Betrayed (55 page)

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Authors: Ednah Walters

BOOK: Betrayed
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Pushing aside my worries, I checked my watch. We rescheduled the party for tonight. It was about four-thirty local time. Kylie and the others would be arriving at my house in less than thirty minutes. “Okay. Let’s go.”

Grampa and Aunt Janel e were in the kitchen when I arrived home. I gave each of them a lingering hug. Grampa and I had a long discussion after Jarvis Island. Everything was okay between us, except for my lingering doubt about whether or not he let Valafar go. As for Aunt Janel e, I was glad I never asked her about the present Valafar sent and Kenta stole. Mrs. D found the package at his home in Xenith. I couldn’t bring myself to open it.

“How’s Gavyn doing?” Grampa asked.

“He’s thinking about staying with the Brotherhood.” I picked up an apple from the wooden bowl and bit into it.

Aunt Janel e and Grampa exchanged a skeptical look.

“You don’t think he’l do it?” I asked.

“It doesn’t matter what we think, sweetheart.” He patted my shoulder. “He’l have to live with the decision.”

“And how’s little Angelia?” Aunt Janel e asked.

“Talking nonstop,” I said.

Grampa chuckled. “Goodness, the child can talk. She has an opinion about—”

“Everything and everyone,” Aunt Janel e finished.

Every day these two grew closer. They were even starting to finish each other’s sentences.

Hopeful y, their relationship would move to the next level soon, or I’d have to play Cupid. Celeste had already offered to help.

“Are you two doing anything special this evening?” I asked.

“Is that your way of saying you want us to leave?” Grampa teased.

I grinned. “No.”

He got up from the stool and kissed my temple. “You were never a good liar, sweetheart.

Stick to the truth. It’s what you’re good at.”

“Even when I yel it?” I asked, remembering our fights before Jarvis Island.

“Even when you yel it. I might not like it, but I’l appreciate it.” He studied me with narrowed eyes and added, “About your friend Kylie.”

“Do you have to erase her memory right away? Can we do it later?” I glanced at Aunt Janel e for support, but she just shrugged. Fighting panic, my gaze swung to Grampa’s. “Please, I just want a few weeks with her when I don’t have to lie about who we are or what we do. Please, Grampa.”

His expression grew thoughtful, and then he nodded. “If she can keep our secret, then you’l have a few weeks. If not…”

a few weeks. If not…”

“You’re the best.” I gave him a tight hug around his mid-section. “She won’t tel anyone, I promise.” I stepped back, stil grinning. “What about her channeling ability?”

He shook his head. “Free wil makes it impossible for me to do anything about that. When she and I talked, she made it clear she plans to use it. How, I don’t know.” He dropped a kiss on my forehead. “Now that I’ve answered al your questions, we’l make ourselves scarce. Have fun tonight.” He extended a hand to Aunt Janel e, who hugged me first before they dematerialized.

I ran to the bedroom to shower and change.

Gift bags littered my bed when I stepped out of the bathroom. Checking the tags, I shook my head in amazement. My friends had remembered to buy house-warming gifts for Celeste and Bran. Even Kylie, McKenzie, Nikki, and Amelia brought something. Tonight was going to be perfect.

Entering my closet, my gaze went to the brown box on the top shelf—the present from Valafar. Despite changing everything in my bedroom so I wouldn’t be reminded of the fake one he kept me in, I stil couldn’t bring myself to get rid of his present. Tonight wouldn’t be perfect if I continued to ignore the box and its contents.

I pul ed it down, yanked off the tape and opened the flaps. Two manila envelopes jutted out from a sea of white packaging material. One had a greeting card with a number scribbled on it and the words, ‘cal me, Valafar,’ taped on it. The number was the same one he’d given me.

Ignoring the card, I ripped open the first envelope. Inside were five DVDs in clear plastic cases, the labels done in neat handwriting and decorated with butterflies. Valafar had told me my mother loved butterflies, so she must have written these. Smiling, I traced the labels and read them—1-6 months, 6-12 months, 1-2 year, 2-3 years. My mother had brought me back to the Guardians when I was three, the year she died. I wanted to see her, hear her voice. I blew out air, my throat tight. Now was a bad idea, maybe later after everyone was gone.

The last DVD had ‘Valafar’ written on it.

