Read Beneath The Lies Online

Authors: Riann C. Miller

Beneath The Lies (11 page)

BOOK: Beneath The Lies
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“Jesus, you’re soaking. Is this all for me?” Apparently, Gavin wasn’t expecting me to answer because he wastes no time leaning forward and taking one of my breasts into his mouth.

“Oh, God.” Without meaning to, my hips grind up.

“Shh. I’ll take care of you.” My body is tingling with need. I’ve never been this worked up before and Gavin proves that once his finger finds my clit. My body tightens against my will. “Relax. Everything will feel much better if you just let go and feel what I’m doing to you.”

I feel safe with Gavin. He’s big and strong and can undoubtedly protect me, but it’s more than that. It’s his soft touches, his calm voice, and the look I see in his eyes. And right now it’s the fact that he’s more concerned with my desire then his own.

Cole and I had sex many times the year before he moved away and while I know he was much younger than Gavin and probably had a lot less experience he was also hit and miss on whether I enjoyed myself. But that doesn’t appear to be the case with Gavin. Right now, he’s making sure my pleasure comes before his, and I’m enjoying every second of his mission.

My appetite for what’s to come skyrockets when he slowly slides a finger inside of me. “Fuck. You feel so good. I can’t wait to slide my cock inside your tight little pussy.”

Gavin continues to rub my clit while he whispers dirty words into my ear. Another flick, another dirty word, and I can’t hold off my release any longer. “Jesus, I can feel you coming...” Gavin trails off on a groan that almost sounds painful, but I feel amazing. Gavin removes his finger from between my legs while his eyes stayed locked on mine. I exhale loudly when he places the same finger inside of his mouth. He moans, then breaks out in a gorgeous smile. “You taste fucking fantastic.”

I bite my lip with embarrassment and I’m sure I’ve turned a bright shade of red. Gavin reaches forward and tilts my head back, forcing me to look at him. “Hey now, none of that. You’re fucking beautiful inside and out and you better get used to me worshiping your sexy body every chance I get. And whatever happens, Kate, never be embarrassed with me.”

Gavin is slightly rough around the edges. He has a temper, and he’s definitely outspoken, but he also has a soft spot that melts my heart.

“This kind of stuff is new to me. Just give me a little wiggle room until I’m completely comfortable.”

I can see the amusement in his eyes as he chuckles his agreement. “Sure, babe.” My eyes travel down his body and stop when they get to his still very hard erection. I reach my hand out and place it on him. He’s watching me closely as my hand moves up and down his length. A moan slips past his lips, which is all the encouragement I need to continue.

I fumble with his button until I finally get his pants open. I reach inside and wrap my hand around him the best I can. He’s big. I’ve only touched one other penis before, so I don’t have much to compare with. Gavin is a lot bigger than Cole. He’s hard but soft. My hand pumps up and down his shaft as Gavin’s groans become louder and louder until he reaches down to pull my hand away.

“Are you absolutely sure about this?”

I blink several times as I process his question. “Yes. God, yes. I want you. I want you inside me.” This time Gavin doesn’t hesitate. He reaches over to his bedside table and grabs a wrapper. Within seconds he has his jeans and shirt off and is rolling a condom on.

He grabs my ankles and yanks my ass to the edge of the bed. Instead of immediately sinking inside of me, he pushes two fingers in and starts pumping them in and out until my hips are grinding up against his hand.

Right when I think I could possibly come again, Gavin removes his fingers and slowly starts to slide himself inside of me.

“Oh...” I say, mixed with pain and pleasure. I haven’t had sex in over two years and with Gavin’s size I’m stretching in ways I haven’t felt before. I can feel a slight burn but then he pushes a little more and my body relaxes around him.

“Holy shit. You feel so fucking good.” Gavin is still standing on the floor next to the bed. He pulls me even closer to the edge and starts to pump in and out of me, causing my brain to turn to mush. My legs wrap around Gavin’s waist, forcing him even closer.

“Faster. I need it. Faster,” I plead.

