Bend (19 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Bend
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Annabelle murmured what she hoped was an agreement as she pushed her toy through her slick folds until only the base remained outside her body. Nine inches of silicone cock filled her, and it should have dulled the emptiness in her cunt but she wanted…needed her men and told them as much.

“Soon, honey, if you want us there, we’ll be there in under an hour—Jesus Christ! Jus!”

“Can’t…not yet,” Annabelle mumbled as she began fucking herself, thrusting the vibrator in hard and fast. It wasn’t the same as having Justin and Evan in her, but the aggressive way she was working the toy was taking the edge off, and Evan’s curses and grunts helped as well. Annabelle brought her other hand to her clit and began pressing down on the bead, sending white hot streaks of pleasure from her pussy to her knees and up to her tits. Which needed to be sucked and bit, but her hands were otherwise occupied.


Bailey Bradford



“Fuck, Belle, you should see the way Justin’s mouth is stretched wide around my dick, the way he—” Evan broke off with a gasp that turned into a shout. “Fucking hell! Belle, honey, soon—”

Annabelle twisted the vibrator inside her pussy and flicked the base, setting the vibrations to high as she rubbed her clit. Lightning struck the base of her spine then shot up its length as she cried out, unable to warn her lovers as her climax slammed into her with a suddenness and fierceness that stole her breath.

Evan’s answering yell was peppered with curses, words like ‘Fuck’ and ‘Damn’

blended with ‘Take it all’ and ‘Yeah, Jus, God!’

Annabelle gasped, drawing air in her deprived lungs as she shuddered and rubbed her climax out, her other hand pumping the vibrator in short, deep strokes. A last, violent burst of ecstasy seared under her skin and she screamed again as her vision dimmed to a dull grey.

Slowly she became aware of two things. She was still on the phone with her lovers, and she’d just put on a hell of a show for Max and Bo to listen to. Annabelle felt her cheeks burn then she burst out laughing, unable to stop herself when she thought of Max and Bo listening to that hot little phone sex session. No doubt they’d heard Justin and Evan too, though whether they heard clearly enough to know she was involved with two men, Annabelle didn’t have a clue.

“What’s so funny?” Evan asked, sounding as if he’d swallowed a load of gravel.

Annabelle snickered as she pulled out her toy and set it beside her hip. “Forgot I have bunkhouse mates.”

She fell asleep to the amused laughter of her lovers.



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Twenty-Three

Annabelle cracked an eyelid open as she slapped at the alarm clock. Despite having pretty much passed out after the phone sex—which had been hotter than a lot of the actual physical sex she’d had before meeting Justin and Evan—Annabelle had only slept soundly for about an hour. The rest of the night had been spent tossing and turning, her body unable to rest when her mind just wouldn’t shut off. The result was she now felt like she’d been beaten with a baseball bat. Her muscles were stiff and achy, and her head…the entire goddamned thing throbbed and felt too heavy to lift. Surely her neck would snap under the weight of it.

On top of the physical complaints, Annabelle now found herself inundated with a barrage of emotional issues. She’d always thought herself able to keep a tight rein on the emotions that other people frequently gave over to—with the exception of anger, she knew
particular emotion got the better of her more often than it should have—but now she felt as if she might burst into tears at any moment. It was as if yesterday, she’d been able to focus on Rory and his needs, and somehow she’d thought…well. Annabelle snorted, which made her moan when the throbbing behind her eyes ramped up and threatened to shoot them out of their sockets. Obviously she wasn’t so invincible after all.

“God damn it all,” Annabelle muttered, her tongue tripping over the curse. Her mouth felt desert-dry, and her throat didn’t feel any better. She rolled to her side and gingerly kicked off the sheet. The muted sounds of Max and Bo’s voices reached her and Annabelle’s eyes flew open as memories of how loud she and her lovers had been last night. Heat crawled over her skin, setting her cheeks to burning. “Oh fuck.” Annabelle flopped over onto her back and rubbed at her temples. There was no way Max was going to be able to look at her, and Bo would probably snicker and tease her all day, although maybe not as bad as he would if she hadn’t just yesterday received news of her dad’s death.

