Better Deeds Than Words (Words#2) (52 page)

BOOK: Better Deeds Than Words (Words#2)
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“Did you check to make sure you didn’t leave anything behind?”

I nodded, pouting. The car was packed, the cottage was tidied, and all the windows were locked. I slipped my arms around his neck.

“I don’t want to leave,” I mumbled.

“I know. Neither do I.” He rubbed my back. “You had a good weekend?”

I tipped my head back to look up at him. “Um, yeah, I’d say it was

“Yes, it was.” He paused for a moment. “You know, there’s
more thing I want to do before we head out,” he said.

“Daniel, I never thought I’d say this because God knows I can’t get enough of you, but I honestly think the remaining surfaces we haven’t christened are going to have to wait till next time. The girly bits are taking a nap.”

He chuckled and clasped his hands around my waist. “I agree. Miss Velvet has every right to take a nap. She’s had a busy couple of days.”

“I’m thinking
velvet might be a more apt term at this point.”

He winced. “Ouch, is it that bad?”

“A little tender,” I confessed. “I think I’m the one who needs the recovery time now.”

back in the saddle
, as it were?” he asked, raising an eyebrow suggestively.


“Well, that’s good news. But I wasn’t actually suggesting we take a turn on the kitchen table. I wanted to give you something.”

He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small blue box.

“I’d almost convinced myself not to do this now—especially after our talk on the boat. I thought maybe we’d expended too many words on this subject already, but I’ve decided I don’t care. I’m going to do it anyway. See, there is one very important word, something that’s been sorely lacking in your life for the last year or so, and I’d like to discuss it a little more.”

He passed me the box and then put his hands in his pockets.

“Daniel, what is this?”

I looked at the box. Swarovski Crystal. What had he done? My mind raced with the possibilities. There was a
associated with this gift? One word? What word?

He shrugged and smiled. “I can only imagine what you’re thinking. Don’t freak out. It’s just a little something. Go on. Open it.”

I took a deep breath and cracked the box open. Whatever I’d expected, it wasn’t what I found. Nestled in the blue satin lining was a key chain—the most beautiful key chain I’d ever seen. It was heart-shaped and studded with crystals and blue gems.

“Those are blue topaz,” he said.

I nodded, watching the jewels sparkle as I moved the pendant in my hand. “This is, wow, really lovely. But I don’t—”

“I figured you’d need somewhere to put these.” He produced two keys and rested them on my palm, then closed my fingers around them. “One is the outer door to my condo building and the other is for my apartment. You’re welcome to come over any time. You can let yourself in. You don’t even have to call first, unless you want me to mess things up a bit before you arrive.” He smiled gently.

My chin trembled. “Thank you, Daniel. I don’t know what to say.”

“Tell me you’ll use the key ring. And promise me you’ll
put these two keys on it.”

“Of course I’ll use it,” I assured him. “It’s beautiful.” I threw my arms around his neck, and he hugged me close. “Why can’t I put other keys on it?” I whispered.

He released me, gazing at me tenderly.

“Well, you can, but please don’t put your residence keys on it.”

“Why not?”

He opened my hand and turned the jewel-encrusted heart over. On the back, one word was engraved:




What a joy it has been to share the continuing story of Sailor and Poppet. Thank you to everyone who has cheered me on throughout the second part of this journey. My humble thanks go out to the readers who pass on recommendations to friends and take the time to write reviews on Goodreads or Amazon. I also owe a huge debt of gratitude to the bloggers who work tirelessly to spread the word about the books they love. Word of mouth is so important. Your impact is inestimable.

To Elizabeth and the Omnific team, I’m so grateful for your incredible efforts and hard work. To the editorial team, the art department, and everyone working behind the scenes—thank you.

Enn, amazing publicist and wonderful friend, thank you for everything you do. I love your “balls to the wall” attitude, but I know so much of your work is done quietly and without fanfare. Thank you—truly.

To my fellow authors, it’s wonderful to be a part of a team where everyone is so supportive of each other’s efforts. I feel blessed to have such lovely and generous people in my corner.

I must thank the loyal friends who stuck with me as I made the decision to publish. I’ve realized a lifelong dream, and having you there to encourage me and cheer me on along the way has made the experience all that much sweeter.

And to my husband—my partner in all things large and small—thank you for your unconditional love and support.


About the Author

Georgina Guthrie has been a self-professed book hugger for as long as she can remember. An avid reader and compulsive diarist, she is thrilled to be taking the leap into the world of publishing. GG resides in Toronto, Canada, but she still considers herself a Brit through and through and can often be found roaming the aisles of her favorite British import shop.

A graduate of the University of Toronto where she studied English literature, GG is happy to fill her hours reading and writing, but she’s just as likely to be found enjoying a good film with her husband, dancing around the kitchen with her daughter, or hanging out with friends and family, almost certainly with a glass of red wine in one hand a bag of cheese and onion crisps in the other.

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