest of your life, Logan?”

“I’m ready.”

He opens the door. “Then let’s go.”

re you okay?” Lee asks.

I look across the seat. He looks tired. The last few weeks have been hell for all of us.

“I’m okay. Are you?”

“I’m good. I watched the video of the board meeting. You were awesome. You had them eating out of your hand.”

“All I can say is, thank God I was in Hong Kong, and they were in London. I was so nervous; I called Lex and asked her how she does it. How she stands in front of all these intimidating people all the time.”

“She imagines them in speedos.”

“She told you?”

“Oh, yeah. I’d seen her giggle, cringe, and raise brows during one of the first meetings I went to. So I asked her, what the hell? And that’s when she told me.”

“My imagination is into details; I almost ralphed.”

He chuckles.

I look out the window. I’m nervous about seeing Logan. It’s been almost two months since I’ve seen his perfection. I’ve missed him so much, and I’ve been praying he’s forgiven me for stepping back.

“It will all work out, Sam.”

“I hope so. I’m nervous to see him, to tell him everything. I never saw myself in this position.”

“It’s hereditary.”

I roll my eyes at him. “How is he?”

“I’m happy to say he’s found his balls and has put them in the right order.”

I sigh. “Allie said he looked like Grizzly Adams. I didn’t know who he was. I had to google it. Did he really look that bad?”

“Worse and he reeked. Smelled like barf and dirty gym socks.”

I grimace. “Allie told me all about the smell. Just the thought of it made me lose my breakfast and lunch.”

“Is it bad?”

“I’ll live.”

Lee reaches over, putting his hand over mine. “I’m proud of you. You’ve been there for your family, stepped in for your sister and Jaxson, while dealing with some heavy personal stuff.”

“Thank you, Lee.”

His phone rings. He looks at the screen and smiles.

“Hot date?”

He shows me a picture on his phone.

“He’s superhot. He looks familiar.”

“Richard is the head gardener at Ryan House.”

“The head gardener. Is he good with a hoe?” I tease.

He raises a brow. “You should see how he handles a blower.”

I giggle.

He shows me another picture.

“No fucking way. Are those… is she wearing overalls?”

He nods.

“Jules in overalls, gardening. Hell just froze over.”

He laughs. “Richard said she’s a natural.”

“He must have meant a natural blonde.”

“I think she’s bored to death and just wants to keep busy.”

“No doubt. But still… gardening?”

“We’re about five minutes out, sir.” Mike, the driver, says.

I blow out a breath.

Lee squeezes my hand. “You can do it.”

I nod as we pull up in front of my loft. There’s no press or paparazzi blocking the entry. I smile. “What happened?”

Lee smiles. “Carlo Coletti happened.”

“It there anything that man can’t do?”

“Helps to know the right people, Sam.”

Lee opens the door and gets out; I follow and wait while he retrieves my luggage from the back of the Rover. A young man I recognized as one of Lee’s team greets us.

“Allen, everything good?”

Allen nods. “Yes, sir. Quiet.”

“Just the way we like it. Sam, this is Allen Ladd, I don’t believe you’ve formally met.”

I shake his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“Can I get your luggage?” he asks.


Lee puts his arm around me as we walk through the outer security gate to the entry. He punches in the code and swipes my key card. It opens and I step aside to allow Allen entry.

Lee pulls the freight-style elevator door open and Allen places the bags inside.

“Thank you, Allen.”

He tips his chin. “I’ll be out front all night, Ms. Grant.”

I nod and he takes his leave.

“Thanks, Lee, for everything.”

He kisses me on the cheek. “Do you want me to ride up with you?”

“I think it’s best if I go up on my own.”

“I’ll be meeting Jaxson at Grant and flying to the Estate. I’ll be there all weekend. You know how to get hold of me.”

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