Betrayed by Trust (24 page)

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Authors: Hailey Hogan

BOOK: Betrayed by Trust
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Chapter 56


Caitlyn couldn’t believe how wonderful the trip to the Bahamas ended up being. She didn’t want to return to Dallas. Now here she was in her room across from Blake’s, hoping and waiting to see if he would come home from work early. They had only been back a day, but she missed him already.

couldn’t concentrate on her business. Her mind, consumed with her trip to the Bahamas, replayed their last night together. Blake begged for her to give their relationship another try.  It would be so easy to give in to her feelings for him. She would make a decision by night’s end.

Tired of waiting on Blake to come home, she grabbed the gifts she had brought back from her trip and decided to make a few stops. Bradford met her over at Bridget and Matt’s. “Sis, you know how to pick out some good gifts. Next time come back with me a Bahamas Mama though,” Bradford joked.

Bridget said, “All these women over here, and you want to mess up
the women over there too.”

“Stop it now,”
Caitlyn shouted. “Dani’s only three months old and she acts better than you two.”

“I love my present,” Bradford said, as he got up and hugged her.

She playfully pushed him away. “Get away.”

Matt walked in with Danielle. “There’s my favorite niece
,” Caitlyn said.

“Your only niece I hope,” Bridget commented.

“I wrap mine up,” Bradford said.

“TMI bro,”
Caitlyn said, as she took her niece from Matt and held her. “Auntie got you something too.”

She used her free hand and retrieved a beautiful blue chiffon dress. “Isn’t this the cutest little dress

“You’re spoiling her,” Bridget said.

“That’s what aunts are for.”

“Toys, clothes. Where are we going to put all of this stuff?” Matt complained.

“Don’t worry Matt. In about another month or so, you’ll be able to get a bigger house or expand this one.”

felt a wet spot on her pants legs. “Seems like somebody needs their diaper changed.”

“I got her,” Matt said.

“I’m going to let you get her too, because I think she passed gas.” Caitlyn handed Danielle to Matt.

After Matt was out of the room,
Caitlyn said, “I know you two are probably wondering about me and Blake.”
Bradford said, “Forget you and Blake. I want to know when I’m getting my one mill.”
Bridget threw a pillow off the sofa and hit him with it. “Shut up Duffus…when will the divorce be final?”

“That’s just it. There’s not going to be a divorce.”

Bridget said, “What? Before your trip, that’s all you talked about.”
“My emotions have been on a rollercoaster ride for awhile now. But I’m tired of fighting it. I’m going to give our marriage a real try.”

Bridget wrapped her arms around her. “If he makes you happy, then you have my support.”

Bradford asked, “What about the money?”

“We’re still getting it.
Staying with Blake doesn’t interfere with it. My attorney has made sure of it.”

“Sis, it’s your life, live it,” Bradford said.

“I’m tired of hurting. I forgave him. Dad is no longer here and me holding on to the anger I had isn’t going to bring him back.”

“You know the more I think about it. It
was kind of silly for us to be holding Blake accountable for something that his uncle did anyway,” Bradford said.

“True. But it sure felt good blaming someone,” Bridget added.
“But Brad’s right. It’s time to let it go.”

They hugged each other
. Matt returned holding Danielle. “Once again, I feel left





Blake looked forward to making it home after a long day at work but was disappointed when Caitlyn wasn’t there. He called her on her cell phone, but got voice mail. He checked her bedroom and was relieved to see her things there.  Until she answered his question about whether or not she was divorcing him, he would not relax completely.

Blake, I’m home,” Caitlyn yelled from downstairs.

“I’m up here,” he responded.

“I dropped off the gifts. Danielle loved hers. She drooled all over her doll. Christopher was asking for his daddy.”

“Awe. You should have waited for me. I would have loved to have seen
the two of them.”

“You’ll have plenty of time
. Nikki is dropping Christopher off this weekend. Her and Byron have a party to go to.”

didn’t let her finish before kissing her. “You were saying?” as he moved from in front of the stairways to let her pass by.

licked her lips. “I don’t know. My mind…it went blank.”

They laughed. “It was kind of lonely in my bed last night,”
Blake said, as he followed her to her room.

“You don’t say.”  She opened her door. “We’ll have to change that.” Without saying another word, she went inside the room and shut the door.

He went back downstairs to do a few things in his office. His private line rang. “Are you coming upstairs or do I have to come down and get you?” Caitlyn asked.

