Read Beyond Eden Online

Authors: Kele Moon

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

Beyond Eden (6 page)

BOOK: Beyond Eden
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Danny crushed his lips against Paul’s because he couldn’t wait another moment and he’d given up on hope for sanity this time. He kissed him like a man starved, thrusting his tongue past his parted lips and drowning himself in the taste and feel of Paul after three weeks without him.

Paul moaned into his mouth. Danny pulled his hair tighter, making him gasp louder and he knew he was making a mistake. He should never, ever fuck him when he was this out of it but he couldn’t resist him. Paul was like a drug and Danny was an addict who would never recover. As long as they both drew breath Paul could come to him and get what he wanted. It was simply impossible for Danny to deny him. Paul could use him forever and they both knew it but right then Danny couldn’t even find it in himself to care.

He pushed Paul against the wall of the shower and broke the kiss to run his lips down his jawline. Using his grip on Paul’s hair, Danny forced his head to the side, giving him better access. He savored the salty taste to his skin as he dragged his tongue slowly from the sensitive place behind his ear down the line of his neck. He bit hard at the soft spot in the curve of his shoulder, his teeth sinking in and not letting go as Paul’s hips jerked against him and a strangled moan burst out of his chest.

“D-don’t mark me. I got a date with Trisha,” Paul panted, making it obvious he was barely holding on to his sanity as desire pulsed off him. “Please.”

Danny ignored him and ran his tongue slowly from the center of Paul’s chest up to the curve on the other side of his neck. He bit hard once more, not quite enough to break the skin, but close. Paul’s knees buckled and he might have fallen if Danny hadn’t wrapped one firm arm around his waist to keep him standing.

“Put your hands behind your head,” Danny said in a voice that brooked no argument.

Paul put his hands behind his head obediently, his fingers threading together at the base of his skull as he leaned back against the wall and spread his legs as if he planned to stand there for a long time.

Danny admired him, with the water hitting his tan shoulders and flowing in tiny waterfalls from his chest down to the lines of his abdominal muscles. He stepped closer, so their bodies were close enough to feel the warmth off each other. Paul arched, just a hint of movement that betrayed his need to be closer.

“Your mouth is pissing me off tonight,” Danny said, still looking down at Paul without touching him. “I don’t want you to talk anymore.”

Paul closed his eyes, his tense shoulders slumping. “Fine.”

He looked gorgeous right then, with his eyes closed and his strong, beautiful body on display. Trust radiated off him, mixing easily with desire, because he knew Danny would never take advantage of him, never use his desire to be punished and hurt to do more than turn him on. Danny hoped to God Paul never revealed this side of himself to

Trisha. He shuddered to think what she would do with it because Paul was capable of being obedient to a fault. His threshold for pain was terrifying. His ability to absorb abuse and get off on it was so far beyond that of anyone else Danny had dominated it was frightening. But Danny loved him anyway and he could punish him without hurting him. He didn’t feel like causing pain tonight, not when the wine and Eve had made his emotions raw. He nipped and bit his way from the soft spot at his neck down to the hard, slick muscles of his chest.

Danny dropped to his knees, making Paul suck in a sharp breath of excitement, but he wasn’t going to make it easy on him. He ran both hands up Paul’s sides and then wrapped them around his back as he tugged him forward and licked at the lines of his abdominal muscles. Paul groaned, his head falling heavily back against the tiles as he arched more fully into Danny’s embrace.

Danny’s hands roamed over Paul’s body, taking his time to relearn every line and contour. He sucked, touched and bit everywhere except where Paul needed him the most. He was heedless of the unforgiving shower floor beneath his knees. Danny was captivated by the soft sighs Paul made every time he touched him somewhere sensitive. He liked his gasps of pleasure when he bit hard, feeding a fetish Danny worried about but still catered to because it was the only way he knew Paul would come back to him.

The longer Danny teased, the louder and more desperate Paul’s moans became. His desire was tangible, hanging heavy in the steam as his breathing fell shallow. His steel will started to splinter as he thrust his hips forward, squirming where he stood in desperation. His fingers were still laced tightly together behind his head and his ability to beg for some sort of relief was silenced by his obedience. It created a building tension that came closer and closer to a precipice the longer Danny tormented him with touches that inflamed rather than soothed.

“Please,” Paul finally choked out frantically.

