Between Midnight and Dawn (11 page)

BOOK: Between Midnight and Dawn
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“There,” Rob said, tapping the screen. “Guy’s not as smart as he thought.”

Kyle nodded. Maybe they had the son of a bitch.

Nicole nervously chewed on her bottom lip as Kyle walked toward her, lines of tension covering his face. Everyone had left, except for the patrol car stationed in the front of her home, and it was now nearly noon. He’d spent over an hour in his cottage with Dean and Rob. Why? He was keeping something from her, and she didn’t like it.

“Nicole,” Kyle said, coming to a stop in front of her. Even upset as she was, when their eyes met her stomach gave a little flip of awareness. He lifted his hand and ran the backs of his fingers down her cheek. His touch was feather-soft, and her breasts perked up as she imagined him stroking them with the same gentleness. “We need to talk.” His voice was solemn.

She nodded, her anxiety mounting. “Okay, so talk.”

“Let’s have a seat.” Taking her hand, he tugged her down on the couch next to him.

Charlie let out a bark, and stuck his head on her lap with a soft whine for attention. Nicole scratched Charlie behind the ear. She could tell by the hard set of Kyle’s jaw that she wasn’t going to like what he had to say.

“Nicole,” he began, rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand. “I told you I was a cop.”

“Right,” she said, tipping her head in acknowledgment. “You’re here on vacation?”

His lips pressed together into a tight line, before he responded, “Not exactly.”

Frowning now, she took back her hand from him. “What do you mean, ‘not exactly’?”

He hesitated a moment. “I’m undercover . . . tracking a serial killer.”

She gulped, her mind flashing back to the man who’d attacked her. Nausea swirled in her stomach. She closed her eyes, but that only made it worse as the image of that poor woman in her ditch with her throat slit burned across the back of her eyelids. She took a calming breath and opened her eyes. Tension radiated off Kyle, indicating he had more to tell her.

Did she really want to hear it?

“A serial killer?” Her voice shook. A serial killer attacked her?
Is that what he’s telling me?
A shudder racked her body.

Kyle rubbed one hand up and down her bare arm. “Nicole, when I showed up the night you were attacked, it wasn’t to rent your cottage,” he said quietly. “The man I suspect is the killer had been following you for at least three days.”

Nicole clutched her stomach. “How do you know?”

was following him.” For a moment, his full mouth pressed into a grim line. “I believe he’s the serial killer known as the Clove Hitch Killer.”

Nicole gasped as another shudder swept through her, more violent this time. She remembered first learning of the Clove Hitch Killer when she was just a kid, and he’d killed a young woman in a town a few miles from where she lived. They’d found the poor woman’s body along the side of a rural road near Detroit. The details of the case were so horrific, she’d never been able to forget it. She shook her head in denial. “You’re wrong.”

Kyle wrapped his arm around her shoulders, holding her close against him. She pressed her hands on his chest and stared up at him as his words sank in. “I’m sorry, honey. I’m not. I had the guy staked out for a couple days and you were his target.”

“Oh, God.” Panic slammed into her, making her head spin. “S-So you’re saying, when you saved me, he took that woman instead?” She squeezed her eyes shut as guilt engulfed her.

“We don’t know for sure.” Kyle gently cradled her face between his hands. She leaned into his touch for a comforting moment, managing to slow her racing heart.

“I won’t let him hurt you,” he promised.

She opened her eyes to find his tender gaze locked on her. “How will you stop him?”

Her heart pounded a fearful beat against her chest.
Bits from the news over the years flashed across her mind.
He’s a monster.
dangerous man was after her. An evil man who did unspeakable things to his victims. He’d been outsmarting the police since she was a kid.

Unable to sit still any longer, Nicole got to her feet. Charlie barked, nosing her leg. With another quick pat to the dog’s head, she began to pace the living room. Her mind struggled to comprehend what he’d told her.
The man in my bedroom that night was the Clove Hitch Killer. Oh my God.
Reaching the end of her living room, she ran her hands through her hair and spun around, colliding with Kyle as his arms came around her.

“It’s going to be okay. I promise, he won’t get near you.” His voice held a hard, angry note, yet he cradled her gently against his solid chest. His warmth surrounded her, chasing away the chill that had settled into her bones from the moment she’d stumbled across the body in the ditch.

