Bette Davis (55 page)

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Authors: Barbara Leaming

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20,23 Ruthie Davis's marriage and, 6-7, 8, 17, 207 Favor, Gail, 58 Favor, Mildred, see Davis, Mildred

Favor Favor, Paul, 6, 7, 8, 21, 49, 57, 58,

207 Favor, Richard, 6, 8, 11, 17 I Favor, Ruthie, see Davis, Ruthie Favor Favor, William Aaron, 5, 6, 11, 17

Feathered Serpent, The (Wallace),

(com.) 83 Felix, Elizabeth (Rachel), 136, 137 Fellows, Bob, 127, 130, 132 Film Society of Lincoln Center, 330 Finkel, Abem, 127 Fisher, James, 221 Fiske, Minnie Maddern, 67 Fitts, Margaret (Miggie), 28, 30,

32, 34, 40 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 32, 74, 107,

158 Fitzgerald, Geraldine, 134, 141-42,

146-47, 159 Flannagan, James A., 149 Flavin, Martin, 66 Flesh and the Devil, 75 Flirt, The (Tarkington), 79 Flynn, Errol, 155, 156 Fog Over Frisco, 95 Fonda, Frances, 127 Fonda, Henry, 127, 130-31 Fontanne, Lynn, 51, 52, 56, 69,

153, 155, 156, 157, 177,

335 Ford, John, 99, 100, 298, 323 Fox, Sidney, 76, 78, 79 Francis, Kay, 103, 143, 149 Freedman, Dave, 193 Free Will Baptists, 4, 5, 7, 8 Freund, Karl, 80 Front Page Woman, 99 Fuller, Loie, 38 Funny Face, 48 Furse, Dudley, 105, 106, 123, 136,

182, 183-84, 193, 196, 218

Gang, Martin, 98-99, 100, 102,

103, 104, 105 Garbo, Greta, 74, 75, 94, 143, 157,

285 Garden District (Williams), 251 Garden of the Moon, 137 Gardner, Robert, 218 Garland, Robert, 142 Garson, Greer, 192 Gas, Air and Earl (Bloch), 52


Gaudio, Tony, 165, 168, 169 Gauraont-British, 111 Gay nor, Janet, 76, 86 Geddes, Virgil, 52, 57, 58, 61 Genthner, Myitis, 24, 75 Gielgud, Sir John, 199-200 Gilpin, Laura, 23 Girl from Tenth Avenue, The, 99 Gish, Lillian, 75, 321-22, 323, 324 Glass Menagerie, The (Williams),

251,252 Globe, 15 God's Country and the Woman,

104, 105 Golden Arrow, The, 101, 102, 103,

104 Goldwyn, Samuel, 66, 127, 164 Little Foxes produced by, 176,

177, 182, 183, 184 Wuthering Heights produced by,

133, 164, 167 Gone With the Wind, 127, 160 Good Hope, The (Heijermans), 48 Goodman, J. L., 91 Gordon, Ruth, 51,67, 153 Goulding, Edmund, 122, 123, 127,

163, 192,221 Dark Victory directed by, 141-42,

143, 145, 147, 148 Old Maid directed by, 151, 152,

153, 154 Graham, George Greenfield, 50, 51 Graham, Martha, 50. 51, 53, 57,

90, 170 Grant, H. M., 32-33 Great Lie, The, 175 Greed, 75 Green, Alfred E., 87, 88, 96, 99,

101 Green, Paul, 89-90 Greenfield, Vik, 233, 276, 279, 281 on B.D. Hyman, 272, 277, 288,

295, 316, 317-18, 319-20,

331,333 as Bette's companion, 278, 279,

280, 283, 294, 295, 297,

302, 318-19

at Mae West dinner, 283, 284, 285, 286, 288, 290, 294 Greenwich Village Follies, 50 Griffith, D. W., 98, 101,321 Guardsman, The, 156 Guinness, Alec, 246 Gunsmoke, 275

Hacker, Frederick, 219, 221

Hall, Alice, 67

Hall, Francis Lewis (Fritz), 46-47,


234 Hall, Gladys, 233 Haller, Ernest, 128, 129 Hammett, Dashiell, 99 Hammond, Percy, 142 Hammond, Tom, 268 Happy Returns (Dane), 52 Han,Moss, 187 Hastings, Sir Patrick, 114-17 Hayes, Helen, 48, 317 Haywaid, Leland, 162 Haywaid, Susan, 222 Hay worth, Rita, 249, 271 Hazelton, George C, 55 Heaven (Moody), 33-34 Hecht, Ben, 134, 167 Hedda Gabler (Ibsen), 61, 64 Heijermans, Herman, 48 Heisler, Stuart, 235 Hell House, 81 Hellman, Lillian, 71, 176, 178,

