Beneath This Man (17 page)

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Authors: Jodi Ellen Malpas

BOOK: Beneath This Man
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‘How do you mean?’ I ask on a frown. How does he know how I think it will be?

He takes a sip of his coffee and sets it down on the table before shifting forward in his chair and resting his elbows on his knees. ‘Has The Manor ever given you the impression of a seedy sex club?’

‘No.’ I admit. I didn’t even know it was a sex club until I snooped around with Kate and found myself on the third floor. It just looks like a super posh hotel come spa set up. Well, from what I saw, which was not a lot, but that was mainly because I was blinkered by this man sat opposite me.

‘Ava, there won’t be people wandering around naked and propositioning you. You won’t be manhandled up the stairs to the communal room. There are rules.’

Rules? ‘What do you mean by rules?’ I’m frowning again.

He smiles. ‘The only places people are permitted to remove their clothes is in the communal room or one of the private suites. The ground floor, spa and sports facilities are run like any other exclusive resort. I don’t run a brothel, Ava. My members pay a lot of money to enjoy everything The Manor provides, not just the privilege to pursue their sexual preference with likeminded people.’

I know I’m blushing, and I could kick myself. ‘What’s your sexual preference?’ I ask quietly. Of all the things I could ask, I ask this? What the hell is wrong with me? I should be picking his brain on cross-type wall hangings and gold grids hanging from the ceiling, or racks of whips and suspended chains from beams.

He grins that roguish grin and pops a chunk of muffin in his mouth, chewing it purposely slowly and watching me as I writher under his potent gaze. ‘You.’ he states firmly.

‘Just me?’

‘Just you, Ava.’ His tone is husky and determined, and I can’t help the small smile tickling the corners of my mouth. He has just cranked up his sexual magnetism tenfold. I could jump him.

 ‘Good.’ I take my first real mouthful of my muffin, immensely satisfied by his response. Just me. I like that answer. Do I even care about what goes on at The Manor, as long as Jesse isn’t involved? I just have to disregard the fact that he has been. To what extent has he been involved, though, and is it compulsory for me to know?

We watch each other for a short while, him running his index finger across his bottom lip, me marveling at how damn sexy he looks doing just that.

‘You’ll come?’ he asks, instead of demands. He is being really rather reasonable for Jesse. ‘Please.’ he adds hopefully on a pout.

Oh, I just can’t refuse this man. ‘Only because I love you.’

His pout transforms into a killer smile, and I pool on the couch. ‘Say it again.’

‘What? That I’ll come?’ I frown.

‘Oh, you’ll come all right. No, tell me you love me again.’

‘I do.’ I shrug. ‘I love you.’

He grins. ‘I know you do. I love hearing you say it.’ He raises his glorious body slowly and puts his hand out to me. I take it, falling into his chest when he tugs a little. ‘If you had kept running, we would be at home by now and I would be lost inside you.’

I mentally kick my running loser arse all over the coffee house. I should have kept going. It’s a fifteen minute taxi ride to
and I’m gagging for an encore to my morning workout. He drops a long lingering kiss on my lips and then proceeds to toss me onto his shoulder and stride out to the street.

I catch a glimpse of the young girl who served Jesse, looking longingly at me being carted out over the shoulder of my Adonis. I smile to myself. This is what every woman wants, and I have it. No one is taking him away from me, so if I have to go to the stupid anniversary party just to fight off the pack of lions waiting to sink their claws into him, then I will. I’ll trample.

I’m tossed in a taxi and subjected to a torturous journey home. I can see the obvious solid, iron length under Jesse’s shorts, and I’m fidgeting to try and dispel the buzzing hijacking me between my thighs.


‘Morning, Clive.’ Jesse says urgently as he pulls me along behind him.

It’s a good job I have trainers on; he may as well be sprinting. He doesn’t slow up when Clive calls his hello. He bundles me into the elevator, smashes his code into the keypad and pins me against the mirrored wall, attacking my mouth hungrily.

‘I might have to fuck you before my run in future.’ he growls into my mouth. His primal tone has me falling to pieces under his hard body. My hands are fisted in his hair and pressing his mouth closer to mine, our tongues urgently battling in our mouths.  This is going to be a shock and awe moment. We are way past sleepy sex territory and if those elevator doors don’t open soon, it might be right here in the lift.