She let herself sink into his embrace, listening to the rapid beat of his heart under her ear. His heady masculine scent filled her with a sense of safety. She stiffened, remembering how he’d been lying to her for weeks.

She stepped away from him, immediately missing his touch as his arms fell to his sides. Nicole lifted her eyes to meet his, certain there was more to the story. His dark eyes flashed with an emotion she couldn’t read, and a muscle ticked along his jawline.

“What else?” she asked in a shaky voice, instinct telling her he had more to say. “How many women has he—” She paused, bracing herself for an answer she wasn’t sure she wanted to hear. “Has he killed?”

As though hearing the stress in her voice, Charlie nudged her hand with his nose, whining. She gave him a quick pat on the head, but never took her eyes off Kyle.

“Too many,” Kyle said, reaching out to tuck a loose curl behind her ear.

The tender gesture eased her tension somewhat. Having Kyle here kept her from totally freaking out at the thought of being attacked by a serial killer.
A fricken serial killer!
But Kyle couldn’t live in her cottage forever. “So, do you know who this guy is?”

Kyle gave a sharp nod.

“Why aren’t you arresting him?”

Hard lines bracketed his face. “We don’t have enough evidence. Not yet, but we’re working on it.”

“Okay. How are you working on it?” She wanted to shout at him to just tell her already. “Why did you guys go to the cottage? Why couldn’t you discuss whatever it was here?”

He gently, but firmly, gripped her by the shoulders, staring into her eyes. “You know I only want to protect you, right?”

She nodded, believing him completely. Kyle was a cop, and his instinct would be to protect anyone in danger. Nicole licked her lips to moisten them, not missing the way his gaze fell to her mouth.

Her pulse raced, wondering if he’d kiss her . . . Wanting him to kiss her and make her forget the hell she’d been put through the last couple months. Wanting to lose herself in his lovemaking, right here, right now, before he told her something that would negate the desire she felt every time he was near.

She needed him to touch her intimately. To feel him moving inside her so all she could think about was how good it felt, blocking out everything but the desire that sparked between them like a downed power line.

His hands tightened on her shoulders a fraction as the tension in the room mounted. Ever perceptive, Charlie whined, letting out another short bark and breaking the spell that’d held them both immobile.

“Nicole,” he said quietly, “we believe we caught the murder on video.”

Her brows knitted in confusion. “How’s that possible?”

There was a short pause, before he grimly continued, “Because I’ve had your home under surveillance since the day I moved in.”

She blinked as his words sank in. Her eyes narrowed and she shook off his hands. “You mean you’ve been spying on me?” She frantically looked around the room for anything that could disguise a hidden camera. “Watching me in private moments?”


Nicole held up her hand. “No. Don’t.” She took off as anger built inside her, trying to recall if she’d said or done anything that would humiliate her. No. She didn’t think so.

Kyle called out again from behind her as she raced down her hallway, toward her bedroom, but she ignored him. Picking up on her distress, Charlie followed her, nudging her leg with his nose and whining. Flinging open the door, she began searching for a camera, studying the walls, ripping open the drapes, peering under her lampshade for a bug as Charlie stood near the door, watching her.

Kyle’s hands were on her shoulders again, and he spun her around. Knowing she was probably overreacting, her emotions strung tight from finding a murdered woman in her ditch, a woman that had died because Nicole had lived, didn’t stop her from fighting to free herself.

After everything, this was a step too far. An invasion of privacy that made her feel violated. A feeling of hysteria bubbled up inside her, and she broke away from his grasp and turned back to search for the cameras.

His arm circled her waist, as she struggled against him. She was mad at him right now and didn’t want him touching her.

“Nicole,” he pleaded, “just give me a chance to explain.”

She didn’t want to hear anything he had to say at the moment. She jabbed an elbow into his stomach, twisting away from him.

“Ouch,” he muttered, but didn’t let her go. “Baby, calm down.”

“I’m not your baby,” she snapped, meeting his gaze. “Now let me go.”

“There are no cameras in your house.”

She stilled, panting slightly from the exertion, her emotions on a precarious edge. “What did you mean then?”

Frown lines creased his face, and for a moment, she didn’t think he was going to answer. “I have cameras planted around your house, not inside it.”

Okay, not as bad.
But he’d still been spying on her. She thought they were friends at least . . . if not something more.
Guess not.
She jerked out of his grasp. “Anything else?”

