Best Laid Plans (62 page)

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Authors: Allison Brennan

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Mystery & Detective, #Police Procedural, #Women Sleuths, #Romance

BOOK: Best Laid Plans
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Plus, she’d been in jail before, and it was no fun.

The embedded photo information identified not only the hotel’s Wi-Fi, but also narrowed the location to the south wing. It wasn’t until she parked in the guest lot that she realized she didn’t have a plan that didn’t involve bribery. Not everyone could be bribed. But she was here, she wasn’t going to stop now.

She walked in and assessed the lobby. It wasn’t a five-star hotel, but it wasn’t a dive, either.

It was ten in the morning and the building was relatively quiet. She had three options—concierge, reception, or find the manager. There were two people at the reception counter, so Max picked the concierge, an older man in a well-cut suit. His nameplate read

She approached with a confident smile and handed him her business card. “Maxine Revere. I’m following up on information about three guests who stayed here last October thirtieth. I’m hoping you can help me.”

“We don’t give out guest information, hotel policy.”

“I completely understand, Mr. Anderson. I don’t need personal information. I have the names of the guests, I would simply like to confirm that they were in fact guests on that night. Even a verbal confirmation would be sufficient.”

She discreetly slid over a fifty-dollar bill.

He barely glanced at it, but his expression darkened. Dammit, she’d blown it. She rarely read people wrong; she thought for sure he would cave.

“I cannot help you, Ms. Revere, and if you persist, I will call security.”

. She forced herself to smile and walked away, taking her fifty with her.

She could feel Mr. Anderson’s eyes boring into her back, so she turned into the lounge. Fortunately, it was open. She wasn’t much of a morning drinker, but right now she was out of options. She needed a backup plan, and that meant sitting down to think. It didn’t help that she hadn’t slept well last night, odd dreams of searching for Karen intermingled with finding Scott’s body. Only, she found Karen—bloodied and staring at her as if everything were her fault.

Why didn’t you do something?

Why indeed. Max couldn’t save Karen from her bad choices. She hadn’t even been able to prove who had killed her. But she wasn’t going to give up finding out why Keller, Ibarra, and Cowan left Scott to die.

During her restless sleep, Max had come up with a theory. Arthur Cowan was the joker, and from what she’d seen on his social media pages, he could be cruel. What if he was still infatuated with Jess, but Jess wanted nothing to do with him? And then he thought Jess and Scott were together? Would he play a “prank” on Scott, leave him on the mountain? And if so, why hadn’t Tom Keller or Carlos Ibarra stopped Art from doing it? Why hadn’t they told someone sooner? Was Carlos so loyal to Art, and Tom so desperate to make friends, that they would do anything he wanted?

All the evidence—circumstantial though it was—told Max they’d left Scott Sheldon at that campsite, by himself, all night. And Scott must have thought they wouldn’t come back, so he tried to get out on his own.

Why, dammit? There has to be a reason!

The bartender, a fit, attractive, forty-year-old black guy wearing slacks and a button-down white shirt, approached her with the clichéd line: “What’s your poison?”

“Be honest. How are your Bloody Marys?”

He smiled, revealing perfect teeth. Max had always appreciated a nice smile. “The best in Colorado. I prepare my own mix fresh every morning.”

“I want the good vodka, but make it weak.”

He dipped his head and mixed her drink. She watched his fluid, sure movements. He set it in front of her and she read his name tag:
. “Why do you look so glum, pretty lady?”

She wasn’t in the mood to flirt, so instead said bluntly, “I couldn’t bribe your concierge.”

Johann laughed, and his next words to her held a hint of an accent she couldn’t immediately place. “Sugar, you should have asked me.”

She slid over the fifty she was going to give to Mr. Anderson. “Keep it. You can’t help me.”

“Try me.”

She sipped the Bloody Mary. Nodded appreciatively. “You’re right. Best in Colorado. Better than my cousin’s five-star Vail resort.”

“I know.”

“You know the resort?”

He winked. “I just know I’m the best.”

She laughed and felt the tension washing away. “Six months ago, three college students stayed here. I know it, I have a photo they took elsewhere but uploaded through your hotel Wi-Fi. But I need to confirm it.”

“Aw, yes, our guest privacy. Wouldn’t you expect a hotel to respect your privacy?”

“It depends.”


“I’m a reporter. Sometimes I want people to find me.”

“Did they drink?”

“Probably. But they were nineteen and twenty.”

“Did you have a fake ID when you were nineteen or twenty?”

“No,” she answered truthfully. Then she smiled. “But my college roommate did.”

He slid over a napkin and pen. He didn’t have to tell her to write down the names. She put them down—including Scott Sheldon. He didn’t look, but took the napkin and walked to the end of the bar, into a small office she hadn’t noticed until he stepped in and the light flickered on.

She wasn’t going to hold out hope, and instead enjoyed her drink. Already, a plan began to form. She knew Tom Keller was the weak link, but she’d also learned from Ian Stanhope, Scott’s roommate, that he and Tom shared a class together. If she could catch up with Ian, she could convince him to reach out to Tom. She’d play on the roommate’s guilt if she had to. She’d present the evidence to Tom—the photo would have to be enough. Max could spin the story, watch his reaction, play off it, until Tom broke down.

Johann returned and Max said, “Thank you for the delicious drink. It helped—I have a plan.”

He smiled. “I can tell you—though I can’t give you a copy—that the third name on your list signed for a room service charge that included a bucket of Corona. Our buckets come in four or eight; he signed for the eight bucket.”

Her heart thudded. She had them.

“How long do you keep the records?”

“One year.”

She drained her Bloody Mary and left the fifty on the bar. “Thank you, Johann. That’s just what I needed.”