“I’ll be there before you hang up,”
Blake said, feeling as horny as a teenage boy. He didn’t bother to turn off his laptop. He saw the flicker of the lights from the candle before reaching the bedroom doorway. The floral scent filled the air. Caitlyn sat on top of the covers looking like a playboy bunny with her see-through white chiffon lingerie trimmed in white fluffy like sleeves. She got on her knees in the bed and reached for him.

allowed Caitlyn to take full control. Minutes later, she was straddling him and driving him out of his mind. She was making up for lost time, and he was glad to be the recipient.  He felt like silly putty in her hands as she brought him to the brink many times that night.

The next morning marked their anniversary.
Blake treated Caitlyn with breakfast in bed.

, with a huge grin on her face, said, “Dear, you didn’t have to do this. Aren’t you going to be late for work?”

“I’m taking the day off. Today’s our day
,” he responded.

There were several people coming by
his house to set up his surprise gift for Caitlyn. He had a full day planned for them outside of the house.  They spent the day at an exclusive downtown spa. They were floating when they returned home.

“I’m thirsty, I’ll be upstairs in a minute,”
Caitlyn said.

“What do you want to drink? Remember today’s your day and I’m serving you,”
Blake said, not once letting his arm leave from around her shoulders.

“Just a glass of ice cold water.”

“I got it. I’ll meet you upstairs. Check your room. There’s a dress I want you to put on for me tonight.”

Blake, you’re spoiling me,” she responded.

“That’s my intention.”

Blake walked through the formal dining room. The tables were decorated with purple and violet flowers as instructed. Betty located matching China. The guests would soon be arriving. He took Caitlyn her glass of water.

“This dress is beautiful,” she said, as she twirled with it in front of her.

“I’m going to get dressed. I’ll come get you when I’m ready,” Blake said, handing Caitlyn the water.

An hour later,
Blake knocked on Caitlyn’s door. She didn’t answer at first, so he was afraid his little surprise was spoiled. He turned to head down the stairs, when she opened and called out his name.

“Baby, you look gorgeous.”

“So do you,” Caitlyn responded. She adjusted his tie.

A young man dressed in a black tuxedo walked up the stairways. “Dinner is ready sir.”
Caitlyn looked at him. “Wow. Full service tonight.”

He winked. He led her down the stairs. The same young man who met them at the stairways opened the door to the formal dining room.
Caitlyn’s family and friends and Blake’s family and friends were seated at the table. They all stood up as they entered.

Blake, you didn’t tell me we were having company.”

“I wanted it to be a surprise.”

“It is. I thought. Never mind,” she responded. “Thanks.”





Caitlyn had to admit after a day of pampering, she didn’t expect a party in honor of their one year anniversary. He had gone out of his way to be a loving husband since they returned from the Bahamas. She greeted her guests. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?” she whispered in Bridget’s ear, when she hugged her.

“Your husband asked us not to,” Bradford responded for her.

“Traitors,” she joked.

Tasha, thanks for coming,” Caitlyn said.

“I wouldn’t have missed this for nothing in the world.”
Tasha whispered, “I see you two worked things out.”

“I’ll talk to you about it later.”

Everyone took their seats. Blake stood up. “Thank you all for coming. I wanted to invite some of our close friends and family here tonight to help celebrate our one year anniversary.”

Cheers were heard from around the room. “
Cat, can tell you that we’ve had some challenges; however I can stand here today and say we made it and we look forward to year two.”

looked at Caitlyn. “Caitlyn, I think I’m happier today than I was on our wedding day. I love you more than I thought possible. I pray you’ll remain by my side until death do us part.”

wiped the tears forming in the corner of her eyes. She stood up and kissed him.

Trent cleared his throat. “Get a room.”

People laughed.

“Since I’m standing,”
Caitlyn said, “I have a few things I want to say.” She noticed Bridget squirm. “It’ll only take a minute. I know you’re all hungry.”
She looked at Blake. “Blake, used to tease me about being his invisible wife, because we were on two different schedules.” She paused. “I resigned from Banks Telecom because I felt the need to branch out on my own.” Blake reached for her hand. She squeezed it. “Blake could have tried to persuade me to stay, but he didn’t. He’s not one of those men who feels like he has to control his woman. I appreciate that. Blake, I stand before you, our family and friends.” She looked around the room. “To say, that I love you. I plan on being by your side forever and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

heard Blake sigh. She kissed him again. Cheers were heard throughout the room. Blake said, “Okay, let’s eat.”

and Blake couldn’t take their eyes off each other. After dinner, they were led to the back of the house, where there was a live band playing. “Drink and be merry,” Blake announced. He turned to face Caitlyn. “I have another surprise, but I’ll wait until everyone leaves.”

tilted her head to the side. “Can I get it now? Pleassee.”