His mouth tightened, his face hardening. Every line in his body tensed. She hadn’t heard the worst of it yet.

“Tell me,” she said through gritted teeth, hands clenched at her sides.

“I’ve also had you under audio surveillance,” he stated calmly, as though they were discussing the weather.

Her mouth dropped open, then snapped shut again. “Get out.”

For a split second, he looked like he wanted to say something more, but he didn’t. Just gave her a curt nod, and left.

Chapter 11

Maybe I overreacted.
It’d taken Nicole two days to calm down enough to see it from Kyle’s point of view.
He was only trying to keep me safe.
She knew that deep down, but had hoped he was more trustworthy than the other men she’d been attracted to.
Not so much.
Another reason to stick to her no-guy rule.

Sheryl had called this morning and told her to get over it, that Kyle was only trying to protect her. ‘Besides, you need to be at the shop Friday for the children’s party and can’t hide out forever. And, oh yeah, I’m seeing Rob.’

Hadn’t taken Sheryl long to break down the man’s defenses. Thinking about her friend made her smile as she reached for the phone to call Kyle. He was still renting her cottage, and apparently wasn’t going anywhere until this guy was caught.

He answered on the first ring. “Nicole.” His relief flowed across the line.

“We need to talk.”

“I’ll be right there.” He hung up. Less than two minutes later, her doorbell rang out a soft musical tone. She’d gone back to her old ringer, because her hearing had drastically improved.

When she opened the door and looked into his eyes, her heart did a little flutter. She frowned, and waved him inside.
Jackass, remember . . .
That reminder did little to dampen her pleasure at seeing him again.

Taking a seat on the couch, Kyle had the good sense to sit in the chair across from her, although he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, hands clasped together. The intense look in his eyes had her pulse racing. Now that he was here, it was hard to stay angry at him, as hard as she tried.

“Nicole, I hope you can forgive me. I truly am sorry that you’re hurt by my actions. I only wanted to protect you.”

The rest of her anger deflated like a popped balloon, and she stood to pace her living room, not wanting him to see the tears she was fighting. “You should have told me.”

“I know.” Kyle also got to his feet, and on her next pace across the room, he caught her by the arm and swung her up against his chest, peering down at her. “Don’t cry.”

She sniffled, not allowing one teardrop to fall. “I’m not.”

“I’m sorry.” One hand slid to her waist, the other curled around the base of her neck. “I just wanted you safe.”

At his words, her remaining tension drained away. She couldn’t stay mad at him, especially when he looked at her that way, as if she mattered to him.

He brushed a feather light kiss across her lips. “I never expected you,” he murmured almost to himself. “Never expected to feel the things I’m feeling for you.”

Desire burst to life inside her. “W-What kind of things?” she asked tremulously, clutching the front of his shirt.

His lips slid to the corner of her mouth, as he murmured, “I’d never do anything to hurt you, baby. You have to believe that.”

Her body ignited at his words.
Well . . . Rules are meant to be broken.

Kyle kissed the other corner of her mouth, right before he pressed his lips to hers in a soft, gentle kiss.

His lips, firm and possessive against hers, sent desire spiraling through her. If not for the hand that held her firmly against his solid, broad chest, she would have slid to the floor in a puddle of desire.

All she could think about was how good it felt to be held in his arms. He radiated a combustible heat, his masculine scent enveloping her in a tight hold. She gave a soft moan and snuggled into him. He slid his tongue along the seam of her mouth, and with a sigh of contentment, her lips parted to let him in. His musky flavor, mixed with a hint of coffee and maple syrup, exploded inside her mouth.

Nicole couldn’t remember the last time she’d been kissed with so much passion, if ever, yet he held her tenderly, as if he were afraid she’d break. She barely recognized the breathy moan that sounded in her throat as her own. Her body throbbed with a hunger unlike any she’d ever felt. And from only one kiss.

Feathering her fingers into his thick, black waves, she tugged him closer, wanting desperately to feel all of him against her, their bodies coming together in passion. Her mind blanked completely, leaving nothing but the intense sexual attraction that blazed between them. No stalkers, no serial killers, no dead bodies in her front yard. For now, in this moment, she wanted to lose herself in Kyle’s lovemaking.

“Nicole,” he said huskily, nuzzling behind her ear and kissing her neck. He brought one hand up to gently cup her breast in his palm. “I need you.”

