Between Two Tiron (6 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Airies

BOOK: Between Two Tiron
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so he could look fully into her eyes. “How many packs do you have stashed here?”

“Thirty-five, Ardin,” Lina didn‟t blink at the question, but her mind went into a spin.

They’d obviously found some of her packs.
She just wanted to know if they‟d found her packs or if the researchers had informed them of her presence first. Not that it really mattered, but she‟d

like to know if she‟d made a mistake somewhere.

“Jaksen, you and the others have thirty-four packs to find, and see if you can find her ship

before she has to show us.” Kaleb turned his attention briefly to the waiting men. “Leave us.”

The men filed out without comment, taking Nerisa with them.

“Come into our embrace, Lina.” Shard held out his hand.

The two men stood at an angle toward each other. Lina stepped between them. She

lowered her head first to Shard‟s chest and inhaled. The heated scent of aroused male hit her. Her

tongue flicked out, dancing over his chest and drawing his warm, distinctive taste into her. She

knew at that first whiff of his scent that he was her mate.

She turned to Kaleb and inhaled. His arousal was obvious, but under that there was a

scent that she recognized even though she had never smelled this particular scent before. Her

mate. Her mind whirled, filled with confused thoughts at finding two mates and what she should

do, but her body responded, relaxing, softening and heating. She could feel warm juices roll onto

her thighs. Her arousal grew as their pheromones hit her system.

This was bad. Her reaction was even stronger than she‟d imagined it would be. She

couldn‟t think of much other than getting close to them.

Kaleb hooked his arm around her, drawing her to him. His head dipped, nuzzling waves

of golden hair away from her neck. His teeth clamped briefly over the muscle where her neck

and shoulder joined. A primitive thrill rushed through her and an excited mewl fell from her lips

as her body jerked against his in involuntary encouragement. She pressed her hips against his

rigid erection.

“I‟m not the one you attacked,
rao nari
. I‟m not the one who had to pin you.” His tongue

traced up the side of her neck. “I want to learn your taste, the feel of your body,
. I need to fuck you, to claim you as mate so that no other will dare to come near you, but he will fuck you


“We‟ll have you together after the formal bonding,” Shard whispered against her ear.

“This time, we‟ll both come deep in your pussy. There will be no doubts in your mind that this is

a true mating.”

Shard‟s arm swept around her and pulled her back against him. Kaleb released her and

stepped back. Shard‟s hand smoothed down her stomach and his fingers traced the edges of the

diamond of hair.

“We‟ll remove this when we get up to the
. I want nothing between my tongue and

your soft skin here, even if it is only a small patch.” Shard turned with Lina and stepped forward

until they were near the wall. “Hands on the wall,

Lina placed her hands on the wall. A nudge of his foot had her widening her stance. She

was so hot and very little of it was because of the pheromones secreted by the two men. Much of

it was because of her tussle with Shard.

Before today, she wouldn‟t have believed that there was one thing arousing about being

pinned by a dominant male Santir. From the first, she‟d been aware of his size and strength, the

differences between them, but then he‟d pinned her and her body had flamed. Although she‟d

been too focused on the fight to recognize it then, her body had known that she‟d found her mate.

Every moment that he‟d held her beneath him, she‟d been very aware of how muscled and large

his body was and how small she must seem to him. The thought of the contrast between them

had roused her lust.

The fact that he held her captive, helpless as no other had ever done had enflamed her

wanton Santir soul. She felt hotter now than when she‟d last been in heat. She wanted to feel his

mouth anywhere he cared to put it. She wanted to feel that dark cock filling her pussy, moving

within her.

That desire was different from normal lust as well. She only wanted those two men, not

any man she could find.

Shard gathered her hair and pushed it aside, baring her right shoulder. His breath fanned

over her shoulder as he stepped closer, his hard shaft sliding between her legs and brushing

against her slick, swollen labia. His teeth nibbled on her earlobe, the extension of both upper and

lower canines obvious from the sharp scrape against her skin as he nipped at her neck.

“You fought me, ignored my orders. Do you submit to me now, Lina?” Shard‟s body

pressed against Lina‟s in an imitation of his earlier victory.

Lina arched her neck, baring it for him. “I submit.” She pushed her body back against his,

undulating her hips and rubbing her pussy along his shaft, trying to induce him to put that rigid

organ into her needy quim.

“Are you my mate?” He positioned the head of his cock at her honeyed slit. His right

hand held her hips, keeping her from pushing back onto him until he had his answer.

“Yes, I‟m your mate.”

“Call me by my name.” He drove his cock into her slick, tight cunt with a rolling thrust.

His right hand moved around her waist to cup the mound of her sex. “You‟re so tight, Lina. Hot

and wet and ready for me.”

“Shard, please,” she cried, trying to move against him, but he held her still, at his mercy.

The realization that he could do it only drove the heat within her higher.

“Yes, Lina,” He rubbed his teeth over her neck and then down to her shoulder. A rich

chuckle rumbled against her as he felt the shiver of need pulse through her. His teeth clamped

over the spot where her neck and shoulder met.

He pounded into her, each thrust driving her clit into the cup of his hand. Cries of need

tore from Lina‟s throat. Her hips rolled, meeting each impaling jab and riding the fingers that

brushed that sensitive hood. His growl in response vibrated against her skin, sending a tremor

through her and extra honeyed warmth to her pussy.

She loved that dominance, the force of each thrust into her. She drew in harsh, fast,

gasping breaths as he fucked her. All thoughts other than the heat and pleasure induced by his

wicked touch flew from her head. Gods, she needed more. She could feel her orgasm hovering

just out of her reach and thrust her hips back against his, trying to get what she needed.

She‟d never had anyone draw such a strong response from her. She was on fire, burning

with need.

