Bet Me Something (Something Series Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Bet Me Something (Something Series Book 3)
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I picked up my
sunglasses, figuring I’d need them. “Outside.”

“Okay, I’ll go
with you, considering those running shorts are—”

My brow arched
as I waited for him to finish that sentence and focus his gaze up from my legs.

“I’m only saying
you might need a chaperone.”

I looked down at
my attire. “I’m wearing regular running gear. Besides, didn’t you just come
from the gym?”

“I only did
weights, so a run would be good. What, you don’t think a thirty-one-year-old
can keep up with a hungover twenty-two-year-old?”

“Don’t worry,
today I’ll be quite slow. Let’s get this torture shit show on the road.”

In the elevator
on the way down, he turned. “What’s the other word you hate?”


His brows shot
up. “Moist?”

My lips
twitched. “Would you like me to use it in a sentence?”

He shook his
head, chuckling. “Nope. I’m assuming it isn’t in reference to a cake?”

“No, it
definitely isn’t.” I laughed, liking how much fun we could have with any random

By the time we returned
to the hotel, I was convinced I was going to die. The sun was already intense
by eight o’clock in the morning. We’d run mostly in silence because I couldn’t
spare the breath to speak and according my Fitbit, we’d gone about five miles.
Colby gave the impression he could have gone another five.

“How come you’re
not the least bit hungover?” I questioned once we got back into our nicely
air-conditioned room.

He shrugged,
downing some water. “The thought of excess drinking doesn’t really do it for me
anymore, especially considering the morning-after hangovers. Don’t go telling
anyone that, though. I have a Vegas reputation to protect.”

I thought it odd
he wished to perpetuate the stereotype if he wasn’t that person any longer but
kept my mouth shut. Considering I was the master of regression, the dutiful
daughter who always did what her parents asked, I wasn’t one to talk about
keeping up appearances. “Do you, uh, still want to tour the city?”

Let’s hop in the shower and then I’ll show you around.”

I arched a brow.

Realizing the
way he’d made that statement sound, he backtracked quickly. “I mean, we each

I grinned. “Oh I
think one
view of the goods is enough for you in twenty-four
hours, mister.”

He chuckled
while I had to walk slowly towards the shower with now both my brain and my
body hating life. Clearly his philosophy of avoiding hangovers was one to take
note of.


Colby turned out
to be an awesome tour guide of the city that afternoon. He was also attentive
when it came to ensuring we stopped for lunch and that I kept hydrated.

By the late
afternoon, I was feeling almost one hundred percent. Colby had a couple of
business calls to make, which allowed me the perfect opportunity to head down
poolside and wear the gorgeous bikini purchased for me. It was a deep chocolate
brown which matched my eyes and contrasted nicely with my blond hair left long
down my back. The high cut on the sides gave a little curve to my hips and
showcased my long legs.

I took a seat on
a plush lounge chair in the VIP section, sprayed on some sunscreen, and texted
my brother. I kept it short and sweet as I wasn’t prepared to tell him I was in
Vegas but hoped whatever was happening with him was going better by now.

After I set down
my phone, I was unprepared for the two college-looking guys who came up to
flirt with me. They were both clean-cut and attractive, but on the heels of a
hangover and my death run, I wasn’t really in the mood.

“What’s your
name, beautiful?” the taller of the two guys asked, taking a seat beside me.

“Kenzie. And you

“I’m Chuck, and
this is Adam.”

“Nice to meet
you both.” And because I didn’t wish to appear rude, I asked, “You two enjoying

“Yes, although
we’re looking to enjoy it even more, if you get our meaning.”

I cocked my head
to the side. I wasn’t a novice at flirting, but mind-reading wasn’t a talent of
mine. Maybe the drinking last night was making me slow. “Nope. ‘Fraid you’ll
have to spell it out for me, boys.”

Adam, who’d
taken a seat on the other side of me, smiled while Chuck nodded towards him to
explain it. “You ever been with two men, honey?”

Jesus. What was it
with guys in pairs in Vegas? First the two assholes last night on the dance
floor, now this. Despite normally being cool with meeting new people and dating
quite a bit, this was my first threesome proposition. That being said, I
refused to storm away like some sort of priss. “I can’t say I have.”

Chuck’s face lit
up, probably because I hadn’t told them both to go to hell yet. “You up for a
first, then?”

I shook my head.
“Sorry, guys, you’ve got the wrong girl.” Cuz I’m pretty sure there’s an
unwritten rule of ‘thou shall not lose your virginity to two guys at the same
time during a one-night stand in Vegas.’ Or something to that effect.

Adam appeared
apologetic, obviously the less cocky of the two. “Sorry for the bluntness, but
we figured we’d put it out there. Hope you weren’t offended.”

“It’s okay, but
can I ask, are you two into each other, too?”

I got a
resounding NO from both of them, which made me giggle. “Okay, sorry, only
checking as I was curious what kind of dynamic you guys had. Anyhow, I guess,
um, good luck on your quest.” I went back to my phone, hoping they would get
the hint. Adam stood up; however his friend wasn’t ready to throw in the towel
quite yet.

“Haven’t you
ever fantasized about DP?” Chuck questioned, reaching out to stroke my arm.

I brushed his
hand off me, ready to tell him to get lost as Colby’s voice cut through.

“Excuse me,
gentlemen, are you hitting on my girlfriend?”

There were three
pairs of astonished eyes looking up at him.

“Uh, sorry, man.
We were only trying to talk to Kenzie here who didn’t mention she had a

I couldn’t
believe they were implying I’d been trying to hide one. “Well, Chuck, it’s like
this. I don’t have a boyfriend, however my older brother’s friend who thinks of
me as a little sister believes you’re both bothering me, which is why he’s
pretending to be one.”

