Bewitching My Love (19 page)

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Authors: Diane Story

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Bewitching My Love
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Aye, mayhap it has. But sister Abigail is a powerful witch, much like grandmamma. The spell lies hidden in thy heart.”

I thought the spell was just to keep Fern here until after the execution was carried out. Is there more to it, more we need to know?” Rowen was beginning to feel apprehensive all over again; what had the sisters done to Fern?

Aye, the spell is to keep Fern here. But the spell was also incited to stop Fern from feeling love. Worse than that, it is a spell placed in her heart. She cannot love another until the spell is broken.”

Fern watched tears spill down Rose’s gentle cheeks as she spoke and she realized she was telling her the truth. She felt no emotion at the sight of her tears. It was if a black shutter had been pulled down, blocking her from all emotion. When Rose was a baby she did love her, now she couldn’t find any of that compassion in her heart. A life without love, how could she live like that? How could anyone live without love? “She’s right, Rowen, I feel it.” Stepping forward, she reached out toward Rose. “Please, if you can, break the spell. I don’t want to live without loving or being loved.

Rose took her hands in hers and held them over their heads. “I will not let ye be without love, or not be loved. Repeat my words, Fern.”

Fern looked past her amber curls to where Rowen stood watching them. After this was all over and they were free, she would go with him to his house. She would give herself and her love to him, all of it until she had no more to give. Searching the sweet face in front of her, she nodded. “I’m ready.”

Rowen watched in amazement as the words flowed from their lips. Their voices were synchronized and sounded like one. It was if Fern knew the words by heart, as if they had been recited from her lips a hundred times before. He watched the scene before him, transfixed by the beauty and the purity of it, of them both. So much alike, but worlds apart.


Sacred love flow from me, sacred love draw ever near. As endless rivers run to sea, thy path to me is clear. Love that's true once here you’ll find. And know your journey's end. And in Fern’s heart and soul and mind, ye know that love will bind.”


Afterwards, the three of them stood in silence until finally, Rose bade them farewell. “Now go, the wardrobe will close behind ye. I will lock the doors for good. Grandmamma will not be able to hurt ye again.”

What about you, Rose? Where will you go? Elizabeth will not allow you to stay here without possessing you. She wishes to change your heart, she wishes to make you evil like she is.” Turning to Rowen, Fern pleaded, “Let’s take her back with us, Rowen, we can protect her, right?”

She’s gone, Fern.” Rowen looked past her to the wardrobe. “Look, she’s gone back through the wardrobe.”

Fern turned in time to see the doors to the wardrobe swing silently shut. Eyes wide, she gasped. Rose had left just as silently as she had appeared. “Where do you think she went?”

I don’t know, but I’m sure where ever it is she will be safe.” He was tired and wanted to be alone with Fern, it was time to go. “Come on, it’s our turn.”

Fern jumped then when the old woman’s wicked laughter could be heard from down below. “I’m right beside you.” They stepped through the wardrobe, hand in hand.

* * * *

Anger filled her black heart. Elizabeth screamed her disgust when she couldn’t reach the doors of the wardrobe in time to keep it from locking behind them. Her daughter was still imprisoned in the dungeon and her attempt to masquerade as Mary had failed. The potion to make her appear young again had worked just long enough to make the villagers think Mary had escaped and to anger the sisters even further. “No matter, I will find a way to bring ye back, both of ye. And when I do, I’ll kill ye myself.” She yelled at the wardrobe doors as she yanked against the handles.

With her strength exhausted, Elizabeth limped back down the narrow stairs to consider her book of spells. She needed a spell to help her unlock the doors. Her simple one word spells would not do since the spell of another, more powerful witch than she, had bound the doors. “Cursed girl, when I find ye, I will bind thy mouth shut.” Leaning back against her chair she let her tired eyelids slip slowly down to rest against the wrinkles of her cheeks. Once again, sleep saved her from her physical pain. But her mind continued to work on a way to get revenge.

* * * *

The doors to the wardrobe swung silently closed behind them. Rowen still held Fern’s hand as they stared down at their clothes where they still lay folded on the end of his bed. Exactly where Rowen had left them the day they left. The large grandfather clock chimed in the corner and Fern smiled. “Feels like we never left, doesn’t it, Rowen?”

