Best Friends...Forever? (2 page)

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Authors: Krysten Lindsay Hager

BOOK: Best Friends...Forever?
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Chapter Two


I didn't want to look too desperate and overeager by e-mailing Vladi too soon, but it was all I could think about. During lunch, I even wrote down what I might say to him on paper napkins at all the restaurants we went to. I wanted to come across cool and funny, but I wasn't sure how to do that. Besides, English wasn't his first language, since he came to the US from Russia as a little kid, so he might not understand my jokes anyway. I wished he would e-mail me first, but the chances of that happening weren't great.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

From Landry


Hi Vladi,

How are you? How
s your vacation going? Did you get to open any presents


No, that stunk. I asked too many questions, and I sounded like a kid.


To: [email protected]

[email protected]

: From Landry



s up? How ya doin


That was just wrong. Okay, how could someone come across sophisticated and amazing — in other words, not be
. I decided to e-mail Ashanti, since she knew about stuff like that because she had a boyfriend. I just hoped she checked her e-mail at her grandparents' house.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]



Hi Ashanti,

s your vacation going? Did you get to open any of your presents early? I
m having a great time here. My dad and I went out
and the city looks so amazing lit up at night. I
m trying to come up with something to write to Vladi
(Mr. Hotness). Any suggestions?

Have a great Christmas,



Ashanti wrote me back that night.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

t panic



m glad you
re having a good time. How are your parents getting along?
m having fun here, but
my little cousin is driving me nuts. She got in my makeup today

So you
re going to write Vladi, huh? I think you should just write him what you wrote to me…well
minus the part about him being hot. Did you get
open any of your presents yet? I haven
t gotten to open a thing.

Have a terrific Christmas,



I started my e-mail to Vladi again.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

from Landry


Hi Vladi,

s your vacation going? Did you get to open any of your presents early? I
m having a great time here. My dad and I went out
and the city looks so amazing lit up at night. What have you been doing?

Have a great Christmas,



I hit Send and then panicked. What if he thought I was a total dork? Maybe Carey was at his house reading it, and they were laughing at me?

"Vladi, this kid is such a loser," Carey would say. "Why did you ever e-mail her in the first place?"

"I was bored, and it seemed like fun to make a fool out of her. Now let's go make out, Carey," he'd say.

I checked and rechecked my e-mail a thousand times that evening, but he never wrote back. And I knew he wasn't going anywhere for Christmas, so why wasn't he checking his e-mail? Maybe because it was too difficult for him to read while he was kissing Carey Sumners. Ugh! I had to wipe that image out of my mind. I mean, what did she have that I didn't? That is, besides thick, wavy, dark hair and an amazing figure. And all anyone ever said about me was that I was tall. It had hurt my feelings when I overheard girls at school say the only reason I had gotten as far as I did in the
American Ingénue
competition was due to my height. Sure, models had to be tall, but would it have killed someone to say, "Hey Landry, you looked really nice and confident up on that runway?"

I got ready for bed and then stopped to check my social media page one more time and that's when I saw it — another picture of Peyton, India, and Devon hanging out. They were sitting on the couch with their heads scrunched close together and laughing. It was a cute picture, but then I saw the caption:
So glad we could all be together for the holidays. Love these guys soooo much! Best friends forever. #Alltogether #Threemusketeers #BestFriendsForever
#ThreeBestFriends #ThreesCompany

My heart sank. It was India's caption and anyone who read it would think what a close-knit group of friends and not realize anyone was missing from that photo. Sure, I was in another state, so naturally I couldn't be there for it, but the way India wrote that made me feel so left out. I mean, what did she mean by the "Three's Company" hashtag? And sometimes people tagged friends who weren't there in pictures and added, "Wish you were here," but there was no mention of a fourth member of the group.

"Ready for bed, hon?" Mom asked coming into my room.

"Yeah, just signing off."

"Okay, sleep well."

I got into bed and hoped I was reading into things, but the knot in my stomach wouldn't go away.