179, 180, 181, 182, 184,

192 Hello Mother Goodbye, 280 Henley, Hobart, 79 Hepburn, Katharine, 99, 139, 157,

268, 269, 298, 299 Academy Awards and, 99, 100,

268-69 stage roles declined by, 251-52,

296 Herskowitz, Michael, 313 Hiller, Wendy, 151 Hodiak, John, 232 Hoeber, Arthur, 15


, Hollywood Canteen, 190 ' Hollywood Hotel 123 Honeysuckle Hill, 268, 269 Hopkins, Arthur, 67 Hopkins, Elizabeth, 19 Hopkins, Miriam, 125, 127, 151,

152, 153 Hopper, Hedda, 266, 268 Homblow, Arthur, 49, 52 Hornblow, Arthur, Jr., 66 Hotel 307, 308, 311,316 House Divided, A (Clymer-Van

Every), 81, 82 Housewife ,96, 97, 115 Howard, Leslie, 95 Hudson, Rock, 308 Hughes, Howard, 139-40, 141,

144-45, 146, 305 Hush . . . Hush, Sweet Charlotte,

275 Huston, John, 81, 127, 145, 150,

187 Huston, Lesley, 145 Huston, Walter, 81, 145 Hyman, Ashley, 281, 306, 314-15,

320, 334 Hyman, Barbara Davis Sherry (B.D.): Bette's relationship with, 243-44, 247, 269, 270, 271-74, 275-77, 288, 295, 296, 297-98, 300-1,305-6,308,309-21, 330-31,332,333,334-35 birth of, 212 as born-again Christian, 314-17,

333-34 childhood of, 216, 217, 222, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 233-34, 238, 239-40, 242, 243-45, 246-47, 248-49,313 in films, 269-70 on Gary Merrill, 239, 243-45,

246-47, 248-49, 333 health problems of, 297, 306,

314, 315, 333-34 homes of, 275, 298, 316, 320

on Kathryn Sermak, 302, 312,

330-31 on Margot Merrill, 279, 281 marriage of, 272-74, 276-77,

297-98, 305-6, 308 memoirs of, 310-11, 313, 316-

21,325,334 as mother, 281, 301, 306, 314-15, 320, 334 Hyman, Elliott, 267, 272 Hyman, Jeremy, 271, 272-74, 275-76, 277, 298, 305-6, 316, 320 B.D. Hyman's memoirs and, 313,

320 Bette's resentment of, 276-77, 281,305-6,314 Hyman, Justin, 301, 306 Hyman, Mary, 334

I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang,

98 Ibsen, Henrik, 40, 59, 61, 62, 63,

94 ICM, 327 //..., 322 I'll Take the Low Road, 108, 110,

112, 115, 119 I'm No Angel, 291 In This Our Life, 187 Italy, film industry in, 108 It Never Rains, 76 It's Love I'm After, 122

Jacobson, Max, 235, 253, 254,

260 Jazz Singer, The, 76 Jezebel, 2, 125-34, 143, 204, 266, 335 Academy Award for, 139, 151 Bette's gestural expressiveness in, 37-38, 70-73, 128-29, 148, 152, 168-69 Bette's life vs. role in, 146-47,

325 casting of, 127, 152 fitting room sequence in, 70-73


Jezebel, (com.) shooting schedule for, 127-28, 130,

131, 132-33, 134-35, 136 Wyler's direction of, 37-38, 71-

73, 124, 125-35, 152, 156,

165, 166 John Murray Anderson—Robert

Milton School of Theatre and

Dance, 50, 52, 60, 66 John Paul Jones, 246 Jolson, Al, 76 Jowitt, Sir William, 114, 116-17,