Danny pulled back and studied him. Paul’s pulse was beating erratically at the base of his neck as he leaned heavily back against the wall, his legs still spread to keep him balanced and his hands behind his head, showing off beautiful, thickly muscled arms.

“Please what?” Danny asked curiously as he reached out and gripped Paul’s hip, tugging him forward. “You want me to suck your dick, is that what you’re begging for?”

“Yes,” Paul panted, opening his eyes to look down at Danny in surprise. “Will you do it?”

“I shouldn’t,” Danny mused thoughtfully as he held Paul’s hip tightly, noticing his legs were shaking as if they were barely keeping him standing. “I didn’t give you permission to beg. I told you to shut up.”

“Sorry,” he moaned, squeezing his eyes shut as his head jerked violently back against the tiles as if to punish himself, his hands cushioning the impact. “I-it’s just been too long. I don’t care about playing. I just want to be with you.”

Danny tried to hide the shock and desire that washed over him. His scattered thoughts were suddenly anchored by the implications of what that one statement could mean. It was made in desperation when Paul’s senses were overrun. Danny knew not to read too much into it but his heart clenched anyway.

He cupped Paul’s balls, tight with suppressed desire and licked at the head of his cock without hesitation. He tasted the salty, sweet tang of pre-come and swirled his tongue over the head of Paul’s cock once more.

“Fuck,” Paul gasped in a low, guttural sound as his back arched.

Danny went down on him with flourish, stroking the thick length of Paul’s cock from base to head as he sucked him, his mouth following his hand down, taking him deep into his mouth over and over again.

“Shit, Danny Boy,” Paul groaned, his back arching against the wall as his stomach muscles clenched. “I gotta come.”

“No,” Danny said against his cock, releasing it for a moment to drag his tongue beneath his balls. “Not yet,” he whispered against him as he licked underneath Paul’s cock, up to the tip once more and then swirled his tongue over the head. “I’m enjoying you.”

“I’m not gonna last this time. It’s been three weeks.”

“You’ll last,” Danny said happily. He stroked Paul’s cock and pulled back to admire how thick and hard he was. Aside from his own, Paul’s cock was easily Danny’s favorite cock in the whole universe. “I could play with you forever and be a happy man.”

“God help me,” Paul groaned through clenched teeth, his hands still behind his head as he leaned heavily against the tiles, looking toward the ceiling. He took several deep breaths as Danny stroked him. When Danny took him back into his mouth, Paul groaned and slid partially down the tiles as he lost his footing. “I won’t last. Fuck me now. Please, I’m begging you to fuck me now.”

Danny would be lying to himself to say those words didn’t affect him. His own cock swelled and twitched as a fresh surge of lust washed over him, making his brain feel fuzzy. Everything faded to white noise except for Paul’s breathing, his soft moans of desperation, those seemed magnified as Danny finally let go of his cock and looked down to the shower floor for the condom he had dropped.

He snatched up the packet near the drain and stood up with no small protest from his knees that cracked from the effort. Danny ignored the discomfort and leaned into Paul instead, putting his hands on the shower wall on either side of Paul’s shoulders.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered longingly, admiring the way the muscles of Paul’s arms looked with his hands behind his head. “I want to tie you up and keep you as my love slave forever.”

“No kidding? I hadn’t noticed,” Paul said dully, but the rasp in his breath and the way his eyes became dark and stormy showed the effect Danny’s words had on him. “Why are you tormenting me when I said I didn’t care about playing?”

“Because you love it,” Danny said sadly as he ran a hand down Paul’s chest. He let his open palm rest against where Paul’s heart pounded. He wanted to tell Paul he loved him and he could be sweet and gentle but he knew Paul would freeze and pull away from him both physically and emotionally. He steeled himself, trying to force down his emotions. “Turn around. Put your hands on the wall.”

Paul did as told, turning around so his back was facing Danny and placed his open palms against the wall. Danny leaned against him, forcing Paul to bear most of his weight as he wrapped one arm around him, hugging him tightly and burying his face into the curve of his neck. He wanted to kiss and nuzzle him, to whisper endearments but he bit him viciously instead. Paul groaned, his knees buckling under both their combined weights but he was strong and resilient, he didn’t trip or fall.