*   *   *


Max drove toward the police station to give Detective Horn all the information she had and ask what she was going to do about it. If Max were the cop, she’d haul all three of those boys into the police station and question them until they admitted they killed Scott Sheldon. At this point, Max didn’t think it was an accident. Maybe they hadn’t
for Scott to die, but their callous actions resulted in his death. Manslaughter at a minimum, and maybe even second-degree murder.

? That would put this crime on a whole other field.

Her phone rang; it was Chuck Pence.

“You have news?” she asked.

“Officially, cause of death was hypothermia. Scott’s organs shut down. The coroner is sending tissue and blood samples for further analysis, particularly drug screenings, but right now the preliminary cause of death is accidental.”

“It wasn’t an accident!” Max pounded her fist on the wheel of her SUV.

Chuck remained silent. Max needed to control her temper. This case had gotten under her skin, and it wasn’t Chuck’s fault. “Chuck,” she said, “I have proof that Arthur, Carlos, and Tom left Scott at the campsite then drove to a hotel where they stayed the night.”


“That photo I mentioned to you last night—my guy in New York pulled out the GPS of where and when it was uploaded. At a hotel, Saturday morning. The photo was tagged with the hotel’s Wi-Fi and GPS location. It’s a fingerprint. I spoke to the bartender and he pulled records from the night of October thirtieth—Carlos Ibarra ordered a bucket of eight Coronas. The night they were supposed to be at the campground.”

“The hotel just gave you that information?”

“I asked nicely.”

“You should tell Detective Horn. I’m not a cop, Max.”

“But you agree with me.”

“You can’t know that it wasn’t an accident.”

“If they left Scott Sheldon alone on that mountain with no means of getting home, except on foot, they are responsible for his death.”

“He should have been able to survive the night,” Chuck said. “We found his backpack and tent near the body. He never set it up; had he, he may have survived.”

“You don’t know that! And hypothermia causes delusions and poor judgment. And just yesterday you said if he’d fallen in the creek and gotten wet that hypothermia could happen faster. He may not have had the mental capacity to pitch the tent or consider that he
suffering. And if they were drinking, that speeds everything up, right?”

“There’s no indication that anyone forced him to drink.”

“Scott Sheldon is not to blame for his death,” Max said. “That’s like saying a woman wearing a short skirt is to blame for her rape.”

“That’s unfair,” Chuck snapped.

Maybe it was, but it was also true. “If those boys had not left the mountain, Scott would be alive. They played a cruel joke on him, and he ended up dead.”

“Good luck in convincing Amelia. You’re going to need a lot more than a photograph.” He hung up.

Max took a deep breath, but it didn’t make her feel any calmer. She hadn’t wanted to antagonize Chuck—she liked the guy—but didn’t he see what she saw?

Horn hadn’t impressed her as someone who saw the possibilities of the situation. Max needed something more, something that would convince the police that there was a criminal case to pursue, that three selfish college students had led another student to his death.

She drove past Colorado Springs and continued south, to Cheyenne College.

It was nearly noon when she walked into the bookstore. Jess wasn’t there. She approached the long-haired guy behind the counter. “I’m looking for Jess,” Max said.

“She doesn’t work today.”

“I called earlier. Maxine Revere. Did she get my message?”

“Like I said, she doesn’t work today, and I’m not her personal message service.”

“Do you know where I might find her?”

He sighed dramatically. “I’m not supposed to give out information about students.”

Max didn’t want to line this jerk’s pockets, but she’d paid bigger assholes for information. She slid over a twenty.

“Music theory, Stevenson Hall.”

She didn’t bother to say thank you, and strode over the Stevenson Hall.

By the time she arrived, students were streaming from the building, some carrying instruments, others with the typical backpack or messenger bag. Her height was an advantage, and she stood on a small, decorative bridge that gave her a better vantage point. The gray sky suited her mood.

Max had to convince Jess that her theory was solid. The girl already suspected something went wrong that weekend, even if she didn’t say anything at the time. Maybe Jess didn’t realize she knew something important, or maybe she did but she was too scared to talk.

As the crowd thinned to a trickle, Max grew increasingly discouraged, fearing she’d missed Jess. Then she saw the petite sophomore walking with her head down, her messenger bag slung over her shoulder.


The girl barely looked at her. “Go away.”

“I can prove they killed Scott.”

Jess stopped, and looked at Max. Tears filled her dark eyes. “Wh-what?”

“They left him on the mountain. I don’t know if it was supposed to be a joke, or if they intended to kill him, but it was malicious and they need to be held accountable.”

“How do you know?”

“I have a photo uploaded to Facebook Saturday morning from a hotel, not from the campground. And Carlos Ibarra signed for a bucket of beer Friday night. I think you know why they didn’t like Scott, why they would pull such a cruel joke that ended up getting him killed. Tell me, Jess. Scott deserves for the truth to be told.”

Jess stood there shivering, but made no move to go inside. “I—I didn’t know.”

“I was with search and rescue when they found Scott’s body yesterday.”

Her eyes widened. “You found him?”

“Huddled in a sleeping bag under a tree. He died there, cold and alone, while Art, Carlos, and Tom were partying it up in a hotel.”

Her lip quivered.

“Why did you stop talking to Art after Scott disappeared?” When Jess didn’t say anything, Max pushed. “You dated him last year.”

“Not for long. He’s an asshole.” Jess took a deep breath; then everything poured out. “His pranks are mean. He told me he found a kitten behind his dorm, then held up this paper bag and threw it in the pond at the quad. I jumped in and it wasn’t a kitten in the bag, it was a rock, and he stood there and laughed at me. Tried to convince me that it was just a joke, that he would never hurt an animal, but I didn’t believe him. I broke up with him and he spread nasty rumors about me. He doesn’t have many friends, except Carlos. I don’t know why people believed him, but you know how people are.”

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