120 Juarez, 147, 149-51, 155, 157 Judge and Jake Wyler, The, 280 June Bride, 212

Kaplan, Mike, 321, 322, 323, 324

Katselas, Milton, 300

Kaufman, George S., 187

Keighley, William, 104, 187

Kelly, Patrick, 325, 326

Keyes, Homer, 195

Kid Galahad, 122

Kinnell, Murray, 83

Knight and the Lady, The, 154

Koch, Howard, 165, 166, 172

Kohner, Lupita, 145

Kohner, Paul, 145

Kondolf, George B., Jr., 55-56

Koops, Doris, 40

Koops, Virginia (Sister), 28, 29, 31,

32,34,40,41,42 Korda, Alexander, 111, 115 Koster, Henry, 244

Lady from the Sea, The (Ibsen), 61,

64 Laemmle, Carl, 71, 77 Laemmle, Carl, Jr., 77, 78, 80, 81,

83,88 Laff That Off, 56 Landsman, Stephanie, 276-77, 302,

309, 312 Lang, Fritz, 80 Lange, Dorothea, 23 Last Laugh, The, 80

Last Tycoon, The (Fitzgerald),

74 Laughton, Marie Ware, 37 Laurence, Paula, 256, 265 Lawrence, Gertrude, 222 Leeds, Barbara, 228-29, 232 Le Gallienne, Eva, 48-49, 65 Leigh, Vivien, 160 Leighton, Margaret, 250, 251, 257 audience response to, 255, 261 Bette's resentment of, 252, 253, 255, 258, 259, 263, 266 LeMaire, Rufus, 83 LeRoy, Mervyn, 92-93 Letter, The (film), 2, 162-74, 266, 300,335 Bette's life vs. role in, 196 casting of, 161, 162-63 shooting of, 167-72, 176, 179,

299 Wyler's direction of, 161, 162-73, 179, 299 Letter, The (Maugham) (play), 51, 162, 163, 164, 169, 172, 177 44 Letter, The" (Maugham) (short story), 162, 163-64, 170 Letterman, David, 326 Levee, Mike, 97, 103, 107 Lewis, Ralph, 105 Light, James, 52, 55, 56, 58 Lindbergh, Charles, 47 Little Caesar, 76 Little Foxes, The (film), 176-85, 201 Bankhead's stage performance

and, 177-78, 179-81, 182 Bette's life vs. role in, 196 loan-out deal for, 176-77, 183 shooting of, 182-85, 187-88,

260, 266, 323 Wyler's direction of, 176, 178-85, 187-88,260-61,266,335 Little Foxes, The (Hellman) (play),

176, 177, 180, 181, 182 Litvak, Anatole, 138, 161, 167, 168, 175


Lloyd's of London, 184 Lochland School, 242 Logan, Joshua, 296, 297 Lombard, Carole, 98 London Film Productions, 115 Lonely Life, The (Davis), 25, 40,

48, 236 Long Day's Journey into Night, 268 Look Homeward, Angel (Wolfe),

245 Lord, Pauline, 51, 67 Lord, Robert, 98, 154, 165, 171 Lost Sheep, 76 Lubitsch, Ernst, 153 Luciano, Charles (Lucky), 121 Lunt, Alfred, 52, 154, 156 Lynch, George, 132

MacArthur, Charles, 134, 167 MacDowell Colony, 37 MacEwen, Walter, 127, 143, 164,

165 MacKenzie, Aeneas, 150 Madame Sin, 281 Magic Slipper, The, 39 Maltese Falcon, The (Hammett), 99 Mankiewicz, Joseph, 221-22, 223-

24, 225, 226, 235 Man Who Came to Dinner, The, 187 Man Who Played God, The, 83-84,

114 Mariarden arts colony, 36-39, 53,

59, 68, 133 Marie Antoinette, 151 Marked Woman, 121, 122 Martin, Mary, 296 Mary of Scotland, 99, 100, 101 Mattison, Frank, 198, 200 Maugham, W. Somerset, 51, 94,

96, 161, 162-64, 167, 170,

172 Mayer, Louis B., 75 Mayo, Archie, 97, 98, 99, 123 MCA, 191, 213, 214 Menace, The, SI, S3 Merlo, Frank, 260 Merrill, Barbara Leeds, 228-29, 232

Merrill, Chou Chou Raum, 295 Merrill, Gary: alcohol problems of, 228-29, 238, 241,242,243,245,248, 249, 253, 263, 270 Bette's affair with, 222, 232, 228-

31 Bette's marriage to, 229, 232-33, 234, 235, 238-39, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 253, 268, 321 career of, 220, 222, 237, 244 death of, 333

as father, 233, 234, 238, 239, 241-45,270,271,276,281, 333 violent behavior of, 237, 238-39, 242-45, 246-47, 248-49, 253, 263-64, 270, 313, 316 Merrill, Jerry, 234, 238, 245 Merrill, Margot: adoption of, 233, 234 Bette's rejection of, 242, 247,

278-79, 281 custody of, 249, 270, 333 mental illness of, 237, 240-43, 281-82 Merrill, Michael Woodman, 290, 295, 333 adoption of, 238 career of, 326 childhood of, 238, 239-41, 244,

246, 249, 270, 271 education of, 269, 276, 279, 295 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM),

74-75, 329 Metropolis, 80

Mexico, Red Cross in, 191, 192 Midsummer Night's Dream, A

(Shakespeare), 38, 48, 59 Milliken, Carl, 78 Milne, A. A., 54 Miracle Worker, The, 268 Miss Bennett's, 21,23 Miss Moffat, 296-97 Molnar, Ferenc, 156 Mommie Dearest (Crawford), 305


