Best Man For The Job (The Men of Fear Incorporated Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Best Man For The Job (The Men of Fear Incorporated Book 1)
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Chapter Twelve





Dinner with Foster and Mirabella helped create a buffer between him and Sloane. No matter the topic, he couldn’t stop thinking of her kiss back in the hospital room. It was different from the one he’d given her at her apartment door that first night they met. It was passionate and promising. If they hadn’t been interrupted, who knows where it could have led? He watched her talking to Bella. She was laughing and making motions with her hands. He’d never seen her so happy.

Every so often she would push her hair out of her eyes. Always with the hair—why she didn’t just cut it, he couldn’t figure out. Then again, the simple movement was sexy as hell. Max wondered what it would take for her to flirt with him the way she did with Kasper. Then he remembered the first time he met Brody. He said he always had to initiate everything. Could that mean even flirting? Kasper definitely didn’t hold back on flirting with anyone. Only one way to find out.

Max retrieved the bottle of wine from the kitchen. Leaning closer than he normally would, he topped off Sloane’s glass. He tried to keep the smile off his face when she startled. Bowing down further, he placed his nose so close to her neck it was almost touching. He breathed her in.

“You smell amazing.”

“Oh. Thank you.” Her cheeks flushed slightly. That was a good sign, right?

“You’re welcome. So, Bella, you getting cold feet yet?” he teased.

“Not even a little bit, Max.” She grinned while wrapping her arm around one of Foster’s.

“Don’t give her any ideas.” Foster shook his head playfully. “I’ll never find another one even close to her if she smartens up now.”

Everyone laughed, enjoying the tension-free evening. Max sat back down, winking at Sloane when she looked over at him. Her face twisted in confusion. Not the response he had been hoping for. She looked guarded. He wanted her smiling again.

“Sloane, you wanna help me with dessert?” Bella asked. “I got one of those incredible cheesecakes from that little bakery on the corner of Fifth and Salem Ave.”

“Are you serious? Where is it?” Sloane jumped up from her seat and followed Bella, the sound of their laughter fading as they entered the kitchen.

Foster braced his arms on the table and leaned forward. His expression was warm, but muted. “You wanna talk about it?”

Max grimaced; he knew Foster wouldn’t leave it alone. Hell, at this point, maybe he had a few suggestions. He’d known Sloane for a while now.

“I don’t know, man. I can’t stop thinking about her. The kiss she laid on me at the hospital was amazing. Fucking Kasper keeps coming around and she shamelessly flirts with him right in front of me.” Max dragged his hands through his thick hair. “I flirt with her and she looks at me like I’ve grown horns and started speaking in tongues.”

“Let me start by asking you a very important question, Max.”


Foster raised his eyebrows. “Is the reason you want her because Kasper set his sights on her too?”

“What? No.”

“Just asking. You’re my best friend, but she’s gonna be family. She doesn’t have anyone else to look out for her.”

“How could you ask me that? You know I’m not
guy. I’ve wanted her since the first time we met in your doorway, the night we had dinner. She was still seeing Brody then.”

“Well, you were about to hook up with Charlie again until you saw her with Gutter Mouth. It was a reasonable question. I can’t risk her getting hurt again. She met Brody because of me. If another one of my buddies fucks her over, neither one of those amazing women will forgive me anytime soon.”

“I get it. I was only hooking up with Charlie to get Sloane off my damn mind. I’m so screwed.” Foster was still laughing as the girls came back, each with two plates of cheesecake.






“Soooo…are you gonna tell me about that steamy kiss we walked in on last night?”

“Keep it down,” she whispered. The last thing Sloane needed was the guys overhearing their conversation.

“Oh don’t you worry none. I’m sure Foster is asking the same thing. Now spill it.”

Sloane took a deep breath and told Bella all about the powerful moment she’d shared with Max on the dance floor at The Void, the need to get away from him the next morning, and the slut nurse. Bella sat at the breakfast bar listening intensely until she finished up with how the kiss was nothing to him and the way he behaved when Kasper came by.

“Wow. He must have it bad.” She giggled.

“Kasper doesn’t seem like the type of man to get attached to a woman.”

“I meant Max.” Bella laughed again.

“Max? How did you come to that conclusion?” Sloane wished Bella were right, but she couldn’t believe it could be true.

“I just know. It’s like a page out of the ‘Male Caveman 101’ handbook. If he clubs you over the head and drags you off, remember, that’s a good thing. Let’s get back before they send a search party.” They laughed all the way back to the table.

Sloane set one of the plates she carried in front of Max. He looked up smiling. His hand circled around her wrist as she straightened up, catching her off guard.

“Thank you.” Max practically leveled her with his panty-dropping smile. Her thighs clamped together, trying to stop the sudden gush of liquid heat that magically appeared. Damn that man.

“You…You’re welcome.” Sloane knew she was blushing. She felt her body’s betrayal heat her cheeks.
She sat down, lifting a fork full of cheesecake to her mouth. The moment the smooth chocolate-drizzled yumminess hit her tongue, she moaned in delight. “OhmyGod,” she mumbled while chewing.

“Fantastic, isn’t it?” Bella gushed from her seat.

“Mmmmm.” Sloane licked the chocolate sauce from the fork before taking another bite.

Foster laughed. “Um, are you all right?”

“Oh wow. It’s better than sex,” she blurted between bites. She grimaced.
Sloane hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

Max chuckled. “Then you haven’t been doing it right.”

Her face heated. If you could die from humiliation, she would now be dead as a doornail. Maybe if she laughed they would think she’d just been joking. Except Bella—she knew the truth about her sad, practically nonexistent sex life. Sloane opened her eyes, and the laugh died on her lips from the intense look in Max’s eyes. The air in the room felt thick and charged with a sexual tension that hadn’t been there a few minutes ago. She wondered if she was imagining something where nothing was, yet again.