When he rolled a sensitive nipple between his finger and thumb, her desire skyrocketed. “Yes,” she said as her thoughts scattered. Her entire being centered on this moment, with this man.

In the next instant, Kyle swung her up into his arms and strode into her bedroom, placing her gently on the bed.

“Charlie, go lay down,” Kyle commanded, his smoldering gaze fixed on her. He reached up and tugged
his shirt off over his head, dropping it on the floor.

Excitement tickled through her. Charlie, who’d followed them in, decided no one was going to play with him, and left.

Muscles rippled across the broad expanse of Kyle’s chest as he knelt on the side of the bed with one knee, reaching out to strip her top off in one quick movement. With hungry eyes, he studied her breasts, barely concealed in her scanty demi-bra.

Her lips curved in silent amusement, thinking of the matching satin, eggshell blue panties she wore. She loved sexy underthings. Even if no one else saw them, she knew they were there.

“So beautiful.” His appreciative gaze slid across her in a slow perusal. Moving fully onto the bed, he swung one leg over her, straddling her thighs. Lifting one hand to trail up her stomach, he unsnapped her bra.

Cupping her breasts, Kyle made a low growling sound in the back of his throat as he leaned down to suck a taut peak into his mouth . . . Nipping, squeezing, and sucking with generous tongue play before moving to her other breast.

It felt amazing, and Nicole raised her hands above her head and thrust her breasts forward, not wanting him to stop as her mind clouded with pleasure. Every synapsis in her body alive and firing hot at the feel of Kyle’s mouth on her. Not ever had she felt so needy for a man’s touch the way she did for Kyle’s. Strung tight, her pulse raced with anticipation as he slid his hand down, across her stomach to the top of her jeans.

“Are you sure, honey?”

At the sound of Kyle’s husky voice, she tilted her head to look at him, but his eyes were glued to the rapid rise and fall of her chest. He licked his lips, and her nipples pebbled even harder. She huffed out a soft laugh that made her breasts bounce slightly.

His fiery gaze lifted to hers. Her breath caught, and all she could do was nod her permission. Her core clenched, anticipating his intimate touch. Her luck with men had been poor, at best. But with Kyle it felt right somehow. Even though he hadn’t been completely honest with her, she trusted him.

A crooked grin spread across his face, showing off the sexy dimple in his cheek, but his eyes didn’t reflect humor. Just the opposite, as Kyle used deft fingers to unsnap her jeans and slowly lower the zipper, his eyes promising carnal pleasures. He slid to the foot of the bed, tugging her jeans down as he went. Standing, he tossed them to the floor, murmuring, “Damn” as he studied her laying there in nothing but her blue panties.

She shivered, knowing this would be unlike any loving she’d ever had. Not that she’d had that many. Leaning down, his hands skimmed her hips, and she lifted her bottom, allowing him to slip his fingers into the waistband of her panties and slowly strip them off. Her heart raced, excitement coursing through her.

Eyes alight with a burning fire, he lifted his wallet from his back pocket and withdrew a couple foil packets, tossing both on the nightstand. Reaching for his belt, he unbuckled it, keeping his eyes trained on her. “You still with me, honey?”

When she noticed the slight shake in his hand, her nerves calmed. Another first. She’d never been with a man who’d been this turned on. For her. The knowledge was exhilarating.

“Yes.” Nicole cupped her left breast, tweaking the aching tip. She moaned, closing her eyes at the wonderful sensation, reaching over to touch her other breast. At the sound of Kyle’s strangled groan, her eyes popped open to find him standing before her, gloriously naked.

She leaned up on her elbows, her eyes lowering to his magnificent erection, which rose to new heights under her inspection. She gave a nervous giggle, heart pounding, as anticipation swirled inside her. He was big. Hard. And definitely ready.

“Nicole,” he warned huskily, crawling up her body. “Keep looking at me like that and this won’t last long.”

He dipped his head and brushed soft lips across hers. Settling between her thighs, the hard length of him pulsed against her dampened center, eliciting a shiver from her. His hands covered her breasts, dragging roughened thumbs across the sensitive peaks.

She moaned and fell limply back onto the mattress, her nervousness vanishing completely under Kyle’s sensual onslaught. His tongue delved inside her mouth, seeking hers as he kissed her like a starving man, hungry, open-mouthed kisses that grew increasingly wilder with each passing second.

