Beneath the Heart of the Sea (11 page)

BOOK: Beneath the Heart of the Sea
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Verne, Jules
Earth Turned Upside Down, The
Verne, Jules
Fantasy of Dr Ox, A
Gilbert Adair
Von Kleist, Heinrich
Marquise of O–, The
Andrew Miller
Walpole, Horace
Castle of Otranto, The
Wedekind, Frank
Mine-Haha or On the Bodily
Education of Young Girls
Wells, H.G.
Food of the Gods, The
Wharton, Edith
William Fiennes
Wharton, Edith
Touchstone, The
Salley Vickers
Wilde, Oscar
Canterville Ghost, The
Wilde, Oscar
Portrait of Mr W.H., The
Peter Ackroyd
Wilkie Collins
Frozen Deep, The
Andrew Smith
Woolf, Leonard
Tale Told by Moonlight, A
Woolf, Virginia
Memoirs of a Novelist
Zamyatin, Yevgeny
Alan Sillitoe
Zola, Emile
Flood, The
Zola, Emile
For a Night of Love
A.N. Wilson
Children’s Fiction
Ballantyne, R.M.
Coral Island, The
John Boyne
Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Lost Prince, The
Matt Haig
Goudge, Elizabeth
Runaways, The
Hoffmann, E.T.A
Nutcracker, The
Kate Thompson
Kipling, Rudyard
Puck of Pook’s Hill
Marcus Sedgwick
Lang, Andrew
Blue Fairy Book, The
Lang, Andrew
Red Fairy Book, The
Lang, Andrew
Green Fairy Book, The
Lang, Andrew
Yellow Fairy Book, The
MacDonald, George
Princess and the Goblin, The
Joseph Delaney
Marryat, Frederick
Children of the New Forest, The
Michael Rosen
Nesbit, E
Story of the Treasure Seekers, The
Julia Donaldson
Nesbit, E.
Wouldbegoods, The
Lois Lowry
Porter, Eleanor H.
Anne Fine
Twain, Mark
Prince and the Pauper, The
Jeanne Willis
Wiggin, Kate Douglas
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
Annie Dalton
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Book of the Duchess, The
Bernard O’Donoghue
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Merchant’s Tale, The
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Miller’s Tale, The
Darwish, Mahmoud
Why Did you Leave the Horse Alone?
Hardy, Thomas
Wessex Poems
Tom Paulin
Housman, A.E.
Shropshire Lad, A
Tom Paulin
La Fontaine, Jean de
Gilbert Adair
Petofi, Sándor
John the Valiant
George Szirtes
Autobiography & Biography
Ashton, Gail
Brief Lives: Geoffrey Chaucer
Barber, Michael
Brief Lives: Evelyn Waugh
Bradford, Richard
Brief Lives: John Milton
Briggs, Anthony
Brief Lives: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Briggs, Anthony
Brief Lives: Leo Tolstoy
Brown, Andrew
Brief Lives: Gustave Flaubert
Brown, Andrew
Brief Lives: Stendhal
Canning, Richard
Brief Lives: E.M. Forster
Carter, David
Brief Lives: Honoré de Balzac
Carter, David
Brief Lives: Marquis de Sade
Carter, David
Brief Lives: Sigmund Freud
Chandler, Robert
Brief Lives: Alexander Pushkin
Cox, Jessica
Brief Lives: Charlotte Brontë
Gregory, Melissa Valiska;
Brief Lives: Charles Dickens
Klimaszewski, Melisa
Griffiths, Gavin
Brief Lives: Joseph Conrad
Hutchison, Hazel
Brief Lives: Henry James
Klimaszewski, Melisa
Brief Lives: Wilkie Collins
Piper, Andrew
Brief Lives: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Shelston, Alan
Brief Lives: Elizabeth Gaskell
Stafford, Fiona
Brief Lives: Jane Austen
Wright, Elizabeth
Brief Lives: Virginia Woolf
Hahn, Daniel
Poetic Lives: Coleridge
Hahn, Daniel
Poetic Lives: Shelley
Mighall, Robert
Poetic Lives: Keats
Robins, Nicholas
Poetic Lives: Donne
Swift, Rebecca
Poetic Lives: Dickinson
Albinati, Edoardo
Coming Back
Aubrey, John
Lives of Eminent Men
Ruth Scurr
Aubrey, John
Scientific Lives
Ruth Scurr
Borden, Mary
Forbidden Zone, The
Malcolm Brown
Brooke, Rupert
Letters from America
Benjamin Markovits
Darwish, Mahmoud
Absent Presence
Fischer, Erica
Over the Ocean
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
My Life
Tim Parks
Jabra, Jabra Ibrahim
First Well: A Bethlehem Boyhood, The
Mohammad Shaheen
Kennedy, Richard
Boy at the Hogarth Press, A
John Randle
Leggatt, Tim
Connecting with E.M. Forster: A Memoir
Machiavelli, Nicolò
Life of Castruccio Castracani
Richard Overy
Northup, Solomon
12 Years a Slave
Letters to Pauline
Adam Thirlwell
Tagore, Rabindranath
Amartya Sen
Memoirs of the life of Monsieur de Voltaire
Ruth Scurr
Woolf, Virginia
Platform of Time, The
Zweig, Stefan
Food & Drink
Bradley, Alice
Candy Cookbook, The
Thomas, Jerry
How to Mix Drinks or The Bon Vivant’s Companion
Craig, Lisa Elmaleh
Grandma Elmaleh’s Moroccan Cookbook
History & reference
Aldrich, Mildred
Hilltop on the Marne, A
Bacon, Francis
History of the Reign of King Henry VII, The
Brian Thompson
Evans, Edward Payson
Animal Trials
Grose, Francis
Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, The
Hadwen, Tebb & Vollum
Premature Burial: How It May Be Prevented
Jonathan Sale
Hartley, Cecil B.
Gentlemen’s Book of Etiquette, and Manual
of Politeness, The
Hartley, Florence
Ladies Book of Etiquette, and Manual
of Politeness, The
Mayhew, Henry
Wayward Genius of Henry Mayhew, The:
Pioneering Reportage from Victorian London
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Voices of Victorian London: In Sickness
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BOOK: Beneath the Heart of the Sea
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