Beneath the Skin: de La Vega Cats, Book 3 (18 page)

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But he couldn’t get drawn into that memory just then. He had other things to say. “I told you that because I think Bertram Simmons is really Tomas’s son, Alberto.”

Her eyes widened. “Get out!”

“I don’t know for sure. But I was going over the footage for the millionth time. Of when they entered the lobby of the jamboree building. And when he turned a certain way…I’d played that part of the video over and over and over again. Something was bugging me but I couldn’t figure out what. Then my father had come by to see Max and have him sign some papers, and he said something like,
that boy looks a little like Serafina.
That was my aunt. And I realized he did. Not very much like Tomas, but he had my aunt’s eyes. He’s the right age. The timelines are pretty close. Remember I said it looked like they didn’t really have a past until about fifteen years ago? I could totally be wrong, but I want to go down there and see for myself. I want to go into their houses to scent. I want to speak to the remaining members of the Bringer’s team and those around Bertram. I need to know.”

She exhaled. “So you think this could be about them wanting revenge for you killing their dad? Fifteen years is a long time to wait.”

“You should know more than most, jaguars are happy to wait and stew. We hold on to grudges a very long time.” He shrugged slightly. “He was younger then, my cousin. But he took the jamboree over relatively quick after arriving there. It’s in our blood, the power to lead. He could have just been biding his time. Or maybe he was going to live the rest of his life and something triggered this need for revenge and spurred him into action. I don’t know. But I need answers. And this is why I think it’s very dangerous and worry about you going.”

“Too bad. I’ve got your back, Gibson.”

“Dario has my back. That’s his job.”

“You mean something very different to me than you do to Dario.”


And he was glad for it. Because he wanted her there. Selfish or not, he wanted her there at his side when he went through all this. If it was his family, he’d still have to kill them if he found them. He hated it, but it was no less true or necessary. And she made him better, even when he knew what had to be done.

“Look, this is difficult because it’s not just about the job. It’s not some random cat pulling shit; this could be your blood. And I promise not to tell anyone and all, but you’re gooey for the people you love. I know you’ll do what’s right. But I know there’s a cost and I don’t want you to pay it alone.”

And what could he say to that? She touched him in ways he’d never really imagined before he’d met her. This hard-assed little cat with her perceptive gaze and wicked aim had stormed into his life and made herself at home. There was no fighting it anymore.

“If you come with me you have to obey me. You’d be like any other member of my team.”

“I know how to take orders, Gibson. Jamboree discipline and order is a lot like the military. I know what that is.”

“So why don’t you obey me at home?”

She laughed, delight washing over her features and evoking an answering smile.

“Home is different. You’re not my Bringer at home. You’re my man at home. I don’t have to obey you there if you’re being a dumbass.”

He shook his head. “Things would be more fun if you did obey me.”

She shivered at the way he’d lowered his voice. “Don’t go using your sex voice to get me off track. I do obey you in that way. It’s really in my best interests as you’re quite awesome at anything to do with naked.”

He sighed. “What am I going to do with you?”

“I hope you’ve got some ideas. If not, I’m sure I can think up a few things.”



“Let’s stop at Max and Kendra’s a moment. I want to talk with him about what I found out today. I can drop you at home first if you prefer.”

She liked that he referred to his place as home for the both of them.

“No, that’s fine. Kendra’s cool. Plus, I want to hear what you’ve got planned. Just in case you try to ditch me or something.”

He snorted. “I’m not a weak-ass kitten. If I didn’t want you going, I’d say so and risk your wrath. As wraths go, it’s pretty spectacular anyway.”

“I must tell you that your compliments are totally unique. Awesome. But only you could say those things and make me know you mean them as a positive.”


He drove and she curled into the seat, just watching him. She was full to the point of bursting. Warm. Satisfied and in love.

Oh she’d tried to tell herself it was a relationship and eventually her like would be love. But it already was and more than that, she was imprinting on him. There was no going back from how she felt about Gibson. Not anymore. And she didn’t want to. It didn’t matter what her family thought. She loved them and wanted them to approve, but she wasn’t going to give him up.

“Wow, this is their house?” She sat up a little to take it in better. She sighted the guards. “Do you think three guards is enough?”

“You can see them?” He put the car in park and turned to her.

“Sure.” She pointed. “There on the left, over there in that tree and then north, at the back of the yard. We should have brought them something to eat.”

He snorted. “God. Don’t say stuff like that. They have breaks to eat. Their job is to guard the alpha pair, not to have a quilting bee.”

“You’re a dick. I’m sure they’d appreciate a sandwich.”

“First of all, I can guarantee Kendra has been out there messing with their schedule with her cookies and snacks as it is. I can’t boss her around. But you, missy, you I can. You said you’d obey me.”

She laughed then. Who’d have thought that he’d have such a great sense of humor?


“Second—and this is more interesting to me than Kendra giving my men brownies behind my back—you can see them. Why is that?”

“What do you mean? They’re right there.”

“Contrary to whatever you might think,
, they’re well hidden. It’s their job to be.”

“Well I can see Matt right there.” She pointed.

“Yes, you’re supposed to. He’s the clue that they’re being guarded. But the others? Not so much.” He looked out again and then back to her. “Tell me how you saw them. What drew your attention to them?”

She cleared her throat and thought about it. “The one in the tree I saw when he moved a little. I can’t see him now, though. I caught the movement more than him. And then I focused and saw him clearer. The one to the left of the house, it was his eyes. I caught the gleam. Must have been a reflection of the headlights.”

“Christ, Mia, that was like a millisecond. People don’t see that stuff.”

