Bewitching in Boots

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Authors: Lila di Pasqua

Tags: #erotic historical romance

BOOK: Bewitching in Boots
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Table of Contents

Praise For The Fiery Tales



Moral of the Story

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Historical Tidbit


Read an Excerpt of The Marquis’s New Clothes

Chapter One

Fiery Tales Series

Praise For The Fiery Tales

“Evocative, erotic. . . [A] sensual treat!”

Sylvia Day
New York Times
bestselling author

“Hot enough to warm the coldest winter night.”

Publishers Weekly

“Sophisticated and deeply romantic.”

Elizabeth Hoyt
New York Times
bestselling author

“Sure to delight!”

Jennifer Ashley
New York Times
bestselling author

“The most luscious, sexy take on classic fairy tales I’ve ever read!”

Cheryl Holt
New York Times
bestselling author

“Sets the classic fairy tale(s) ablaze!”

Anna Campbell
bestselling, award-winning author

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2010, 2016 by Lila DiPasqua

Excerpt from
The Marquis’s New Clothes
, in
The Princess in His Bed
anthology by Lila DiPasqua copyright © Lila DiPasqua
Cover Design: Carrie Divine/Seductive Designs
Photography of couple: © Period Images;
Background: © Annnmei |
Interior Design by Woven Red Author Services,

All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without written permission of the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

First Edition: From
Awakened by a Kiss
, Berkley Sensation/Penguin Group (USA) Inc.—August 2010

Second Edition: Lila DiPasqua—June 2016
ISBN: 978-0-9951655-1-9 (trade pbk)
ISBN: 978-0-9951655-0-2 (e-book)

To Bruno, who has always been there for me.

You’re the best brother.


Moral of the Story of Puss in Boots

“If a man has quick success

In winning such a fair princess,

By turning on the charm,

Then regard his manners, looks, and dress,

That inspired her deepest tenderness,

For they can’t do one any harm.”

Charles Perrault (1628–1703)

Chapter One

France 1685

“Do you
think your plan will work, Elisabeth?” Claire swiped a curl from her damp forehead. The summer breeze stealing its way into their moving carriage was a mixed blessing. It offered some relief from the heat, but brought with it wafts of dust.

This wasn’t the most comfortable trip Elisabeth de Roussel had ever taken, but it was the most important—to her. “For the third time, yes.” Her voice was calm, belying the disquiet she felt. Her nerves jangled; she didn’t need her sister to keep repeating the same question.

“You’re going to seduce Tristan de Tiersonnier, a man who makes other men quake with fear and women tremble with desire. And you’re going to do it, dressed like

“That is the plan.” Elisabeth glanced over at her maid, Agathe, and caught her rolling her eyes. Elisabeth fully expected the older woman to voice her dissent over the plan, but instead Agathe was uncharacteristically quiet, and stared out the window, lips pursed.

Claire leaned in. “Elisabeth, you are dressed like a
. A shirt, breeches, black boots—those are men’s clothes. Well, perhaps not
black boots. No man would wear something so snug around his calves.”

“I’m quite aware of how I’m dressed, dear sister.” Her younger sibling didn’t need to know what an utter mess Elisabeth was inside. Nor was she going to admit that she was dressed this way because she wanted—needed—her prized sword at her hip. It gave her confidence. Helped to bolster courage. And courage was what she’d need to execute her plan.

Especially when the plan centered on the only man who intimidated her. The imposing sinfully beautiful former commander of the King’s private Guard—the Musketeers—Tristan de Tiersonnier, Comte de Saint-Marcel.

One look from his intense blue eyes and she was undone—when no man shook her, not even her father, the King. By doing nothing more than walking into a room, Tristan commanded her attention and ignited her senses—reducing her into some gawking unsophisticated ingénue. With his confident manner, his tall and powerful body, he exuded authority. And—God help her—such potent sensuality. He made her ache. Heart and body.

He burned in her blood.

Sadly, nothing had lessened her fever for Tristan. Not marriage to another man. Not the lovers she’d taken since the Duc’s death. Not time or distance.

“I’m all for being a part of your plan, Elisabeth,” Claire said. “In fact, I’d never refuse. But this one is rather involved.”

That was an understatement.

Claire had no idea just how involved her plan was or what Elisabeth truly hoped to accomplish during this sojourn, but she couldn’t explain all of it to her sister. Claire always looked up to her. As much as she adored Claire, Elisabeth couldn’t reveal to her, or anyone, just how vulnerable she was to Tristan.

It was a weakness. She never showed her weaknesses. One didn’t survive in her world by being transparent—ever.

And Elisabeth had survived plenty of attempts to diminish her, both at court and in the eyes of the King. Her late mother had taught her well. She’d been a fine example of how strength and a cunning mind benefited a woman. Her mother hadn’t kept the King’s interest longer than any of his other mistresses without knowing a thing or two about how to be clever in a man’s world. Elisabeth had adopted her mother’s finesse and fortitude and had risen among the brood sired by His Majesty to become the favorite royal daughter. And she used her favored position to protect Claire—who went mostly unnoticed and unprotected by their father— from the constant courtly intrigue.