A tap on her door had Annabelle sitting up and scrambling to grab the sheet. She flopped back on the mattress when she remembered she’d locked the door when she’d come to bed.


Bailey Bradford



Bo’s amused voice slipped through the door as he tapped at the door again. “Come on, Annabelle, I want all the details about—oh come on, Max, you gotta be curious too!”

Annabelle listened to the scuffle of footsteps outside her door. Snickers and soft thuds made her think the two men were horsing around. Clearly, her sexcapades hadn’t kept
from getting enough sleep. The scuffling noises stopped after a louder thump on the door nearly rattled the thing off its hinges. Annabelle shoved aside her discomfort and got up, wrapping the sheet around her as best she could. Then a low moan filtered through the silence, followed quickly by another, rougher moan. Annabelle stopped and narrowed her eyes at the crack under the bedroom door. Looked like there was a four-footed beast out there.

Alrighty then. They definitely aren’t fighting.
Annabelle bit back the impulse to holler at Max and Bo and tell them to quit going at it against her door. Best just to get ready for work.

Hopefully the shower would drown out the guys’ noises.



Bo was the only one in the kitchen when Annabelle walked in. The knowing glint in his eyes had her cheeks warming in an instant. He winked and grabbed her coffee mug, filling it with the rich brew he made so well.

“Max was too chicken to hang around,” Bo said as he turned and handed her the cup of coffee. “I’m to pry all the details out of you—not the ones about what y’all did, we could hear all that clear enough”—Annabelle thought she might melt into an embarrassed puddle of goo right there in the kitchen as Bo continued—“and while het sex isn’t our thing, I gotta admit, hearing you and”—Bo arched one brow up higher than anyone ought to be able to as he smirked—“two guys, wasn’t it? Well, that was kind of hotter than hell. Sit down and dish, sweetie.”

Annabelle concentrated on not sloshing any of her coffee out as she pulled out a chair and took a seat. She took a gulp of the hot brew, her eyes watering as it scorched her tongue and the roof of her mouth, then burnt all the way down to her stomach.

Bo snickered as he sat beside her. “Need it bad enough to risk a burn?”

“Yeah,” Annabelle muttered before she took a much smaller sip. “I’m bracing myself for the inquisition.”


Bailey Bradford



“Oh now,” Bo managed after he stopped laughing. “I’m not that bad, and you don’t have to tell me anything, but”—he shrugged as the amusement fled his features—“I might be able to help. I have a couple of friends who’ve been in long term ménages. Never been in one myself, not for more than a night, but…”

Annabelle set her cup down and studied her fingers as hope chased off some of the fear that had been pressing at her. “So they can work? I mean, other than the sex part, ‘cause that is all fine.” Better than fine, but Bo probably knew that.

Bo smirked but his eyes held a kindness that made Annabelle’s eyes water as intensely as the scalding coffee had. “Sounded like that part went past fine, and yeah, I’ve got a handful of friends in ménages, and three of those relationships have lasted over twenty years. Longer than most monogamous relationships. If you want, I can check my friends and see if they’d be willing to answer any questions you might have. I imagine they would, they’re all pretty good guys.”

Annabelle shifted in her seat as she considered the offer. “Maybe. I don’t know. Are they all guys, the ménages?”

Bo shook his head. “Nope. One of them is like yours, and they’ve been together a long time. Probably, if you were willing, you could talk to them in person, see how it works for them. Pete, Macy, and Camden live on the outskirts of San Antonio, not too far. I can give them a call tonight after work.”

“I’ll think about it and let you know.” Knowing there were other threesomes that flourished helped a lot in itself.

“So does Rory know?”

Annabelle nodded as she took another sip of coffee. She cradled the cup in her hands and looked at Bo. “Yeah, and he freaked at first. He found out by accident when he walked in on me and Joshie talking about it. It got ugly pretty quick, then Chance appeared and played referee. Hopefully Rory meant it when he said he’d try to accept it.”

“Well,” Bo said as he sat back in his chair. “That was probably a huge shock for your brother. On top of everything else, he finds out his little sister is not only not a virgin, but she’s got two men, too. I think Rory’s a bit innocent in some ways. Chance, on the other hand, not so much.”


