Besieged (13 page)

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Authors: L.P. Lovell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #L.P lovell, #Besieged, #Theodore Ellis, #Romance, #Lilly Parker, #New adult

BOOK: Besieged
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"What's your name he asks?" I watch him for a moment before I take a swig of the tequila. I'm definitely tipsy now, my head spinning, the comforting numbness allowing me to block out all thoughts or perspective and so I act in the moment, taking what I want right now. What I want is to use somebody, to control them. Like I said, fucked up, but this is my life, reduced to just these few minutes or hours when I’m not the used girl that I’ve spent most of my life being. It’s a means to an end, an emotional outlet if you like. I smile seductively, at least I think it’s seductive, it may just be a drunken squint, who knows. I then push him up against the wall so hard that I hear the breath whoosh out of him. Before he can recover I press my lips to his firmly. Teasing and nipping him. A tap on my shoulder makes me turn around. Molly and Hugo are stood there, Molly smirking, Hugo looking awed. "Your friend is seriously hot babe. I swear to god she looks like she just got disturbed from a kill." Hugo laughs.

"Fuck you." I spit. He only laughs harder.

"Um, we're going somewhere quieter." Molly cocks an eyebrow.

I nod and turn back to my 'kill'. He smiles sheepishly as I run my hand up his chest and around the back of his neck. I tilt my head and bite his neck before running my tongue over his throat. He smells good, although not as good as Theo, he lacks that undertone of pure man, ugh why am I thinking about Theo? His fingers wind into my hair and my hands travel under his shirt.

Suddenly a thick arm is wrapping around my waist and I'm hauled backwards against a broad chest.

"What the fuck?!" The guy I was just kissing shouts, looking over my shoulder with a scowl.

"Get the fuck out of here!" A deep voice growls from behind me. I spin around and am met with those fierce blue eyes spitting fire. His hands are firmly planted on my waist still.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I scream at him.

He leans forward so that his lips are near my ear. "Stopping you from doing something you'll regret." He snaps.

"Fuck you!" I shove away from him and storm across the room through the sea of bodies. Somewhere along the line I've lost my tequila. Great, just great. I head to the kitchen to find some more. I find a bottle of Jaegermeister and down a shot before pouring another. My stomach shudders at the dark bitter liquid, but I ignore it. The alcohol is keeping the cluster-fuck that is my head at bay right now. Just as I go to pour a third shot, the bottle is snatched from my hand. He slams it on the counter top, nostrils flaring, eyes blazing. I open my mouth to tell him to do one, but my breath is cut off when his shoulder slams into my stomach.

"Theo, put me down!" He completely ignores me as he moves through the house, me thrown over his shoulder.

He eventually puts me down before turning around and locking a door behind him.

 I look around at what is clearly a man cave. One half of the room is occupied by leather sofas and an enormous flat screen with various game console controllers strewn across the room. The other half is taken up by a pool table and a small bar sits in the corner of the room.

"You want to play pool?" I snort.

He stares at me unflinchingly. "No. I want to talk." He says coldly. His whole body is rigid tense, his breathing slow and deep. His muscular chest strains against his black t-shirt, the short sleeves showing his tattoos. Oh god he looks good. I take a deep breath. I'm now in a room alone with Theodore Ellis and I'm drunk. Drunk Lilly and hot Theo are not a good combination. Shit. Sober up Lilly. Do not do anything stupid.

He steps towards me and runs his hand down my arm, his fingers trace delicate lines on the underside of my wrist.

My mind has to work hard to clear through the tequila and Theo induced fog of desire and think coherently. If I stay in this room the likelihood of something happening between us is high. Oh who am I kidding it's a full blown guarantee. I need to leave now.

"We have nothing to talk about." I state bluntly. "I'm leaving." I turn towards the door but he pulls me back and encircles an arm around my waist.

"What were you doing with that guy just now?" His eyes meet mine and I can see the burning rage behind them.

"What did it look like?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

He exhales. "Okay. Why?" He meets my gaze with a startling intensity.

"Why do you fuck random women?" I ask with a smirk, catching him off guard slightly.

He shrugs. "Because I can, for an orgasm, who knows."

"Hmm, looks like you have your answer."

"If you want a fuck, then why not just find me." He strokes his thumb in rhythmic circles on my wrist.

I drop my gaze from his. "I don't want you." I answer.

"We both know that's a lie, but assuming I believed you. Why not?" His tone is clipped. Why not? Let me see, because you’re a dirty slut who’s screwed half the female population of London.

