Beneath the Palisade (7 page)

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Authors: Joel Skelton

BOOK: Beneath the Palisade
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“Just makes it!” Arlan re-coiled his tape measure with a loud snap.

“What just makes it?” Ian asked, walking up to the excavator, who was standing outside the driveway measuring the gate leading into the backyard.

“I thought we’d have to take down part of the fence to get the digger in, but it just makes it.”

“That’s great. The client is keeping the fence.” Ian stepped into the yard.

“So how’s this one going to go?” Arlan asked, following close behind.

“I’ve got the areas marked off for you.” He looked over to make sure his lines were still in place. “Why don’t you get yourself ready to go and we’ll talk about depth. Any boulders you run into, try to separate out. I’ll use them in the areas I have to build up over in that corner. I want to see what we end up with today before I order any rock brought in.”

He checked his watch. It was almost nine.
Harper should be awake by now.
Ian had left a message with his assistant the day before informing him they’d be working today. Harper had told him to come by whenever he wanted.

Now that he’d had a few days to recover from their last meeting, he felt more in control of himself. He felt like a player. If Harper had an interest in him, bring it on. He was game. And it wasn’t that he didn’t want something to happen. The thought of romping around in the sack with someone as handsome as Harper certainly got the old juices flowing. Being taken advantage of was a different story altogether. Whatever was going on with Harper, Ian felt confident it’d happen again. If he allowed something to develop between them, fine, but it was going to be on his terms.

Arlan was a master with a digger, twirling it around in the confined space like a toy. By midafternoon, his work was complete, and the digger was loaded back onto its small flatbed trailer.

“Thanks, Arlan.” Ian slapped the door of his friend’s truck. “Send an invoice and I’ll work it into mine.”

“My pleasure. Send me more easy jobs like this. I love ’em!”

With Arlan out of the yard, Ian could start moving wheelbarrow loads of dirt and rock over to the corner where the water feature was planned. It was best to get as much in place as possible before the fill was made heavier by the seasonal rains, which were right around the corner.

He had another reason for wanting to hang around. Although it was possible Harper had gone out of town, knowing work was being done in his backyard over the weekend, Ian held out hope he’d return so they could have the opportunity to spend some time together. It had been the wrong move, not accepting Harper’s offer to stay for dinner the other night. Refusing had prolonged the inevitable. He had to get a handle on his feelings so he could move on. Nothing good could come from this man-crush he was developing.
Why am I having such a struggle with this?
He’d come across guys like Harper before. They played you right into bed, and when the attraction wore off, they threw you out on your ass without as much as a wave goodbye. Handsome guys with money were always shallow. Harper, though he seemed like a regular dude, was probably no different, Ian figured, except maybe better-looking than most. If he looked hard enough, he’d find a crack in the plaster.
What if I don’t find a crack?

His stomach rumbled.
It’s candy bar time!

He drove the few blocks to the convenience store and bought a Snickers bar. When he got back, he was surprised to find Harper surveying the progress.

“Hey,” Harper greeted. “You don’t waste any time, do you? Wow! This is so exciting.”

“Hi there. Yep, we’re moving right along. I thought you may have gone away for the weekend.”

“I wish. I went into the office early this morning to get a jump on next week. Did I mention to you I’m a lawyer?”

You didn’t have to.
“I had you pegged for either that or a doctor.”

“Doctor, I wish. I can’t do blood. I spent most of
Sweeney Todd
staring at my popcorn box.”

Harper’s admission cracked Ian up. “I do okay with blood. Snakes scare the crap out of me, which is a definite disadvantage when you’re in landscaping.” He sensed an opportunity and, in a split second, decided to take it. “Sorry I wasn’t able to stay for dinner the other night. Any chance you’re free tonight? Maybe we could grab a bite somewhere or—”

“Ian, are you a mind reader? I was just trying to get up the nerve to ask you the same thing, but I wasn’t sure I could handle another rejection.”

“Oh, well, I’m not usually one to refuse a meal. Hey, I’ve gotta run home and shower. Do you want to meet somewhere? Can I pick you up?”

“Let’s see, it’s closing in on four. What part of town do you live in?” Harper adjusted his watch.

