Betrayed (11 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Betrayed
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“Considering your already half way there, how’s about we forget the foreplay? I need to fuck you, hard.”

I make an odd strangling sound and push at his chest. “No Jax. I don’t want this.”

“Stop lying to yourself.” He growls.

He grasps my panties and tears them down, I moan a deep guttural moan when his fingers slide over my hot, aroused flesh.

“Beautiful.” He rasps.

He yanks at his jeans and pulls them down just enough to release himself. Wow, we were really going to do this? Like wild animals? Part of me wants to shove him away and say hell no; you want some of this, you go slow but another part of me, the bigger part, wants him to plunge into me and slam me senseless.

“Oh god.” I cry when he yanks my legs up and wraps them around his hips.

“You want it slow?” He asks, his eyes hungry, desperate.


He spreads my legs with his hand and then grasps himself, guiding his way towards me. Then, he slams into me with one, hard thrust. Oh god, I scream, I know that much, but I don’t know if it is because it hurts or if it is the intense pleasure that shoots through me. He slides out and then slams himself back in once more. I take hold of his arms and dig my nails in.

“Fuck, fuck.” He pants.

In and out, with wild thrusts he slams. He takes my hips with his hands and yanks them up, so he can drive himself deeper. The look on his face is pure, raw, heat. He is groaning; his jaw is tense and his body is rigid. His release is quicker than I ever remembered with Jax; his cry is loud, desperate and primal. When he manages to slow his thrusting, he yanks himself out of me and tears up his jeans. His face is…angry?

“Are you ok?” I ask, sitting up slowly.

“Shit! I can’t believe I just…fuck!”


“I just exploded like a teenager.”

I want to laugh, but I know that really wouldn’t go down well.

“It’s ok, I don’t care.”

“You didn’t even get a chance to come!”

“It’s fine.”

“No, it’s not.”

“I have to go to work Jax.” I say, weakly. I stand and pull on my clothes; he just stands there staring at me the entire time.

“How long till you have to be at work?”

“We are not having sex again Jax. That was the last time.”

He looks offended, truly offended. “Why don’t you just slap me?”

I look up at him, gaping. “What?”

“You might as well just slap me Jade. I know that wasn’t good for you; I already feel like a dick because I didn’t last long.”

I roll my eyes. “Get over yourself Jax. I didn’t mean it would be the last because it was terrible. I meant it because it felt too good and it

s dangerous for me to be that close to you again.”

He looks shocked now. “You liked it?”

“Of course I liked it. You are an incredible lover, even if it doesn’t last long. I didn’t come because…I can’t, because I am scared. I don’t want to give myself to you.”

“Don’t be afraid to let me make you feel good.” He says, gently.

“I am. I have to go Jax. See you.”

I grasp my phone and walk out the door. He follows me, not saying a word. I throw him the house key.

“Stay if you want, if not, leave it under the door mat for when I get home. Night.”

“Night.” He murmurs.

I walk downstairs to my car, get in and drive off. Wondering what the hell we were playing at?


The night at work is busy; the bar was fills with a darned good selection of men and women. Around nine pm, things started livening up. My boss and friend, Ellie, comes in to help me serve, when we have a spare moment, she turns to me.

“How are things Jade?”

“Good, how about you?”

“Busy. I don’t think I have left this place for seven days straight.”

“Ell, you should have called me in!”

She smiles and her eyes roam the crowd, stopping at the door. She grins.

“Oh damn, check out what just walked in.”

I turn and glance at where she is staring. I moan. “Oh no.”

I see Jax walk in with about eight of the crew members. He notices me and grins, slowly making his way through the crowd.

“Do you know them or something?” Ellie asks.

“Yes,” I groan. “That’s Jax, Lilly’s father.”

Ellie gasps and actually fans herself. “That man has been in your pants? Good lord, I would die for that.”

Jax reaches the bar; Rusty pulls up beside him.

“Evening ladies.”

“Jax.” I mutter.

“Well hello,” Ellie smiles, batting her pretty eyelashes at him. “I am Ellie, Jade’s boss.”

“Nice to meet you Ellie.” Jax grins and I can just about hear her heart stop.

“What can we get you boys?” I ask.

“Rum love.” Rusty smiles, patting my hand.

“Coming up.”

I pour two rums, taking my time to admire Jax. All black shirt unbuttoned at the top, sleeves rolled up. His usual outstanding get up. I slide them their drinks and give them my best bar bitch smile. Jax winks at me, before standing and turning.

“Catch you later, gorgeous.” He says, before sliding back into the crowd.

“Oh god Jade, tell me he is single?”

“Well now he is yeah.”

“Damn, you better snap that shit up or someone else is going to.”

“Entertainment time!” The big boss Mike yells out over the microphone. Thank god.

“We have some wonderful entertainment for you tonight ladies and gentleman. Our usual Jade,” He grasps my hand and holds it up, the crowd cheers and whistles. “And they have a little something extra for you tonight. Buckle down folks and enjoy.”

He hands me the microphone, and I slide up onto the bar and sit, dangling my legs over the side. When I first sung here, I was a quivering mess, I couldn’t focus or get my voice right, but they had stuck it out with me and now, it is so comfortable I don’t even notice.

“Hey folks, throw me some requests.” I say into the microphone.

“Skinny love!” A man at the front yells, he is a regular. “It’s all the rage now you know.”

“And you know I follow the rage John,” I wink at him.  “Skinny love it is.”