"Jesus Theo. We had sex once, that doesn't make this a fucking relationship. What, you just assume that's it now and I'll come to you when I need sorting out? You’re an arrogant prick. If I wanted an orgasm I'd use my bloody vibrator!" I try to wrestle out of his grip, but he holds on. His expression remains surprisingly calm.  

He brings his face close to mine and for the first time I can smell whiskey on his breath. His eyes lock with mine, the intensity between us unnerving. "So you're not just looking for an orgasm...what are you looking for?"

"Fuck you." I spit at him. "None of your fucking business." He's hitting way to close to the mark and it's making me uncomfortable.

His voice becomes flat and cold. "Maybe you just like the attention, like to tease men.” He turns his cold glare on me.

I lean in until my lips almost touch his. “Fuck. You.” I say icily. The smile that touches his lips is just as cold. I try to snatch my wrist away but he won’t let go.

"What are you running from Lilly?" Everything, I think to myself. He’s treading a very fine line and it makes me snap. Who the hell does he think he is!?

“I’m not running. I’m walking away from a mistake.” I hold his gaze, and I don’t miss the flash of hurt behind his hard expression.

He wraps his fingers around the nape of my neck and speaks close to my ear. “Call it what you like, but you want me every bit as much as I want you. I just don’t lie about it.”

"I don't fucking want you Theo, why is that so hard for you to understand?!" I seethe. Before I know it I'm pinned against the pool table and his lips crash into mine angrily. I kiss him back in a dazed moment before shoving him away from me.

"Tell me why Lilly. The truth. Stop lying to me. Why him and not me!? I bet you didn't even know his name." He growls. He looks genuinely angry now, his face a bare inch away from mine. His hand grips the back of my neck. I’m trapped.

“Oh, because I’m sure you know the name of every girl you stick it to. Don’t you dare start judging me! Let me go.” I struggle.

“I thought you were better than that.” He says coldly, pinning me against the edge of the pool table.

“Well I’m not!” I scream at him. “I’m not much better than you!”

“Why him?!” He asks again.

I snap. I don't know what comes over me but I just snap. "Because I can use him! I can screw him and walk away without a second thought. Jesus. Just leave me the fuck alone Theo." Once again I try to push past him to leave, but he wraps his arms around me and pulls me against his chest. I struggle to no avail.

“Let me go.” I say calmly.

“You are better than this Lilly, so much better. I wish you could see what I see.” He looks at me with such sincerity. His fingers brush my cheek gently. I exhale on a shuddering breath and relax into his strong arms, his fresh masculine scent. There’s something about his presence that comforts me, that soothes my battered soul. Theodore Ellis is not a man to take comfort in, my mind knows this, my body doesn’t.

His hot breath brushes my neck as he whispers close to my ear. "I'm not using you Lilly I promise. Far from it." He takes a deep breath. The way he see’s straight through me scares me. Without me even saying it, he knows exactly what I’m thinking.

I don’t need him reading me, trying to work me out. I step out of his embrace, putting some distance between us. I need to quit Theo. I need to walk away for my own good, or he’ll just seduce me and keep dragging me back. He is not somebody I need to get involved with in any way.

"Look Theo. Let’s be honest. You can bullshit me all you like, but we both know what you are. Monday was great, we both got what we wanted. No hard feelings. I think it's best that we just leave it at that." I close my eyes unable to meet his piercing blue eyes.

"And what exactly am I Lilly?" His voice is deep, seductive in a way that simply cannot be learnt. He steps forward, caging me against the table again.

I open my eyes to see his serious expression, his eyes study my face intently. "A whore." I shrug unapologetically. "A player, womaniser, whatever you want to call it. A man who uses women."

"You shouldn't listen to rumours." He brushes his lips across my jaw making me tremble in his arms.

I laugh lightly. "So you're the pinnacle of moral behaviour?"

"No. I do as I please. I never promise anyone anything. When women come to my bed they have no expectations of me beyond an orgasm. They know it's nothing more than sex. I do not use them." He frowns, his eyes gripping me in their depths. “It’s mutually beneficial.”

I look away, focusing on a spot on the table behind him. "Well, that as maybe, but I can't be your play thing."

"Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you used me? I gave you an orgasm before you walked out and now want nothing to do with me. Pot, kettle, black I think." His lips pull up at one side, his usual cockiness gone. "I think you're scared Lilly." He whispers, his breath touches my lips making me shiver slightly. He pulls me closer, aligning his body flush to mine.