Colby’s tense
jaw showed his temper at being outed.

“And since
you’re starting to do exactly that, let me make it abundantly clear, the answer
to your DP proposition is still no. And for God’s sake, work on your delivery,
boys. Maybe buy a girl a drink first, get to know her, because your approach is
for shit.”

Colby was
instantly furious. “Leave now before I have you both kicked out.”

Adam was happy
to take the hint, but Chuck decided to get territorial. “How ya gonna get us
kicked out for hitting on a pretty girl?”

“Because I own
the hotel, asshole. And because I don’t need you approaching any more of my
guests this way, go see Marcia at the front desk. Ask for the number to Lucky
Stars Escort Service, then request Cindy and have a ball.”

Both men lit up
like prepubescent boys witnessing their first set of boobs. They couldn’t run
fast enough towards the lobby.

I wasn’t sure
how to feel about Colby’s little recommendation. “Wow, your hotel really goes
all out with the customer service. Should I ask how you know Cindy?”

He took a seat
beside me with temper remaining in his expression. “No, you shouldn’t. And what—you
were sitting here discussing a threesome?”

“I wasn’t discussing
anything; they were.”

“Kenz, don’t
test me. There’s a difference between being a flirt and being a tease. You
didn’t know those guys.”

I fought my
temper. “I wasn’t teasing them. In fact, I didn’t ask them what DP meant, even
though I wanted to, because I thought it might send the wrong message.”

He held my gaze
for the longest time before speaking. “It means double penetration.”

My face heated.
“Oh, ohhhh.” Then I tilted my head to the side. “Both of them at the same time
in the same place or in two different—”

He shook his
head. “No, no, no. We are not having this conversation and you’re missing the

“No I’m not. I
was friendly while informing them they had the wrong girl. And by the way, what
was that crap about being my boyfriend? For all you could’ve known, I was
happily flirting with them.”

While he sat
down next to me, I checked out his strong legs encased in swim trunks.

“I saw the way
you physically reacted to his touch while I was walking toward you. I could
tell you weren’t into him. Plus, you haven’t had a first date, which I believe
means no touching.”

Sucking in my breath,
my wide eyes snapped to his. Oh, no. I hadn’t told him my philosophy on dating
and what each date meant? Did I? “Um, what are you talking about?”

He smiled
devilishly. “You mean you don’t remember?”

My head dropped
back onto the pillow, and I stretched out, refusing to play the
what-did-I-say-while-drinking-last-night-game. “Evidently, I was a fountain of
information,” I remarked dryly.

“Yes, you were.
But my favorite was the PDG.”

“How did that
come up, by the way?”

“In a very loud
whisper, you informed the waitress who was flirting with me that it wasn’t her
fault she was enamored; instead it was my Panty Dropping Grin.”

I giggled. “I
remember, but I didn’t think you heard me. Alcohol makes people think they’re
whispering. Why is that, do you suppose?”

He laughed. “I
don’t have a clue, but I couldn’t wait to spring it on you today.”

“And how did I
get onto my dating strategy?” That I definitely didn’t recall talking to anyone

“Ah, that little
tidbit came out while I was tucking you into bed. You lamented that most guys
thought one date was enough to get in your panties, however you make them wait

I could only
hope I hadn’t informed him that no one had ever achieved that goal. “Well, it’s
true. One dinner out and, bam, I’m expected to put out.”

He seemed
curious. “So what does each one represent? First date, first kiss; second date,
second base?”

Thankfully, I
hadn’t revealed everything. “I’m not telling. A girl has to have some secrets,
at least until the next time she gets drunk.”

“Speaking of
which, what do you want to do tonight?”

“Would it be
completely lame if I choose dinner and then hitting the hot tub?”

He shook his
head. “Nope. I’m not sure how late I’d last either.” He yawned on cue.

Covering my own
yawn in response, I studied him. “You’re not the party guy you used to be, are

He looked a
little taken aback, but then shrugged. “We all get older. Besides, I have less
time for it these days. Why? Are you disappointed?”

I shook my head.
“Not at all. But don’t you feel as though you’re keeping up an image from the

“Yeah, well,
sometimes it’s easier to keep the expectations as they’ve always been so as not
to disappoint anyone.”

Considering I
had very little room to talk about taking the path of least resistance, I didn’t
comment. The only thing I could hope for was that someday I’d be brave enough
to see what life would be like if I broke out of that mold.


After a
delicious pasta dinner later that evening, I changed into my bikini and stepped
into the hot tub on the spacious terrace attached to our suite. It felt divine,
and the view of the city couldn’t be beat. Seeing my phone light up, I sighed
at my father’s number and decided to answer.

“Hi, Dad.” I
glanced towards Colby, who quickly gave me some privacy.

“Hey, kiddo.
How’s your weekend with your friends?”

“Good, thanks.
Uh, how did Mom take the news about me leaving?”

He sighed. “Not
great, but thankfully, she got over it. In fact, she’s agreed for you to stay
the summer in LA for your internship.”

“Wait. What?” Had
I heard him correctly?

“She had lunch
with Mrs. Singer today, and when she came back, she’d changed her tune.”

“Huh.” Colby’s
mom and mine went back a number of years, but how had the subject even come up?

“I thought you’d
be happy about this news. It gives you your internship and a few more months in

I finally
snapped out of my shock. “Yes, of course. I’m so relieved.” My mother’s
decision not only gave me the opportunity to open up doors in the music
industry, it also gave me hope that perhaps not all was lost with changing her
mind about the move.

“Well, it’s with
the understanding that, at the end of August, you’ll be coming home. And since
you know how she is, you understand why it’s me calling you.”

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