Betrothed (25 page)

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Authors: Wanda Wiltshire

BOOK: Betrothed
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‘Fine thanks,’ I answered, but she wasn’t listening, her attention was all for Leif as she told him to take a seat, that his dinner would be right out. He sure had a powerful effect on women. I didn’t like it one little bit.

‘You’re not actually going to eat that, are you?’ I asked after she’d placed the meal before him and hurried back to the kitchen.

‘Why would I not?’

‘Because you already ate at my place.’

‘I wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings.’

She returned a moment later with a can of Coke and an ice-filled glass. She snapped open the can and filled the glass, before smoothing a serviette onto Leif’s lap, her hands lingering on his thigh too long.

Table service, wow,
I said silently and nastily.

‘There you go, Leif,’ Janet smiled. ‘Enjoy.’

‘Thank you, Janet,’ Leif replied, and rewarded her with a warm smile.

I looked at him and frowned. ‘You have bewitched her,’ I accused when she had made herself scarce again.

‘Not at all, it’s just my natural charm.’ He shrugged, nonchalant, but the suggestion of a smile played on his lips.

‘You . . . ’ I began, but stopped when I was unable to think of an appropriate accusation.

‘Yes, Marla?’ he coaxed, one corner of his mouth lifted into a definite smirk now.

‘You have, haven’t you, you’ve bewitched her!’

‘Perhaps a little.’


‘I must make sure she is convinced I am her husband’s cousin. What you see is her response to that. I can’t help it if she must indulge me.’

‘She’s spoiling you rotten,’ I scowled.

He leaned close and whispered, ‘Would you rather she neglect me?’

‘No.’ I shivered as his breath hit my ear. ‘Actually, yes, yes I would,’ I corrected.

‘Ah, I see,’ he said slowly.

‘What do you mean “Ah, I see?”’ I wasn’t even sure I
myself. How could he?

He put his knife and fork down and watched me for a moment. ‘You have nothing to fear, Marla, I belong to you—only you.’ He smiled and reached for my hand under the table. ‘I’m all yours to take care of.’

He did understand! He knew me better than I knew myself.

‘Aren’t you full yet?’ I asked, wanting to get the focus off my insecurity.

‘Almost,’ he said, before shovelling another mouthful of food in.

‘You’re going to be sick.’

I watched in disbelief as he polished off the whole meal, then took his plate to the kitchen. ‘Thanks, Janet, that was delicious,’ he said, as he began rinsing his plate.

She beamed at the compliment. ‘I’m glad you enjoyed it. But leave the washing up, I’ll do it. You go on now.’ She stroked his bicep as she said it.


Leif laughed as he caught my hand and led me to his room. When he got there he fell onto the double bed with a groan. Then he spread out on his back and held a regal hand to me. I took the hand and was deftly pulled into his arms.

‘I’m so full,’ he complained.

‘Oh poor thing,’ I said, as I undid his buttons and eased his shirt open. I lay my hand on his belly, caressing gently. ‘But I did warn you.’ I slid my hand slowly up his body, tracing each muscle with my fingertip. He was so lovely. I wanted to ravish him, kiss him all over. But I knew he’d put a stop to it if I tried.

I snuck a glance at his face. He was watching me, his head raised from the pillow, supported by a bent elbow tucked behind it. I smiled sweetly and averting my eyes again, ever so lightly, swept my hand slowly back and forth across his chest.

I looked to him again a moment later—his head was back against the pillow, eyes closed and lips parted. I smiled to myself and nuzzled my face under his arm. I thought I might drown in his intoxicating scent, and couldn’t resist kissing him, my tongue darting out to taste his skin. And then my lips began a languid journey across his chest as my hand trailed slowly down his body. I could hear his breath become heavy, and then a moment later his hand came up and caught my wrist.

‘Oh well, it was fun while it lasted,’ I said with a laugh as I attempted to free myself from his grasp.

He sighed. ‘Marla, you do not make it easy for me.’

‘Well, you told me it was work to resist me, which means it must be my job to provide the work. I don’t see why I should make it easy for you,’ I smiled.

He returned my smile and in a whisper had leaped up off the bed and was leading me back out into the living room. ‘Now that I know what you’re up to, I’ll be on my guard.’

‘Oh, come on, Leif, I don’t want to go out there. Janet and Dave are out there.’ With my free hand I plucked at the strong fingers that held me, but he held fast, releasing me only when I’d been deposited on the lounge.

Where’s your sense of fun?
I complained silently.

Confined till we are wed.

That might be never

It will be sooner than you think and then we will have long years ahead of us for such fun. Now be satisfied with this thought, my love, because my resolve will not weaken . . . But I do wonder
, he continued after a moment.

What do you wonder?

I wonder what you would do if I let down my guard.

I ran my hand slowly up his thigh, caught his eyes with mine and smiled.
Would you like me to tell you what I would do, Leif?

He picked up the hand that lingered on his leg, took it into his and began kneading my palm with his thumb. He turned to me and smiled.
All right, my little seductress, tell me—what is it you would do?

Oh, I hadn’t expected him to say that!

Um . . . ah.
I felt myself blush.

Leif looked at me and chuckled.
Just as I thought, you have no idea.

I poked him hard and silently told him to shut right up.

We maintained a silent conversation while we chatted to Janet and Dave, and when our private talk turned to Ashleigh and Jason, I decided I needed to go home to try to make peace with my sister. I said goodnight to my neighbours and Leif walked upstairs with me. He stopped at the door.

I said, ‘Aren’t you coming in?’

‘No, I can sense Ashleigh’s unhappiness. She won’t want me around.’

‘You can
her unhappiness?’

‘I am able to gauge the environment of a room. You will too when you’re immortal.’

‘That’s how you knew everyone was asleep that first night you came!’