My stomach clenches as his gaze fixes me. "That tight leash of control that you keep at all times starts to loosen when I'm around you. You love it secretly, the liberation of acting purely on carnal desire, and yet you fight against it so hard." His lips brush my ear lobe. I gasp at the contact. I want to push away, but the urge to pull him closer quickly overrides it. How does he do this to me?

"I represent everything you hate, you think it's weak to give in to your desires, but I believe that only the strong take what they want in life." His hushed voice tingles over my senses. His hand winds into my hair, pulling my head back so that he has access to my throat. His tongue traces a taunting line up my throat. I close my eyes, fighting the overwhelming need to succumb to him. God, he's so good at this. "You're a strong woman Lilly, and yet you deny yourself the very thing you want right now." His voice drops to a husky whisper. "I'm right here for the taking sugar, all yours." His lips press into my neck and heat crawls over my skin. My body bursts into flames, stoked by his slow torturous words.

"Wow arrogant much." I gasp, barely able to breathe.

He laughs. "Maybe. It doesn't change the facts Lilly. You're body was made for me. You're all I can think about, all I want." His teeth graze my earlobe. "I want to kiss you, touch you, taste you." I tremble. I want to tell him that clearly I'm not all he wants as proved by Barbie attached to his neck earlier, but that would make it seem as though I care and I don’t. Not really.

I know I’m being played, but my traitorous body won’t let me move away from him, I’m drawn to him on such a primal level it’s almost painful to deny myself. He kisses down my neck until I'm panting wildly. God I need to get a grip. "Stop fighting it Lilly. Switch off your mind and let your body have its way. You want someone to use sugar, use me. I'm more than willing." I whimper desperately. The war between my body and mind reaches a frenzied crescendo.

I fist my fingers in his tousled hair, his beautiful face barely an inch from mine. My mind switches off, and my body takes over. "You're still a prick." I breathe before pressing my lips to his firmly. His lips part and I eagerly explore his mouth. He moans as his hands roam my waist and hips.

"And you are the most infuriating and ridiculously fucking sexy woman I’ve ever met." He growls against my lips. He quickly picks me up placing me on the edge of the pool table, his firm thighs pressed between my legs. My fingers make quick work of his shirt until his glorious torso is on display. His shoulders and arms are layered in muscle, his chest is broad with perfectly defined pecs, and his abs look like they were chiselled from stone. His deep set guidelines dip into his jeans, which just about finishes me off. He has a large tribal tattoo which starts at his shoulder and spreads out across his right pec and halfway down his abs on the right side. His other arm has what looks like a lion in a snarling roar that covers his entire upper arm. Then ironically there are a pair of angel wings tattooed symmetrically to sit parallel with each of his guide lines, just above the waist band of his jeans. If there's one thing that I'm a sucker for, it's tattoos. The businessman turned rebellious bad boy in full view, and shit it's so damn sexy. Just like that our serious conversation is forgotten and I am literally breathless, gasping and hyperventilating whilst my fingers claw at his hard flesh.

He smiles widely at me. "That good huh?" He laughs.

I have to laugh back. "Hey, I appreciate the finer things in life."

"Oh, so do I." He eyes the length of my body and presses closer to me. I meet his gaze boldly, not backing down from him. A small wry smile lights up his godly face. He really is stunning, his features so sculpted they look as though they should have been created by Da Vinci himself. He's so close that I can feel his breath on my neck, my whole body is so tightly wound, waiting and wanting. He smells amazing, of cologne and something else I can't place, it's so manly and intoxicating.

I kiss him, my tongue caresses his and I nip at his bottom lip. Like a primed predator, he snaps and loses control. Before I know it, I’m flat on my back on the pool table. His lips and tongue are everywhere at once. His hands thrust under my skirt before I hear the tearing of my lace thong. Moisture pools between my thighs as the material bites into the skin at my hips. His hands grip my hips, dragging me down the pool table, pulling my dress up as I go. Before I can do anything, his head dips down and his tongue lashes against my clit. The only sound from my mouth is a strangled moan. My hips buck off the table as I tremble under his assault. His grip on my hips tightens, pinning me down as my nails claw at the velvet surface underneath me. He releases one of my hips before suddenly thrusting two fingers inside me without warning. I come hard against his relentless tongue, screaming and thrashing underneath him. My entire body feels numb as I lay there for a moment, panting. He flashes me a shit eating grin before offering me his hand and pulling me off the table. The whole thing could only have taken a couple of minutes. Like I said, he’s good.

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