Chapter Three


The next day, we went to visit my Grandma Albright. I'd never felt comfortable at her house. It always seemed like a museum or something with its vases and wood-paneled walls. I grew up hearing, "Don't touch that — it's expensive, delicate, too nice for you," etc. It's not a lot of fun being someplace where I felt like everything I did was wrong. Mom made me wear a boring outfit with a bright green corduroy skirt and a pink turtleneck with a matching green-and-pink sweater over it. It was totally preppy and made me look about six years old. I tried putting on some makeup, but Mom said Grandma would throw a fit if I wore a lot. There was no way I was going to be in Christmas pics barefaced and washed-out (again), so I put on a little concealer over my breakouts, a dab of blush, some mascara, and a little pink lipstick which I blotted just to give me a little color. It looked like I wasn't wearing makeup at all. Even Mom said Grandma couldn't object to what I had on.

We walked into Grandma's house, and she had some candy dishes out. I didn't smell anything cooking, which was weird since it was lunchtime. Were we supposed to eat or something before we came over?

"Mom, what time is lunch?" Dad asked, kissing Grandma on the cheek.

"Oh, well everyone's always on diets, so I thought I'd just put out sandwich items, and you can make a little something yourselves," Grandma said, leading us into the kitchen. I exchanged a look with Mom. On the gray marble countertop was a tiny plate of sliced ham and turkey, some cheese slices, four lettuce leaves, and three slices of tomato.

"Help yourselves," she said.

"To what?" Mom whispered to me. "You better hope the rest of the family got here early and ate, or else we're all going to be fighting to the death over a tomato slice."

I laughed out loud, and Grandma called out to me, "Is everything all right, Landry?"

"Yeah, I just am so happy to…see ham. It's my favorite."

Dad walked over to the counter, and Mom asked him if everyone else had already eaten.

"Yeah, they ate at noon," he said.

"Without us?" she asked.

"Oh, well, she said come around noon, but I thought, you know, whenever…"

noon or
noon?" Mom asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, it matters! We're late," she said. "And she's probably going to blame me for it. Why didn't you just say we needed to be here at noon? I thought it was a casual drop-in thing since you didn't specify a time."

Mom sighed, but Dad shrugged and started making a sandwich.

She leaned over to me. "He loves tomatoes, so take two slices, and I'll take the other one."

I shook my head, but it was nice to be on the same side as my mother for a change, so I took the tomato slices and she smirked.

Grandma wanted us to come into the living room with my aunt, uncle, and cousins, Bryan and Lucy. I felt stupid eating in front of them while they basically watched, and I could tell my mom did, too. I never noticed how loud I chewed. Did I always sound this obnoxious when I ate? No one said anything, so all I heard was the three of us chewing and Grandma clearing her throat. Finally, Grandma asked my mom a question about work. Mom's mouth was full, and she awkwardly chewed fast and tried to swallow to answer.

"Fine, going well. Got two new accounts I'm head of, so moving up in the company," she said.

"Mmmm," Grandma said with her lips set in a straight line. She hated the fact that my parents weren't living under the same roof, but it wasn't anyone's fault. My mom had gotten the job in Grand Rapids, and my dad had it set up to transfer to a clinic there, but it fell through at the last minute, so he stayed behind in Chicago. He was supposed to be looking for something in Michigan, but so far nothing. I hated living apart from my dad — and to be honest, since the move, my parents fought a lot over the phone and during visits. They weren't separated or anything, but I worried about that. I mean, it had been two years of us living apart, and Mom was talking about another job transfer.

"Almost finished, dear?" Grandma asked as I took the last bite of my sandwich. I nodded, but I was still hungry. Grandma had somehow found the smallest slices of bread and lunchmeat ever. I couldn't wait to get to my other grandparents' house the next day. Grandma Dombrowski didn't know the meaning of "small portions," and she was an amazing cook.