“Come for me,” he growled, using the
language because he wouldn‟t release his

grip on her shoulder. “Come for your mate.”

“Harder, Shard,” she panted, a breath away from her release.

He rammed into her, his fingers pushing against the swollen hood of her clit. “
, you

are so beautiful, so hot. Come for me.”

On that growled order, Lina came. She threw her head back, screaming her release. Her

body shivered under the onslaught of sensation. Bright lights flashed in front of her eyes and she

pushed back into him.

Shard surged into her, focused now on his release. His hands gripped her hips, holding

her still, submissive. She loved that strength and just that display stirred another wave of lust as

he continued to thrust into her. He pounded into her, his hips pushing against her buttocks. His

semen spurted into her in hot jets as his body jerked against hers. His harsh, exultant groan was

smothered against her neck.

Lina‟s legs were trembling a little when Shard began to pull away from her. His tongue

lapped over the blood seeping from the marks he had left on her throat in leisurely enjoyment.

The hands at her waist ran over her with lingering possessive familiarity.

Kaleb was waiting, leaning against the wall a few steps away from them. His green eyes

were locked on her face, those orbs molten with sexual intent. When Shard stepped back, Kaleb

paced forward.

His body pressed against her back. With a sweep of his hand, he moved the hair out of his

way a moment before his breath brushed over the shell of her ear. His hands moved around her

body and cupped the full globes of her breasts in his palms. The hard tips of her nipples poked

into his hands.

“I want to taste these hard nubs, to suck at them. Later, I‟ll see that these get the proper

attention they deserve, but the scent of your desire and that of your satisfaction is driving me

insane.” Kaleb‟s cock prodded the slick entrance to her cunt. “Now I want to hear you calling my

name as I thrust into you. My only regret is that in this position, the one I crave, I can‟t see your face as you come. Your expressions as passion takes you could make a celibate forget his vows.”

Desire, hot and fierce, hit her as his scent wrapped around her. When his teeth scraped

over the cord of muscle at the base of her neck, the tension building within her tripled. Gods, she

wanted him. Everything female and Santir within her craved the dominance implicit in that

single move. She pushed back into the lean muscled body behind her.

His right hand slid down over the flat plane of her stomach. Two of his fingers slid

between the honeyed lips of her labia. The tips stroked over the swollen nub of her clit in a

circular motion until her hips began to rock into his hand.

“How ready are you, little cat?” Kaleb‟s fingers began to glide back through the thick

nectar. He pushed two fingers into her slit. The walls of her sheath clasped his fin gers, pulling

greedily at the digits. “Um, hot, tight…say my name.” His fingers stroked deep and then left her.

“Kaleb,” Lina breathed on a sigh of satisfaction as his thick, long cock drove into her.

Arching into that long stroke, she tipped back her head and moaned. She needed this, needed to

filled and fucked hard.

His lips moved over the left side of her neck, his teeth scraping over the sensitive skin.

As his lips moved over the silky flesh, her inner muscles clamped around his shaft, pulling at

him. With a groan, his tongue flicked over her neck repeatedly, tasting her as his fingers stroked

over her clit. “I need to feel that wet pussy wrapped tightly around me and I ache to hear you

crying out for completion.”

Those words caused her to burn with desire. His teeth clamped onto the muscled area at

her neck and shoulder. He growled with feral enjoyment as she gave a needy mewl and bucked

back against him.

He withdrew and drove into her. Everything within Lina was focused on the fingers

rubbing her clit and the hard shaft driving into her. She rode his hand, her gasping breaths

inundating her with the intoxicating scent of aroused male Santir. She writhed desperately,

trembling near the edge of climax. The tension within her was nearly more than she could

handle. She ached, she needed…

“Please,” the whimper of need tumbled from her as sensation stretched within her.

Desperately craving more, she shoved her buttocks against his thrusting hips. She needed him to

drive deep into her.

His cock rammed into her and his fingers manipulated her clit in a spiral pattern. He

growled against her, encouraging the wild moans and sighs which flowed from her lips. Her

pussy rippled around his cock, gripping and pulling as if to keep him deep within her.

“Mine,” The growl rumbled up from the depths of Kaleb‟s throat, only muted a little as it

hit her skin.

She pushed back into each thrust of his hips against hers. Desperate for the climax that

remained just out of her reach, she writhed against him. As his fingers plucked at her clit,

sending a wicked bolt of heat through her, she cried out and came. Light burst behind her eyelids

as she arched and bucked, the sensations hitting her, seeming to ricochet and intensify with every

movement, every breath. Pressed flat against the wall, she wished she could grab him. The

pleasure left her shaking and breathless.

Kaleb surged into her. The draw of her inner muscles as she climaxed took the last of his

control. He rammed into her and her cunt tightened around him. He pumped against her, his seed

pulsing into her as release tore through him. His roar of satisfaction vibrated against her neck.

His sweat-slick body pressed against her, holding her in place.

Kaleb lifted his head slightly and viewed the mating bite with primitive satisfaction. His

tongue lapped at the blood, laved the four punctures of his bite. He tasted her blood and the salt

of her sweat. He couldn‟t contain the primal rush of satisfaction at the sight of the mark. A sign

of possession, that mark would tell all who saw it that she was claimed. No other would dare

touch her when they viewed the two sets of markings.

She was such a responsive woman, everything he could have ever dreamed of finding in a

woman. His mate—just the fact that she was his was an aphrodisiac after searching for her in

every woman he encountered for many years.

And there was so much to learn about her. Who she really was remained a mystery in

spite of how close he felt to her after the thought-destroying sex. He looked forward to every

moment of it, learning what made her happy, what annoyed her. Some of those things would take

time, but there were more immediate questions that he would have the answers for before they

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