“I’m not people. I’m a jaguar.”

He took her hand. “No, really. You’re very perceptive.”

“Would you have seen them?”

“Yes. But I’m the Bringer. I’ve been trained for it. And this is more than military training so don’t tell me that. You have a gift.” He kissed her knuckles, leaving her flustered and flattered.

“Well, um, thank you. And might I add that it only gives you yet another reason to take me along to Tennessee.”

“And the last one. How did you see him?”

“Her.” She peered through the windshield again, waiting. “Ah, there. She needs to use something on the scope of her rifle. It’s shiny in one small spot. Likely where the matte has worn away. I can help her with that.”

He shook his head, leaning across the center console to kiss her soundly. “You’re amazing.”

“Thank you.” He left her breathless and warm as he went around to get her door.

Kendra smiled and drew Mia into a hug when they came in. “Hello! What a nice treat to see you both.”

Gibson kissed her cheek, and it was Mia who found herself digging her nails into her palms. This was his sister-in-law. She had to repeat it a few times, but Gibson turned to see the expression on her face and he had the audacity to grin.

“Where’s my brother?”

“Galen is here. There’s some sort of sport thing happening on that 70-inch television he convinced me it was so important to buy. It’s not even a current thing. It’s some old Super Bowl game for God’s sake.” She shook her head, but she was smiling.

“Good, I need to talk with Galen too.”

“Is this work stuff?” She frowned.


“Well come on then. Renee!” She looked back to Mia. “I know it’s hard to see him hug me. Now that I’m a cat sometimes it happens to me too. I see Max hug or be affectionate with women and it makes me see red. Even our relatives and friends. It’s odd. Gibson knows it and he pokes at Max. I find it pretty funny because Max tries to pretend it’s nothing but he bares his teeth. Ha! Mister self-control loses his shit and it makes me laugh. I can’t help it. I’m sort of mean that way.” She patted Mia’s hand.

“I grew up this way. It’s…I never expected…” Mia shrugged, not knowing how to explain it.

“The de La Vega males are all unexpected I’ve found. They’re all great big softies once you scratch the surface.”

There was a crash and they all rushed down the hall to find Galen and Max brawling. Renee stomped in and pulled Galen off by the ear. “You two! Honestly. Stop breaking his nose. It’s going to get crooked and he has such a pretty face.”

Gibson grabbed Mia’s hand and squeezed it a moment, the hint of a smile on his lips.

Mia leaned close and told him, “My brothers once got blood all over one of my mom’s rugs, and she made them both camp out in the backyard in a tent for a week.”

Kendra’s gaze lit with amusement. “Your mom sounds pretty awesome. Max, maybe your father needs to make you and Galen work out of the parking lot instead of letting you in the building. He’s still mad you two broke the chair in his office.”

Jaguar males tended to be very physical with those they trusted and loved. So it often meant brothers and friends would get into knock-down, drag-out brawls over silly stuff. Because they healed so fast, it wasn’t unusual to include broken bones.

She was glad Gibson didn’t seem to do it like Max and Galen, though. She supposed he had less freedom to do such things because he was the Bringer. He was very serious about his job, and if he started popping people in the nose, it might seem like punishment instead of roughhousing.

Max and Galen picked up the stuff they’d knocked over and then looked to Mia and Gibson. “Hey you two. Come watch the game with us. Super Bowl 43.”

“Nice! But first I have work-related things to discuss.”

Max’s smile dimmed as he got serious. “All right. Let’s all sit down.”

They did and Gibson briefed them on the info he’d discovered and the plan to go down to Tennessee the following day.

“I’m going to take Dario and leave Matt and Robby here on you two.”

Max nodded. “Fine, fine. Take however many cats you need to. I can’t believe I missed the Bertram/Alberto connection.”

“I didn’t see it either.” Gibson shrugged.

“I want you to report back frequently. And if for a moment you think Bob and the new jamboree leadership has anything to do with it, you’ll get the fuck out of there and contact me.”

“This can’t go unanswered.” Gibson paused to take a drink.

“We don’t know for sure that it’s really Tito. It’s a hunch.”

“Your hunches are spectacularly accurate, Gibson.” Max blew out a breath. “Mia, you stay safe, please.”

“Of course.”

“And keep Gibson safe too.” Renee tipped her chin toward Gibson.

She grinned, but it was more feral than amused. “I will.”

“I’m going to hold off telling Dad. It’s best to wait. If we have to hurt him with this all over again, I’d rather be totally sure.”

Max agreed. “Yes, that’s best I think. You’ve gone up the chain correctly by telling me. Mia, don’t get hurt. I’m totally afraid of your grandmother.”

Mia laughed as the tension in the room eased a little. “She’d totally eat you up and spit you out if she had to.”

“It’s a good trait in a female.” Max looked to his wife with a smile.


Two steps inside the front door and Gibson had his hands on her as he pressed her against the wall, holding her there with his body. The need was always between them, just waiting to explode. But that evening had been… Well he’d known they’d stepped into a whole new stage of their relationship.

She understood him in ways he’d never experienced outside his family. She didn’t judge him for what he had to do. And when she did judge, it was legitimate, even if he didn’t agree.

“You’re a singular female,” he managed to say as he broke the kiss.

“I am?” A smile quirked up one side of her mouth and he had to kiss it.

“Yes. Goddamn, I want you, Mia.”

“Take me then.”

He pulled the front of her blouse open, sending buttons flying. She gasped, and the sound caressed his skin, driving his cat mad with need. Her bra was open just seconds later and he dipped to taste her skin, growling when she tugged his dreads. As if he was going anywhere now that his mouth was on her nipple.

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