Bennett (Bourbon & Blood #1) (8 page)

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Authors: Seraphina Donavan

Tags: #New Adult & College, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Bennett (Bourbon & Blood #1)
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The fist buried in her hair tightened, bordering on roughness. She craved that from him. Her body pressed against his and she could feel the hardness of him. This wasn

t the boy she

d once known. There were pieces of him still, but this man was rough, dangerous and there was an edge to him that made her yearn for something she couldn

t quite name.

Enjoy the burn,

he whispered.

There was no chance to answer. His lips descended on hers. The kiss they

d shared in his kitchen had been gentle, tender. This wasn

t. It burned just as he

d promised. His mouth moved overs roughly, commandingly. He didn

t simply kiss her, he consumed her, and she reveled in it.

Hindered by her cast, Mia wanted nothing more than to strip his clothes away, to feel the wicked burn of his skin hot against hers. Instead, she explored with her uninjured hand, delving beneath his jacket and the cotton of his t-shirt until she encountered firm muscle and warm skin. Without conscious thought, her hand clenched, her nails digging into his flesh, marking him.

Bennett broke the kiss, his breathing ragged.

You drive me crazy.


ve missed this,

she said.

Just this? Or me?

No, not just this,

she admitted reluctantly.

Everything. Hot, drugging kisses. The way it feels when you wrap your arms around me. All the little things you always did to make me feel special

I haven

t felt special in a very long time.

His arms tightened about her, squeezing gently, infusing his heat and strength into her.

You should. Every day you should.

Make love to me, Bennett.

He sighed, his breath ruffling her hair and warming her skin.

I want that so badly,

he admitted.

But not here. At least, not now. It

s too cold. The ground is too hard.

I don

t care about any of that,

she replied.

As long as I

m with you. We

ve waited long enough don

t you think?

He laughed, but it was a pained sound.

A few more hours won

t kills us. I

ll come to your house tonight

sneak into your room the way I used to.

She shivered at that promise.


s been a long time. Think you can still climb a tree?

I know what

s waiting for me at the top,

he answered softly.


re a hell of an incentive.

When he stepped back from her, the sense of loss was immediate. She missed the heat of him, the pressure of his body against hers.

I guess this means we head back to town.

He took her hand,


ll come here again when it

s not freezing cold. But for now, you should go home and rest

because I promise you won

t sleep tonight. But first, we talk about what happened earlier.

The SUV.

Mia, this isn

t some random event. This person knows you, knows your history

our history. Why else would they have been watching me, too?

I don

t know,

she said.

I can

t fathom any of this.

Is there anyone that would have reason to hurt you? Have you fought with someone? Is there a jealous ex out there

well, besides me?

No. There

s no exes besides you, at all. I told you, Bennett

I haven

t had time for that. But


She stopped, clearly hesitant to finish the thought.

But what?

Mia let out a heavy sigh.

Erica. She

s the only person that I

ve argued with lately.

Who the hell is Erica and what did you fight about?

Mia moved toward the door of the spring house and looked outside. It had begun to rain. Fog was coming in off the river and was hovering low to the ground, creating an eerie and haunting landscape.


s my father

s latest mistress, and my co-worker. There was this idiotic proposal she had at work to take some of our older reserve barrels which are worth ten times what the newer stuff is and mix them so that we could have more product to sell and to satisfy the waiting list.

He frowned at that.


s a waiting list for Fire Creek now? Y’all have never overproduced, but you

ve never run out of stock either.

With the bourbon theft last year,

she said,

prices for most craft and small batch Bourbon went up, ours included, , and we sold more. But we didn

t have the stock because of

Bennett, if I tell you this, you can

t say a word to anybody. Promise me?

He glared at her.

When have I ever not kept your secrets?


re right. I

m sorry

I didn

t inherit my share of Fire Creek. I bought it. So did Clayton and Quentin.

He frowned at her, clearly puzzled by the admission.

Why would you have to do that when it would eventually be yours anyway?

Because my dad was driving it into the ground. If we hadn

t stepped in, we would have lost everything,

she said and then paused to take a breath. She

d never admitted that to anyone outside of her immediate family.

We had to sink every penny we had into the company to keep it afloat thanks to his mismanagement. Over spending, borrowing to the hilt for decades

but none of us knew how bad it was until we nearly lost Fire Creek altogether. As it was, most of our back stock, except for these few barrels, had to be sold via private auction in order to avoid foreclosure because of a tax lien.

How the hell did you keep that quiet?

he demanded.

People in this town know everything!

Clayton worked with an auction house in Japan. Bourbon is very big there, you know? They managed the sales for us and Clayton oversaw the transport and distribution of the barrels.

And in that month, because he

d played everything way too close to the vest, Annalee had filed for divorce. It was another sin to lay at Samuel

s doorstep, she thought bitterly.

Where does Erica fit into this?

We argued about her proposal. The day of the accident, just before I left the office, we had it out,

Mia admitted reluctantly.

I wasn

t especially nice.