Gavin’s jaw locks and he starts thrusting in and out, causing a tingle to form in the base of my spine. Right before I start to come, Gavin pulls out and hops on the bed. He lies on his back and pulls me up on top of him.

“Ride me. I want to watch your face when you come.” If I weren’t so turned on, I would probably blush again. Instead, I pick up one leg and straddle him. I reach between my legs, grab his covered dick, and slowly sink down on him.

We both groan at the same time. He feels much deeper this way. I lean forward and place my hand on his chest and I start riding him. Up then down, over and over. Our eyes are locked together then I feel the tingle start again as I start coming harder than I did just moments ago. I can feel myself clenching down on him as I ride out my waves of pleasure.

“Fuck. Nothing could ever feel better than being inside of you.” My body is starting to come down from its high as Gavin takes over. He’s thrusting up and inside of me as his fingers dig into my waist. I can see the lust in his eyes until he opens his mouth and moans out his own release.

My body feels more worn out then it usually does after a long run. I drop down and press a kiss to the middle of his chest before laying my head down on him. I can hear his heart beat pounding against my ear.

Gavin’s hand reaches up and he starts playing with my hair. His other hand goes to my back as he slowly brushes it up and down in a soft soothing way.

“I wasn’t kidding before. I’m not crazy and I’m not a controlling person, but you belong to me. You always have. Now you always will.”

I always have?
Gavin is confident when he talks about me belonging to him. I believe him, but a part of me questions if he’s in a place where he knows what his future truly looks like. I hope when he does I’m still a part of it.



My eyes slowly flicker open as my body stretches in a delicious but unfamiliar way. We had sex two more times throughout the night. Each time was just as hot as the one before, but the frantic almost hurried behavior disappeared. We took our time, we explored every inch of the others body. Gavin barely spoke a word but I’ve never felt more cherished than I did last night.

With that in mind, I turn with a smile on my face that quickly disappears when I see I’m alone. My hand slides to Gavin’s side of the bed and it’s still warm. My eyes travel to his bathroom, but the door is open and the light is off. I lay snuggled up in bed where I’m engulfed by his scent, a smell I can’t quite describe but one that’s uniquely Gavin. I’m slowly drifting back to sleep when I hear a muffled voice. I wait another moment and when I hear the noise continue, I drag myself out of bed.

I snag Gavin’s shirt off the floor and make my way out of his room and in the direction I heard a voice. Gavin is in the kitchen with his back to me speaking to someone on his cell phone. His voice is just above a whisper but his tone is harsh.

“Don’t do this crap.” He’s not wearing a shirt and I can see the muscles in his back and arms tense at whatever the person is saying.

“Every time I don’t bend to your demands you pull shit like this. When are you going to finally grow up and stop acting like a bratty teenager, Carly?”

The second I hear her name my body freezes. Carly is the very last person I expected him to be talking to. For starters, she’s his ex and he claims to be done with her, and second I’m lying naked in his bed, or at least I was moments ago.

They run in the same circles, how does that translate into Gavin leaving me in his bed to talk to her?

“Okay, fine. Two hours.” My breath catches in my throat while I take in what he just said.
Two hours. He’s going to two hours.
My stomach turns but without another pause I turn and hurry back to his room. Gavin left his bedroom to answer that call either in hopes he wouldn’t wake me or because he didn’t want me to overhear his conversation and I want to, I need to know which one it was.

I strip off his shirt and toss it back on the floor before hopping back in bed. I close my eyes and still my body as I hear his footsteps getting closer. The bed dips as his hand softly brushes down my face. I think I’m doing a good job of faking sleep but on the inside my heart is still racing.

Gavin leans forward and places a gentle kiss on my temple. “Babe.” I open my eyes and smile. It’s a real, genuine smile because the moment I see him my heart continues racing, but for a totally different reason. He drops his head down and covers my mouth with his. His tongue is relentless and my body starts to light up. His hand moves down to my breast and pinches my nipple to a hard point before it continues moving down until it’s between my legs.

