Betrayal (11 page)

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Authors: Mayandree Michel

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Betrayal
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“Ok.” I said knowing that I really didn't have much of a choice.

Evan was about to continue when suddenly iridescent like sand materialized in the center of the room like a tornado funnel. The twister of sand spun rapidly in the air taking the shape of a very tall half man half horse. The sand was becoming more and more human until we were all looking at Nikolas.

Why had we seen a horse man? He still wore his dark jeans and tshirt. He smiled then began talking – breathless and fast.

“Victor was in the house… I barely escaped.” Nikolas panted. “I need a drink.”

Bethany rushed to his side but then stopped abruptly almost as if she was cautious of him. She then asked Nikolas a strange question that sounded more like a riddle.

“A cloak is for debris if?” She asked.

“Armor shields the heart.” Nikolas answered, and she threw her arms around him, squeezing him fiercely as if she expected him to disappear in sparkling sand as he had appeared. He welcomed her tiny body, in comparison to his own, in a warm embrace then began talking again. He walked over to the bar and fixed himself a glass of wine and gulped the full contents of his glass. Then, to my surprise, but to no one else’s, he poured another than another.

“The dragon boy is unable to transport without great concentration or he would be here now,” Nikolas said, sipping the fourth glass of wine, but who’s counting. “He is hell bent on Cordelia's whereabouts and killing her. The heinous one even claimed to be able to smell her.” Nikolas directed all of his words to Evan, who listened carefully.

“You took a while. What happened?” Bethany said, now calm. She was no longer anxious now that Nikolas had returned.

“I knew I wouldn't have time to teleport, and I didn't want to risk it, and be intercepted. Therefore, I chose to stay and wait. I knew better than to expect one of his devotees. Cordelia is too crucial to Victor. I figured he would rather handle her abduction himself than to leave it to his spineless subjects.”

Nikolas chuckled. “See for yourself.”

Nikolas raised his very long muscular arm and pointed to the wall with the least framed pictures and paintings. A spark suddenly streamed from the tip of Nikolas’ index finger, of his right hand. It
magic. A mirage appeared on the wall, and I thought an old movie projector had been placed not too far behind us. But there was no projector. We were watching a movie that looked like it was playing on a wall made of water that faded into the patterned wall paper.

It was crazy. I saw myself submerged in water, in the same living room, but before we landed back here. I floated in the whirlpool along with some sort of liquid hologram of Evan and Bethany. They were the water and were standing as I was floating outward perpendicular to them. Evan had his watery hand planted on my forehead. Then we evaporated, along with the deafening sucking and slurping sound, into a tiny crystal drop of water that vanished into the air.

My mouth practically dropped to the wood floor.

Nikolas was left alone in the sparsely furnished living room. Not a second had passed since disappearing when the walls began to buckle from the blazing temperature in the room. Out of nowhere appeared the gorgeous boy who had killed me. My body began to tremble as I had another opportunity to look him in those malicious eyes. Selfassured, he stood tall and muscular with a menacing look in his eyes that clearly stated why he was there; obviously to kill again. He snarled and paused at the entrance of the living room opposite where Nikolas waited. Nikolas was the taller and larger of the two.

He wasted no time in letting Nikolas know why he was there. “I know she is here, I can smell her.” He said as fire spewed from his mouth. “IT ENDS

HERE! IT ENDS NOW!” He seethed with deadly intent.

I watched in complete horror. This boy wanted to kill me. I understood more now than ever just how badly.

“Hello Victor. You're late.” Nikolas taunted with a chuckle. “Tardiness is never rewarded.”

Victor's eyes were furious with pure rage. He moved at an accelerated speed and lunged at Nikolas. Within a second his face morphed into a gargoyle.

With one crushing blow to Nikolas' chest, Victor sent him flying backward. Nikolas slammed into the oversized gilt framed mirror that hung on the far left wall. It shattered into a thousand jagged pieces. Victor roared thunderously as fire spilled from his twisted lips. He was hideous and prepared to trounce Nikolas.

Nikolas shook of the impact and stood up unfazed by Victors blow. Suddenly Nikolas’ form began to change as he stood up. His shirt disappeared into his skin revealing an incredibly muscled torso like that of a body builder. Below his torso, the body of a stallion, minus the head, emerged. I gasped in shock.