You could have been the biggest bitch to ever walk the earth and it wouldn

t give her an excuse to try to kill you! Do you honestly think what you argued about is enough of a motive?

he asked.

No, but I think she feels threatened. She knows I don

t want her at Fire Creek and she knows that if given half the chance, I

d march her off the property myself and see her banned for life,

Mia offered.

So, the argument, no

long standing animosity and my general objection to her having anything to do with my family

s company when it

s her meal ticket? Maybe.

Bennett nodded.


ll see what I can find out about her. Last name?


Of course it is. Nothing like a Hatfield or McCoy reference to bring it all into perspective,

he said.


ll see what I can find

but for now, I need to get you back to your car and you need to get home.

She didn

t want that. She wanted to stay with him, but it was impossible. Stolen moments were all they

d ever had.


ll come to the house tonight?

He smiled at her, his expression laden with wicked promise. Then he stepped forward and took her hand.


s not a power on Earth that could keep me away.

Mia smiled as he led her back outside to his truck. She had waited years. Waiting a little longer would only make it sweeter.



Evelyn, the lady who sat with her mother during the night, had already arrived and helped get her ready for bed. By the time it was done, Patricia

s bed changed, a fresh nightgown on her and everyone settled in for the night, Mia was burning with anticipation. Bennett would be there soon.

Mia showered quickly, careful to keep her cast covered. Somehow, she managed to shave her legs with only one hand. She returned to her room, wearing only her robe and her hair still piled up in a ponytail. It seemed a little too obvious to greet him wearing nothing, and lingerie, which would have been even more obvious, had never quite made it onto her shopping list. It was a pointless purchase for her as no one would ever see it.

Looking through the drawer, she finally settled on an ancient t-shirt that, if she thought back, had probably belonged to him at one point. She

d just managed to get the shirt on when she heard the soft knock at the window. Turning, she saw him there, perched on the ledge. Instantly, she was transported back in time. Their first kiss had been right there in her bedroom. She

d been terrified they

d get caught, terrified that her father would murder him for even looking twice at her, much less putting his hands on her.

Of course, it was different now. She knew what to expect, she knew just how he could make her feel, and the anticipation of that had left her breathless and eager already. Crossing the room, she unlatched the window and raised the sash.

I thought you might not let me in,

he said.

It looked like you were having second thoughts.

Just memories,

she replied.

The first time you ever kissed me was right here at this window.

He smiled at that, a sheepish expression crossing his face.

I was scared to death.

Of what?

That you wouldn

t let me

or that you would. That your dad would come in and my body would never be found,

he admitted.

Even if he had, it would have been worth it.

Well get in here before they find your body on the ground.

So you doubt my tree climbing abilities?


she replied snappily.

I doubt the strength of those limbs. You

ve added a few pounds since you were eighteen.

So now I

m fat?

She rolled her eyes.

Stop fishing for compliments and just get in here.

He grinned, and shifting his legs over the window sill, he slid into the room with the same grace he

d always possessed. Watching him playing sports in school, she

d always been struck by the easy way he moved. Everything he did seemed effortless and easy.

Second thoughts?

he asked.


she said.


m just wondering why the hell you

re taking so long when I

m standing in front of you without any underwear on.

She didn

t have to ask twice. Within seconds, he

d closed his arms around her and tugged her close. Through the thin cotton of her T-shirt, the heat of his body against hers was scorching. With the hard press of his body against hers, Mia let out a soft sigh of contentment. Then his mouth was on hers, his lips playing over hers with a wicked skill that left her breathless and yearning.

Memories came rushing back, only to be swept away beneath the onslaught of that kiss. This was no tentative boy. This was a man who knew how to kiss, who knew how to seduce. He robbed her of the ability to think. It left her breathless and weak, her knees trembling and her body buzzing from the fire he

d stirred in her.

Somehow, without her even realizing that he was doing it, he

s moved them both backwards across the room. When the backs of her knees bumped against the side of the bed, she opened her eyes in surprise. He pulled back from the kiss for just a moment and stared down at her, his expression hungry and fierce.

If you

re going to change your mind on me, Mia, do it now, while I still have the strength to let you.

She smiled up at him, lifted her hand to his cheek. He

d shaved but she could still feel the slight prickliness of his recently trimmed beard. It was so different from when they

d been younger, but she yearned to feel it against her skin.

I haven

t changed my mind. I want you

I never stopped.

He kissed her again, slower, more tenderly, but the fire was still there. Then he laid back on the bed and took her in his arms. With her head resting on his chest, Mia closed her eyes in contentment. For a split second she wondered if it would have still been that way for them if she

d run away with him a decade ago. Would they still want one another so fiercely, or would that fire have burned out?


re thinking again,

Bennett murmured accusingly.

She laughed softly.

A little

I just wondered, if I had met you that night, if I

d gone away with you when we were so young and, honestly, so stupid

do you think it would have worked? Or would we have just wound up making each other miserable and hating one another the way so many couples do?

