Best Erotic Romance 2014 (23 page)

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Authors: Kristina Wright

BOOK: Best Erotic Romance 2014
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My mouth went dry, and I couldn't speak. Instead, I nodded.

Jake took that as his cue—thankfully—and leaned toward me. I closed my eyes, and felt goose bumps wash over my body in anticipation of his lips touching mine. In reality, the wait was only milliseconds, but it felt like longer. Perhaps because I'd been daydreaming about it for so damn long.

Finally, his mouth pressed against mine. His kiss was chaste at first, but the longer our lips were in contact, the more I wanted. By the time I felt Jake's tongue seeking entry to my mouth, I was hungry for it. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him more tightly to me. A little thrill of pleasure ran through me as I felt his erection pressing against my stomach.

Before things could get too hot and heavy in the kitchen, however, we were interrupted by Sparky jumping up at us, no doubt wondering what he was missing out on. Jake and I parted, laughing at the dog's antics, though I silently cursed him. Things had been going so well.

“Do you, uh, want to take this upstairs?” Jake said, his face serious again now.

I nodded emphatically, then took his hand and led him up to my bedroom. I didn't trust myself to speak, so I hoped that my body language would do all the talking.

Closing the door behind us, I prayed my nerve wouldn't give out on me now. We'd gotten this far, so he obviously wanted to be with me, and hopefully as more than just a one-off.

I walked over to where Jake stood beside my bed—I'm an obsessively tidy person, so I didn't have to worry about embarrassing things being strewn about my room—and put my hands on the hem of his T-shirt. He grinned down at me, which bolstered my confidence, and I pushed the material up his torso,
revealing a very attractive body. He wasn't a bodybuilder, not by any stretch of the imagination, but he clearly looked after himself. A scattering of dark hair grew over his pecs and tapered down his stomach, before disappearing into the waistband of his jeans.

A moan escaped my lips, and I blushed as Jake laughed. “Well, it's nice to be appreciated. Care to return the favor?”

He tugged the top over his head and dropped it on the floor. Then he kicked off his shoes. I followed suit, removing my boots, but was more hesitant when it came to my blouse. Jake wasn't so reticent. He grabbed my hands and pulled me to him.

“Debbie, you're beautiful,” he said, tucking my hair behind my ears, “so let me see you.”

My face colored again, but I undid the buttons of my shirt and removed it. A low whistle came from Jake.

“Honey, tell me you have condoms, because I want you bad.”

His blatant and oh-so-sexy words finally pushed me through the barrier of shyness, and my arousal took over. Grinning at him, I began to remove the rest of my clothes, hoping he would continue. He did, and soon we were both totally naked.

With a sauciness that I didn't know I had in me, I shoved Jake so he fell backward onto my bed, then grabbed a condom from my bedside drawer—luckily it was still in date—and handed it to him. Joining him on the bed, I watched as he undid the rubber and rolled it down his erect cock. My pussy was so swollen by now that it felt heavy, and I was desperate to have Jake's thick dick inside it, fucking me.

My rational, shy mind having fled, I said the words out loud, then clapped a hand over my mouth in shock.

Raising an eyebrow, Jake said, “Why is your hand over your mouth? Do you want to fuck me, or not?”

“Of course,” I whispered, “I'm just not normally this forward.”

Jake shifted up the bed so his head was on the pillows, and held out a hand.

“I think we're beyond all that now, don't you? I want you, you want me. Now come here.”

I did as he said, making to lie beside him, but he stopped me.

“No, not there. On top of me. I said I wanted you
, remember? And that means now. We've got plenty of time to go slow, later. Or tomorrow. Or the day after.”

Well, he'd certainly answered my question about it being a one-off. Glad we were on the same page, I straddled him, kneeling so my pussy was hovering just over his cock. I looked at his face, and the expression on it sent another jolt of lust to my already overloaded cunt. He was rapt, watching me, waiting for me to sink my pussy onto his eager cock.

“Debbie,” he said, his voice almost a whisper, “please…”

I grasped his latex-covered shaft and lifted it so the tip of his prick was in the right position. Then, unable to wait any longer, I dropped down onto him. Our mutual groans filled the room, and I collapsed down onto his chest, wanting to have as much contact as possible.

I captured his bottom lip with my teeth, giving a playful nip. I was surprised to feel his cock twitch inside me.

“Oh,” I said, releasing him with a grin, “so you're into a bit of pain, are you?”

“I'm into a lot of things, Debbie, and I'm sure you are, too. But we've got plenty of time for all that. Now please, just fuck me.”

I was happy to oblige. I rolled my hips, savoring the feel of his cock stretching me, and the way my clit rubbed against his body. I increased my pace, closing my eyes as waves of pleasure
rolled over and over me, and I felt my orgasm growing close, just waiting to be triggered.

Then, just as I was really getting into a rhythm, Jake's hands gripped my hips and he rolled us over so he was on top.

“I'm really sorry, babe, but you're driving me crazy. In a good way.” His smile was bright, almost manic with his lust. “And I really have to come. Hold on tight.”

Crossing my ankles around his legs and my arms around his neck, I did as I was bidden. And boy, was I glad I did. After a couple of thrusts, Jake began to fuck me like a man possessed. I clung on to him, rendered silent by extreme pleasure. Then, as I felt my cunt tighten around him, I planted my feet on the bed, meeting him thrust for thrust until my climax hit with a delicious vengeance and I stuffed a corner of a pillow into my mouth to stifle my screams.

Jake clearly couldn't hold out as my pussy contracted around him, and he gave a series of shallow thrusts before letting out a roar and freezing in place. His cock leapt and twitched, releasing its load inside the rubber.