Nikolas was half man and half horse a centaur. I couldn’t contain my amazement and almost missed what happened next as I turned and stared at Nikolas who stood next to Bethany now. I stared at his two human legs. He saw me watching him and winked then, with his head, motioned for me to keep watching.

Once Nikolas had transformed, which took a fraction of a second, he looked Victor dead in the eyes. “Is that all you’ve got?” Nikolas said as he trotted slowly trying to anticipate Victor’s next move.

“A stampede of steeds couldn’t defeat me, junior centaur!” Victor said, as massive ivory horns emerged from his head and his clothes dissolved into his body which was now the shape of a huge black monstrous bull.

Nikolas instantly kicked up a large part of the broken mirror that lay on the floor with one of his front hooves. The mirror flipped into the air as Nikolas reached out with one arm and grabbed it. He used it as a shield to block the flames that Victor, the bull, spit at him. Nikolas cracked the mirror against a hoof, and clenched the large shard of the broken mirror concealed in his hand.

The bull eyes were blood red and it lowered its head. Its huge nostrils flared. It’s long, curved, and sharp horns were in position to gore Nikolas. The brawny bull’s muscular body twisted to one side as its tail curled about like a lash, whipping incessantly.

The bull angrily prepared to charge as Nikolas backed up a few yards. The expression on Nikolas’ face was intense but not fearful. More like anticipation.

As I watched the centaur move in one direction, the bull slightly moved forward as it swept one hoof across the floor from front to back over and over again. The centaur trotted backward ever so slowly. I tried to prepare myself for what would not disappoint in being a brutal fight even though Nikolas stood in this living room now seemingly unscathed.

The bull charged forward, hard and deliberate, as if he saw red. Simultaneously, Nikolas galloped forward toward the charging beast and kicked his front hooves into the air with an ominous growl. Nikolas leaped in the air high and over the bull, brutally stabbing it on the right side of its neck with the shard of mirror. Just as the bull was wounded, large flames spewed from its mouth torching the chaise lounge, which I had laid on.

Nikolas knew that the bull was only wounded temporarily. He knew that it was now or never. The bull grunted wickedly as if laughing at the large dagger–like shard of glass embedded in its neck. Now injured, the bull transformed back into human form. Victor stood, fully clothed in all black as before, but this time with the glimmering shard of mirror sticking straight up and out the side of his neck. He yanked it out with one swift movement, yelping out in pain and ending in a monstrous yet gleeful chuckle. The shock and pain lasted only a moment, long enough to distract Victor and allow Nikolas to begin teleporting himself.

Nikolas stood in the center of the room with both arms at his sides, kicked up his front hooves and willed himself to disappear. Victor's wicked laughter turned into a ferocious roar when he realized Nikolas’ plan to escape.

“COWARD, FIGHT ME!” Victor wailed, flying upward to grab at the fetlocks of Nikolas’ hind legs which had begun to turn into ankles and feet. He was too late. Nikolas vanished right before Victor’s eyes like sand in the wind.

This time Victor's thunderous roar could be heard for miles leaving every window and piece of glass shattered throughout the town once again. And just as before, the gruesome shadows appeared out of nowhere, screeching and crawling as slow as molasses as Victor’s webbed wings catapulted him through the ceiling.

The mirage disappeared and I was at a loss for words. I’d never seen anything so brutal except for what I’d seen in movies. Nikolas was a centaur. A centaur! And Victor… a monstrous fire spewing bull.

“You handled yourself well brother.” Evan shook Nikolas’ hand firmly and partially embraced him.

“Did you ever have any doubt?” Nikolas said, with a confident smirk.

“Never.” Evan assured. “Since Cordelia is here… now, Victor will stop at nothing. Also there have been quite a few developments since you both have been away.” Evan said motioning to his sister.

“Do tell.” Nikolas demanded, gulping from his glass.