Bailey Bradford



“Exactly. I was afraid Rory wouldn’t be able to handle me being involved with Justin and Evan, and I didn’t want to have to choose between them.” Didn’t know if she could, despite the loyalty she felt for her brother.

“Justin’s the guy who was here a couple weeks ago?” Bo asked, and Annabelle didn’t miss the appreciative gleam in his eyes. “He the same Justin who happens to be Josh’s brother?”

“Yeah, to both” Annabelle waited for the next question, because she could see it forming on Bo’s lips. “Is this Evan guy as good looking as Justin?” Bo was grinning again as he reached out and tugged at her hair. “Ooh, damn. I guess they aren’t twins, that would have been even hotter—”

“Oh gross,” Annabelle snickered. “No, that would have been
. I don’t get those fantasies.” Although now, thanks to Bo, the idea of two Justins or two Evans was pretty damned interesting. Still, she’d rather have one of each.

“So you think it’s serious, the three of you?” Bo asked.

“Yeah,” Annabelle answered, “they want it to be. Neither Justin or Evan is the kind who wants to play once then walk away. They’re both looking for something special and seem to think they’ve found it in me.”

“And what do

Annabelle thought she was the one who’d found something special. Now she just had to be brave enough to reach out and take it.



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Twenty-Four

Four days, Annabelle thought, it’d only been four days since she’d left Evan and Justin’s place. Four days since she’d touched her men or been touched by them. Four days that she, Rory, and Chance had been trying to find out more about Ian’s death and the son he’d left the ranch to. Four days of Josh coming over and doing all sorts of things on the Internet she was kind of afraid might be illegal, and each effort on Josh’s part proved fruitless. Four days of learning absofuckinglutely nothing. There hadn’t even been a freaking obit for them to read online.

Their dad’s lawyer wouldn’t take their calls, and every phone number she or Rory had for the ranch lines had been changed. Their attempts to reach any of the former hands were just as unsuccessful, which didn’t surprise either of them since their dad had supplied work cell phones for his hands. He’d liked to control every aspect of his employees’ lives he possibly could. Now that those hands were no longer working at the Mossy Glenn, Annabelle didn’t have a clue how to get hold of them. It was frustrating as hell, and on top of it all, Annabelle had an almost constant dull ache in her chest that she
wouldn’t let up until she was with Justin and Evan again. Talking to them on the phone helped some, but it wasn’t enough. She was getting meaner than a badger and wasn’t surprised at all when Chance called her on the radio and told her to get her ass into his office,

Annabelle was careful to bury her irritation—okay, bitchiness, she knew what she was feeling—deep as she brushed out Juju. Another new addition to the ranch, Juju was a gorgeous tovero paint, and eventually, Annabelle hoped to talk Chance into breeding the mare with Manilo and selling her the colt. Annabelle let the smooth coat and soft nickers calm her; there was just something about Juju when she was being brushed out that soothed Annabelle at least as much as it did the mare.

Reluctantly, Annabelle untied Juju and led her to her stall. She made sure Juju had plenty of food and water, and dug a carrot from the bucket stocked daily. Juju whinnied and tossed her head, prancing in place as she waited for her treat.


Bailey Bradford



“You’re a special girl, aren’t you, Juju?” Annabelle handed over the carrot and rubbed the velvety soft patch above Juju’s nose. “I’d buy you from Chance if I had the money.

Maybe someday.”

By the time Annabelle knocked on the door frame of the office, she was full of plans for her favourite mare. Chance’s short “Come in,” pulled her right out of those pleasant daydreams.

“You wanted to speak to me?” Annabelle figured that was more polite than ‘You ordered me here, you grumpy prick?’ Besides, she was the one whose fuse had been getting shorter and shorter. Chance gave her a narrow-eyed look and pointed at the seat across from his desk. Annabelle plopped down and kept her gaze locked with her boss’s.

Chance finally quit giving her that hard look and sighed. “I know you’ve had a rough week…”

Annabelle snorted before she could think better of it. A rough week? He had no idea.

“Look,” Chance began as he leant back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

“I know it’s hard on you being away from the men you care for. There’s no reason you can’t go spend the night with them—”

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