“I live in Hopkins. Not that far.” He hoped Harper wouldn’t offer to pick him up. His shabby little apartment was an embarrassment.

“Okay. Hey, I got an idea, why don’t we meet up at Leona’s. They have great steaks. It’s my treat. With all the extra time I’m putting in lately, the firm owes me… and my guest,”—Harper gestured over to him—“a decent dinner. You okay with that?”

“Leona’s? Ah… yeah. Who wouldn’t be? That’s one of those
special occasion
places. Are you sure?” He loved Leona’s and had only been there a few times because it was so pricey. As long as dinner wasn’t coming directly out of Harper’s pocket, how could he refuse?

“Yes, very sure. Let’s meet there around seven. Does that give you enough time at home?”

“That’s perfect! See you then.” He fought off the urge to skip to his truck and then hated himself for it.



, may I help you?”

Before answering the guy dressed in a suit at least one size too small, Ian squinted in the low light to see if he could spot Harper. Coming up short, he stepped up to the host stand. “I’m meeting another guy. He has black hair—”

“Ah yes, I think we have a match.” The host pivoted in a precise move reminiscent of the military. It didn’t surprise him one bit this twit knew who he was referring to. He caught a strong sense of envy as he was led into the dining room.

“Ian, welcome!”

He was surprised when Harper rose from his chair and embraced him.

your cologne I smelled in your dining room. Mmmm.

“I just got here.” Harper gestured for him to sit. “Haven’t had a chance to order a drink yet. What do you feel like?”

Ian took a seat across from his gorgeous dinner partner.
You get better-looking each time I see you. What’s up with that?
Harper was dressed in a black turtleneck and grey pants. In a word, he was stunning. Giving Leona’s his best shot, Ian had chosen a deep burgundy dress shirt and the nicest pair of khaki slacks he owned.

“You look great!” Harper said, displaying a devilish grin.

Oh yeah? Then why do I feel like an unwanted stepchild at the rich kid’s birthday party?

“Thanks! So do you.”
Was that weird? We just complimented each other on our outfits. “
What are you drinking tonight?” It was best to get this moving along. He needed a drink to calm his nerves in the worst way.

“I’m tempted to have a martini, but I think I’d better pass. They make me crazy. You mentioned the other night you enjoyed wine. Should we order a bottle? They have an incredible red here I love.”


Harper signaled for the waiter, who stood only a few feet away. “We’ll enjoy our wine for a while before ordering.”

“Of course, sir,” the waiter responded.

“If you’re starving,”—Harper brought his focus back to Ian—“let me know.”

An entire bottle of wine was consumed before the subject of ordering food surfaced. At Harper’s suggestion and much to his surprise, Ian ordered the bone-in rib eye without a single giggle.

“How’s the steak?” Harper asked, ignoring the waiter hovering over their table and refilling their wineglasses.

“It’s incredible. This is so nice. Thank you.” He resisted the temptation to pick up the bone with his hands and gnaw on it. Harper, who had sat back in his chair, held his wineglass to his chest and looked over with an alluring smirk. Ian held his gaze for as long as he could and then retreated back to his plate.

“May I ask you a personal question?”

He looked back up. Harper hadn’t moved. “Yeah, sure,” he replied with a nervous chuckle.
Whatever this is, let it happen, Ian.

“Are you seeing anybody right now? Are you in a relationship?” Harper swirled the wine in his glass.

Harper’s frankness made him sit up in his chair.

Here you go. Hang on!
“Not at the moment. How about you?” He held his breath.

“Not at the moment. Are you
to seeing anyone?” Harper asked with another expert swirl.

“Dating, you’re talking about dating?” He wanted to make sure he understood the question.

Harper smiled and nodded.

“Honestly, I hadn’t thought about it. I guess so, if the right—” He stopped himself just in time. He didn’t have to finish. He knew what Harper meant. And the answer was yes. “Yes.”

He couldn’t prevent the blush he knew colored his cheeks. A chronic condition he could count on at moments like this. Whatever was happening to him on the outside, it delighted Harper, who chuckled.

“You don’t have to answer. You can nod if it’s easier. Do you want to start seeing
?” Harper leaned forward, his gorgeous eyes focused on Ian, awaiting his answer.