“Oh, God. Babe you’re always ready for me.” I moan as a finger slips inside. “I wish I could keep you in this bed all fucking day.” His mouth sucks on my neck as his finger continues thrusting. “But I can’t,” he mumbles.
He can’t what?
I’m unable to focus on what he’s saying because my brain is in a lust-filled fog.

Gavin rambles something else and I only catch the last few words. “...I’ve got to leave soon.” I blink several times as my body goes tense with the reminder that he’s leaving me to go to her. “Babe, what’s the matter?” Gavin removes his hand and his concerned eyes lock with mine.

I open my mouth several times only to close it without saying anything. “Are you sore?” he questions. I am sore, but I wasn’t going to allow that to prevent me from a sex-filled day with Gavin, but he plans to leave me and run to her.

“You’re leaving?” He’s watching me with a strange expression as I’m secretly willing him not to lie to me.

“Something came up. I wanted to spend the day with you, but unfortunately that’s not in the cards now.”

I’m not in the cards, but Carly is. “Oh. Okay.” I push down the lump in my throat and fight back the tears that threaten to fall. I’m not heartbroken. I haven’t known Gavin long enough to be heartbroken, but I’m certain I’m feeling something very close to that emotion. He didn’t technically lie to me, but he’s not being honest, either. He’s doing exactly what he claimed he was done doing...running back to her.

“I have a lot of homework to get caught up on, so this works out perfect,” I lie. And I hope like hell he’s buying it.

“I’d ask you to take a shower with me, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep my hands to myself if I do.” His beautiful smile is beaming down at me, confusing me even more.

“I’ll take one when I get home,” I say as I move from underneath him.

“I’ll be quick.” He doesn’t wait on my response. He heads straight to his bathroom and seconds later I hear the water running.

He’s washing me off him before he goes to her. I sigh as I gather up my clothing. Leeta’s comment sounds spot on and the crazy part is, I believe Gavin. I believe in his mind he’s done with her, but his actions say otherwise.

I use the hallway bathroom to get ready. As I look around, I find myself once again wondering how a single, twenty-four year-old man lives here. Everything is perfectly clean. He has throw rugs on the floor. His soaps are pink flowers sitting in a cute, pink soap dish. Pink. Maybe this is Carly’s touch. Maybe she used to live here, or maybe she still does...when they’re
on again

I step out of the bathroom and head down the hall where I find Gavin standing in practically the same place he was talking to Carly. “I’m ready.” He turns and once again smiles at me.
Damn, he’s so freaking sexy.

Gavin grabs his keys then walks over to me. I think my acting skills have taken a turn for the worse because he suddenly looks concerned.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m tired and I’m dreading my homework,” I lie again. I guess we’re both racking them up today.

He nods his head but his eyes haven’t lost their worried look. Either way less than twenty minutes later we’re at my apartment and he acts like he’s about to come in, but I stand in front of my closed door, blocking his path.

“Thanks.” I wince as I turn my face away from him.
Seriously, did I just thank him for fucking my brains out then the very next morning lying to me?

“Are you sure you’re okay?” His brows are bunched and his eyes are pleading with me to tell him what’s wrong.

I smile and take a step back. I can’t let him touch me. I’ll come completely undone if he does. I clear my throat. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” My voice shakes along with my hands.

“I don’t know. You”

“I’m fine.” My words are barely a whisper.

His patience with me is fading. His jaw ticks while his chest heaves, but I’m saved from any more questions when his cell starts ringing. He yanks his phone out and curses under his breath when he sees who’s calling. I wonder if it’s Carly. I don’t understand. If he doesn’t want to be with her, then why is he leaving me?

Gavin shoves his phone back in his pocket then leans in and gives me a quick kiss. “I’ll call you soon.” I nod my head as he walks away. I open my door and walk straight to the bedroom. That is when the tears I held back finally work their way out. I cry until my cry turns into a sob and when I finally stop, I get up, strip off my clothing and take my own shower, where I wash every trace of Gavin Loman off my body.

BOOK: Beneath The Lies
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