Regret sneaked up on me, but I squashed it. He had stayed true to his nature—evil. I should be happy he was gone.

The second envelope had pictures. My throat closed at the images of my mother, laughing.

Glorious black hair, sparkling green eyes, she looked beautiful and happy. She carried me in some of them, others she was with Valafar. Some showed me in his arms. My eyes watered. How could I miss him after what he did? Getting angry with myself, I shoved everything back inside the box and put it back on the top shelf. They were both gone, end of story.

I noticed the card with the phone number on the bed when I stepped out of the closet. Without weighing the consequences, I reached for my new cel phone and punched in the number. Heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and dread, I waited.

“What do you want, Lilith?” a voice snapped.

Solange. How did she know? Valafar must have added my number to the contacts on his cel phone. “I…”

“Don’t ever cal this number again,” she added.

“I’m sorry for—”

“You wil be when I catch up with you.” She terminated the cal before I could add anything else, not that I knew what to tel her—my sister. She and I would always fight for different sides. The thought was sobering.

Wishing I hadn’t cal ed, I threw the phone on my bed and clenched my shaking hands. Solange’s words didn’t surprise me, but hearing the hatred in her voice was unsettling. Worse, I stil didn’t have proof that Valafar was gone.

Putting the bags in the closet with mine, I fixed my hair and make-up then slipped on the new outfit and my bal et flats. By the time I stood in front of the mirror and stared at my reflection, I was calmer.

I pinged Bran.
Where are you?

Will be there soon,
he answered.
insists I don’t leave until her friends get here.

No more thoughts about Valafar or the past.

Lifting my chin, I started for the door. Something seemed odd. I angled my head and frowned. Then it hit me. The music was turned off. McKenzie’s high-pitched laughter mixed with Remy’s deep voice floated upstairs when I stepped out of my room. Her incessant giggles when flirting with a boy were as incessant giggles when flirting with a boy were as predictable as the sun rising in the east. She’d had a thing for Remy ever since the night we rescued her from would-be rapists, but he better not break her heart.

I headed to the kitchen where Kim directed the caterers like a dril sergeant. Izzy sampled grapes from a large fruit centerpiece. Cans of soda sat in ice chests between platters of cubed cheeses, bowls of dips, and mounds of chips. Piles of pizza in boxes and more soft drinks vied for a space on the dining room table.

Kim took one look at my outfit, and her brow shot up. “Daring, but nice.”

“Nice? She looks fantastic.” Izzy walked around me. “You’ve got gorgeous legs, little sis. You should show them more.”

I laughed. “Thanks. You two look amazing as usual.” Izzy wore black tights and a hip-length striped top that moved when she did, like it had a life of its own. Kim’s dress was gorgeous with bold colors and showed a lot of skin.

I gave them both hugs. “Thanks for the gifts.”

“Don’t thank us yet.” She exchanged a conspirator’s glance with Izzy.

“Stil , you didn’t have to but you did. You guys are amazing.” I popped a grape into my mouth and headed down the set of stairs connecting the kitchen to the basement. Sykes, a can of beer in his hand, was about to start upstairs but stopped when he saw me and blinked. I real y hoped Grampa wouldn’t find out about the alcohol. Sykes had gone al out and already volunteered to accept the blame. Like I’d let him. My only hope was to remove the evidence before Grampa came home.

“Whoa, Red. You look…wow. Want a drink?” Sykes’ voice broke.

“Not yet. Thanks for buying something for Bran and Celeste.”

“They’re just gift cards. Remy’s the one who went al out.” He shrugged, looking handsome in designer jeans that hugged his hips and a black tee wi th
Conserve Water, Drink Beer
written in bold white letters.

“It’s stil nice of you to remember.” I patted his arm and felt rather than saw him turn to fol ow me.

There was nothing like an appreciative guy to make a girl feel on top of the world. I couldn’t wait to see Bran’s reaction. I checked my watch. Fifteen minutes to seven. He and Celeste should be here any minute.

I looked around the alcove with interest.

Sykes had transformed the downstairs counter, which was by the kitchen stairs, into his private bar.