I think we would have fought. I think we would have made up. I don

t think that I could ever hate you

But you wouldn

t be living in a house like this. You wouldn

t have the things you do now,

he said.

Or did, before you sank every penny into the family business.


s useless to wonder about a past that can

t ever be reclaimed,

Mia admitted softly.


d rather focus on the future right now

the immediate future.

Taking initiative in a way that surprised them both, Mia moved over him, her thighs parting to sit astride his lean hips. She could feel his hardness pressing against her through his jeans and it spiked her own need.

That was a bold move,

he said with a wicked grin.

She looked down at him and then reached for the hem of her shirt. Without any hesitation, she lifted it and slowly stripped it over her head. Naked, completely bared to him, she said,


ve been celibate for a decade, Bennett. I

m out of patience.

His gaze roamed over her, potent, weighted like a touch. She felt it on her skin. Then his hands followed, slowly, reverently. He traced every curve, his callused finger tips creating a delicious friction on her skin.

My God! Do you not know the meaning of hurry?

she asked.

No.” He shook his head.

No. “I

m not rushing anything. I want to savor every minute.

Mia groaned in frustration, but as his hands moved to her breasts, his fingers teasing her already hardened nipples into taut peaks, it morphed into a cry of pleasure. Then he reared up and took one taut bud into his mouth, his lips closing gently over it.


t make me wait,

she pleaded.

Their eyes met.

You could tempt a saint,

he said.

And I

ve never been accused of being that.

Mia arched against him, eager for more.

Please, Bennett!

He retrieved a condom from his pocket and then reached between them to unzip his jeans. Mia shifted, rising onto her knees as he rolled the condom on. When he was done, she closed her hand around him, guided him to her entrance and then sank down slowly, taking him in.

The breath shuddered from her body as the sensation overwhelmed her. His hands settled on her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh, holding onto her as he surged upward. Mia

s head fell back, her back arched as his name fell from her lips on a broken sob.

It was a slow, easy rhythm to start, but like everything else between them, it soon raged out of control. Their movements became faster, more urgent. The tension built inside her, every muscle growing taut. Just as she would have cried out his name, he grasped her hair and tugged her down to him, kissing her hard. He rolled her to her back and then surged into her again.

Mia felt the first fluttering contraction of her orgasm, then another. She clung to him as the waves of pleasure washed through her, and then she felt him stiffen, his body growing taut before he shuddered against her. He whispered her name, a soft and breathless sound against her ear as they held onto one another.

Utterly spent, Mia snuggled against his chest and refused to think about the future or the past. Instead, she vowed to hold onto that perfect moment as long as she could.


Mia was late getting to the office the next morning. Rushing in, she ran smack into her brother in the hallway. Quentin caught her before she went tumbling in her ridiculously high heels.

Where the hell are you headed to in such a hurry?

I overslept this morning,

she lied. The last thing she wanted was to get into a conversation with Quentin when she was feeling guilty for rolling around in the sheets all night with Bennett. Quentin would lose his mind and that was just more drama than she wanted to deal with on less than a couple of hours of sleep.

Are you feeling okay? You look tired.

Great. Just freaking great.


t ever tell a woman she looks tired, Quentin. Those are fighting words. It

s no damn wonder you

re single,

she snapped.

Quentin shook his head.


re in a mood. Damn. Clayton

s no better. He

s mad as hell about something, but damned if I can get it out of him.

Mia grimaced. Clayton was normally the most even tempered of all of them, but when he was in one of his moods, he could be the devil.


ll talk to him.

Quentin rolled his eyes.

Great. I

ll take cover now before you all start taking potshots at one another.

We can be professionals

which is more than I can say for you. Didn

t I see you wearing that suit yesterday? Where did you spend the night?

Quentin blushed, but stood his ground.

I don

t answer to you, little girl.

You don

t answer to anybody. That

s part of the problem.

One of his dark brows lifted in derision.

Mia, I

m not poking around in your love life, much as I might like to offer an opinion. You need to back off that topic.

Effectively shut up, Mia nodded.

Fine. You mind your business and I

ll mind mine. I

m going to go see Clayton and see what

s going on with him.

Right. Cause even though I don

t want you in my business, I am a-ok with you poking your nose in his.

Mia patted his shoulder as she walked past him toward the stairs that would lead to the offices that perched high above the warehouse floor.

You didn

t come to dinner last Sunday. Are you coming this time?

Quentin cocked his head.

Do you think she knows? Do you think she has any idea whether we

re there or not?

It was a question she had no answer to. Doctors and specialists had told them so many different things over the years that there was simply no way to know.

I hope so. I like to think that she does. But regardless of that, I know. I know I am there for her whether she understands it or not.

He looked at her for a moment and there was something dark behind his eyes. It wasn

t anger. It was pain. Quentin struggled with their mother

s condition more than any of them, but he rarely ever spoke of it.


ll see you Sunday,

he finally added.


m heading to Knoxville for the next two days. I

m meeting with another distribution company down there to see if we can

t expand the market a little once our next batches are ready.

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