‘It is.’

I wound my arms around him and looked up into his eyes, ‘You’re just so clever, Leif.’

He took me to him instantly, lifting me from the ground with the power of his embrace. He kissed me softly and slowly and when he released me, murmured, ‘I want you so much more than you realise.’

‘Well, then?’ I said and smiled.

He smiled back and shook his head as though to clear it. ‘Goodnight, Marla. Sleep well.’

Ashleigh was sitting on her bed doing her homework, music blaring around the edges of her earphones. She didn’t look up to acknowledge me—not that I was expecting her to. I walked over to her, reached out and unplugged her ears.

‘You’ll go deaf if you keep that up,’ I warned, with what I hoped was a friendly smile.

‘Oh go away, you’re so self-righteous.’

‘I don’t mean to be, I just care about you.’

‘Don’t bother—you won’t be round for much longer anyway.’

‘I’ll always be around, Ashleigh.’

‘What for? So you can watch me get all wrinkly and dead while you stay forever eighteen?’

I had no response. If everything worked out the way I wanted, she was right.

‘Yeah, thought so,’ she said. ‘So you might as well just butt out of my life right now.’

‘You’re my sister.’

‘Not really, not even the same species actually.’ She looked me straight in the eyes as she said it, her face a challenge.


She remained silent and when she realised I would say no more, she lowered her glowering eyes, put her earphones back in and went back to her homework.

I went to bed early—defeated and miserable. My sister wouldn’t even talk to me, let alone talk to me about Jason. I prayed that Leif would remember to take me to Faera in my sleep. I needed him tonight.


Of course he remembered. I heard him calling me through my dreams. He was standing by our river, and when I saw him, I ran to him, throwing myself into his arms. I could feel his laughter vibrating through his chest.

He looked down into my eyes. ‘Happy to see me?’


‘Come then, do you want to see Faera?’


‘You will need to let me go.’

‘In a minute,’ I said, and buried my face into his chest again. I felt him kiss the top of my head.

‘Are you going to fly, or do you want me to carry you?’

‘Fly, of course.’

‘You’re not wearing your new dress,’ he pointed out.

I was wearing pink pyjamas and there was no way my wings were coming out with the top half in the way. I looked at him and then, smiling, stretched my arms into the air. He leaned down and kissed me softly, reaching for the hem of my top to lift it over my head. I watched him closely. He released a long slow breath as his gaze drifted down, letting my top fall to the ground. His eyes lingered for the briefest of moments before returning to mine. He smiled and, wrapping his arms around my waist, held me to him. I crushed myself against him, wondering if I would ever, could ever, get close enough.

‘Let’s fly,’ he said, releasing me finally.

‘Where will you take me?’

‘I thought you might like to see my home?’

‘I’d love to, but would it be safe? Won’t your father be there?’

‘This is a meeting of our minds, Marla—yours and mine. I know it appears that we are standing here in Faera, and in a way we are, but our bodies are back in bed. My father has no way of knowing we are meeting like this.’

‘Is this like astral travelling or something? I’ve read about that. It’s when your soul leaves your body.’

‘I have heard of it,’ he said, and judging by the look on his face, he was trying not to laugh. ‘But no, my love, our souls are safely within our bodies. What I’m showing you now is what lies within my mind.’

‘Your memories?’

‘In a way yes, but not particular memories, more my knowledge of this place. It doesn’t have to involve people, but I will show you my parents so that you can have an image of them. But it’s not just a matter of me showing you this place. This is a merging of our minds—you are showing yourself to me as well. Right now, you are lying in your bed, completely relaxed with sleep, but because you answered my call, I see you before me. His eyes flickered downwards again as he said it, before he averted them once more.

‘I’m yours, Leif. You can look all you want.’

‘It is easier for me if I do not.’ He smiled.

‘Oh, the work again.’ I laughed. ‘I told you, don’t worry about it.’

He shook his head. ‘Come, Marla, let’s fly.’ He took my hand, released his wings and waited for me to do the same.

We took to the air. The vision of Leif flying alongside me kept me captivated as we flew across the sky. His wings were alight with his stored sunlight and flashed brilliant sparks into the air
around him. His thick dark hair flew out behind him and his body shone. With my hand in his, Leif led the way and when he glanced back and noticed me admiring him, he smiled but motioned for me to look beneath us.

What lay below was a never-ending wilderness. There were no signs of habitation—no buildings, housing, roads or even walking tracks. Though admittedly, the lush canopy of gleaming green was so profuse that, save for an occasional glimpse of woody ground cover, it was impossible to see what lay hidden inside of it. The land rose and plateaued, then dipped again, and rivers snaked throughout, flashing a multitude of diamond sparkles, forking here and there and leading to gushing waterfalls, trickling creaks or clear, wide lakes. The beauty of it was overwhelming. We were flying too fast to make out detail and if I wasn’t so eager to see Leif’s home, I would have asked him to stop so I could look around.

How much further?
I asked after a while.

Leif turned back to look at me.
You’re tired—I should have taken you directly to the castle.

No, this is amazing, I’m enjoying it.

But Leif pulled me close and gathered me into his arms.

‘How can I feel so exhausted when my body is asleep?’

‘This joining of our minds uses up more energy than if we were actually flying through Faera. You will be tired tomorrow.’ Leif pointed ahead. ‘Look, we are coming to my home.’

We were approaching a snow-covered mountain range. I remembered it from the first time Leif took me flying. It was bare of any type of foliage and the very top of it was ghostlike in the filmy cloud. ‘You live in the mountains, Leif?’

‘Yes, the tallest, do you see?’

The outline of the mountain range was becoming more defined and I could clearly see the one he referred to. ‘It’s
impressive, but how can the mountains be covered in snow when it’s so warm?’

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