Cans of beer piled high like a half pyramid against the wal and occupied half the counter while more crowded the sink fil ed with ice. Bottles of liquor sat at the corner, where the counter met the wal and the stairs. Beside them was a weird-looking funnel with several tubes attached to it. I was afraid to ask its purpose. If Grampa saw the myriad of drinks Sykes brought, I’d be in deep crap. I real y hope we’d be done cleaning before he got home.

At the other end of the room, by the wider stairs leading to the living room, was the DJ’s table.

McKenzie sat on a chair beside Remy. Or maybe she was halfway on his lap. It was hard to tel from the way she curved her body toward his, looking into his eyes as she spoke. What a flirt. She already begged me to invite Luke, the guy we met at the mal . How did she plan to handle two guys?

As for Remy in white skinny pants, black tank top and matching jacket and boots, he had his arm draped over the back of her chair, milking the attention.

We made eye contact as I walked further into the T-shaped room.
Can you keep an eye on
McKenzie tonight for me? Please?

Remy shot me a puzzled look.
Why? She’s a
big girl.

Her parents are having problems, and I’m
afraid she might get drunk and do something

He scowled.
I didn’t need to know all that,
he griped.
I’m having a good time here.

Play nice, Remy,
I warned him.
You know
she has a thing for you.

He grinned though I couldn’t tel whether the cause was what I said or what McKenzie whispered into his ear.
Get lost, kiddo,
he said without looking up.

Remy was a decent guy. He might complain, but he always came through. Kylie, Nikki, and Amelia were busy arranging cups in a triangular pattern on both ends of a ping-pong table set opposite the DJ’s corner and didn’t see me until I joined them. They squealed.

joined them. They squealed.

“You look amazing,” Kylie said with a broad grin. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear anything but Gypsy skirts and jeans.”

The other two nodded. The three girls wore skinny jeans and cute tops.

“I love my Gypsy skirts,” I said defensively, and they rol ed their eyes. “Thank you guys for taking care of things last Saturday. Grampa said he couldn’t have done it without you four.”

“I’m sorry your great aunt fel il so suddenly,” Amelia said, repeating the cover story Grampa told them.

“Is she okay now?” Nikki added.

I nodded, my gaze connecting with Kylie. She knew the whole story, every nasty detail. To be able to share things with her was such a relief.

“Hopeful y the people I invited weren’t too disappointed by last weekend’s cancel ation and wil turn up tonight,” I replied.

“Oh, they wil ,” Kylie reassured me.

Bran’s energy brushed against mine before he appeared at the foot of the stairs. He blinked when he saw my outfit. The intensity of his gaze turned my insides into mush.

You look unbelievable,
he telepathed.

Blushing, I smiled. Part of me wanted to go to him, but the other waited for him to come to me. I stayed with Kylie, Amelia, and Nikki but shifted my position so I could watch him talk to Sykes. He looked so gorgeous and dangerous in a black shirt and matching slacks.

Nikki opened a pack of ping-pong bal s, rinsed one in a cup of water, and threw it toward the other end of the table. She punched the air when it landed inside a cup. Twice, she scored.

“Let me try.” Amelia walked to the other end of the table.

I watched the sil y ping-pong game, but kept glancing at Bran from the corner of my eye. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off me. Neither could Sykes, a fact that didn’t seem to bother Bran tonight.

What were they talking about that he couldn’t come to me?

“Quit flirting and go to him, already,” Kylie whispered.

“Let him come to me.” A girl had to have some pride, right? Besides, I had to play hostess.

At seven, the doorbel rang, and I hurried upstairs to let my guests in. Celeste, her Academy friends, and human boyfriend were the first to arrive.

Kylie, Nikki, and Amelia col ected keys and put them in a wicker basket I provided. Christian and his friends beamed like they’d won a lottery when they arrived. Within thirty minutes, everyone was there.

The popular fast tunes Remy chose set the tone of the party. Drinks flowed, and people moved freely up and downstairs, eating pizza, and nibbling on snacks. The drinking and video games drew a crowd along with cheers from the guests not playing.

Some hooked up early and found a private corner inside the house. Thank goodness I locked Grampa’s bedroom and mine. The other rooms had lights on and chairs from Remy and Sykes’ place.

For an hour, Bran stayed away from me.

Whenever I turned, he was there watching me. I didn’t know what he was waiting for, and the suspense drove me nuts.

Are you stalking me?
I asked him a few times.

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