Rowen blinked at her words. “I don’t think any time has passed here, Fern. Look, the clock chimed at eight o’clock. The calendar on the clock by my bed hasn’t changed either. It looks like Rose has sent us back to the day we left.”

Fern’s gaze traveled slowly down Rowen’s strong forearm to where their hands were holding each other. “I guess this means we’re done. I’m safe, and you’re safe, so, I suppose I can change back into my dress and go home now.” Fern felt his fist clench around her hand. “I mean, there really isn’t reason for me to stay now, is there?” She let her gaze leave their hands to settle on his eyes. He was looking down at her and she knew there was no way in hell he’d let her go. The realization that he wanted her to stay as badly as she wanted to stay made her body quiver in anticipation.

No need to leave right away, Fern. Why don’t I have Betty make us some dinner first, I don’t think I want you to go just yet anyway.” He knew she was battling the same dilemma he was. He wouldn’t let go of her, not yet. He wanted to feel her, all of her, underneath his hands again. “I’m not ready to lose you Fern, please stay.” He asked gently, not wanting to sound as if he was begging, but would if that was what it took.

We’ll always be friends, Rowen, you’re not going to lose me.” Fern smiled up at him and knew what he was trying to say. He wanted her, and damn it, she wanted him. Why couldn’t she just admit it and give in. He was the only man she’d ever really wanted. “OK, I’ll stay for a while. I really don’t have anything else to do tonight anyway. But no more lemonade, alright?”

Rowen laughed at her comment. “Good, I’ll tell Betty to have some steaks prepared. We’ll eat up here, out on the balcony, how’s that sound?”

Fern watched him move to the intercom and give his orders. Her mind screamed its warnings but her body refused to listen. Tonight, he was hers. Tomorrow? Only time would tell. “You don’t mind if I use your shower, do you? I’d love to freshen up before dinner.”

Sure, as long as you won’t mind if I join you?” Rowen smiled at the look on her face. “Alright, alright, I’ll wait until you’re done. The bathroom is just over there.” He pointed to a door behind her. “You should be able to find everything you’ll need.” He watched the door close behind her then sprang into action. After calling Betty back and making sure she brought up some Brandywine with the meal, he tuned the stereo to some romantic tunes. As he listened to Fern humming behind the door, the thought of her beautiful, naked body in his shower made his flesh warm, and his loins ache, reminding him he still wore the tight fitting breeches of the past.

Fern leaned her wet forehead against the glass of the shower and chewed her bottom lip. Tonight she would be making love to Rowen Nichols; or rather he would be making love to her since she had no clue how. “Tonight, I will allow Rowen Nichols to make love to me,” she said the words out loud, in a whisper against the glass. “Tonight, I will lose my innocence to the man I love, the way I have always planned.” She bit her lip so hard she almost yelped in pain. “Love?” she whispered the word against the glass door again. “I must love him because I would never give myself to a man without love. Oh God, Fern what will you do after tonight, when you go your separate ways?” Leaning back into the water she let the steam soothe her. “It is the most right thing you will ever do, Fern. You might not be a part of his life after tonight, but at least you will have one night of passion to remember him by.” Sighing she dug her fingers into her scalp, scrubbing until her hair squeaked.

Rowen sat on the end of his bed staring at the steam as it escaped from beneath the bottom of the bathroom door. He was naked and anxious for her to see the physical effect she had on him. Waiting for his turn, he looked at the scar on his side from the bullet. It would be a constant reminder of how close he’d came to loosing her.

He listened as the water turned off, and he listened as she closed the shower door. Soon, she would join him. His loins were throbbing with anticipation because tonight, she would be his once and for all. “Tonight I’ll make you mine. I’ll be your first, and your last. I swear, no man but me will ever touch you, Fern.” He whispered the words. “I love you Fern, oh God I do.” Now all he had to do was tell her. He could no longer deny his feelings, and after tonight Fern would know her place in his heart.

