Best Laid Plans (36 page)

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Authors: Elaine Raco Chase

BOOK: Best Laid Plans
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Keep checking
– the award winning duo of Destiny Landon and Lee
James along with original music and sound effects will be bringing Dare the
Devil into your ears shortly.


Champagne and spicy shrimp. A
bubbling Jacuzzi and two lovers. Is there even a moon outside? Does it matter!
Meet Stephanie Brandt and Quintin Ward who meet when his son falls in puppy
love and Quintin just falls!


Calculated Risk by Elaine
Raco Chase


“I was right.”  Stevie
smeared creamy foam over his chest.  “You look even more masculine covered
in bubbles.”

“And you –“  he dotted
each rosy nipple with lather  “—look even more delicious.”  They
moved to sit on the tub’s lowest step, wallowing in the luxury of the swirling
water.  “This was a wonderful idea,”  Quintin sighed, his right leg
looping over hers as they sat shoulder to shoulder.

“I’m glad you approve.” 
Stevie reached for a shrimp, dipping the tender pink meat into a container of
lemoned cocktail sauce.  “I did promise you lunch.”

His even white teeth bit into
the chilled delicacy, his eyes widening at the potency of the horseradish-laden
topping.  “Wow!”  Quintin’s eyelids tried to disperse the tears.

Stevie quickly handed him a
glass of champagne.  “Too much?”

He cooled his tongue. 
“Perfect,” came his laughing pronouncement.

She sighed and pulled the tray
closer.  “How was Rob last night?”

“Fine.”  He nodded,
feeding her a prawn.  “He had a good weekend with Jack and some new kid
named Tommie who has a three-D camera that is ‘like totally total,’” he

Stevie took a sip of
champagne.  “I have a late meeting with a record company, so I won’t be
seeing him today.  I think that will help.”

“Don’t worry,” his fingers
sifted among the thick copper-gold waves that were brushed back from a barely
discernible widow’s peak.  “Everything will get straightened out, and then
you’ll be in our home and we’ll be husband and wife.”

She smiled at him.  “I’d
love nothing better, but not at the expense of losing your son.”

“What about if we –“

Her champagne glass formed a
seal against lips.  “Oh, no!  No more of your brilliant plans.” 
Stevie’s tone was emphatic.  “I only end up more deeply involved than when
we started.  And I cannot take any more health food or video games or,
heaven help me, high-school basketball.”  Her eyes grew gentle. 
“Quintin, let’s just give it a rest.  I’ll make sure I’m not around when
Rob comes to work.  Maybe out of site will be out of his mind.”

He confiscated her glass and
set it next to his on the floor.  “All right,” he conceded to her request,
“we’ll try it your way and see what happens.”  His arms slid around her
waist, his flesh prickling in excitement as he came into close contact with her
silken wet skin.  “As for out of sight and out of mind –" his voice
was deep and urgent  “—even when you’re out of my sight, you are always on
my mind and in my heart.”

“It’s the same for me,” she
breathed, letting her pelvis burrow a feminine message against him.  Her
teeth sank a gentle love bite into the sensitive skin of his neck; her tongue
made a tantalizing foray into his ear.

Quintin could feel the heat
rising through his body.  His hands slithered over the rounded contours of
her hips, fingers drawing intricate patterns on her satiny stomach.  “I
love you.”  His mouth played with her lips, kissing and nibbling their

With a little sigh, Stevie
locked her arms around his waist, her hands pressing into his well-muscled
buttocks.  Suddenly, she felt highly erotic.  “You know…” she
whispered into his ear “—as nasty as you were in the restaurant, as you walked
away, I thought there’s a man whose ass could sell millions of jeans.”

“Really.”  His hand slid
between her legs, his palm cupping her feminine mound as his thick hard finger
slid deep inside.  “Well…I hate to tell you how many times I’ve had to
bite the inside of my cheek to get rid of the hard-on watching your ass gives
me…and those little lacey panties of yours…I hope you have three hundred and
sixty-five of them.”  He could feel her muscles contracting as he moved
his finger in and out, making her ready. 


The full moon was barely
visible when Mother Nature hit with the snow storm of the century. Bram Tyler
and Roxanne Murdoch were trapped together for three days. Nothing sexy to eat
in the vending machines. But 'shared bodily warmth' proved quite filling!


Special Delivery by
Elaine Raco Chase


“Save me? You scared me to

“The feeling was mutual, sir. I
thought you had snored yourself into the world beyond.”

He winced and shifted slightly
but did not free her. “Sorry about that. Comes from sleeping on my back. Didn’t
mean to wake you.”