. . . Seems like a lot of trouble to go to just to bed a man,” Agathe mumbled. “We could have stayed home. There are plenty of men at Versailles to choose from.”

“There are indeed,” Elisabeth said. Her period of mourning over, during the last year she’d had her choice of lovers. Had the freedom to pick and choose whom she wanted. She’d enjoyed the freedom that came with widowhood.

But her freedom was running out.

If she was going to do something about Tristan, it had to be

“The men at court bore me,” Elisabeth added, affecting a tone that was purposely blasé. One that gave the world the impression she was indifferent to all things. “The timing is perfect. Veronique is no longer Tristan’s mistress. This is the most opportune time.”

Claire crinkled her nose. “Veronique . . .” she muttered with disdain. A disdain shared by Elisabeth for their unscrupulous half-sister, the court filled with too many just like her.

“Opportune time?” Agathe snorted. “Perhaps madame has forgotten that the man was dismissed from his position as Captain of the Guard—and the reason why?”

“I haven’t forgotten, Agathe,” Elisabeth said, “and it is not a permanent situation. Tristan is strong and skilled. Sooner or later His Majesty will reinstate him.” She’d see to it. It was part of her plan, important for many reasons, including thwarting Veronique’s ambitions. Three months ago, Tristan had been injured in the line of duty. For two months he’d convalesced at the palace until the King, acting on the advice of the royal physicians who felt Tristan would never completely heal, had replaced him as Captain of the Guard.

“So how do you plan on seducing him?” Claire asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Elisabeth smiled. “Now where would be the fun in telling you that? You’ll just have to wait and see.” She had no idea how she was going to go about seducing Tristan. Her mother had taught her how to entice men, what they liked in and out of the boudoir. But Tristan was not like any man she’d ever known. He wasn’t the sort of man who could be led around by the nose. He wouldn’t be easily lured.

Claire frowned. “I will still get to help you, yes?”

“Of course. That’s why I brought you along.” Elisabeth glanced at Agathe. “I’m going to need both of you to help.”

Her old and faithful servant looked about as thrilled over the prospect as she’d be at developing a body rash.

“Excellent.” Claire beamed. “I do so admire your bravery, Elisabeth. Normally women wait to be approached by Tristan de Tiersonnier. You’re the only woman I know who is willing to approach him. He’s a little too serious, a little too intense for me. I’ve always found him to be rather unnerving.”

So did she. For entirely different reasons: the unbreakable pull he had on her and the desire she had for him that was far too keen.
If all goes well, you might have him tonight
 . . . Her nerve endings quivered with life, the notion as thrilling as it was terrifying. It took all she possessed not to abort her plan and race back to Versailles. But she couldn’t. Wouldn’t. It was time to take control and sate the tormenting carnal hunger she had for this man—who’d barely noticed her and had only spoken to her out of duty.

Well, today he’d notice her.

Acting on the signs she’d read in her father, on the subtle comments he’d made, Elisabeth knew he’d select a new husband for her soon. She’d be trapped in another hollow marriage filled with lonely nights fantasizing about Tristan. More lonely years spent starved for his touch, his taste.

She wouldn’t go through that again.

If she was going to be forced to marry once more, then her husband may as well be Tristan. A husband of her choosing. If she failed to seduce him into the idea of marriage, then at the very least she wouldn’t fail to seduce him into her bed for a week of unbridled sex. It was unwise, utterly foolhardy, for a woman to crave a man as intensely as she craved Tristan. To be as spellbound as she was by him. Her mother had taught her better than that. One way or another, husband or lover, he’d bed her and she’d at last satisfy this hunger, snap this fascination, and purge him from her heart, body and soul.

She’d never find any contentment in her life—know any peace—if she didn’t break the power Tristan had over her.

“I find Tiersonnier appealing,” Elisabeth remarked. “And as for his ‘intensity,’ I think that could be put to good use in the boudoir.”

Claire giggled. “Too true, sister.”

Agathe pursed her lips firmer together.

Elisabeth’s plan was simple. Before she could marry Tristan, she had to convince both the King and Tristan that the irresistible ex-Musketeer was her perfect match.

There were only two problems with her plan. One, the King saw Tristan as infirm and not fit to marry her. And two, Tristan wasn’t going be easy to seduce into her bed, much less into marriage.

He hated her.

The carriage stopped. Her entourage of Musketeers and a second carriage filled with Elisabeth’s and Claire’s trunks and necessities halted as well.

Elisabeth alighted from the carriage with the help of one of the King’s Guardsmen. Her stomach dropped at the sight before her.

“Good Lord, Elisabeth, is that Tiersonnier’s château?” her sister asked, stopping by her side.

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