I took my plate back to the kitchen, and Mom followed me. "Still hungry?" she asked. I nodded. She said there was a protein bar in her purse we could split. We went into the back bedroom with the coats, and she broke it in half.

"I think I have a chocolate bar in my bag," I said. "Oh, jackpot! I have two. Do you want with caramel or plain?"

"Plain. Ooh, I have mints. It truly is a magical day."

"Ladies, what's taking so long?" Grandma called from the hallway.

"I want to finish my candy bar. Please, can I say I have diarrhea or something to buy some time?" I said to Mom.

"I'm sure that word has never been spoken in this house. Do you know, when she potty trained your father she referred to it as, 'a mess,' or, 'number two,' because any other terms were too 'unseemly' for her?"

"How did
ever come up?" I asked. Was that what people talked about when they got married? Gross! I couldn't imagine saying anything like that in front of Vladi. At most, I could probably get "I need to use the bathroom" out, but nothing more. No, I'd lie and say I had to comb my hair or something before I'd
use a word like "diarrhea" in front of him.

"Your dad and I were on a date, and I said I 'had to pee,' and he stared at me like I was a heathen. Then he told me that his mother hated those kinds of words. If I didn't think it'd reflect badly on me, I'd give you a raise in your allowance if you told her you needed to wee."

"I'd do it, too."

We went back into the living room where Grandma was lecturing Lucy about playing on her phone.

"There now, the girls are
back. Let's open the gifts," she said.

Grandma always gave Lucy, Bryan, and me money for Christmas. Every year she passed out little red envelopes and, after we'd all seen the amount, swooped down and took the checks back to put in the bank. At least that was what she
she did with them. For all I knew, she might have been planning to buy a vacation home in Capri. I knew she meant well, but it wasn't too exciting to open a card and then have it taken away. When I was little, I used to at least get a toy, too, but that ended at age eleven. Apparently that was adulthood in Grandma's eyes.

As Grandma went around collecting our envelopes, she put another small one in my hand and winked. "Shh. Open it later."

I waited until everyone seemed preoccupied and then went to the bathroom to see what she had given me. Inside the tiny green envelope was a twenty-five-dollar gift card for a bookstore. Grandma rocked. She had written on the card, "For my writer/reader. Keep up the good work. – Grandma."

Leaving the bathroom, I went into her office, found a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote her a thank-you note and then went into her bedroom to put it on her bed where she'd see it. She was big on thank-you notes, so I knew I'd better address the extra gift.

Grandma hadn't liked it when Lucy was on her phone, so I knew I couldn't get away with checking my e-mail. It was just as well. Nobody had bothered to write me in forever.

"Landry, show Grandma the pictures you brought from your last photo shoot," Mom said as I walked back into the room. I saw Lucy roll her eyes as I pulled the pictures out. Wow, I had to hear about everything Miss Perfect did, and she was going to show attitude over me handing Grandma a couple pictures? Unbelievable. I half-wished I had packed more stuff so I could waste an hour of Lucy's
life going through photos of me. As she snapped her gum, I imagined myself going through the photos and boring her: "See, here I am with my head slightly tilted…and here it's tilted slightly more…and then slightly more...and then bam! Tilted the other direction. Can you believe it, Luce? Did you see that one coming?"

After Grandma went through the pictures, Lucy went on and on about how "ah-maz-ing" school was going, and I started to tune her out. I wanted to bring up her secret tattoo, but then Dad would get mad at me for squealing. However, I did notice Grandma wasn't thrilled when Lucy brought up her boyfriend. How did Lucy even have time for a boyfriend with all her schoolwork and the fifty-thousand after-school activities she was doing? I wasn't sure what a co-chair on a committee even did, but it seemed like Lucy was co-chair on twenty of them. Apparently, that stuff was good for college applications or something, but I didn't want to have to think about any of that for a long time.