She trembled, her desire heightening with each stroke of his tongue against hers. Lowering his mouth to her neck, he gently nipped and sucked the tender flesh. The sound of her name on his lips was low and husky, vibrating with passion, all the while his hands roamed across her body.

Her anticipation grew as she impatiently waited for Kyle to touch her where she most wanted him—between her legs, deep inside her. Tendrils of pleasure flowed through her when his hand slid across her belly.

“Kyle,” she managed to gasp out as he rained soft butterfly kisses down her neck and shoulder, to the pulse point at her throat. She wriggled her hips, silently pleading.

“What do you want, baby?” His mouth covered her breast, circling his tongue around the turgid tip.

“Make love to me,” she panted, punctuating the words by widening her legs in invitation. If she weren’t so turned on, she might be embarrassed at her boldness. But all she could think of was having Kyle inside her. Her entire being was primed for the moment. The thought alone almost enough to make her climax.

He slid down her body to flick the inside of her belly button with his velvet tongue. Who knew that could feel so good?

“Patience,” he said, chuckling softly.

In the next instant, he grasped the back of her knees and lifted up, dropping down to position his shoulders at the juncture of her thighs, pressing her legs wider. Cool air touched her moist center, making her internal muscles clench with pleasure as he buried his head between her legs.

A rumbling sound of satisfaction vibrated from Kyle as he enthusiastically pleasured her with his mouth. Her breath caught with delight, her body arching in response to his masterful touch.

He teased the bundle of nerves at her center, flicking his tongue against the sensitive nubbin. An intense pleasure spread through her, until she was panting and fisting her hands into his hair. When he slid his hands under her bottom and lifted her up for a better angle as his mouth and tongue did deliciously wicked things, Nicole screamed, shattering into a million pieces.

Kyle licked Nicole’s sweet flavor from his lips and crawled back up her beautiful body. Her passion-dazed eyes watched him, a soft smile on her lush mouth, and all he could think about was how badly he wanted her. In a very short time, she’d come to mean a great deal to him.

The fact that she was in danger from the same sick bastard who’d murdered his mother filled him with a fury so hot it was a wonder his head didn’t explode. Keeping her safe was now his top priority.

He tamped back his feral emotions for another time. Right now, he wanted her, actually craved her, unlike anything he’d ever felt before. It wasn’t only about the sex. Though he’d be lying to himself if he didn’t acknowledge that was part of it. Hell, she was absolutely gorgeous. And he couldn’t wait to have her

But more than that, it was about her . . . she was sweet and kind and brave, with a heart the size of Texas. And he absolutely adored her.

He gently pressed Nicole back onto the mattress, loving the feel of her soft body underneath him. Later, he’d consider his options at bringing Barber down, while making sure Nicole remained protected. But right now, he had a woman to pleasure. A beautiful naked woman that he’d never be able to get enough of.

Covering her small frame with his big body, Kyle buried his hands into her hair, settling his weight between her thighs. She stared up at him with dazed eyes as he leaned in to kiss her deeply. A groan formed in his chest.

Her throaty moan stoked his desire as he continued to kiss her for long moments. Finally, lifting his head to peer down at her, he asked, “How you doing, baby?”

Her lips curved into the sexiest smile he’d ever seen, her eyes filled with desire. “Mmm. Good.”

She trailed her fingers down his arm, his muscles quivering at her slight touch as heat scorched through him. Kyle tensed in anticipation. His heart thudded hard in his chest at the thrill of having Nicole in his arms.

Desire flaming hot inside him, and unable to wait one more second, he reached for the condom packet he’d tossed on her nightstand. Sex had always come easy to him, women more than willing to warm his bed for a night or two. But it was different with Nicole, the connection more intense, the need greater. Making him think long term. Which should have scared the hell out of him. But it didn’t. He wanted her. Now. Tomorrow. And every tomorrow after that, for as long as he could have her.

Shifting enough to roll on the condom, Kyle lay back over her and rested his elbows on either side of her head, cradling her face. He stared into her mesmerizing golden-brown eyes for long moments, feeling the rapid beat of her heart under his.

Using his knee to nudge her legs wider, he positioned the tip of his shaft inside her entrance. She was slick and ready for him. Just that slight touch had him nearly crossing his eyes, trembling with the struggle to take things slowly. As much as he wanted her, he didn’t want to rush it.

BOOK: Between Midnight and Dawn
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