Moody, Dwight Lyman, 33-34

Moore, Paul, 184, 193-94, 195

Morning Glory, 99

Morocco, 74

Morris, Gouverneur, 84

Mountain Justice, 104

Mr. Pirn Passes By (Milne), 54

Mrs. Johnson's Tea Room, 46

Mr. Skeffington, 193, 197-200, 213

Mrs. Miniver, 192

Mulberry Bush, The, 48

Muni, Paul, 97, 103, 147, 149-50,

151 Murder with Mirrors, 316-17 Murnau, F. W.,80 Mussolini, Benito, 108, 118 My Bailiwick, 295 My Mother's Keeper (Hyman), 310,


Nanny, The, 275

Narrow Is the Way (Hyman), 320 Nazimova, Alia, 67 Negulesco, Jean, 137, 238 Nelson, Ann, 305 Nelson, Harmon Oscar, Jr. (Ham): Bette's career and, 97, 99, 101, 107-8, 113, 118-19, 122, 124, 149 Bette's marriage to, 90-91, 93-94, 95, 96-97, 131-32, 137, 138-39, 140, 141, 144-45, 146, 147, 149, 175, 190, 209-210, 305 death of, 305 employment of, 68, 93-94, 107,

113, 138, 149,287 family of, 44 as singer, 43, 44 Nelson, Lois, 44 Newton, Teddy, 144, 145, 157 New York Herald Tribune, 142 New York Times, 79, 97 New York World Telegram, 142,

181, 188 Night of the Iguana, The (Williams), 250-65,271,296

Bette's departure from, 262-63,

326 on Broadway, 1, 2, 254, 261-65 in out-of-town tryouts, 254-

61 publicity on, 254-55, 256, 257,

258, 260, 266 rehearsals for, 250-51, 253-54 Ninotchka, 157 Northfield Seminary for Young

Ladies, 33-34 Now, Voyager, 2, 187-89, 192,

206, 270, 286 Oberon, Merle, 134, 163, 167 O'Brien, Pat, 112 Obringer, Roy, 143, 151 Bette's absences and, 158, 160,

183-84 in contract negotiations, 100, 102-3, 104, 105, 106-7, 140-41, 162, 177, 190, 214 English litigation and, 114-15,

122, 123 loan-out refused by, 99, 100, 111 Of Human Bondage, 2, 94-97, 99, 103, 173, 266 Academy Awards and, 100, 151 Bette's abortion and, 95, 210 Old Acquaintance, 191, 192 Old Maid, The, 151-54, 155,

157 Olivier, Laurence, 141 O Lucky Man!, 322 O'Neal, Patrick, 2, 3, 262, 263 Bette's resentment of, 253-54,

255, 258, 262-63, 266 in rehearsal, 250, 253-54 on women's roles, 251, 260, 261 O'Neill, Eugene, 52, 53, 81, 268 Orphans of the Storm, 321 Orpheus Descending (Williams),

251 Orr, Mary, 221-22 Orry-Kelly, 178 Out-Door Players, 37 Outerbridge, Paul, 23


Page, Geraldine, 268

Palmer, Robert Woodbury, 87-88,

207, 212 Palmer, Ruthie, see Davis, Ruthie

Favor Paramount Studio, 67, 74, 164 Parker, Jean, 139 Parlow, Michael, 270 Parsons, Louella, 175 Payment on Demand ', 218, 220,

222, 234 Peckett's Inn, 158, 159 Pelgram, Barbara, see Davis,

Barbara Harriet Pelgram, Charlie, 107 Pelgram, "Little" Bobby, 107, 161,

219 Pelgram, Ruth Favor (Fay), 160,

211,230,240 Period of Adjustment (Williams),

251 Perkins, R. W., 114, 122 Petrified Forest, The, 99 Phone Call from a Stranger, 235 photography, art, 15 Photo-Secession, 15 Piano for Mrs. Cimino,A, 300, 307 Picasso, Pablo, 15 Pickford, Mary, 139 Play with Music, A, 56 Plottel, Joseph, 111 Pollock, Charles, 272, 299, 302,

305-6, 307, 312 on B.D. Hyman, 270, 276, 305-

6, 318, 334 on Bette's compulsive behavior,

278 as Bette's escort, 299, 300 at Mae West dinner, 283, 284,


294 Pollock, Gordon, 78 Pomeroy, Charles A., 247 Porter, Ethnan, 4 Porter, Sadie, 4, 5, 6, 20 Price, Vincent, 322 Prince of India (Wallace), 4, 5

Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, The, 155, 157

Production Code Administration, 163, 164, 167

Proudlock, Ethel Mabel, 163

Prouty, Olive Higgins, 286

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