The doors slide open, as if hearing my thoughts, and I’m walked out into the penthouse foyer backwards, our mouths remaining fused and our tongues relentlessly dueling. I don’t know how he manages it, but he gets the door open without breaking our contact and I’m having my sweaty running kit ripped from my body before the door is closed. He wants in quick which is absolutely fine by me. That was the longest taxi ride I’ve ever endured.

I kick my trainers off as he yanks my shorts down my legs, and I start pulling his vest up over his head. I’m released from his mouth for the few seconds it takes me to get his vest past his face before his mouth is crashing back to mine again and he’s walking forward, directing my backwards steps towards the wall by the front door.

He turns me around. ‘On your knees, put your hands on the wall.’ he spits urgently, and I waste no time following through on his command while he rids himself of his trainers and shorts.

I drop to my knees and spread my palms on the cool paint, panting and impatient. He grabs my hips tightly, and I jerk under his hold, but he doesn’t ease up. He pulls my hips back slightly, knees my legs apart and positions himself behind me.

‘Don’t come until I say. Understand?’  

I nod and clench my eyes shut to try and ready myself for the onslaught of power that I’m about to welcome into my body.  I should know by now that when he is like this, no amount of mental psyching up can prepare me for him.

I feel the head of his cock pushing at my entrance and as soon as he’s leveled it up, he pounds forward on a garbled yell. He gives me no breathing space to adjust or accept him. He immediately yanks me back onto him and begins to piston in and out of me ruthlessly. He’s a man possessed.

Holy fucking shit!

My eyes fly open in shock and I shift my hands on the wall, desperately trying to steady myself as he continues to wildly buck into me. ‘Jesus, Jesse!’ I scream around the delightful invasion of my body.

‘You knew this would be hard, Ava.’ he barks, smashing on. ‘Don’t you dare fucking come.’

I try and focus on anything but the immense, fast accumulation of pressure that’s building up in my groin, but his relentless and barbaric strikes are not helping my desperate situation. I won’t be able to hold out for long at this riotous rate.

‘Fuck!’ he roars frenziedly. ‘!’ He punctuates each word with a hard, sharp thrust. I’m sweating more now than I did on my ten mile run.

His hands slide up my back from my hips to grip onto my shoulders and my head rolls back under his warm, firm hold. I’m delirious with pleasure. The telltale signs of him tensing travels through his arms, straight to my shoulders. I’m relieved. I’m past the point of return, but I can’t fully let go until I get the okay. What the hell would he do if I defied him and gave in to my demanding release, anyway?

He continues to buck and slap against me and on an ear piercing roar, he slams into me with such force, tears stab at my eyes. He stills and leans against my back, pushing me forward onto the wall, circling his hips deeply. I’m buzzing, my body tinkering on the edge. He reaches up and grabs my pony tail, pulling my head back to rest on his shoulder, moving his damaged hand around my front to the inside of my thigh.

He pulls my hair so my face turns into his, my hazy vision met with dark green. ‘Come.’ he demands, softly sliding his finger down the centre of my core and sweeping his tongue through my mouth.

His words and his touch trigger a shift of pressure in my groin that seizes me from every angle, and I explode on a stretched out, blissful moan into his mouth.

I go limp. I sag in his hold and let him softly massage me through my climax. ‘You are a God.’ I mumble against his mouth, moving my hands from the wall to link around the back of his neck.

I feel his grin against lips. ‘You’re so lucky.’

‘You’re an arrogant God.’

He slips out of me and turns me around in his arms. I maneuver with him, draping my arms back around his neck. ‘Your arrogant God loves you so fucking much.’ He showers my sweaty face with kisses. ‘Your arrogant God wants to spend the rest of his life smothering you with his love and his body.’ He stands us up, dragging me with him.

I’m delighted, but I’m also ignoring the small part of my brain that is trying to remind me that with Jesse’s love and body, also comes Mr Challenging control freak.

‘What’s the time?’ I ask around his morning, stubbled face.

‘I don’t know.’ He carries on with his smothering, and I start walking backwards towards the kitchen so I can get a look at the clock. He follows, still wrapped around me and still dropping kisses all over me.

I catch a glimpse of the cooker clock. ‘Shit!’  

‘Hey! Watch your fucking mouth!’

I wriggle free of his hold and start running towards the stairs. ‘It’s a quarter to eight!’ I yell, as I take the stairs two at a time. Where has the time gone? My arrogant God is too much of a distraction. I’m going to be super late.