Ian felt his trouser leg lift slowly off his shoe until it reached midcalf. “Is your foot rubbing my leg?” he asked, both aroused and astounded.

“Oh for gosh sakes, is that where it went?” Harper blurted with mock despair. “I was starting to panic. I didn’t know how the hell I was going to get out of here.”

Ian laughed. He’d caught small glimpses of silly in Harper a few times during the evening and loved it.

“Harper, I have to be honest. I’m not looking for a one-night stand. I know that wasn’t what you asked, but I need to make sure you understand that.” It was his turn to sit back.
Listen carefully to how he answers this. It could be the crack in the plaster.

“I’m not looking for that either. I’m at a point in my life where I need someone to be there with me,” Harper confessed with an entire year’s supply of sincerity. “I’m hoping that someone will be you.”

Ian took a minute to let this one settle in. In his wildest dreams, he would have never thought the evening would go in this direction. It was time to step up to the plate and trust. “I’m thinking it’s worth a damn good try.” He was amazed at what had so nonchalantly wandered out of his mouth. Several seconds passed by without a word said between them.

You’re one handsome man, Mr. Callahan. And the best part is, I’m having a hard time believing you’re full of shit. You might just be the real deal.

“What are you doing for the rest of the evening?” Harper asked.

“I have no plans,” he answered evenly.
Drop the sword and surrender, Galahad.

“How about a fire, a movie, and….”

“See where it goes from there?” Ian smirked, guessing he’d finished Harper’s question for him correctly.

“Check please!”



toilet flushing woke Harper. How odd to hear his own toilet flush while he remained in bed.
He turned to face the door in time to see his handsome, naked new boyfriend saunter through the door.

“If it’s possible, you look even better in the morning. Get back in here!” He pulled back the covers.

Ian picked up the small empty wrapper on the bedside table and flashed an evil grin.

“You made me beg for it,” Harper teased.

Ian slid in between the sheets, taking Harper into his arms. “You’re pretty amazing, Mr. Harper Callahan.”

I don’t know what I love more about being with you. The sex or you just holding me like this.
“Does this still feel like a good idea, starting… us?”

“Oh yeah.” Ian kissed his head.

Cupping Ian’s neck, he slid up closer until their lips touched, brushed back and forth, and then parted for a long, lazy kiss.

“Have you had many relationships?” Ian asked, smooching Harper’s eyelid and nose.

“Let me think… there was my scout leader, the pastor at church, my high school guidance counselor, my uncle Nick, and I briefly dated the milkman the summer I spent studying for the bar. And you?” He had only a second to savor how wittily he had responded before Ian pounced on top of him, pinning his arms over his head.

“You’re in big trouble now,” Ian warned, biting down on his nipple.

“Ouch! I’m sorry. I’m sorry, please,” he giggled and begged in unison.

“Not as sorry as you’re gonna be.” Ian bit down on the other nipple.

“Okay, okay, I give. I’ll tell the truth, I promise,” he pleaded, even though on another level he welcomed Ian’s nibbles.

“You get one more chance,” Ian cautioned, easing himself onto his side.

“I’ve only dated. No relationships. I came out my freshman year in college and never allowed myself the time to pursue anything more. I’m new to this, Ian. I hope that doesn’t scare you.” He hated how virginal he sounded.

“It doesn’t scare me. We’ll take us one step at a time. Everything will be fine, you’ll see.” Ian planted more kisses, this time on his chest. “By the way, I love black hair. It’s soooo sexy.”

“How about you? Have you had many relationships?” Harper thought about stopping himself, but the impulse was too great. Reaching down, he took Ian into his hand and gently squeezed, waiting for a response.

“Careful, that’s not a toy, you know. But don’t be too careful.” Ian snuggled closer. “A few relationships. The longest lasted for almost two years, and it’s been over with now for a year. It was a nightmare. My problem, and I hope this doesn’t scare
, is trying to find a guy that’s willing to
at a relationship. What we’re starting here…. Harper, unless you’re not who you appear to be… well, I’m in it for the long haul. The little kinks, if there are any, we can work on along the way. Nobody’s perfect. You’ll discover things about me you won’t like. I’ll discover you’re perfect.” Ian tweaked his nose. “You can’t just turn and run at the first sign of trouble. Most guys don’t get that. Did that make any sense?”

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