“I don’t have any lube,” Danny whispered against his neck as he ran his hand lower over his stomach and then gripped Paul’s cock, stroking it firmly, torturing him when he was so close, knowing he wouldn’t come. “I should go get some.”

“That’s okay.” Paul arched his hips forward into Danny’s hand. “We don’t need it.”

Danny closed his eyes in misery and then tilted his head to the side, resting his cheek against Paul’s broad back as he brought the condom up and stared at it. At least it was lubricated, that was something. He ripped open the package with his teeth and pulled out the condom. He pulled away from Paul to put it on and then fell back over him.

“I’m going to prepare you—” “No!”

“Shut the fuck up,” Danny growled at him as he fisted his hand in Paul’s wet hair and jerked his head back roughly so he could look into his eyes. “Your mouth is pissing me off again. Bite your tongue if you can’t follow the rules.”

Danny actually saw Paul do it, biting down on his tongue hard enough to draw blood and he pushed his head down rather than watch it. Fucking him drunk was a bad idea, because his emotions were all over the place. He couldn’t rationalize with himself that it was better Paul did this with him than someone else who didn’t love and care about him.

He draped himself over Paul’s broad, bare back once more and brought his hand up, rubbing his fingers against Paul’s lips. “Suck them.”

Danny groaned when Paul did as told, taking two of his fingers into his mouth and sucking on them. He fisted his other hand in his hair once more, jerking his head back to watch him suck on his fingers. The sight made him forget his turbulent emotions as dark, deviant desire coiled in his gut, making his balls tighten painfully. His cock twitched in jealously as Paul sucked his fingers thoroughly, his tongue swirling over the tips of them.

Danny wasn’t going to last either. He needed to be in Paul as badly as Paul wanted him there. He pulled his fingers out of Paul’s mouth and reached down to his firm, muscular ass, pushing both fingers inside him roughly. Danny spread him, trying to

loosen his tight hole, but with no lube and Paul clenching around him, he could only do so much.

Danny still had Paul’s head wrenched back and he watched his face as he curved his fingers, rubbing them against his prostate. Paul’s eyes rolled back in pleasure and his knees buckled. He would have fallen to the floor if it weren’t for his hands on the wall.

Danny had fucked him enough times to know he was close, but Paul held out as Danny continued to torture him by toying with his prostate. Any other man would have given in and come all over the shower tiles from the onslaught but Paul was stronger than most. He had amazing amounts of willpower and was able to withstand the torment long enough for Danny’s fingers to start to cramp from the effort.

“You want me to let you beg for my cock?” Danny finally relented when Paul’s breathing had become so erratic it scared him.


“Do it.”

“Please, Danny Boy,” he groaned, his legs and arms shaking, his breath a low, gravelly rumble. “Fuck me. Do it now. Please.”

Danny pulled his fingers out of him and grabbed his hips. They had no lube and Paul was always impossibly tight no matter how many times they did this, but Danny pushed into him, feeling him stretch around him as he was enveloped in his warmth. He worked his cock in slowly rather than hurt him, his fingers digging roughly into Paul’s hips to hold him still when he started pushing back impatiently to take all of Danny in him. With a growl of anger, Danny leaned forward, biting at Paul’s shoulder hard in warning and Paul finally gave up the fight. His body became languid and submissive as he let Danny take him how he wanted. Paul’s head jerked back against his shoulder when the bliss of being taken slowly finally outweighed his desire to be hurt and punished, causing a strangled moan of pleasure to burst out of him. The sound was Danny’s undoing, shattering his last bit of civility. He gripped Paul’s hips tighter and surged forward without warning, burying himself in Paul savagely.

Being inside Paul was always Danny’s utopia and this time was no different. The pleasure slammed into him with such a velocity he thought he might pass out. The waves rolled over him, making his thoughts hazy as the steam of the shower left him feeling weighted.

“Fuck,” Paul gasped out, pushing back against him. “That’s good. Harder. Please, Danny Boy.”

The sound of his name on Paul’s lips had him pulling out and thrusting forward. He savored Paul’s low, rumbling groan of pleasure. Danny moved hard and fast, slamming into him over and over again. Their fucking was rough and animalistic. They were both young and strong. They could handle it where others couldn’t. Danny knew Paul’s limits and he tested them, forcing him to bear most of his weight as he fucked him recklessly.

BOOK: Beyond Eden
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