I throw myself in the shower and make quick work of ridding my body of sweat and cum. I’m frantically rinsing my hair when I feel Jesse’s hands slide over my wet stomach. I wipe my eyes and find him towering over me with his dirty, roguish grin spread across his beautiful face.

‘Don’t.’ I warn. I’m not being distracted by him anymore. He pouts and works his hands up to my shoulders, yanking me forward onto his mouth. ‘I’m going to be late.’ I argue feebly, trying to fight off the budding craving as he teases my lips with his.

‘I want to make an appointment.’ he says, licking my bottom lip, pushing his groin into my stomach.

‘To fuck me? No appointment necessary.’ I quip, trying to pull away from him.

He growls and yanks me back. ‘Mouth! I already told you, I don’t need to make an appointment to fuck you. I do that whenever and wherever I please.’ He rubs his groin back into me, and it’s now I know that I have to escape before I’m swallowed up again.

‘I’ve got to go.’ I duck out of his hold and hastily leave him in the shower, sulking like a schoolboy. He just had me, although I could go again too.

I brush my teeth and make my way into the bedroom, sitting myself in front of the floor length mirror with my make-up bag and hair dryer. I commence a fast blast dry, quickly pin it up and start applying my make-up.

Jesse walks out of the bathroom, gloriously naked and unashamed. I scowl at his naked back, dragging my eyes away to continue with my make-up.  I’m being distracted.

Leaning forward, I sweep my mascara wand over my lashes and pull back to find Jesse standing to the side of me, leaning into the mirror. I look up and come face to face with the broad head of his semi-erect manhood. My eyes are fixed, absolutely delighted.  My greedy stare travels up his naked body and finds him looking in the mirror, coaxing his hair to the side with some wax. He knows what he’s doing.

I take a calming breath and return to my make-up, but then he makes a point of brushing against me, his firm leg sweeping lightly over my bare arm. I shudder and glance up to find a twitching lip as he tries to feign ignorance. The swine.

He looks down at me in the reflection of the mirror, his eyes swimming with all sorts of promises, and then he lowers himself behind me until he’s sat cradling my body. He shifts forward, pushing his front into my back, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. I hold his gaze in the mirror.

‘You’re beautiful.’ he says softly.

‘You are too.’ I reply, tensing slightly when I feel his hardness pushing into my lower back.

He fights a smile, knowing damn well what he’s doing. ‘Don’t go to work.’

I knew this was coming. ‘Please, don’t.’

He pouts. ‘Don’t you want to fall into bed and let me pay special attention to you all day?’

I could think of nothing better, but if I relent on this, I’m fully aware that I’m setting a rod for my own back. He can’t keep me to himself all of the time, although I know he doesn’t think that his ambition is unreasonable. ‘I have to work.’ I say, clenching my eyes shut when he turns his lips into my ear.

to have
.’ He circles his tongue lightly in my ear.

Oh God, I need to escape now! ‘Jesse, please.’ I wriggle in his embrace.

He scowls at me in the mirror. ‘Are you denying me?’

‘No, I’m delaying you.’ I reason, wriggling harder and turning myself around in his arms. I push him down to his back and lay on his front, pushing my lips onto his. His arms fall above his head as he moans around my kiss. ‘I need to work, God.’

‘Work me. I’ll be a very grateful client.’

I pull back and smile. ‘You mean to say that instead of busting a gut keeping clients happy with drawings, plans and schedules, I should just jump into bed with them?’

His eyes turn black. ‘Don’t say things like that, Ava.’

‘It was a joke.’ I laugh.

I’m flipped over and pinned under his body. ‘Do you see me laughing? Don’t say things that will make me crazy mad.’

‘I’m sorry.’ I blurt quickly. I need to cop on to his zero tolerance approach to lighthearted jokes that suggest me with another man.

He shakes his head and lifts himself from my body, strolling off to the wardrobe. I sit up and take the loss of distraction as an opportunity to concentrate on finishing my make-up. I’ve really upset him.

An unexpected and very unwelcome image of Jesse with another woman jumps into my head. I do my own little head shake. It’s like my sub-conscience is giving me a taste of my own medicine. I screw my face up in disgust and throw my eyeliner into my make-up bag. It worked. I feel my flesh prickling with possessiveness.

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