“Well, we had a great time, but we better get going,” Bella announced as she collected the plates. Sloane sat frozen, her eyes never leaving Max’s. She was startled by Bella’s arms wrapping around her shoulders. Sloane stood to hug her properly. She could hear Max and Foster saying their goodbyes as well.

“Thank you for bringing dinner. It was wonderful. Once I get my life back, I owe you guys dinner. Lots of dinners.”

“That’s what family is for, sweetie. Stay safe. I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you.”

“I love you, Bella.”

“My turn.” Foster embraced her in a bear hug. “You scared us, Robertson. Cut that shit out.”

“Love you too,” she answered sarcastically, even though she truly did love him for being worried about her. Bella hit the boyfriend lotto. Sloane was honored to call him family.

“Yeah, yeah. Love you too.” He grinned.

Then they left her alone with Max. He was acting strange. She couldn’t get a bead on him tonight. But that wasn’t anything new, really. She couldn’t understand him on a good day, no matter how hard she tried. She drained the rest of her wine before rinsing the glass and placing it into the dishwasher. Turning, she slammed into Max’s body. She put her hands on his chest to steady herself.

“Sorry, Max. I didn’t know you were there.”

Max placed his hand on the one she had covering his heart. He slipped his other into her hair like he did while they were dancing. Her panties were already wet and he hadn’t even done anything yet. His lips softly covered hers. Slanting his head more, his tongue searched for admittance. Sloane opened for him, caressing his tongue with her own. She gripped his head, pulling him against her tighter. The warmth of his hand enveloped one of her breasts, rubbing gently until her nipple peaked into a tight pebble. She moaned her consent into his talented mouth. She wanted this. She needed this. She needed him.

Sloane let her hands explore his upper body. Gliding over his corded shoulders, back, and chest before returning to the nape of his neck. Max left one breast hard and achy in favor of the other. Both of his hands slid over and under her ass, pulling her into him. He lifted her in the air with ease. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist, locking her ankles behind him.

Her back was suddenly up against the kitchen wall. Now that Max didn’t have to support her full weight, he let his hands glide up her thighs. His calloused fingers snuck under the hem of her shirt. He finally broke the kiss to pull the shirt over her head, exposing the blue lace bra she wore. She grimaced slightly from the pain in her shoulder.

She felt heat blossom across her face and neck. Max dragged his gaze over her torso, and then lifted it to look at her. Hunger was reflected in his eyes. A lopsided grin slowly spread across his kiss-swollen lips. It was wicked, in the best way. A fresh gush of juices drenched her panties from that grin alone. All of the discomfort from her gunshot wound was forgotten. Nothing existed beyond this moment with Max. Without breaking eye contact, Max lowered his head, taking a nipple into his mouth. The lace of the bra lent a scratchy sensation completely at odds with the heat of his mouth. She yelped as his teeth made purchase on the swollen nub, but arched her back into him anyway. Hoping he would take more of her.

She slipped a hand between them, sneaking it under the waistband of his jeans. Her fingers grazed over his erection. The silky skin was warm. The tip oozed his arousal. He was so thick she could barely wrap her fingers all the way around him. She began stroking him. It was awkward with his pants still zipped, but now that she had him, she didn’t want this moment to end. Max lifted his head and kissed her again, and their tongues matched the rhythm of her hand. Max moaned into her mouth. It was the sexiest thing she had ever heard.

She was hotter than she had ever been for a man in her entire life. It felt like her skin was on fire. Her breath was ragged and all she was doing was gripping him with her hand. If they had sex—and at this rate, she hoped to God that they would—she wasn’t sure she could come back from something like this. This could break her. The intensity was so much more than she could have ever imagined sharing with someone.

Max turned on his heel and perched her ass on the edge of his kitchen island. Then, his fingers went to work on her jeans. With the offending fabric unbuttoned and unzipped, he grabbed both sides, yanking them down along with her panties that perfectly matched her bra. Both articles were wet in the center.

“Wow,” Max breathed across her bare mound. The moment his mouth latched onto her clit, sucking it between his lips, she gasped with pleasure. He began tracing up her thighs with his tongue. He licked up one until he met her weeping lips, then he repeated the motions with the other. Tasting every inch of her. Methodically driving her absolutely crazy.

He felt amazing—she couldn’t get enough of him. Sloane rocked her hips forward until he finally plunged his tongue inside. She grabbed a fist full of his hair. The man worked her body like a concert violinist. Plucking and stroking. Flicking his tongue across her swollen clit as he slid first one, then two fingers inside of her. Her imminent orgasm built rapidly. “Oh God, Max. Please!” she begged.

Max increased his speed, sucking harder. Her body began to tremble uncontrollably. Her arms, braced on the counter behind her, kept trying to give out. She struggled to stay upright. Max stopped long enough to push her onto her back and toss both of her legs over his shoulders. With her body suspended so she wouldn’t fall, Max went back to his ministrations, his eyes never leaving her face. It only took seconds for the wave of pleasure to overcome her. She came, screaming almost violently. He continued to lap up her juices as the most mind-blowing orgasm of her life came to an end.

Straightening to his full height, Max pulled her into his arms, kissing her hard. She could taste herself on his lips. Instead of turning her off, as it had the only time Brody had taken the time to do it, with Max, it only renewed her arousal. Then again, Brody hadn’t given her an orgasm, amazing or otherwise. She wanted to make Max feel as good as he’d made her. She just didn’t know how. No, she knew what she wanted to do. Except the one and only time she’d tried, it was a disaster. Still, she wanted to try. She craved the taste of him.






BOOK: Best Man For The Job (The Men of Fear Incorporated Book 1)
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