Betrayal (65 page)

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Authors: Mayandree Michel

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Betrayal
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“Even the elders?”

“Indeed, elders lose a considerable amount of power as they age, but it takes longer to lose it once your offspring acquires more.” That explained a lot.

Power was so beguiling; I was astounded that the other families, possessing lesser forms of power, weren’t offing each other. Clearly, they feared the wraths of the gods – in the end.

“I see, but why would the gods allow this?” I asked almost belligerent, although I already knew the answer.

“You know all too well. We are of the human world, demigods, the gods will only advise if and when called upon. Interfering is against their laws. It is what Zeus intended in our creation. He looks down upon us and surveys.”

“Like a game of chess.” I grunted.

“Show some respect for our creators, my child,” Daddy said, sternly. “With Victor’s death, as well as his immediate family’s end, the third families first born son is next in line as your suitor, whom will have great ascension of abilities.” I listened to Daddy’s voice echo throughout what was left of the dungeon. It was sinking in and so was I, in a pit of rage.

“The Iptians were made to look like murdering thieves, a deliberate scheme of betrayal by the patriarch and matriarch of the Capius family.” I gasped realizing that this was what Winston wanted to tell me. The Capius’ were the real threat originated. “Yes, they’ve murdered many, including Nikolas’

parents.” Nikolas spent his teenage years believing that Victor’s family had murdered his parents, when in fact; he was residing with the killers. For the love of the gods!

“Poor Nikolas.” I gulped back a sob.

“Yes indeed it’s devastating that they committed such horrible offenses, but they have. Poor Nikolas must know the truth. You must inform him. He is never safe with the Capius’”

“I will.” I promised, but I wasn't sure how. “Ugh!” I felt sick as my stomach twisted into knots, and then my heart began to pound. What about Evan? Oh my dear Gods, my divine guardians, please not him, not my love. It’s not possible; it’s inconceivable that Evan would be involved. When this all took place, he was a child too, both he and Bethany. I was incapable of grasping my thoughts.

“But Evan – he’s innocent right? He would never go along with this.” I pleaded with Daddy to confirm what I believed in my heart, while I held onto the altar for support.

“Evander is unaware of his parents’ schemes.” I sighed, relieved. “He’s a pawn in their strategic play to become the first and most powerful family.

Thaddeus left the task of terminating Victor to Evander. It’s not for lack of effort, because Evan's efforts are commendable. Victor and his steadily growing army eluded his hunters, and ultimately brought on the constant attention of the Apolluon.”

“Victor was believed to be dead along with his family who were banished by my mother, the reigning empress at the time, but of course as you know, as we never foreseen, we were terribly wrong. You see, Victor and Evangelia were just children when their entire world came to an end. Their parents felt that they were wrongly accused and no longer had faith in the family; therefore they wouldn’t allow their children to be raised by an Ischero. They bound their own children to their sides and accepted the sentence, indefinite exile – death.”

“How did Victor survive?” Suddenly a strange feeling of compassion came over me. I thought of Victor, and forgot about his twisted gargoyle guise and demonic words. I remembered my forgotten playmate. His own parents had been robbed and in turn, robbed him and his sister of a life. Evidently, he didn’t see it that way.

“His parents must have relinquished their hold on him, but not his sister, I suppose,” Mother said, sadly. “It’s a mystery that we’ll never know.”

“Victor survived and sought revenge. He knew what the Capius’ had done, and he was aware of what they needed most of all.” Daddy explained.

“Your union to Evander.” Mother added. “Victor also knew that if he killed you, the entire empire would succumb being that he would be the most powerful Ischero, far more powerful than Evander, who was originally betrothed to Evangelia.” I winced hearing that Evan could belong to someone else.

“So, the empire would be his to control, therefore putting an end to the Capius family, ultimately avenging his family.” I said the words but still couldn’t believe how Evans’s parents had fooled everyone.

“Thaddeus and Alexandria were masterful at covering up the fact that they had set Victor’s family up to take the fall.” It was as if Daddy had read my mind, but I knew that he could only do that if he was in the physical form. My heart bled a little more.

“The Capius’ were pretty clever.”

“Indeed. When Victor returned, he hid, began building his army, chaos erupted. And then he one night he came to me.” Daddy said solemnly.