Jake leaned down to me, propping his weight on his forearms, and gave me a toe-curling kiss that was hot enough to get me started all over again.

“Fucking hell,” he said, pulling away, “that was so hot. I feel like I was waiting forever to do that.”

“Me too,” I replied. “I fancied you almost as soon as we met.”

“Really? I must confess, the feeling was mutual.”

“So why did it take you so long to ask me out?”

“Why didn't you ask

My response was to reach up and tickle his ribs. He rolled off me with a guffaw. Discarding the condom, he reached over to retaliate for my tickle, and as we fell about the bed in a series
of squeals and giggles, I realized it didn't matter who had asked who out.

All that mattered was now and what happened next. And as I noticed his cock begin to stiffen again, I suspected what happened next was going to be very nice indeed.


Kelly Maher

The salt-tinged breeze blew tendrils of hair across her face. Julia dragged them back behind the earpiece of her sunglasses. Sand squished between her toes with every step. The blue sea to her right called a siren song to her, but she wasn't ready for her worries to be washed away. Her navy-blue suit wouldn't survive a dunking in salt water either.

She'd hoped the extra days on St. Thomas would have cleared the mental brush, letting her see a solution to how to handle Paul. Her shoulders slumped as marimba trilled from her pocket. Her last morning walk to herself was over. Brunch awaited inside the conference center, and she needed to stop in her villa to finish dressing. She hurried back across the sand, enjoying the feel of her leg muscles working against the drag. Wood scoured soft by years of weathering met her feet when she hit the porch. She'd heard her neighbor come in late last night but had yet to catch sight of who it might be.

The cool shade of her villa and the terrazzo tile blunted the
edge of the tropical heat as the sun started its midday arc. In her bedroom, she pulled a pair of thigh-highs from a drawer. She might be here for work, but she couldn't bring herself to wear full tights in this climate. Especially as she still needed to walk to the conference center. Luckily, a brick walkway led from the back door of her villa to the central resort area, so she could manage heels. She grabbed her satchel and headed out the door.

She'd made it only a couple of hundred feet down the path when she heard a bang behind her. She looked over her shoulder and saw it was her neighbor. Dark suit, short copper hair, a good half-foot taller than her even in the heels. Her eyes widened.


She turned back around and ran for the resort, not caring that her heels echoed with every step. The conference center loomed out of the vegetation as she rounded the corner. Through the glass walls she could see her boss and their vice president standing near the door. She paused to catch her breath. She was a professional. Inner turmoil had no place in international business.

Closing her eyes, she pictured the centering image her yoga instructor had taught her. Five seconds and she had herself in hand, her decidedly non-work-colleague feelings for Paul shoved into a tiny mental box.

The door opened as she approached and arctic air spilled out, cooling her down even further.

“Julia, there you are! Did you have a nice little vacation?” Her vice president was one of those guys who had gotten to his level due to a good dose of charm. At least he was one of the few who were as willing to dole out credit as take it for themselves.

“Yes, sir. Thank you. I've got all of the figures for the Monteblanca side of the deal ready.”

“Wonderful. Go on in and grab some grub. We're still waiting on a few players.”

She nodded to her boss and did as directed. A tropical bounty was laid out on the side table. She picked at some fruit and eggs for protein. She glanced through the windows on the conference room door and saw Paul had arrived and been cornered by her boss. Taking advantage of his delay, she moved to the corner where another coworker already sat. As he was her counterpart for another section of this hydra of a deal, they compared notes as they ate.

Paul walked into the room. Even though she tried to keep her body under control so as not to draw his attention, her breath hitched. He was with her boss, so instead of making a beeline for her, he was herded to the buffet.

However, she'd underestimated him, as he quickly filled his plate and distracted her boss by snagging another coworker before heading her way. There were no other unoccupied chairs in their corner, which was why she selected it. He made room anyway.

“Hey, Dave. Do you mind if I sit next to Julia? There are some last-minute projections I want to go over with her before we start.”

“Sure, man. Hey, want to hit the driving range when we're done here?”

She bored a hole into the opposite wall with her gaze as she fought the compulsion to look at him.

“Maybe. I got in late last night and the jet lag's still killing me. I may go for a swim in the ocean. Got to take advantage of being put up in a beachside villa.”

“Definitely. Catch you later. See you, Julia.”

“Later, Dave.” She waited until Paul sat and she saw no one paying them much attention. “Did you have to sit there?”

He speared a piece of pineapple. Chewed it. “We need to talk.”

“Not here.”

“I do have some projections for you.”

She snuck a glare at him before turning her attention back to her own food. “You could have emailed it to me.”

“You were walking on the beach when I got them. I did forward the info to you, but considering when you got back, I don't think you've checked it yet.”

“You were watching me?”

“Hey, I didn't realize you were my neighbor until this morning. I happened to catch you heading out when I was drinking my morning coffee.”

“You're impossible.”

“You were the one who ran out. Two days later I heard through the grapevine you'd flown down here early. And it was only thanks to your secretary that I knew you'd gotten home safe that night. You could have at least texted me.”

“We were done.”

The weight of his gaze pressed on her until she met it. “Not with everything.”

She glanced around the room. The vice president had come in with who she assumed were the members of the other company he'd been waiting on. She turned back to Paul and lowered her brows. “Yes, everything. We're work colleagues. That is it. End of story.”

Paul opened his mouth to reply, but the meeting was called to order. He never had a chance to bring the topic up for the rest of the morning. They worked through lunch, a catered affair as lavish as the brunch. At one point in the afternoon when the bulk of her work had been presented and assessed, she excused herself to use the restroom.

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