“Well, while the bullock’s been sniffing around for her,” Evan sneered referring sarcastically to Victor as being a baby bull. “There have been more attacks. Victor’s devotees have been having a little fun with the mortals here and in Bedwyn City. The mortals are frightened and becoming frustrated with the lack of answers. They will organize a gang of vigilantes soon. The attacks are vicious. Both men and woman found in the forest with what looks to be attacked by wolves and something else. ”

I listened quietly as they seemed to forget that I was still sitting here. I was mortified at the horror story I was privy to. I wanted out of here. I wanted to be as far away from this town, which I wouldn’t miss, and as far away from this trio as possible. But who would protect me from what was coming; what would never rest until my soul belonged to them? I was overcome with despair and fought off the urge to scream. I bit my tongue instead. The blood tasted salty and warm and the pain faded quickly. “Something else?” Nikolas asked. Bethany didn’t allow Evan to clarify, “Something else, you mean…?”

“While you both have been away, Victor along with his disciples have begun terrorizing both towns. He has brought on the attention of the Apolluon,”

Evan said, cautiously. “The wolves haven’t worked alone. We believe the Apolluon are near.”

“No!” Bethany yelled. “We’ve been away too long.”

“Calm down, Beth. Cordelia is here now. The situation will be under control soon.” Nikolas explained.

What? How could I help this situation? I was helpless as long as I had no clue as to what they were talking about. No memory equals no power. No power equals …

I watched Nikolas stroll over to the large intricately carved and framed mirror hanging on the wall. He eyed himself for a second or two, then turned around and was elegantly dressed in the same kind of formal wear that Evan wore. I was startled by the transformation.

Nikolas walked past the Queen Anne chair and over to the towering grandfather clock where Bethany stood waiting for him. They embraced again.

Bethany looked like a doll next to Nikolas who towered over pretty much everyone. I was still trying to get used to the idea of them as a couple. I pushed the disturbing incestuous thoughts that kept creeping up every now and again out of my head.

“We are prepared.” Nikolas declared.

“Yes we are.” Evan's words of confirmation didn't make me feel any safer from this evil person. I stayed quiet as I had been since arriving here and listened to the both of them discuss how we would prevail.

Nikolas walked over to the bar and fixed himself another drink. He emptied his glass and poured another, emptied it again and was about to pour yet another when Bethany stopped him. I don’t remember Nikolas ever drinking that much. Actually I don’t remember Nikolas drinking ever.

“It’s been two long years since I’ve had a drink Beth. I’m allowed to now. Besides I don’t get drunk.” Nikolas laughed yet sounded like someone in Alcoholics Anonymous. I wondered what was up with that.

“Yes, I know but I can certainly do without the belching, my love.” Bethany said giggling and playfully patting Nikolas on the belly.

“Drink up, Niko. You’ve waited long enough.” Evan guffawed.

I didn’t see the humor in any of this. What did it all mean? If Evan was the Aqua man, Bethany the Aqua woman, and Nikolas a centaur, then what did that make me?

Did I really want to know? No. Yes I did. I didn’t know what I wanted. I wanted to remember who they claim I am and at the same time I just wanted to go to sleep and wake up in my bedroom. I didn’t know if I was transparent or if he was just that in tune with what I was feeling – acute despair, but Evan allowed Nikolas and Bethany to ramble on with the conversation of just how much alcohol was Nikolas allowed to indulge before noon, and plopped down next to me on the sofa. He sat about half a foot away from me. He didn’t say a word, not for a few seconds that seemed like minutes. When he finally did, he did so as he stared down at his feet as if he felt sad about something.

“Cordelia, there is so much more to tell you. We will talk again later.” Evan promised. “Right now, I think its best…familiarize yourself…your surroundings... go upstairs… see your room … change into something more…suitable for the present… time. Do you agree?”

“Huh? Uh…yeah…sure.” I only half heard what he had said. I was trying to focus but it was impossible. Something about his voice or was it the liquid coolness of his eyes or was it both. I had no clue but something about him was causing me to be in some kind of stupor.

Evan moved a bit closer, and then leaned even closer and brushed my cheek. I was already flushed, which I’m sure he noticed. He whispered softly into my ear. “Our love for each other is strong and unbreakable. I have missed you terribly, Cordelia. Welcome back, my love, my heart.” He touched my cheek with rosebud lips that lingered, slightly opened, allowing his sweet breath to warm my cheek. The indescribable sensation occurred once more. I felt so invigorated … so… alive. He smelled like sandalwood; pleasant and not pungent.

I heard every word he said this time and I remembered what I felt like in the dream but what I felt right now was different…

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