I glance at Jax, who is staring at me so intently I have to look away. Wow, could he be any more obvious? I take a breath and wait for the music to play. When it starts, I begin singing. After the first few words, the crowd scream and cheer. Some shiver, gaping. I know I can sing, but I still love the affect it has on people.

Come on skinny love just last the year
Pour a little salt, we were never here
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer
I tell my love to wreck it all
Cut out all the ropes and let me fall
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Right in this moment this order’s tall
I told you to be patient
I told you to be fine
And I told you to be balanced
And I told you to be kind

I finish off the song with high notes, belting them out loudly. The crowd scream and cheer when I am done. Jax is standing, rapping his hands together with eyes full of emotion. It has been the only way I have ever been able to touch Jax’s heart, the only way I have ever gotten close. I slide off the bar and Ellie hands me our outfits. Once a week we did a bar dance, similar to Coyote ugly. It is fun, and people love it.

“Oh my god, your voice Jade. I will never get over it. Even better, I watched that man the entire time, he just…I have never seen a man look like that in my life. If one looked at me that way, I would melt.”

I shake my head at her. “You’re a sucker for romance Ellie. What are we dancing too?”

“Honky Tonk Badonkadonk.” She winks.

“Oh yeah, that one will get them going.”

I slip out the back and slide into the short shorts and tie up cow girl shirt that leaves my stomach bare. I pull on the knee high boots and a cowboy hat before walking back out. Ellie gets up on the bar and everyone cheers. She is stunning, blonde, tall and slim. Most men liked how she looked.

“Ladies and Gents, it’s time for some fun. Those of you who have never seen it, I know you have seen the movie coyote ugly. We are about to rock the same moves. Jade.”

I take her hand and slide up onto the bar, men whistle and roar. Jax’s eyes nearly fall out of his head; the other crew members stand mouths agape. The song comes on, and Ellie slams her foot on the bar and so we begin an intensely sexual boot scooting style dance. Our knees bending, hips flicking to the side, hair waving about. We take of our hats and throw them into the crowd. Beer is poured down our front; it is always a blast.

“I have an idea.” I grin to Ellie when the song is finished.


“Remember in coyote ugly, she got the man on the bar.”

Her eyes light up. “You wouldn’t.”


s payback time.” I grin. I pull the microphone from her hand and stand in the middle of the bar.

“Now we have pleased the men,” I let the men cheer and hoot at that. “It

s time for the ladies.”

All the ladies in the room prick their heads up.

“I have this real close friend and he is YUMMY.”

They scream and jump up, clapping.

“He owes me a little favor.”

I glance at Jax, his face goes white, and he shakes his head. I nod at him.

“Why don’t we get him up here? He is worth it; I assure you.”

The women roar.

“Come on Mr Watts, won’t you stand up?”

The women are looking around the room. I leap off the bar and walk over. He puts his hands up, shaking his head.

“It’s payback time.” I grin, grasping his arm. When the women catch sight of him, they scream and bellow.

He stands much to my surprise; his look tells me there will be sweet, sweet revenge for this. I lead him to the bar and leap on.

“Get on up here handsome.”

He leaps onto the bar and I swing him around, the women's screaming turns into roaring.

“How sexy is he?” I ask, holding his arm up, the roaring gets louder.

say we check this hunk out?”

“WOOOO YES!” I hear so many scream.

“Turn around big boy, let them see what you got.”

I turn him slowly, when he is facing me, giving the entire bar a fabulous view of his backside, he is grinning.

“I am going to get you back for this.” He murmurs. I lean forward and press a kiss to his lips.

“You owe me. Now turn around, big boy.”

He laughs as I turned him around to face the front. I stand behind him, bringing my arm around the front to take hold of the hem of his shirt.

“Should we take a peek, see what’s under the shirt?”

Screaming, roaring, cheering. That is a yes.
I lift his shirt slightly, revealing a very sculpted lower belly. The women are going crazy now, leaping up and down, begging for more.

“I think we should do this a little slower,” I say, dropping the shirt. “One button at a time.”

I take his buttons in my fingers and begin slowly undoing them, one by one. When his shirt is undone, I pull it back slightly. The women hoot, the looks on their faces is pure lust.

“Well hello.” I say into the microphone as I slide Jax’s shirt off. He flings it to the side, and the women are screaming so loudly I can hardly hear myself talk.

I put my hand on his chest, running it down across his abs. “Well, isn't this one hunky man? What do we think of the tattoo’s ladies?”

I hold the microphone up in the air to catch their bellows of satisfaction. I take Jax’s shoulders and turn him again, spinning him so his back is facing the crowd.

“I think he should give us a flex, what do you ladies think?”

They scream. Jax gives me a look, a pure; you will cop it look. He lifts his arms and slowly clenches them, the women scream. He narrows his eyes at me.

“You are a very bad girl.”

“And you are totally going to get stalked, now turn around.”

I spin him around again and reach down to grasp his jeans. He tenses and shakes his head.

“Aw, he doesn’t want us to take off his pants.”

The women groan and boo. I slip the button undone, and yank them down enough for the women to see the V and boy does Jax have one sexy man V. They roar, leaping up and down. I pull his pants back up, and I feel him relax.

“Looks like our handsome hunk
wearing any panties.” I laugh into the microphone, and the women scream and desperately beg for him to “Take them off, take them off.”

“Instead, I am going to give one of you lucky ladies a surprise. Who wants a kiss off this fine man?”

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