“Close your eyes.” He turned to Bridget. “Make sure she keeps her eyes closed.”

A few minutes later, he returned with a big box. Tasha seemed more excited about the gift than she did. “Open it,” Tasha said.

Several people surrounded her as she opened up the top of the box. A Yorkshire Terrier peeped her head out. “Awe, she’s adorable,”
Caitlyn said, as the puppy climbed its way out the box.

“Happy Anniversary baby,”
Blake said.

kissed him and the puppy jumped in between the two.

“Hey. I might have to take you back if you’re going to be blocking my action.”

“What’s her name?” Caitlyn asked.

“It’s up to you dear.”

“Lovie, because she’s so adorable.”

opened up the rest of her anniversary gifts, but none were more special than Lovie. She’s sure other folks would think Blake was being cheap, but this was one of the most romantic gifts he could have gotten her; especially since she knew how much he hated dogs.

She was playing with Lovie in the living room, when
Blake came into the room. “Everybody’s gone. It’s just you and me.” The doorbell rang. “I guess someone forgot something.”

Overton, what are you doing here?” she heard Blake say. She too was wondering why his lawyer was showing up at this time of night on their anniversary night.

“I was to hand deliver this to you myself. It’s a note from your uncle.”

Blake looked at the envelope. “It’s addressed to Caitlyn.”

walked to where they stood and took the envelope away from Blake.  “Maybe you should sit down,” Overton suggested.

They all went back to the living room. Lovie barked. She was already protective of her owner.
Caitlyn petted her with one hand while reading the letter. “It says, he’s happy that I made his nephew happy. He called you his son several times in the letter. He also apologized for what happened with my father. I don’t understand.”

“Keep reading,”
Overton said.

’s mouth flew open. “Wow. He was in love with my mother at one time. I can’t believe it.”

said, “He said the same thing in the letter I got.”

“You mean you knew about this and didn’t tell me.”

“I was going to tell you, but we were having issues then and then we resolved them. To be honest, Uncle Jack and his issues were the last thing on my mind.”

didn’t know what to think. Life with Blake seemed to be filled with drama. Just when they get over one hurdle, it seemed something else hit them. “This is a lot to digest. Can you take care of Lovie? I think I need to lay down.” She stood up. “Overton, thanks for this. Things are so much clearer.”

She called her sister and brother on the three-way and read the letter to them. They were
both in awe.

Bridget said, “I should have known something was behind him putting you as a stipulation in that will.”

“I’m tripping off the part about him being in love with mom,” Bradford said.

“He held a grudge a long time,”
Caitlyn said.

Bradford said, “I just wished his conscious would have set in before Dad died.”

“We got closure,” Bridget said.

hung up with her siblings. Her thoughts went back to Blake. She had made several mistakes since knowing him.  Blake had forgiven her and wanted to work on their relationship. She had no choice. Caitlyn had to follow her heart. She decided to forgive Blake for not telling her about the contents of Jack’s letter.

watched Blake play with Lovie from the living room doorway. She walked behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulder and said, “I meant what I said earlier. I don’t plan on going anywhere. I love you and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Good, because I would really hate to fight for custody for little Lovie,” he teased.

She hit him on his arm. “Oh, you got jokes.”

pulled her into his arms and they both fell back on the couch. “As long as I can keep seeing those cute dimples of yours, I have plenty of them.”

Blake, promise me one thing.”

“What’s that sweetheart?”

“Going forward you won’t keep any secrets from me.”

“Promise. And the same goes for you,”
Blake said.

responded, “It’s a deal.”

“I love you
Cat. Thanks for giving us another try.”

They sealed their
lifetime deal with a kiss.







Dear Reader,


Thank you for
the opportunity to share Caitlyn and Blake's story. Although their relationship started due to a million dollar deal, they both realized that money can buy a lot of things but not love and trust.


Hailey Hogan


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