“It’s not your fault. It’s your
nose. Too small for proper breathing and –"

“I didn’t realize you had a
nose fetish!” Bram lowered his head, letting his nose rub against hers. “You’ve
insulted it for the last time, fair Roxanne.” His voice deepened. “I’ll be glad
to show you the size of my nose is totally disproportional to the length of my

“I believe you,” came her hasty
acknowledgment. “Now, why don’t you and your nose roll over and start snoring

Bram shook his head. “I don’t
think so. I like this position so much better.” His hand made a slow journey
from her shoulder to her breast. “In fact, this seems to be the perfect time to
check out your erogenous zones.” Capable fingers stroked the slumbering soft
nipple into alert hardness. “Looks like that astrological guide is right on

Roxanne tried to dismiss the
serenely spreading warmth that threatened her equilibrium. “You’ve an unfair
advantage. I don’t know your erogenous zones.”

His lips nuzzled along the
curve of her jaw. “Surprisingly enough, where you’re concerned it’s my eyes and
my brain,” Bram admitted before pressing a flurry of kisses in the scented
hollow of her throat. “You’ve been visually and mentally caressing me since we
first met and I’ve been thriving on it.” He unfastened her shirt button. “I
couldn’t have ordered a more perfect woman.”

The husky voice that delivered
those words and Bram’s slow, deliberate touch stealthily mesmerized Roxanne.
His mouth charted a sensuous course over the velvety swell of her breasts, his
lips eagerly pressing urgent kisses against her tingling flesh. A low,
pleasurable moan escaped her throat the instant his tongue began to draw
tantalizing circles around the hardened peak.

“Bram, please…” The palms that
pressed into his biceps had meant to push him away and restore her freedom.
Instead, Roxanne found her hands ached to explore his firm, athletic body, her
fingers intrigued by the sinewy muscles in his shoulders and back.

“Mmmm…I was wrong,” he
breathed, nuzzling his face between the soft pillows of her full breasts,
“having you touch me is so much more gratifying than just looking at you.” His
mouth hungered for hers, swooping to capture and savor her lips. His purposeful
tongue gained easy access into the honeyed sweetness beyond and discovered an
ardent mate.

Roxanne couldn’t seem to get
close enough to him. Her fingers splayed through his thick hair, demanding that
his mouth not break contact with hers. His excitement fed her own, releasing a
wild, abandoned side that she had never known. Where their bodies touched, at
the shoulders, hips, and thighs, heat raged. Blood percolated in her veins,
making her feel like she’d been infused with fire.

Bram finally relinquished her
mouth, his lips roaming along the curve of her cheekbone to her ear. “Our
bodies fit together like pieces of a puzzle.” His hand strayed unhindered down
her stomach until his fingers encountered the elastic band of her briefs. “We
could become wonderful interlocking pieces. I like that idea.” His teeth nipped
the sensitive area below her earlobe. “In fact, I’d like to just interlock with
you for the rest of my life.”

Reason scared off Roxanne’s
passion. “What…what did you say?”

“What I’m trying to say” – Bram
moved to cradle her head between his hands – “is that I’ve fallen in love with

“You…you’re crazy.”

“No, I’m quite positive. I love
you.” He enunciated each word with care. “I like the sound of that.”

She found herself groping for a
sane anchor. “Listen, Abraham Tyler, you just don’t fall in love with someone
in thirty-six hours.”

He considered that for a
moment. “You don’t believe in love at first sight?”


“How long should it take to
fall in love?”

“Well, for heaven’s sake, what
a question!” Roxanne pushed him off her and sat up, quickly pulling the front
of her shirt together.

Bram rested his chin on her
shoulder.  “Do you have an answer?”


“But you know you’re not in
love with me?”

Her teeth sank into her lower
lip. “Look, if you’re perfectly honest with yourself, you’ll admit you’re not
in love with me either.” She shrugged her shoulder free and turned toward him.
“You are a victim of circumstance. You’re trapped here when you really want to
be lounging on a sandy white beach surrounded by the blue Caribbean. It’s…it’s
subliminal seduction. You’ve mentally exchanged one romantic encounter with
another that’s convenient.”

He scratched his chin. “So you
think that I think you’re just a convenience.”

“Right…right,” Roxanne nodded
eagerly. “If you can’t love the one you want, love the one you’re with.”

“That’s one of the best
ardor-dampeners I’ve ever heard. Aunt Mathilda again.”

Roxanne almost sputtered
something quite profane but restrained herself. “Actually I thought it was
psychologically profound.”


Available from
and at
– the awarding winning duo of Destiny Landon
and Lee James, plus original music and sound effects turn Special Delivery into
a feast for your ears! It's explicit! So stock up on ear buds!

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