Fern stood back and looked at herself through the misty mirror. She had wiped a splotch away to make sure she looked presentable. Then, after taking a deep breath, she pushed herself away from the mirror and walked toward the door. She knew Rowen was waiting for her out there; the thought made her belly tighten in anticipation. And he was waiting, sitting on the end of his huge four-poster bed, naked and stunning.

My turn?” Rowen chuckled at the crimson on Fern’s cheeks when she saw him. “Don’t tell me you’re embarrassed, Fern. You’ve seen more of me than this.”

Fern kept her eyes closed as he strode past her. Yeah, she’d seen him naked, but never had she seen him erect. She’d felt him, but her eyes had never seen him. “Rowen, you know I’ve never seen you like… like… well, you know. In the shape you are right now.” Chills went up her spine when she felt his hot breath next to her ear.

No, but you will tonight. I promise.” He suckled her earlobe before disappearing into the bathroom.

Fern felt as if a fire had been lit in the center of her soul. Starting from her toes, ending up at the very ends of the hair on her head. Staggering over, she let herself fall face first on his bed as she groaned. If a little ear tease made her feel like this, heaven forbid. A knock on the door brought her upright. Embarrassed, she smoothed her dress and went to open the door. Dinner was served.

* * * *

Jonathan stood angrily before Judge Hauthorn. Tomorrow his beloved would die. Without the help of Rowen and Fern he was now on his own to defend her. “Art thou not concerned for our Village Salem, your worship? If goode sister Mary is taken to gallows hill, our village will burn. Her mother promised it, and t’will happen. Of all the poor innocent members of our village who hath perished, Elizabeth Wilds is the only true witch, yet ye cannot see her death on the gallows. Why do ye close thy eyes to her guilt?”

Leave me Jonathan, I will hear no more of this. Mary Wilds will die tomorrow as ordered. She is a witch, of that, I am certain.”

Jonathan stared at his back as he left. His hand trembled on the trigger of his pistol. He would kill the man if he thought it would save his Mary. What did he have to lose now, his wife had betrayed him and the child he thought was his, wasn’t. As he passed through the door into the moonlit night he wondered where the two from his future had gone. No doubt, they went back to their own time, as they were sure to have seen the uselessness of their attempts. He wanted to see Mary one more time before he would have to walk her to the gallows tomorrow. Deciding it was worth the risk, he turned and headed back toward the dungeon. He shuddered again to think of his Mary in such a place, filthy and rodent-ridden.

Pardon me, kind sir, can you direct me to the witch dungeon?” Rose kept her head down, letting her cape fall over her head and smiled with her deceptiveness.

Pray tell little one, why would a young girl like thee want to go to the dungeon? ‘Tis not a place for thee, go home now before your mamma and papa come searching for you.” Jonathan looked down at the small frame standing before him; she had a cape on so he couldn’t see her face. But her voice was sweet and laced with harmony, almost angelic.

My papa has gone away kind sir, would you take me there? I wish to visit my mother.” Rose slowly raised her head until her eyes made contact with his; she heard him take a sharp breath and smiled. “I believe thy know’est my mother, don’t ye, Jonathan Nichols?”


That had to be the best steak I’ve ever had.” Fern sat back in her chair and rubbed her full stomach. “I’ll have to make sure I thank your housekeeper.”

Rowen sat his fork down and took a sip of his Brandywine. Fern held him captive all during dinner with her laughter and tales of her childhood antics while she was imprisoned in the orphanage. “I still don’t understand why you were never adopted, Fern. You are a beautiful woman, and I know you had to have been a beautiful child. How old were you when you left?”

I was seventeen when I left the orphanage. I’d saved up enough of my own money to get my own place and I had a small inheritance from my parents. They left me enough to get me through college, and to purchase my condo. I don’t know why I was never adopted Rowen, but it doesn’t matter now, does it? I’m a grown woman with my own choices to make, and I’m quite happy, right where I am.”

After downing the last few drops of his Brandywine, Rowen stood up then moved around the table until he stood in front of her. Reaching out his hand he waited for her to take it. “Come, let’s go back inside. The breeze is a little cool out here, don’t you agree?”

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