“Yes, he told me what his parents had told him. It all made sense. He said that he wouldn’t start a war if the Ischero made everything right. You could imagine my sorrow for him. I was dedicated from that moment on to making things right by Victor. I planned a meeting with the council of elders, excluding the Capius’, the evening following your fifteenth birthday, although I didn’t inform them of the reason for the meeting.” Daddy paused.

“So what happened?” I was beyond anxious. “Did the elders not believe him?”

“We never got as far as the meeting.” Daddy’s voice was composed as he hinted as to why the meeting never happened. “So much happened within twentyfour hours. Somehow Thaddeus was informed of my discovery, and told Victor that his parent’s demise was set up by us. I suppose Victor didn’t know whom to believe and soon devised his own plan to hunt you. Shortly after that, Thaddeus poisoned us, putting your mother and I to sleep, and then killed us. He couldn’t trust another Ischero to do the deed so he did it on his own.”

“Thaddeus sent me away to another time, away from everything I knew and everyone I loved.” The angry heat was manifesting itself within in me, boiling over.

“It guaranteed Thaddeus adequate time to have Victor killed before Victor could kill you.” Mother said in an even tone. I was at the point of screaming.

“And upon my return, I would never have known Victor’s genuine motivation to kill me, but he found me in the future and killed me there.”

“We tried countless times to try to reach you,” Mother said, as her voice wavered, and then cracked.

“We tried to make some kind of contact with you in the future but your memory was wiped clear as a piece of crystal, and we ran out of time.” Daddy added.

“No, don’t do that, my death is no fault of yours. I know who is to blame.” I never would have suspected Thaddeus and Alexandria of such an unforgivable betrayal for greed and status. They’d been so kind, generous, and caring to me. But I guess that was their plan. Have me believe them to be devoted guardians.

Thaddeus and Alexandria were going to get what they deserved for defying the gods, betraying the empire, having my parents killed, as well as Nikolas’, for sending me away to the future where I couldn’t be with Evan, and lastly for robbing Victor of a family and destroying his life.

“Does anyone else know about this? Any of the other elders?”

“No. They definitely worked alone. They were extremely careful.”

Once again I asked, “Are you sure?” I had to be one hundred percent sure to go with my plan of action.

“Now that we're members of the non living, we can see everything crystal clear, but only of the past and the present.” Mother clarified. We were all silent for a long moment while I digested everything.

“I feel your emotions, Cordelia, they are brutal,” Mother acknowledged. “That’s not how you want your reign to begin.”

“You may wish to use them as examples.” At first I thought Daddy was making a suggestion. But I thought wrong. “That makes a lot of sense, but you must be sensible. The way of the Ischeros has always been to use death as the last alternative in defense, not as the punishment.”

“I intend to make this right.” I declared in a clear and mature voice. Not the voice my parents had been used to.

“Cordelia, you’re young and you don't fully understand the burden of greed and rage. It controls every thought you have, compels you to take, and to sometimes take with brutality. Alexandria and Thaddeus Capius did these things because they could no longer control there greed.” I nodded, but I was still keeping to my plan.

“You must let go of the rage. Don’t allow it to consume you, hence seeing nothing else but the rage.”

“What I must do, is avenge you.”

“No, it’s not the way.” Daddy’s voice was deep and his crystalized heart went from a goldish red to a deep shade of burgundy.

“Daddy, please don’t be angry with me.”

“I couldn’t be angry with you, precious. I need you to look at what rage did to Victor. He was tormented. The wrath didn't allow him to breath and be a young man. It made him a monster. It will suffocate you as well. You may never find yourself.”

“But that’s just the thing. I have found myself.” Finally, I thought. “I remember every single thing that has ever happened to me, the good things and especially the bad.” I shouted. I didn’t mean to be, but I was cross with two people who meant the world to me. Why couldn’t they understand that I needed them? I’m so alone and scared, and unsure, and…

“We know that you’re hurting. We want to be here for you. You must look to yourself to find the strength to go forward.” Mother was as she always was, encouraging, but I was frustrated with doing what was right. I wanted to do what I know would feel satisfying.