It felt like everyone in my school was already starting to worry about college, which seemed crazy to me. Tori's mom was always on her about how things would look on her transcript for getting into schools. She was smart and a good soccer player. Why wasn't that enough? And if her mom was worried about
not being enough, then what chance did
have? I was just an okay student; I did better in some classes than others, like I was great at English and history, but math was just not my thing. And I didn't play any sports, but I liked to write, and I did some modeling jobs here and there. My mom said I could put that stuff down for college to show I was responsible and hardworking, but why couldn't I just be fourteen? Why were we expected to grow up so fast? It seemed like people were always yelling about kids and teens dressing too sexy and dating or growing up too fast, but everyone put so much pressure on us to be perfect. Plus, the teen singers and actors always acted like adults. I mean, some of them had serious boyfriends and they'd pose in their underwear in magazines. It was so confusing — grow up, don't act
grown up, act your age — what did that even mean? And it seemed like I was a kid when it was convenient for my parents and teachers and an almost-adult when they wanted me to be one.

I would hear, "Landry, clean your room. You need to start acting more like an adult" one minute and "You want to stay out until eleven? Are you kidding me? You're just a little kid" the next.

See? My mom needed to make up her mind — was I a kid or an adult? So annoying.

While these thoughts were rolling around in my head, my aunt, uncle, mom, and grandma went on and on about some stuff in the news while Lucy sat texting and Bryan and my dad talked about football. I hated how Bryan tried to act so adult, but I hated the fact that Lucy didn't give me a second glance even more. After all, there was no one else anywhere near her age, besides her brother, to talk to, and she couldn't make time for me? And there wasn't anyone else around to see her talking to me, but I guess I just wasn't worth her time. If I had a little cousin, I'd make time for her. Even if I thought modeling was totally stupid, I'd still ask her about it, because I knew it was important to her. But Lucy couldn't be bothered, I guess.

We left a few hours later, and as soon as I walked in the door of Dad's apartment, I went straight to the computer.

"Please, please, please," I chanted in my head as I waited for my e-mail to open. There were eight new messages, but six were stupid ads. Peyton had written back saying she had pneumonia, and Ashanti had scanned a picture of her wearing her new light-pink winter coat. I tried to picture Vladi's e-mail address in my new mail section. I didn't think it would work, but I checked the inbox once more before signing off. Yes, yes, yes! He wrote back!


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Hi Landry


Hi Landry,

How are you? Glad to know you
re having fun in Chicago. My Uncle Yuri came last night
and my mom made potato pancakes, my favorite. Do you have other relatives in Chicago or just your dad? What did you do on Christmas? I don
t get to open my presents until January (we celebrate later), but I hope I get some new video games. What did you get?

See ya,



He had written me back and wanted to know what I did for Christmas. Vladi was so thoughtful, so sweet, and I loved potato pancakes, too! We were
meant to be. I didn't e-mail him right back — that was Ashanti's rule: always wait a little bit before writing a guy back — and went to tell my mom just as Dad was coming into the room.

"So that's the guy you were hanging out with at Ignatowski's Ice Cream Palace?" she asked, and I nodded.

"What guy? Huh? How old is he?" Dad asked.

"He's a freshman. His name is Vladi, and he's adorable," I said, sliding over the top of the couch.

"He is?" Dad asked.

adorable," my mom said.

Dad rolled his eyes. "No, he's a

I sat up. Did Dad think that a freshman wouldn't be interested in me? Vladi was just a year older than me, but Dad started to point out that high school was a completely different world. I didn't think that was important, since I was totally and completely in love with Vladi, but I didn't argue.

"It's not like they're dating," Mom said.

I knew she was trying to help, but it made me feel worse, since she obviously thought Vladi wouldn't ask me out. At least Dad acted like there might have been something to be concerned about. I almost pointed out our "sorta/maybe" dates but decided not to, or else Dad might not have let me leave the house again. Mom asked if I'd written back when Dad left the room. I told her about Ashanti's waiting rule.

"I used to do that, too. Sometimes I still make your dad wait before I call him back," she said, laughing.

"What should I write?"

"Just be yourself," she said.

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