“They destroyed my family. I almost lost Evan when Victor killed me. But I can’t blame Victor. He was cheated. He didn't know of any other way to repay them for annihilating his whole world.” I was secretly thankful that I had not killed him, even if he did intend to kill me. I know now that it wasn’t personal, although he was almost successful the second time. I could now see through Victor’s eyes.

“I love you both, but I have to go now,” I sobbed.

“Remember you must keep your promise.” Mother demanded.

“A promise is a promise. Don't worry. I will not disappoint you,” I said, my voice cracking.

With that I sealed their hearts within the glass domes and they disappeared to where I would keep them safe, until it was time to place them back where they belonged. I stood in the center of what was left of the marble room, assessing the damage. All that remained was the partial ceiling, two and a half walls which were cracked and six others that were completely demolished and exposed the pine tree forge beyond the walls. My eyes continued to survey the room that I now realized was in the shape of an octagon. I listened to the dungeon that poor Victor had built, as it crumbled into mounds of powdery sand, and watched it all disappear into a breeze. Then I felt safe enough to shut my eyes.


Honor Thy Mother and Father

When I opened my eyes, the silence of Harper’s Hall was deafening. It was as if a ball hadn’t taken place here at all. My satin shoes clicked against the glossy marble floors as I came closer to the set of double doors, leading into the ballroom. I took a deep breath, actually two, before I flung open the doors to be met by a sea of startled ruby red eyes. They were on guard, hence the heightened senses, and prepared for anything at this point. They were all there; my disciples. Their very existence and future depended on my survival, and my presence was a confirmation that they would. If Victor had been successful and ascended to Emperor, there wouldn’t be the dramatic reversal of crimson eye color to their natural hue, revealing calm emotions, or any warm and inviting smiles as I saw before me now.

But am I truly their leader?

Or am I just a puppet to be manipulated by two callus monsters who have betrayed my entire empire – all in the name of greed. Everyone in this room believed that it was the Iptians that tainted the Ischeros Empire, when the malignant evil, watches me now. My presence at that moment sealed the deal for them, so they presumed. Thaddeus and Alexandria knew that I defeated Victor as I stood before them now. Thaddeus’ narrow eyes swept over me until Bethany's pretty face blocked his view. She drew me into a hug which brought Thaddeus back into my view. He was shaking hands vigorously with Stephan Hepolis, an elder and Julius’ and Hedea’s father. I wasn't going to let Thaddeus in on the fact that I was privy to all that had transpired just a little over two years ago.

“What took you so long? We’ve been waiting for you, impatiently I might add. Father almost sent Evan to fetch you.” A giggle tumbled out of Bethany lips.

“I’m here now” I tried to smile although, my guise of happiness was sure to wear off soon enough. Evan took my hand and led me away from Bethany, and to the center of the room. He was preparing to make an announcement to the members whom had formed a semicircle. Perfect, I thought as he cleared his throat. I watched the boy, who was very much a man in my eyes, the man I would forever devote my heart too; present me to our disciples as their beloved Empress.

Evan slowly opened his arms wide and shouted, “Our Empress has returned.” The entire ballroom lowered itself into a quiet bow. “I give you our purist example of divinity, Empress Cordelia Tieron.” My eyes moistened listening to him. We had a true emotional connection in a way that made me believe we were almost one entity. I loved Evan with every thread of my being as it was and always will be confirmed to my core. I ached like hell to know that we were not meant to be, not in the eyes of the gods. I prepared to defy them. Evan’s unscrupulous parents altered our fates, and may have robbed us both of ever being truly happy because everything will be different now. The boy I grew to love more than life is not mine to have. It felt like a knife was piercing through my chest and carving out my heart. I was speechless as I devoured the beauty of his spirit which flourished on his face. I felt hopeless for the both of us. I pushed the tears back. I bit my lower lip to stop it from trembling, and waited as everyone slowly raised their heads before I spoke.

“It's been a long journey. Please accept my simple words of gratitude to you all for your uncompromised patience.” My eyes darted around the room observing the smiles and additional bows that came in waves. “I've learned so much about myself. I’m the girl I was before I was thrust into the future, as well as the girl I was forced to become in the future. We are one.” My voice was strong, and even as I watched Alexandria take Evan’s hand, the way a mother grasps the golden child she doesn’t ever want to be out of her reach. I immediately felt the heat brimming within me.

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